• There exists no time.
    Jul 8 2024
    Time only exists in our mind!!!Everything happens now… We can only be in the now.
    Nothing is there to come and nothing past. But an eternal now does always last. Abraham Cowley.This is exactly how it is, in our mind exist past and future; in reality, it doesn’t exist. Time has only a relative existence! Carlyle
    When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it is only a minute. When you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it is two hours.Time is relative and so not real…. Albert Einstein
    For instance when we dream, we think that we have dreamed for hours, in reality, we have dreamed only for seconds.
    If we live in our mind, we are missing that moment that happens now… And so we lose our life.
    If we are living entirely in the here and now, then we are relaxed, or we are in the flow…there is no space for thinking… There is no time, only this moment nothing more … Life starts to become beautiful. And for that is Meditation. Meditation is connecting with the divine/God/Allah, the mind is calming down without forcing/pushing, and then we are in the here and now...
    If we are in the flow, then only this moment is crucial for us. What is to be in the flow? If we are relaxed and concentrate on what we are doing… Our doing will happen by itself….
    The Chinese Proverb: Wu Wei: To do without doing, … Explains the flow.For instance, 80% of the complicated surgery is happening in the movement for the whole team! All great artists like the musicians, painters are in the flow when they create, the same goes for sport…. For instance when I was skiing a very difficult ski piste at high speed… I had to be in the flow, - one thought or fear could cause that I would fall (no time for thinking.
    If we are total emerged in the flow, like my example with skiing … Then we are in the here and now,- we are timeless. Or when I write this blog, I am in the flow, I let the words come, without thinking or forcing. For what is then time?To measure a movement. If we relax and think more slowly… The time slows down…And that is wonderful, to become timeless… We have just to go out of our head… To become timeless, to enjoy this moment. What is the most precious moment in our life?Now!!!

    My video: There exists no time https://youtu.be/bsZTSpGQJ4M
    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/There-exist-no-time..mp3
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  • Why we see movies?
    Jul 7 2024

    I want to bring awareness in our movie culture. All these movies that we see influence us so badly and even kill our so precious time. If we did not see movies, we would have much more time for the things that are important, that brings us joy and love, that we can use for exercise and meditation.
    We are looking for a distraction to suppress our feelings, problems because we want inspiration, excitement.We want to be a hero, a great lover, to be over cool, to be strong; like the actor in the movie. Instead to live it or to be it. We want to kill time, we are bored.What we love to see is also in our heart. Or what is inside that we also attract outside.Why we like to see comedy, funny and love movies?Why we like to see brutal/horror, crime films? Why we like to see beautiful movies about nature, landscapes?
    This should ask everybody if he/she is choosing to see a movie!!
    That the horror, crime and brutal movies are making the people worse is science proofed since over 50 years. Even worse these movies have increased the crime so rapidly. Still, the production of such films is growing every year. Do we want to become worse?
    Imagine, a lovely inspiring movie is shown in a country and very many people, like 50% of the population are looking this video. This means for instance: 50% of the population would feel love at the same time... would this not uplift the energy in this country? The opposite is true for such crime movies. We should be loving beings and not brutal beings! And these crime movies makes us to cruel humans,… That is good for wars and bad for love.
    How would it be, if we stop to see such movies? We would become more vulnerable, sensible and care for people.
    Families without a TV or who doesn’t look movies are happier. TV is good to isolate us from each other in the family. TV is used to get the children quiet, to stop talking to each other, to avoid conflicts which have to be solved.
    If we did not see TV, we would have much more time to do things that are fulfilling, to talk to each other, to make body exercise, to meditate, to make love (after the invention of the TV the birth rate was coming down.)

    My Video: Why we see movies? https://youtu.be/kquNmrQ6cFcMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-we-are-seeing-movies.mp3
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  • The misconception Jesus was God?!
    Jul 6 2024

    For the Muslims and Jews is that statement a contradiction and blasphemy? …For the Buddhists and Taoists is this statement nonsense...

    The Hindus can live with that and use the same analogy with Krishna… Jesus said: I am the path.Krishna said this even 3000 years before him… Why cannot Jesus and Krishna be the path?

