• Chakras and Archetypes: Reconnect to Your Holographic Soul Contract
    Sep 18 2024

    Hello Beloved,

    Our spiritual body is shifting and HOW we use our divine intelligence greatly matters.

    As we awaken, we develop greater discernment and awareness of subtle energies that have been hidden for so long, living in a mechanistic “intelligent” slave society.

    By centering in the heart, we reclaim our soul contract agreements that we made as we chose to incarnate here.

    THE WAY FORWARD IS SELF SOVEREIGN. To be self empowered we must understand we are a HOLOGRAPHIC HUMAN embodying many “archetypes” and roles through our life.

    Some tribal based on where you live, and some personal, based on your soul’s lifetimes as you continue the journey to experiencing and sharing more LIGHT.

    The term "holographic" describes a multi-dimensional approach to understanding and healing the self.

    By exploring different life stages and associated archetypes, Holographic Readings offer sacred space to release the "holographic imprint" of traumas that hold us back.

    Each of us have traumatic events that have left imprints stored in the body’s tissue.

    When triggered by a stimulus, these imprints activate a response mechanism, illustrating the deep connection between trauma, memory, and physical well-being within this holistic perspective.

    AKA: Your protective Archetype (wounded child, victim, over-achiever).

    TO BETTER UNDERSTAND the Holographic Reading, I share this fun interview with use of metaphors and archetypes to understand ourselves, emphasizing the concept of holographic archetypes.

    It explores the interplay between the 'vertical axis' of divine connection and intuition, and the 'horizontal axis' of personal patterns and habits.

    The dialogue delves into shadow selves, their roles, and how they can be transformed through self-awareness and balance of chakras.

    A discussion on rewriting soul contracts before birth provides a unique perspective on personal growth and healing.

    Pay attention to habitual roles and view negative traits as clues to unmet needs, advocating for a compassionate approach to self-discovery.

    📌 Learn more here & [to schedule a reading]

    If you feel the weight of impending change, or if you've caught a glimpse of what's coming - yet you feel uncertain about your next steps, TRUST Spirit is guiding you.

    In the midst of this “Cluster-F” world we are experiencing, the train will arrive at your station, and when it does, you’ll know it’s time to board and allow the Universe to carry you to the next vital stop on your journey.

    xo Kassandra

    📌 Learn more here & [to schedule a reading]

    The Growth Guild is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to The Growth Guild at thegrowthguild.substack.com/subscribe
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    13 mins
  • Seriously! Societal Norms are Stealing Your Desired Destiny
    Sep 15 2024

    Hello beloved.

    Question for ya.

    Have you ever had “that MOMENT” when the heavens parted and you had a “AH-HA” full of excitement, feeling all of its potential before the monkey mind dropped in?

    In each moment of life, you are responding to your CALLING.

    In each moment, you are challenging self to be more than you think you can, allowing an inner unfolding within the infinite and the eternal of your deepest, dynamic becoming.

    This EPISODE is a experiential way to witness the depth and speed of healing.

    She THOUGHT she was seeking her PURPOSE.

    In reality…….

    Layer by layer we pull out the chords of domination that shape our most vital relationships (parenting, partnership, friendship, community, profession, politics) and cultivating more just, sustainable, and joyful connections.

    Healing doesn’t have to take years, months and even days.


    What are Holographic Psychic Readings?

    Holographic Psychic Readings helps you identify and release hidden energetic stressors, empowering you to lead from within and thrive in your purpose in both giving and receiving.

    Here's how it works:

    Pinpoint the Root

    Unmask the Shadow

    Renew the Contract

    “I’m intrigued Kass, but SHORT ON TIME…..


    I connect with your spirit guides and tap into the auric field to serve your highest good and channel the insights into a highly detailed visual blueprint.



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    48 mins
  • Spirit & Sunlit Meadows
    Sep 7 2024

    Hello, dear heaven and earth explorers. My spirit guides recently gave me a vision and I want to invite you into a captivating journey: becoming multidimensional through the lens of light body integration Imagine stepping out of a long, dark tunnel and into a vibrant, sunlit meadow.

    This metaphorical shift is the crossroads we are in today, it is the calling to you, and we're here to explore.For eons, humanity has been navigating a dense forest, feeling disconnected from our true selves and each other.

    This journey has been marked by three core beliefs: feeling forsaken by the divine, lacking trust in ourselves, and doubting the divine's love. But the tide is turning.A new path is being cleared, illuminated by the light of truth and awareness. The internet, our global torchbearer, has exposed long-held secrets, inspiring a new generation born without the energetic shackles that once kept us in the dark. This shift is marked by a loss of faith in old systems and a reawakening to our innate power.Becoming multidimensional is like gaining a new set of eyes, allowing us to see the vibrant tapestry of reality that's always been there, hidden behind the dense foliage of our limited perceptions.

    It's about unhooking from the old, familiar path and stepping onto a new one, where we embrace our power as creators.

    Intuition, our inner compass, guides us along this new path.Now, let's talk about light body integration. Imagine our light body as a beautiful, intricate stained-glass window.

    When it's clear and unobstructed, it allows the divine light to shine through, illuminating our true selves.

