
  • Break the built-in failure cycle and run campaigns that delight your client - with Lucia Dello
    Jul 3 2024

    David and Lucia discuss the importance of breaking the built-in failure cycle and running campaigns that delight your client.

    Talking points include:

    What is the built-in failure cycle?

    What causes it?

    What can you do to stop it and change it?

    What are examples of campaigns that delight a client?

    How do you make this more likely to happen in the future?

    How do you replicate this or automate this?

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    17 mins
  • TTR - Time to Result - is key when planning page content - with Dan Taylor
    Jun 26 2024

    David and Dan discuss why Time to Result - is key when planning page content.

    Talking points include:

    What do you specifically mean by TTR - it sounds like Largest Contentful Paint!

    What are the key ways to ensure that the user’s key initial focus is on the content that is likely to satisfy their query?

    What are some of the mistakes that websites make to distract users from what they’re looking for?

    How can SEOs help to avoid this?

    How can you measure the impact of this from an SEO perspective?

    How does this impact best practice for mobile design?

    How will user satisfaction continue to impact SEO success in the future?

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    18 mins
  • Don’t let AI take over your content strategy - with Alex Moss
    Jun 19 2024

    David and Alex discuss the importance of not letting AI take over your content strategy.

    Talking points include:

    What is a good use of AI?

    How do you know if you’re using AI too much?

    How do you measure the impact of creative, helpful and unique storytelling?

    Why will this always shine through?

    Why won’t AI ever take over creative, helpful and unique storytelling??

    How do you use AI tools most effectively?

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    19 mins
  • Update your information on Wikipedia/Wikidata - with Josh Greene
    Jun 12 2024

    David and Josh discuss the impact of updating your information on Wikipedia/Wikidata.

    Talking points include:

    What is Wikidata for the uninitiated?

    How does Wikipedia and Wikidata impact search results?

    How does the new AI world use Wikipedia and Wikidata?

    What information do you need to update to take advantage of this?

    Should you update your Wikipedia listing by yourself?

    How often should you update or refresh your listings?

    How do you think AI will continue to evolve to make use of Wikipedia and Wikidata?

    Are there any other Wiki sites that SEOs should be aware of?

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    17 mins
  • Change and challenges are inevitable in SEO - with Sarah McDowell
    Jun 10 2024

    David and Sarah discuss how change and challenges are inevitable in SEO, and what to do about this.

    Talking points include:

    How often is it changing?

    How often do rankings change?

    What trends do we need to look for?

    Should we bother with chasing algorithms?

    What is Google changing about the SERP?

    What do we do when Google takes something away?

    AI – challenge, people worried about taking jobs - what are the solutions?

    What do SEOs need to get familiar with when it comes to AI?

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    18 mins
  • 2024 will be the marketing era of “do more with less” - Adriana Stein
    Jun 7 2024

    David and Adriana discuss how 2024 will be the marketing era of “do more with less” and the way to do that with SEO is have air tight people operations.

    Talking points include:

    Why “do more with less”?

    Is this because of AI?

    In-house or agency side?

    What are the pros and cons?

    Can you get as much done?

    What is the ultimate team size?

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    17 mins
  • Elevate the value of SEO by developing internal capabilities - agency vs in-house - Luis Rodriguez
    Jun 6 2024

    David and Luis discuss elevating the value of SEO by developing internal capabilities - agency vs in-house.

    Talking points include:

    Is in-house best?

    What should be done in-house vs agency-side?

    How do you identify what is best for you , benefits or downsides .

    What is more efficient?

    Importance of teams feeling familiar across organizations - is automation diluting learning opportunities for new SEOs?

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    15 mins
  • There's a lot that SEOs can learn from Paid Search - with Dave Cousin
    Jun 5 2024

    Dave Cousin believes that SEOs like to think Paid Search is easy, they get all the data they need in black and white; so why then don't we SEOs use paid search's data to make things a bit easier for us?

    Discussion points include:

    Why should SEOs be working more closely with paid search?

    How can paid search make the SEO’s life easier?

    What can SEOs learn from paid?

    What can paid learn from SEOs?

    Why is this particularly relevant for 2024?

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    18 mins