
  • How multitasking are you until you lose focus?
    Sep 7 2024

    If we focus only on one task, we get something meaningful done that is satisfying…
    So more tasks we do at the same time, so more focus we lose and so more unsatisfying we are. At the end of the day, we feel that we have nothing done or completely done.
    In most firms, we get interrupted during our workflow and feel disturbed and distracted.
    If we could do one task at a time, life would be more fulfilling.We divide our tasks into many small tasks to fit into our schedule so that we feel happy if we can completely do one small task.
    On the other hand, if we feel stacked, then it is better to change the task and do something else, so that our subconsciousness can work on our problems, by doing something differently.In this case, we do some routine jobs that don’t require thinking or much focus. Afterward, we are much more creative.
    My Video: How multitasking are you until you lose focus? https://youtu.be/60lpvKD2QGMMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/How-multitasking-are-you-until-you-lose-focus.mp3

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  • The Disease of Being Busy
    Sep 6 2024

    Today, if we like to meet somebody, typically everybody likes to say he has no time, he is busy… so he has to schedule the time… Like a very important person. Our Ego loves a tied schedule because then our Ego feels important.

    Our Death also loves a busy timetable because we run from one appointment to the next and at the end of the road stands the Death with open arms to snap away our life. Or do you think that it is coincident that even in India the death toll from heartache surpasses all the other diseases? And 30 years ago there was rarely any heartache in India! Stress is the killer number 1.

    Actually, even kids have a busy timetable, so they must plan in advance their time.

    We lose the contact with ourselves, when we are overly busy and become a robot without any feelings.

    We have only time to think and the feelings we skip.

    We run behind a tied schedule so that we always escape from ourselves.

    We don’t want to face our dark sides of us so that our dark sides controlling our life.

    If we are not aware of our enemies inside, then our own enemies getting the control over our lives. Think this over.

    My father was working 7 days a week and over 80 hours… His tyrannic character was showing up when he was stressed through his work. He was beating and abusing us on a daily basis. Do you think, we had always been the reason for his anger? No, it was his work… And he could not reflect on the cause of his stress, anger… Because he had no time to do so.

    Time is money… If we are greedy:

    1.) we can’t work enough,

    2.) we can’t have enough,

    3,) and we can’t enjoy our life.

    For God or the divine, we have no time, and the death has scheduled our life.

    Very often, I see these over-busy people in front of a TV, Laptop or smartphone and wasting their time.

    It looks contradicting, the busy timetable and on the other hand procrastinating or wasting time for nonsense.

    If we are busy, we need time to relax, to come back and for that, we choose the smartphone or other digital equipment… Because our inner child wants playtime.

    Instead, we should choose to do workouts to free us from our anger, frustration, and tension. Afterward, we meditate and connect with the divine.

    Less is much more! If we decide to live relaxed, with enough time for reflection, sport, and meditation… we have much more from our life. And we live much longer.

    If we decide to live relaxed, even then are coming unexpected stressful moments. And if we had been relaxed before, we can care much better for such stressful events and find easier the best solution.

    My video: The Disease of Being Busy The Disease of Being Busy https://youtu.be/BR4siq-kVwQ

    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/The-Disease-of-Being-Busy.mp3

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  • What we do with Anger?
    Sep 5 2024

    Actually, sadness is transformed anger in to be overwhelmed, hopeless, to give up or to be the loser. Anger is a great motivator to change our situation to a better outcome, with sadness we have given up already. It is mostly of the case really necessary for changing our lives, our situation, that we have first anger. With anger, we have so much power and really can go for it. Anger is necessary!

    Never less it is disturbing to be angry for ourselves and for others. We are much more effective and happy if we are relaxed and free of anger.

    How to calm down?

    We feel or imagine our anger and make Sport and strong workouts.

    We feel or imagine our anger, and we beat our bed with a tennis racket instead our children, life is easier…

    To learn and to train any martial art, great for angry children and grown-ups.

    Garden work. For instance, if we pull out the weed we ground our anger…

    We wash our cloth, and imagine at the same time, an angry picture of killing … anger is done.

    Chi Gong. If we get angry quite fast, then our anger level is too high. Anger is connected to the liver and to the sound Sh. The virtue of the liver is compassion. So we have to transform our anger into compassion. With the Chinese inner organ massage and the sound Sh, we reduce our Anger. On the right side of our body, under the rib cage is the liver. We approach the rib cage from the belly and then grip with both hands under our rib cage as deeply as possible. We feel or imagine our anger. Start to massage the liver under the rib cage making the 'Sh' sound. After some time we alter the procedure, tap this area on the ribs with one hand, lay the other hand on the navel chakra and continuously make the 'Sh' sound. We can make the sound Sh also silent, when necessary. This procedure we do for 3- 5 minutes. In the end, we place both hands above our liver and feel thankful for our liver and imagine that a green light is entering our liver. We do this procedure every day. I do it every day 2 times. Believe me, one thing it works, even it had worked for warriors when they were coming home from the war!!!! This procedure is also good to heal our liver. See my video…

    My video: What we do with Anger? https://youtu.be/iilO3QuDFPM

    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/What-we-do-with-Anger.mp3

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  • The world is a dream?
    Sep 4 2024

    Nothing is real all is illusion…

    When the great Philosopher Berkley said this, Johnson kicked him against his leg… The Pain became his reality…

    Sorry, through religion we all had been misleading…

    Before the Fall of Constantinople (1453), life was sorrow for the Christian, and the life’s purpose was to go to the paradise. Until today, for the religious people of India, everything is predetermined, nobody can change his destiny, the world is unreal, or a dream (so not God,- ) and the life goal is never to get reborn. Because life is sorrow? Because we love to suffer and not to be responsible for everything in our life!