    But over time, this window can become clouded with energetic blocks, limiters, and implants, casting a shadow over our true nature.In holographic healing sessions, your Light body integration occurs through bringing loving awareness of your challenge, what you desire and tapping into your chakras, archetype and your unconscious soul contract that is holding you back and needs to be released.

    All of these are then brought into alignment to free your nervous system from rigidity, depression and fatigue. Clearing obstructions, one by one. It's like cleaning each pane of glass, which is a prism of internal light held in your heart, and this process is allowing more and more light to shine through. The clouds start to depart as you step out of the forest and into the sunlightRemember, this journey is not about leaving the old path behind, but about bringing the light of awareness to it. Call it in. Engage in your relationship with your spirit guides. It's about embracing our light and dark, which evolves the true selves, in all our multidimensional glory.Keep shining your light, and stay tuned for more insights into our journey towards unity and awakening.I love you. You’re not traveling alone.

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    3 mins
  • Earth: A Mental Institution or a Galactic Home?
    Aug 18 2024

    Hello beloved.

    If you're like me - there's a ache in the heart for our true inheritance.

    Tasting it all my life, I welcome you into the reality we were perpetrated into and the gift of responsibility of the off-ramp and exit.

    The choice is yours - to take responsibility.

    To awaken from the dream.

    Take Responsibility & Awaken from the Dream

    It's not just about showing up and doing what you say you'll do.

    True responsibility means being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and choices in the moment.

    It's about embracing the unknown, where there are no guarantees, and being willing to face life's challenges head-on.

    As you grow, life gets more complex, and the effects of your choices come back to you - consciously or unconsciously.

    Responsibility isn't about pushing life away, but about embracing it and dealing with it as it comes.

    Discover your inner light, break free from the illusion of scarcity, and remember your true self.

    Learn more about Holographic Psychic Readings HERE

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    4 mins
  • From Panic to Presence: Resonance for Emotional Liberation
    Aug 16 2024

    Denial is the act of saying no to a request or refusing to acknowledge the existence or reality of something or a perceived truth.

    It can also mean disowning or disavowing something, where one denies oneself.

    The opposite of denial is self love and self affirmation.

    And you’ll witness in this RICH HOLOGRAPHIC READING with Amanda.

    The affirmation (new belief and new contract) with her mother—is a example of restoration of their connection through choice in our session.

    It will NOT sever, because Amanda extracted the grief and panic that charged this false belief.

    The most touching part you’ll see is in a beautiful witnessing through mediumship as her dear mother appeared in our session to confirm and comfort Amanda.

    WHY SHOULD YOU GIVE THIS VIDEO YOUR ATTENTION? Well, we are a mirror to each other.

    We all are Amanda.

    When we go through a truama, our body “goes offline” and we need to be held in resonance to bring all the neuropathways that LEGIT get SEVERED in the brain.

    Seeing and witnessing others heal has a direct effect on our own sense of healing and expansion.

    So, press PLAY and capture this recent holographic reading for Amanda as she beautifully showcases VULNERABILITY in the process of identifying and releasing a UNCONSCIOUS soul contract that has been holding her back - and …..



    What’s a Holographic Reading?

    As a Holographic Reader, I create create a sound and trusting space for you to release soul contracts that are holding you back.

    Identify what CHAKRA the contract is attached to.

    Connect to the ARCHETYPE that's leading the contract.

    Identify the specific CONTRACT that was made so that you can release it & create a new contract that serves you.

    ✨ This allows you to further:

    * Become consciously aware and in true control

    * Break free from past trances and triggers, putting you into a timeline loop

    * Embody renewed resonance as you take back your power- WITHIN

    * Create 'disconfirming experiences' that support your growth and transformation"


    The session with Amanda specifically dives DEEP into:

    -deep emotional work around her heart chakra’s “under energy” suppression,

    -somatic “search engine” color spinning process through visualization, and

    -reprogramming of Amanda's connection to her divine self, ultimately leading to the creation of a new, empowering soul contract.

    Amazing, right?

    ♥️ May we all say a prayer, thanking Amanda for being a gift to this world and sharing her soul’s evolution!

    ✨ Learn more about Holographic Psychic Readings HERE

    Love, Kassandra

    The Growth Guild is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to The Growth Guild at thegrowthguild.substack.com/subscribe
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    35 mins
  • How a Wounded Child Archetype Instantly Steps into Leadership
    Aug 8 2024
    Do you trust yourself? Down to the core of your soul, relentlessly? DO YOU TRUST YOURSELF. I can bet - you do not fully trust yourself. 99% of humans are subjected to a “power over and power under” structure throughout their lives, “THINKING they are in control.” ENTER STAGE LEFT….Fate and Destiny. How do we activate our Destiny’s path and Rite of Passage?HOLOGRAPHICALLY. Today, I am sharing a very personal, deep video of a past client’s transformation, and you will start to see the results of “my life’s body of work.”🤫 WHY SHOULD YOU CARE TO LISTEN / WATCH? We live in a holographic reality of a “global nervous system” and we create personal “adaptive archetypes to survive” The path is the same for all of us, only few choose to live their DHARMA + DESTINY. * