• Advice from the Retail Pros - Live Panel from EVOLVE 2024
    Jun 2 2024

    Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a live panel discussion from our EVOLVE conference in April 2024. The energy was incredible, and my panelists brought amazing insights. If you love hearing a mix of perspectives and stories from retail experts, you’re going to love this episode!

    We dive into the biggest challenges independent retailers are facing right now and practical strategies to overcome them. You’ll hear a success story from one of the panelists about a client who achieved great results—and practical tips on how they got there! We also tackle how to stand out in the crowded online space and where to focus your time and resources in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

    A standout moment at EVOLVE was the You 2.0 exercise. Inspired by my mentor Jen Gottlieb, this powerful exercise can help you envision your future success and impact how you show up in your business each and every day.

    To wrap up, my panelists shared advice on what you need to know to achieve your 2.0 by next year. This episode is full of valuable tips and inspiration, so you might even want to listen more than once!

    [3:45] Introducing our Rooted in Retail panelists live from EVOLVE

    [9:12]: What is the top challenge for independent retailers currently and what tips do our panelists have for tackling it?

    [15:20] How can an independent retailer be memorable in a sea of forgettable?

    [23:31] Real-life examples of independent retailers who reached their goals and the steps they took to succeed

    [25:56] How Vi Wickham managed to double one store’s return on ad spend using Google Ads

    [32:04] How can small retailers make smart choices about technology and marketing investments to keep up with trends and evolve?

    [39:08] What tips do our panelists have for independent retailers to reach their future goals?

    [47:38] If you had to start your business all over again, what's one thing you would do differently?

    Get all the resources mentioned on our website at https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/advice-from-the-retail-pros-live-from-evolve-2024/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    54 mins
  • Embracing Fun to Build Community in Retail (After the Show)
    May 29 2024

    Welcome back to After the Show where we’re diving into the impact of adding more fun in your business. In our latest episode, I had a great conversation with Aimee Pelletier and Carly Stipe from Darn Knit Anyway, a store that’s redefining community connection and fun in retail.

    Aimee and Carly have really brought a playful energy to their store, and you can see the results everywhere. From Instagram reels that are getting millions of views to building real connections with customers right there in the store, Darn Knit Anyway is proof that having fun can make a real difference.

    So, join me as I dig into what it means to inject fun into your business. This episode is a reminder that while running a business can be hard at times, embracing laughter, creativity, and community can lead to success!

    [01:55] Why Crystal's big takeaway from Darn Knit Anyway was community connection

    [02:41] How running a business can be very heavy sometimes

    [03:20] How Darn Knit Anyway is getting a million views on some of their Instagram reels

    [05:09] 3 key questions to ask yourself about having fun in your business

    [08:51] An exclusive sneak peek into the upcoming Rooted in Retail episode that was filmed live at EVOLVE

    Get all of the resources on our website at: https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/embracing-fun-to-build-community-in-retail-after-the-show/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    10 mins
  • Crafting Community Through Classes with Darn Knit Anyway
    May 26 2024

    Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to cousins Aimee Pelletier and Carly Stipe, the team behind Darn Knit Anyway. Their yarn store offers everything from a thriving e-commerce platform to a makers' lounge, and various classes and events.

    This episode is all about community: how to build it, connect with it, and nurture it in meaningful ways. Aimee and Carly have a lot to share about their journey and the amazing community they've cultivated through their store. Their story is full of lessons on managing a retail business, from delegating tasks and understanding financials to providing excellent customer service.

    Whether you're looking for inspiration on how to connect with your own community or need a nudge to pursue a new idea, this conversation is full of insights that can help you take the next step.

    You'll also hear about the creativity and dedication that Aimee and Carly pour into Darn Knit Anyway, and how they've successfully grown their business by being authentic and true to themselves. I know you'll find actionable tips to help you show up, put yourself out there, and grow your business!

    [00:00] Welcome Aimee Pelletier and Carly Stipe of Darn Knit Anyway

    [02:10] How a women's networking group played a key role in launching Darn Knit Anyway

    [06:49] The role that humor and personality play in attracting and retaining your customers on social media

    [11:42] How the Makers' Lounge came to life and has transformed their relationships with customers

    [18:58] What Carly and Aimee believe sets their classes apart in the craft community and how frequently they host classes each month

    [20:21 How do Carly and Aimee logistically manage to host dozens of classes every month?

    [21:28] Two popular events that Darn Knit Anyway hosts

    [28:45] Why hiring employees to work the floor was essential for business growth

    [30:51] Carly's advice for retailers on how understanding your numbers can transform your business

    [32:20] Carly and Aimee's resilience round

    Get all the details on our website at: https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/crafting-community-through-classes-with-darn-knit-anyway/

    Learn more about our SCALE program at: https://www.crystalmediaco.com/SCALE/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    37 mins
  • EVOLVE 2024: Winning Strategies for Retail Success
    May 19 2024

    We did it, we really did it! EVOLVE 2024 is now officially in the books, and what a ride it was. Today, I'm thrilled to take you behind the scenes of EVOLVE. In this episode, I'll be sharing some of the most memorable highlights that made this year's event truly special.

    EVOLVE isn't just an event—it's the result of months of planning and a commitment to providing high-value content and networking opportunities. Our goal is to empower independent retailers with the tools and strategies they need to thrive in today's competitive market.

    At EVOLVE, we covered topics from social media marketing to inventory management and generational shopping. With insights and tips from industry experts and successful retailers, attendees learned the strategies that are working right now to take their store to the next level.

    Because in the ever-evolving world of retail, continuous learning and networking are essential for growth. So, buckle up, and get ready to dive into the world of EVOLVE 2024!

    [02:22] The number one reason why Crystal created the EVOLVE conference

    [04:57] 7 things independent retailers need to be really successful

    [06:01] Why collecting more data should be a top priority for retailers

    [12:39] What retailers need to know about mystery shoppers

    [16:04] How to make livestream shopping easier and more convenient for your customers

    [20:32] The signage strategy that will make every retailer in the room more money

    [22:40] How Crystal blew people's minds away with her AI clone

    [23:55] The awards ceremony that celebrated three outstanding independent retailers

    [25:56] Why retail business success depends on visibility

    [27:52] The major aha moment inspiring one retailer to transform her business

    [30:07] How to get 2025 EVOLVE tickets at the lowest price

    Get all of the resources on our website at https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/evolve-2024-winning-strategies-for-retail-success/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    36 mins
  • The Power of Creating FOMO in Pop-Ups
    May 15 2024

    We’re back for another After The Show to dive deep into the exciting world of pop-ups and pop-ins. In our latest episode, I was thrilled to host Allison Yee from Popping Up Next, where we explored all the nuances, logistics, and success stories surrounding these experiential retail strategies.

    Today, I'm excited to share with you my top takeaways and key insights from that discussion. From creating FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to partnering with the right vendors, we'll explore how pop-ups can be a great marketing tool for your retail business.

    So let’s dive into the power of pop-ups and pop-ins and discover how they can elevate your retail experience—and drive customer engagement!

    [01:36] Why the ability to create FOMO is Crystal's biggest takeaway about pop-ups

    [02:42] An upcoming example from a brand that uses a creative pop-up shop to connect with customers

    [04:11] How partnering with the right vendor for pop-ups can help retailers market easier

    [06:25] Crystal's different ideas for pop-ups retailers can host in their store

    [09:19] 5 questions to ask yourself when you’re brainstorming pop-up ideas

    Catch up on all the details on our website at https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/the-power-of-creating-fomo-in-pop-ups-after-the-show/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    12 mins
  • The Secrets of Successful Pop-Up Shops with Allison Yee
    May 12 2024

    Have you ever considered the power of a pop-up shop to breathe new life into your retail store? Well, you're in for a treat because today we're joined by Allison Yee, the founder of UpNext.

    We're talking all about the untapped potential of pop-up shops and pop-in shops. Let’s explore how these temporary setups can be game-changers for testing new markets, products, and ideas.

    As the CEO of UpNext, Allison wants to create a world where entrepreneurs can make big waves without taking huge risks. Whether you’re testing new product lines or dipping into new markets, pop-ups can offer a whole world of possibilities.

    And Allison is here to guide us through it all. She is sharing some real-life success stories, essential tips and tricks, and some common pitfalls to avoid. If you’re a brand-new retailer, this could be just what you need to get started.

    Plus, we’ll look at how communities and municipalities are opening up even more opportunities for retailers to get creative with pop-up shops. Get ready for an inspiring and fun conversation!

    [02:21] Welcoming Allison to Rooted in Retail

    [03:56] Allison breaks down exactly what pop-ups and pop-ins mean (and why should retailers consider doing them)

    [04:53] The reasons why a brand, a retailer, or an entrepreneur might be considering a pop-up

    [06:43] How municipalities are collaborating with brands and developers for pop-ups

    [09:24] How can retailers plan and execute a pop-up to create a successful experience?

    [11:50] The transformative effect pop-ups can have on a retail store

    [13:57] What are some of the most common pitfalls to avoid when planning a pop-up shop

    [16:04] One step retailers need to take before entering a new partnership

    [19:45] Real-life examples of successful seasonal pop ups

    [24:03] How permits work when it comes to pop ups

    [24:58] What are some innovative ways retailers are using pop ups to create buzz, drive traffic, and deepen the customer relationship?

    [29:20] One segment that Allison sees repeatedly finding success with pop ups

    [31:24] Allison's resilience round

    Get all of the resources mentioned in this episode on our website at https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/the-secrets-of-successful-pop-up-shops-with-allison-yee/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    35 mins
  • Using Spontaneous Creativity in Your Marketing (After the Show)
    May 8 2024

    This week I’m talking about episode 81 with Lori Foster where we talk all about using Facebook Lives to market her shop. She has such incredible results and the biggest secret to her success is that she has found a way to make it FUN for her.

    For Lori that means leveraging spontaneous creativity to create her daily live show. This idea might be inspiring and freeing for you - to not have to worry about having a strict plan that you have to follow every single day. For others that might stress you out even more.

    The key is to find what makes it fun and interesting for you so that you stick to it and let it grow your business.

    Join me in today’s after-the-show as we talk about:

    [00:00] Welcome to After the Show!

    [01:47] Lori calls her customers "Divas." This brings them together into a tight community (with mugs and all). Creating that sense of community can be a powerful driver when creating content. What would you call the members of your community?

    [04:16] Biggest Takeaway: Leveraging the Power of Spontaneous Creativity

    [09:24] Let us help you amplify your results

    [12:01] Register for the 2025 EVOLVE Conference!

    [13:16] Coming up next week on Rooted in Retail!

    Get access to all of the details on our website at https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/using-spontaneous-creativity-in-your-marketing-after-the-show/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    14 mins
  • Leveraging Facebook Live for Retail Success with Lori Foster of The Dressing Room
    May 5 2024

    Lori Foster has mastered the art of engaging with customers through Facebook Live. Lori shares her journey into live streaming during the pandemic, emphasizing its significant impact on sales and customer connection. She offers insights on how she plans content, engages viewers, and converts live sessions into sales without relying on e-commerce platforms. Lori's strategy of maintaining consistency, being authentic, and offering valuable content has not only allowed her to sell products daily but also to expand her customer base across Canada.

    The episode is rich with advice for retailers on starting their live streams, including practical tips on promoting sessions (without ads), encouraging engagement, and ultimately driving sales (organically).

    [00:00] Leveraging the Power of Facebook Lives with Lori Foster of The Dressing Room

    [02:48] Welcome Lori Foster, owner of The Dressing Room in Ontario, Canada

    [04:15] What originally inspired Lori to do daily Facebook lives at her store?

    [08:17] Did Lori have any resistance when she first started to go live?

    [09:51] Lori gives us a peek behind the curtain and shares with us how she plans and executes her daily Facebook lives and three pieces of advice for retailers looking to get into doing Facebook lives for their stores.

    [10:07] Tip #1: Be consistent! If you are not consistent with your show timing, then you're going to lose your audience. It's that consistency that keeps your audience engaged.

    [16:12] Tip#2: Don't put pressure on yourself. You want to have the show be as organic as possible and just make it fun. Be authentic, you will shine through and your customers will love you.

    [17:26] Tip #3: Keep finding inspiration for your show. Don't make it the same every day. Just have fun with it. If you're having fun with it, your customers are going to be engaged and they're going to love what you're doing.

    [18:51] What kind of challenges has Lori seen with doing these lives all these years every day?

    [20:26] Has Lori ever taken a break and what does that look like?

    [22:43] Here are four ideas for increasing viewership and engagement in your lives

    [26:34] Live-streaming has provided Lori with consistent sales. The beauty of Facebook Live is the fact that you don't always have to have a full house watching live. As the day progresses, you have people watching the replay and you will get orders all day.

    [30:10] How (technically) is Lori facilitating the sale through the live stream?

    [32:55] What are the results that Lori is seeing? Lori says she sells through her lives every single day. She says that when she misses a live, she’s missing out on sharing her products with her customers which means she’s also missing out on sales.

    [36:29] Lori Foster's Resilience Round

    [41:32] How you connect with Lori

    Get all of the resources mentioned in the show on our website at https://www.crystalmediaco.com/episodes/leveraging-facebook-live-for-retail-success-with-lori-foster-of-the-dressing-room/

    Join the Rooted in Retail Facebook Group to continue the conversation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/rootedinretail

    Join our Rise and Shine newsletter for all the latest marketing news for retailers - https://www.crystalmediaco.com/

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    43 mins