    For all religions, it is for God/divine everything possible, but not for the human mind of different religions! This means they stick God in a confined jail with dogmas… And God has to fulfill their dogmas otherwise it is not God or even more nonsense it is the devil… When everything is possible why cannot God live as a human being on the earth and at the same time as an eternal spirit/power rule the universe? Because the Muslims will interfere and terrorize God?

    The faith in the devil is mostly higher than in God…

    And for me doesn’t exist a devil who is stronger in some situations than God. The Hindus believe the same. Because everything is under God’s control and so also the so-called devil or Antichrist.

    Before Jesus was crucified he prayed to his Father or God...When he was God how could he pray to himself…

    God is spirit.This means you cannot confine God to a torso with 2 arms and legs and a head…

    God is not a material object.God is a spiritual being that is why God can be in New York City and London … or somewhere else at the same time.

    He is not limited to the physical.

    Jesus Christ claimed, that God who is spirit, chose to humble himself and become a human being.

    God the son of Jesus, limited himself that is the key right now..He chose to limit himself and confine himself to a body.

    This means when they nailed his hand it really hurts.

    He wasn’t just a spirit floating around.

    It means he really got hungry and that’s why he ate.

    He was an eternal God who is a spirit.

    When Jesus walked on earth, heaven was not empty.Jesus is not all of God.Jesus is part of God.God the son who humbled himself took upon himself a body but was not just a man.He was God in Human form.But he was not all of God. That is why he was praying to his father… That is why he talked about the holy spirit.
    I want just only to consider that as the trueness of the Christians.
    My Video: The misconception Jesus was God?! https://youtu.be/MPcVp2a0ikwMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/The-misconception-Jesus-was-God.mp3
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  • Why is awareness so important?
    Jul 5 2024
    The lack of Awareness of our feelings and thoughts is the source of misunderstanding, wrong decision, wars and an unhappy life. Without awareness, we can’t build up a good attitude because we are not aware what is inside of us. For instance: the great psychologist Alice Miller was together with a mother and her 4-year-old daughter in a kindergarten. The daughter didn’t like to play, was depressed…Alice asked, what is going on? The mother said, her father was leaving for work abroad, and she is missing him. The child started to cry; when she finished crying, she could play with the other kids.If even the children are not aware of their feelings what is about us?We are getting many times frustrated, sad, angry; and afterward, we suppress our emotions. After some time we get confronted and release our suppressed feelings on a person who doesn’t have anything to do with that… We blemish this person for our negative emotions…We can see that in relationships, the husband is coming home… Loaded with anger and getting fast very angry with his child; or in almost every business meeting, we see the participants are driven by their own personal motives, instead to look for the best outcome for everybody….This means we look honestly as often as possible, how are our feelings now. When we don’t be aware of our emotions, we still can watch our thoughts as a witness without manipulating our thoughts…. The feelings creating our thoughts, if we have angry thoughts, we also have anger inside of us, even we are not aware of it. If we are confronted with a new situation and if we are conscious of our feelings what we had before; then this will be the game changer. Because we don’t have to project our previous feelings on this new situation/person. For instance, I am aware that I am angry on my chief and didn’t have the chance to release my anger. When I get confronted with my chief again, I recognize my anger and can be neutral in this situation. If I would not recognize my anger, maybe I would be impolite, angry and would miss the chance to clarify our misunderstanding….It is science proofed if we watch something; through the watching, we change the situation. This means, if we bring light in the room or in our consciousness, we will improve our attitude. Meditation is: watch and let happen. Through the watching of our feelings and thoughts as a witness, we become better and improve so our attitude. The lack of Awareness of our feelings and thoughts is the source of misunderstanding, wrong decision, wars and an unhappy life. Without awareness, we can’t build up a good attitude because we are not aware what is inside of us. For instance: the great psychologist Alice Miller was together with a mother and her 4-year-old daughter in a kindergarten. The