• How to Improve Both Likability and Selling Success (rebroadcast)
    Jan 5 2021

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    Some people say likability is important for selling success. Others disagree. But if you know how to improve your ability to make people like and trust you more, success is bound to follow.

    We were going to talk about something else during this episode, but it kind of shifted to this topic. Which is fine, it's important. We view likability a little differently than other people do.

    At the end of the day, it's more about YOUR happiness and comfort than somebody else's. Because if you're not happy doing what you're doing, then why bother.

    If you have tips or practices you do to make selling easier and make yourself more likable to your prospects, let us know by texting 817-345-7449. We also want to hear your questions, reviews, or ideas for future shows! You can also text us if you're interested in taking a DISC personality assessment.

    And don't forget to hit like and subscribe! Thanks for watching!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

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    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown

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    48 mins
  • How to Reveal the DISC Type in Your Prospects (Rebroadcast)
    Dec 29 2020

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    We constantly talk about how important conversation is in sales, but how do you have the best conversations if you don't know where your prospects are in the DISC personality spectrum?

    This episode, originally released in March, might be one of our most important episodes ever. Hence, we're re-releasing it for you.

    Knowing DISC starts with yourself, but then you have to be able to recognize it and apply that knowledge to others. That's the best way to ask the right questions, dig into the prospects' pains and needs, and nurture and help them to make the best decisions.

    What questions do you ask to try and figure out where your prospects are in the DISC spectrum? Text us and let us know! Or if you don't know, maybe we can help.

    And finally, if you don't know where you are in the DISC spectrum and you're interested in an assessment, please let us know. We'll send you all the info you need because knowing DISC helps SO MUCH in sales! 

    And please subscribe and leave us a review! We read and appreciate every single one!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: 


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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Sales Quotas: The Good, the Bad, the Motivating
    Dec 22 2020

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    While not everybody has one, sales quotas are pretty common in one form or another in almost every company. And for some, this is a good thing. For others, it's bad news!

    Sales quotas can be extremely motivating when communicated and supported correctly. But they can also cause mountains of stress and pressure that end up demotivating the team if they're not delivered well or if they're unreasonable.

    This is one of those areas where personality has a huge impact on how you deal with and feel about quotas. Some people need them, some people take them as a challenge, and some people don't need the specifics.

    It all comes down to communication, on both sides!

    That's why, as a sales leader, it's so important to know your team and their personalities and sources of motivation. If you don't, text us. We'll talk to you about getting DISC personality assessments for your team.

    Finally, this is the last new episode of 2020. We know it's been a crazy year, but your support has helped us get through it, and we hope we've helped you too!

    Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Let's all get ready to crush 2021!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown

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    49 mins
  • The Importance of Understanding the Sales Cycle
    Dec 15 2020

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    The end of the year is here. Some people are completely out of budget, and some need to use it up. Maybe... Not every sales cycle is the same, and understanding both yours and theirs is crucial to how you sell.

    It might surprise you that not everybody runs on a January to December fiscal year, and where they are in their cycle can have a huge effect on how they buy at any given time. That's why you need to know.

    On top of that, the sales cycle for your company might be different from the norm. Knowing exactly what that looks like and being able to explain that to your prospect may have a huge impact on their ability to work with you. It can be a huge benefit, or it might not work for them. Something you definitely want to know!

    Luckily, these are discussions you can have if you ask the right questions!

    What is your sales cycle like? How does that affect how and when you sell the most? Leave a comment and let us know. And if you have any questions or would like to know how you can take a DISC personality assessment, text us at 817-345-7449.

    And don't forget to hit subscribe!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown

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    47 mins
  • What We've Learned — A Sales Throwdown Anniversary (rebroadcast)
    Dec 8 2020

    🔶 Text us at 817-345-7449! 🔶

    Believe it or not, Sales Throwdown is one year old!

    We wanted to spend our anniversary episode talking about what we've learned over the past year, how  we've grown, and how thankful we are to YOU to be doing this. Without our fans and followers, this wouldn't work.

    So with that in mind, what are you struggling with? How can we help you feel better about your sales conversations or your sales process? Or maybe even yourself? Text us at 817-345-7449 for any questions you have or to find out how to take a DISC personality assessment.

    Finally, if you think our show could help a friend or co-worker or anybody you know that's struggling in their sales role, please share this with them. Our goal is to help as many salespeople as possible!

    Thank you for being awesome, thank you for sending us your questions and ideas, and thank you for supporting us!

    And if you haven't already, don't forget to hit subscribe!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown

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    53 mins
  • How the Wrong Motivation Makes Selling Harder
    Dec 1 2020

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    Selling can be hard in the best of times, but motivation helps. However, if you have the wrong kind of motivation, it actually makes your job harder.

    With the right motivation, you can communicate effectively, work your process, and find the most qualified clients that will trust you to do the job well.

    But with the wrong motivation, you only care about closing the deal or you're too focused on the wrong things, and you'll actually struggle to hit your numbers or goals.

    Since motivation only goes so far, because you still need experience, knowledge, etc. on top of it, you have to make sure your motivation is pointed in the right direction.

    Otherwise, it will hold you back.

    Have you had a situation where your motivation ended up hurting you and making it harder to sell? Let us know in the comments or text us at 817-345-7449! You can also text us your questions or ask us about taking a DISC personality assessment.

    And please subscribe and leave us a review! We read and appreciate every single one!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown

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    29 mins
  • One Way to Build More Trust with Prospects in Sales (Rebroadcast)
    Nov 24 2020

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    We all know that prospects are more likely to buy from us if they trust us. But do you know what one of the easiest ways to build that trust is in sales?

    It's going into every conversation with skepticism.

    This episode was originally recorded much earlier this year, back when we could still safely be in the studio together.

    But now that it's the end of the year (finally!), closing deals gets a lot harder for most of us.

    One thing that can help is to build more trust with your prospects by asking questions and answering questions with more questions. The more skeptical you are in a nurturing—not challenging—way, the deeper into their needs and concerns you'll be able to dig.

    So we're re-releasing this episode because it's always going to be important, but it might be even more helpful now.

    Are you a skeptical salesperson? Is asking lots of questions difficult for you? Taking a DISC personality assessment can help you learn to communicate easier and frame questions in a way that's comfortable for you. Text us for more info!

    And please subscribe and leave us a review! We read and appreciate every single one!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown


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    56 mins
  • Is Motivation Enough to Help You in Sales?
    Nov 17 2020

    Text us: 817-345-7449!

    If you google how to get better in sales, most sales gurus will start out talking about motivation. But is motivation really all it takes?

    This is the first of a two-part episode. In the first half, we discuss why we believe motivation isn't enough to make you a successful salesperson, but why it is important to have.

    Next week, the episode continues with how motivation can start to lead you in the wrong direction.

    How important do you think motivation is in sales? Text us at the number above or leave a comment.

    Because motivation is so personality-driven, you can also text us to ask about taking a DISC personality assessment. When you know what your motivations are, you know how to use them to your advantage.

    And don't forget to hit subscribe and share, please!

    ✅ Sign up for our emails: https://www.salesthrowdown.com/

    ✅ Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Salesthrowdown

    ✅ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/salesthrowdown/

    ✅ And keep up with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SalesThrowdown

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    30 mins