• Do I need AI in my business?
    Jul 29 2024

    Do you need AI for your business?

    The short answer is no.

    Despite the AI hype machine, it's not essential for your business - yet.

    That said, it is really good at specific tasks, and if you don't at least explore the possibilities, you might miss out on a helpful tool.

    The challenge for any business is knowing where AI offers efficiencies and where it can waste time or be a real risk.

    How can you decide which AI is right for your business?

    This week, I'm rising above all the AI hype to examine whether you need AI in your business. I meet many people who are not using it and doing just fine. I also meet those who have gone all in. So how do you decide what's right for your business?

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    7 mins
  • Why is AI not helping?
    Jul 22 2024

    When you're unclear on what you want to say, ChatGPT can't help.

    The problem is the problem!

    So, how do you ask AI to help with something you cannot articulate clearly?

    This is the problem I faced when trying to write my latest podcast, and while I didn't end up writing what I set out to write, it did inspire me to share how sometimes the human in the chain is not the problem but rather the best thing about it.

    This week, I want to show that while AI is not a magic cure-all solution every time, sometimes it can help you get clear on your ideas.

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    6 mins
  • Notes from the Den - 13. Showing up generously
    Jul 19 2024

    This week, I share a fantastic example of showing up generously and why I make this podcast.

    I also talk about Asis Patel and his brilliant podcast episode (biased of course!) which you can listen to here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/72CtNcLb6YKNcjE0WDTzbi?si=bba9ac9eea984541

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    5 mins
  • Google’s new AI is bad news, especially for Google
    Jul 15 2024

    It’s time to look beyond Google search for results

    As AI changes Google search results, relying on traffic to build your audience and authority will become increasingly difficult.

    People are moving away from search engines to find answers, recommendations, and inspiration. To reach them, you need to show up where your audience is hanging out.

    Your content is still the key to finding and engaging with the people you want to work with.

    Diversifying where you show up and how you deliver content is an effective marketing strategy that doesn’t rely on Google or any other platform.

    For example, I post weekly content on LinkedIn and YouTube, release two podcast episodes, and email my subscribers. It takes a little longer than posting once, but it's less than four times the work. It also ensures I'm not beholden to a platform's obscure AI decisions.

    Where else could you be showing up?

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    7 mins
  • Will AI break the internet?
    Jul 10 2024

    AI is flooding the internet with content, which means the internet and marketing as we know it are changing.

    From low-quality spam to near-perfect imitations of human writing, AI's impact is undeniable and unstoppable.

    In this episode, I explore how things are changing and what this means for marketing. Here are the key points:

    AI Content Surge: Platforms like Google, Meta, TikTok, and X thrive on user-generated content. But now, AI is challenging their business models by producing vast amounts of content, which they struggle to distinguish from human work.

    Advertising Disruption: Businesses rely on placing ads within content and search results. The rise of AI content complicates this, as search engines send less traffic to websites.

    Quality Decline: The sheer volume of AI-generated content dilutes the quality of information online. Platforms are struggling to maintain the engaging, high-quality experience users expect.

    Outpacing Humans: As AI improves, it will mimic and copy human content faster than humans can keep up with, potentially stifling creativity and originality.

    Human Creativity Shines: Amid the flood of AI content, genuine human creativity and originality stand out. Unique, authentic content will always have a special place and be one step ahead of AI.

    Listen to learn more. You can also find the podcast version by searching for Reframing Marketing wherever you listen to podcasts.

    This podcast was inspired by and referenced in part from the podcast: Will AI Break the Internet? Or Save it? - The Ezra Klein Show

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    8 mins
  • AI scale micro targeting is coming fast
    Jul 8 2024

    Targeted online ads have so far promised a lot more than they delivered.

    Having worked with targeted ads for many years, I have found that they work more by accident than design. If you throw enough ads at enough people, some of them will convert by default.

    However, the world of targeted advertising is about to change – drastically!

    Thanks to AI, ads will go beyond ‘targeted.’ Big advertising platforms like Meta and even Mailchimp are working on AI-generated marketing messages and content that are created and tailored not just for groups or cohorts, but for individual users.

    Ads are about to get alarmingly personal!

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    9 mins
  • Notes from the Den - 12. Great engagement and a lack of ideas
    Jul 5 2024

    This week, I share how a recent post got some great engagement and got a lot of people thinking while I was struggling to narrow down my next blog topic.

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    7 mins
  • Why does no one know how AI works?
    Jul 3 2024

    No one really knows how AI works, not even the people who created it. This has puzzled me for a long time. Why does no one know how it works?

    If we created it, we should know how we built it 🤷🏻

    I recently read Mo Gawdat's book Scary Smart, where I learned that the reason we don't know how AI works is that we didn't create it. AI built AI.

    In this episode, I explain how AI can build itself and how the complexity of the code it creates means that no human will ever truly understand how it works.

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    8 mins