daughter didn’t like to play, was depressed…Alice asked, what is going on? The mother said, her father was leaving for work abroad, and she is missing him. The child started to cry; when she finished crying, she could play with the other kids.If even the children are not aware of their feelings what is about us?We are getting many times frustrated, sad, angry; and afterward, we suppress our emotions. After some time we get confronted and release our suppressed feelings on a person who doesn’t have anything to do with that… We blemish this person for our negative emotions…We can see that in relationships, the husband is coming home… Loaded with anger and getting fast very angry with his child; or in almost every business meeting, we see the participants are driven by their own personal motives, instead to look for the best outcome for everybody….This means we look honestly as often as possible, how are our feelings now. When we don’t be aware of our emotions, we still can watch our thoughts as a witness without manipulating our thoughts…. The feelings creating our thoughts, if we have angry thoughts, we also have anger inside of us, even we are not aware of it. If we are confronted with a new situation and if we are conscious of our feelings what we had before; then this will be the game changer. Because we don’t have to project our previous feelings on this new situation/person. For instance, I am aware that I am angry on my chief and didn’t have the chance to release my anger. When I get confronted with my chief again, I recognize my anger and can be neutral in this situation. If I would not recognize my anger, maybe I would be impolite, angry and would miss the chance to clarify our misunderstanding….It is science proofed if we watch something; through the watching, we change the situation. This means, if we bring light in the room or in our consciousness, we will improve our attitude. Meditation is: watch and let happen. Through the watching of our feelings and thoughts as a witness, we become better and improve so our attitude. My video: Why is awareness so important? https://youtu.be/...
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  • For what we need religion?
    Jul 4 2024
    First I want to provoke you… and then we find together the solution. For stupid people? For cowards? For what…? To cheat the people with the divine incarnation in order to make money? For making huge money?It is sad to say that all world religion had cheated the people, squeezed them out, killed even people in the name of God/Allah and to the same time we hear that God is love, compassion, forgiveness, …. If I see the today divine incarnations…. Then I remember, what my first Guru Osho/Bhagwan said on 100 Saints comes one real one, all the others are fakes… The Sufis are saying 1 real Dervish/Sufi comes on 1000 pseudos Dervishes/Sufis.
    That is the reason why the people have lost their faith in God!The Srimat Bhagavatam has even forecasted this 2500years ago for this Kaliyuga. That there would be no real Sannyasin anymore, that even the Brahman cast would eat meat and drink alcohol drinks… That the holy cow would be slaughtered in India (Today India is the biggest meet producer in the world, Shame over it!!!)… That the Faith in God will disappear … At least we can belief in the forecast of the Srimat Bhagavatam, who forecasted also Buddha….What is if we simple let go of these so holly people who are mostly not honest… Then there would be still God, who is not responsible for cheating, killing, in the name of God!!!! I write later over it more.
    On the other hand, a real Guru can give us the connection to the divine, the kundalini, the initiation in meditation, a satory, heal us and to change our life for the better.
    Now I want come back to our Question: For what we need religion?To find inner peace, happiness, love, wisdom, confidence and to gain faith in ourselves, in the world…! Through running behind worldly things we can’t find inner peace. What is if we learn to meditate and so to relax even in the difficult times, is this not enough? If we can relax even in our difficult times, this is much more, than mostly of all religious people can gain in their life! On the other hand, if we learn religious teaching and spiritual techniques, than we can learn much faster meditation and even we will gain bliss, inner love and inner happiness through meditation. Without religion, we can’t understand our life, our world, and we can’t connect to the Divine/God. So that it is priceless to gain meditation with religion. Still we need to understand ourselves, this means to understand our psychology, how we act, why we act, how we can change our belief system, subconscious … I think that psychology is very important to gain what we want, … Without understanding ourselves, every step in a new direction of our life is much more difficult. This means we need Meditation, Religion and Psychology to live a happy life.

    My Video For what we need religion? https://youtu.be/eY_ngpzTrmMMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/For-what-we-need-religion.mp3

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  • Is there more?
    Jul 3 2024
    If we see for instance the old people, mainly frustrated, depressed, even they have tried their best to get their goals, desires fulfilled.There was this research from old people what they regret most? Answer what they didn’t have done.
    If we grow older, we had many desires which we could not live … and then we get inside, even we don’t recognize it, slowly more and more depressed. If we would had felt all of our frustration, then we would not be depressed for that.
    Now I want to go one step farther.If the world would be perfect and we could accomplish everything….Do you think that this will give us all? Or would it make us total happy?Or would it make ourselves more dependence on material, worldly things?
    Can we buy Happiness or Love?
    Is it possible that there is true happiness/love beyond of our desires/ worldly things?
    Goethe said: Happiness that accompany our whole life and that doesn’t matter on worldly things/desires is the true or inner happiness! The same is true also for love… true love doesn’t depend on our desires that we get fulfilled, it is just there without reason.
    So more we accomplish so more we want!! Or we don’t care anymore!!
    My guru Osho/Bhagwan said if we don’t achieve something meaningful on the inner/spiritual/religious path, then we become more and more depressed/frustrated when we grow older. Because we have missed our chance to connect with the divine…
    This doesn’t mean that we do not live our desires!!! We should live our desires consciously and find out through that: This is not all (Sanskrit: Neti Neti).
    There must be something bigger … And this I call here the Divine!!!
    If God would have created a perfect world, who would think any more of God.
    Our world is not perfect for the worldly thinking people, and so we have to suffer for everything we accomplish or even we could not accomplish.
    The happiest people in the world had been the people, who had been connected to the divine…. Because they have learned to connect with the divine… And this everybody can learn!!! We don’t need to live in celibacy, rather more we chose for ourselves the right spiritual methods that make us happy…. It can start with Trance dancing or a great Dikir Night (Sufi), or with going to a high spiritual loaded place in India, Nepal, Tibet, Turkey (Konya)… and to meditate there, or going to a saint…