    What we believe that become true! If we believe that everything is predetermined or destiny that we have to live this life; can’t change our destiny … For sure this will become true! How would it be, if we believe that we can choose our life/destiny???? Then our agony is over! That is our choice!

    India has suffered so hard from these religion misconceptions, it got from the Muslims overrun, afterward from the British empire… Still, theses misconceptions are in the brains of the Indians. Because it serves the lazy people so well, - live in a pig stall and close your eyes…! Everything that we see is a reflecting of ourselves. If for instance, our toilet is dirty, then our attitude is maybe wrong.

    If we like to do an exercise for some time and think, life is a dream.- that is okay and we don’t do this for our entire life!

    Nobody lives in the reality and our reality is so real as our consciousness. If our awareness is growing so our reality. If we like to become rich, we have to change our consciousness, and so our reality will change.

    For the religion, it is the same and even much easier. We don’t need to believe in anything until we experience it. If we want to experience a different religion reality, we have just to make the right exercise, nothing more. And so I did, I started with rejecting every religion and God came to me!

    Vivekananda said: If there are two gates one to become enlightenment and one gate to hear about enlightenment, almost everybody will choose to hear the lecture about enlightenment.

    Until we are doing the right exercise that is fitting to us, we don’t get anything on the spiritual path... Maybe this is also true for becoming successful?!

    Do it! Go for it! And thinking without action will never work!

    My Video: The world is a dream? https://youtu.be/MKMQIwwi5NM

    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/The-world-is-a-dream.mp3

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  • Turmeric, 1/5 of a teaspoon protects us.
    Sep 3 2024

    Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory herbs in the world… Even it has so much more benefits for the body that are essential…
    If you don’t believe me, just put Turmeric on a wound or a wound that is inflamed…
    Even 1 g of turmeric is enough per day.
    When taking turmeric, it's important to ensure proper absorption to maximize its benefits.
    Turmeric can’t be dissolved in water because turmeric is fat soluble, so it's best to take it with fats like nuts, coconut/almond oil, or avocado to ensure proper absorption into the bloodstream.
    Or take turmeric with a little bit of black pepper because piperine is in black pepper.
    Taking turmeric with piperine can increase its absorption into the cells of our body by up to two thousand percent, allowing it to effectively repair and heal.
    You can buy Turmeric supplements from 500mg to 2000mg which includes piperine.
    Or you heat it with vegetables and water for 10 to 12 minutes, which increases the absorption up to 12 times.
    Or you take Turmeric with your meal or directly after your meal when your meal has fatty components.
    Drinking warm milk with turmeric before bed not only provides anti-inflammatory benefits but also increases tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin levels, promoting better sleep.
    Turmeric contains curcumin, an active compound that has medicinal healing properties and can help with various health issues such as diabetes, depression, viral infections, and premenstrual syndrome.
    Turmeric can also help with various health issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, stubborn skin disorders, and fatty liver, while supporting overall metabolism, immunity, digestion, and detoxification.
    Turmeric can help regulate blood sugar levels and aid in digestion by creating, transporting, storing, and releasing bile into the intestines.
    Helps with heart diseases, and reduces inflammation in the brain.
    Turmeric supports liver function, aids in detoxification, and promotes healthy digestion and gut health.
    Turmeric helps our colon to stay healthy and that is crucial for our overall health.
    The connection between the colon and the brain is crucial, with 90% of serotonin production happening in the colon, impacting mood, sleep, and cognitive function.
    If the hormone Serotonin is not regulated, we get a foggy brain or get depressed.
    The mitochondria of our cells and our gut microbiome consist of trillion ions of bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract and play a crucial role in our overall health including colon Health.
    If our colon is inflamed then turmeric helps immediately. Turmeric is a pre-probiotic component that feeds our probiotics.
    Autointoxication and constipation can cause abdominal discomfort, bloating, and straining during bowel movements, leading to rectal pain and discomfort… And that prevents Turmeric.
    Turmeric increases bile production for the absorption of fatty nutrients in our body.
    All of our skin problems like Psoriasis come directly or indirectly from our colon.
    The guts affect our immunityIf you have autoimmune problems or allergy problems, you need to look at your guts.