    My Video: Is there more? https://youtu.be/LOFOtRwuxOEMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Is-there-More.mp3
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  • Best for liver TUDCA
    Jul 2 2024
    TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is a unique bile acid found in small amounts in the overall composition of bile. It has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years as a digestive aid and liver support, and now we can produce it as a supplement.TUDCA’s many benefits include digestive support (especially for fats), promoting liver and kidney function, brain health, cellular support, and eye health.What is TUDCA?TUDCA is a bile acid derivative that occurs naturally in the body. Like many compounds in your body, TUDCA is made through a microbial process.The Role of TUDCA in the BodyTUDCA is a bile acid — but what does that mean? Bile represents a complex fluid made of bile acids, phospholipids, cholesterol, water, electrolytes, and other organic molecules. Bile acids are the most functional component of bile. They help us digest and absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, break down food and cholesterol, and destroy harmful pathogens that enter the digestive system on our food.* Through these processes, bile helps the body eliminate waste, excrete unnecessary cholesterol, and regulate your metabolism. In particular, bile acids convert and eliminate around 500 mg of cholesterol from the body every day.How is bile produced? The liver produces bile, which is concentrated and stored in the gallbladder, then secreted into the digestive system via the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine beyond the stomach). Bile travels through the digestive system until it is recycled and sent back to the liver once it reaches the ileum. Only 5% is excreted, the rest is recycled and repackaged as “new” bile in the liver. This process is known as enterohepatic circulation.TUDCA has been used therapeutically in traditional Chinese medicine for millennia, particularly for hepatic and biliary disorders. Namely, traditional medical practitioners prescribe TUDCA to help detoxify the liver, treat “heat illnesses” such as fever, spasms, and vision problems, and improve many other conditions.10 TUDCA BenefitsBile in general plays many roles in the body. From aiding in digestion to maximizing vitamin absorption or eliminating waste, bile acids support a wide range of functions.TUDCA is a bile acid that performs its job exceptionally well. Though humans only produce a small amount of it, the benefits of TUDCA are varied and widespread.Brain functionLiver healthKidney healthEye HealthCellular healthGut microbiomeBile flow1. Brain HealthTUDCA may be a good fit if you’re looking to support memory and cognitive function.* TUDCA crosses the blood-brain barrier and has become a promising subject in the scientific community for its protective effects on the brain.*2. Supports Insulin Sensitivity*43% reduction in blood glucose when treated with TUDCA.TUDCA supports healthy blood sugar levels and supports insulin sensitivity.*3. Mitochondria and Cellular SupportEvery single one of your cells has little power plants inside them called mitochondria. These tiny organelles generate roughly 90 percent of our body’s energy. When our mitochondria aren’t functioning properly, we aren’t able to make adequate amounts of ATP, our energetic building blocks.TUDCA sparks the cells to make more mitochondria.*4. Supports Genetic ExpressionAmazingly, TUDCA may even impact your gene expression and DNA in certain ways. By reducing oxidative damage, stimulating mitochondrial function, and regulating apoptosis, TUDCA can also protect your DNA from damage.*5. Liver HealthTUDCA supports overall liver health.* A study was conducted on a group of people suffering from liver cirrhosis and high liver enzymes, who were given 750 milligrams (mg) of TUDCA for six months. TUDCA lowered one hundred percent of the participants’ liver enzymes.* As a bonus, supplementing with this bile acid was very well tolerated amongst the study participants, with no participants experiencing any side effects.Can TUDCA reverse fatty liver? No.6. Supports a Healthy Gut Microbiome.7. Kidney ProtectionStudies show that TUDCA supports a healthy inflammation response in the kidneys.*8. Defends Against PathogensTUDCA has been shown in studies to support a healthy immune response, particularly in response to certain viral infections.*9. Eye HealthTUDCA supports eye health and protects against a number of eye health complications, as well as reduces the number of dysfunctional eye cells.10. Bile Flow SupportFirst step is to make a liver-Gallbladder cleanse with Olive oil and grapefruit juice as I have described before in my blog. To get rid of the gallbladder and liver stones.Second step you do a liver cleanse with cleaning the blood vessels from the liver with milk thistle.The third step is to take TUDCATake 2 times/per day and after 1 to 3 hours of consuming food.If you eat easy-to-digest food you take after 1 hour Tudca and heavy-to-digest food after 3 hours. Because Tudca interferes with digestion when we take it with food or too early after ...
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  • Question yourself!
    Jul 1 2024
    If we want to change our lives, then first we have to change ourselves.
    If we think, it is enough to do everything to reach our goal… This will not work out because inside we have to change.
    For instance, if we see all these Lottery winners,… after 5 years over 90% are even broken more than before they won the Lottery. Or T. Harv Eker, Antonie Robbins got very fast wealthy and had been poor after a short time again. And then they understood:
    You have first to be it (inside) before you can become/accomplish it (Goethe).
    Everybody is deciding after his belief system, and our belief system was mainly created in the first 9 years (95%). For sure it will not fit into our today environment anymore, so we have to change it. We change first our perception and so our belief system.
    The fastest way is, that we continuously question us, to change ourselves in the direction we want.
    Self-critic is the first step for improvement (Bible).
    This means that we are looking for the mistake inside of ourselves, why we can’t get what we want… And the approach to look for the errors in the world, why we do not get what we want, will not work. For sure we will always find the mistakes in the world…
    Jesus said: You are blind to your own errors and you will find the mistakes always in other people… And this we can use for ourselves.-How is it, if we would ask our friends, relatives, enemies for telling us our mistakes, that we can’t see by ourselves? It is much easier than to find our mistakes by ourselves! Be open for critic and don’t push it away!!! We are not perfect so we can learn from the critic.
    On the spiritual, religion and psychology scene it looks much worse, that the people are pushing away negative people, critic… If I attract negative people, then I know, that I have attracted them, because I have negativity inside of myself!!!!
    Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan said so nice until I didn’t realize that everything that I see,- I am by myself; I could not become enlightenment!!! Very short expressed said Krishnamurti: You are the world! What you see that you are!!!
    If we want to have the grace of God/Allah, we have to become humble (Allah don’t like proud people). If we feel better than other people, remember what I have written before, or the Tibetan quote: Everything is divine, but not our EGO!!! A religious person is looking for the mistakes inside of himself. Srimad Bhagavatam: The worst sin is faultfinding…. I hope I have convinced you… Otherwise: Our own sins we see first at other people (Goethe).

    My video: Question yourself! https://youtu.be/ZyoGRMRGwwMMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Question-yourself.mp3
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