    My Video: Turmeric, 1/5 of a teaspoon protects us. https://youtu.be/5ybQ4TYpJFEMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Turmeric-1-5-of-a-teaspoon-protects-us.mp3
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  • Why a man like to be a Ladyboy?
    Sep 2 2024
    Many boys like to be a girl from birth on. And they think that they are wrong when they would be a boy. Their brain is wired as a female… They don’t like to be a man with all his aggression.
    They like to be: a soft person, like a woman, like to care for kids, like makeup, love beautiful female dresses…
    They don’t like to show aggression or to fight. Even so, a girl is getting 4 times more hugs than a boy. For a boy, who is sensitive the society of men is unattractive... And these soft boys are going quickly seduced by men, and it is easier for them to have sex with the same gender.
    If we would force a Ladyboy to become normal, the risk of suicide is quite high. Instead, we should tolerate them as normal.
    The Western Society is still abusing sex under the same genders, and in the previous generation, it was forbidden to have sex under the same genders.
    In Thailand, a Buddhist Country, it is accepted to be a Ladyboy, because of their Karma teaching. In Thailand should be 3 genders, male, female and Ladyboys. When somebody had sexually abused a woman or misbehaved badly against women, he can be reborn as a Ladyboy. The Thais accept Ladyboys and don’t abuse them rather more to have pity for them. And the Thais think that Ladyboys can communicate with the spirits and also enlightenment is possible for them.
    Why is it bad to be a Ladyboy? In our society is intolerance the very norm, and abusing different behavior is tolerated.
    I by myself liked as kid to be a girl, or to be both… I didn’t like to be only a boy. Because I was very sensitive and also loved female work… Later when I became sexually mature, I didn’t like to have sex with men, even all the gays were running after me like crazy. I was sexually abused by a man… I started to hate all these gays… And after some time when I slept with women, I could accept the gays who were running after me.

    My Video: Why a man like to be a Ladyboy? https://youtu.be/d7MQgwvvCh4My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/Why-a-man-like-to-be-a-Ladyboy.mp3
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  • How to quit?
    Sep 1 2024

    One of the most common mistakes is to quit, even it doesn’t look that we give up.

    The worst thing is that nobody is free of it.

    What is so bad on it?

    We don’t know how long we should wait until we get the thing done. We try and try, and we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel…

    How I do it? I do my best, and if the situation is changing, even I didn’t get what I want, then I finish up.

    To try longer, doesn’t make sense, because I have done my best and when the situation is changing, for what I will try longer?

    For example, we are together with our spouse, it is getting harder and harder, and we think how it is to get a new darling? This is not working! If we look inside and try to find our mistakes to improve ourselves, the situation will change. We are always our worst enemy, and the challenge is mirroring ourselves. What is inside is outside, and never that will change. If we change ourselves the situation will change. If we become better the situation will become better!

    There was in the movie: “The Secret” a guy who was bullied everywhere… His therapist said because you attract that. Become positive the situation will change, and so it became.

    I had worked in the worst companies with chaotic chiefs and colleagues. Every day I was coming home frustrated… Until I saw the problem is me, I could not get out of the situation. Honestly, I spoke of my problems with my “enemies, ” and the enemies became human beings.

    This is so true for relationships problems, just speak out what is your concern, and what the other wants that we should change. You can be right or happy! What do you choose? Changing is better!

    Without hardships and challenges, Life is boring!!!

    My video: How to quit? https://youtu.be/s25PUwPqTCw

    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.A/How-to-quit.mp3

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  • Do THIS Next Time Anger and Frustration Take Control
    Aug 31 2024

    When in stressful times or even when you are calm and peaceful, you get agitated by somebody. What to do?
    Control your emotions stay neutral and build that muscle so that others can’t push your buttons to become angry, frustrated…

    If you have problems with a colleague or your supervisor/boss/family, then read books on how to deal with difficult people, try the strategies and you will win.
    Different people react differently, so we have to discriminate between different types of people to act efficiently. You can learn about it in these books. The same is true for selling… different people need different approaches to sell something…
    What happens when out of the blue sky somebody is agitating you…Then you are unprepared…
    What is when dogs run behind you and are barking…?The nature of the dogs is to do so, you can’t change their behavior.If you have fear they sense it… Fear makes it even worse…If you get angry, again the dogs feel motivated to bark even louder.
    Calm down, think let the dogs bark because this is their nature...The same you do with the aggressors. And even if Goethe is telling this to us, I can’t translate his verse in equivalent English… Let them bark let them bully you, you can’t change that…But you can change your reaction.
    For instance, a baby is crying like crazy, if you beat that baby it becomes even worse…If you embrace the baby with love or be lovely the baby stops crying.And that you see again and again, that some people can easily calm down every baby, just with their loving presence.
    The aggressor got provoked somehow and wants to punish someone weaker… You can’t beat him up, you can feel compassion… Remain kindly. When you react negatively with your anger, then the situation becomes worse.Turn around and go out of this situation.
    When my neighbor tried to provoke me, I saw only a needy person… And then he wanted to beat me up, he is much weaker than me and I didn’t like to beat him in the hospital.I said simply, I go to the police and will complain about you… and that I did… And the police came…
    Still, inside you are agitated… Then be productive with your anger and do things that need to be done that consume your anger.

    My Video: Do THIS Next Time Anger and Frustration Take Control https://youtu.be/RkHOYXtlVCYMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Do-THIS-Next-Time-Anger-and-Frustration-Take-Control.mp3

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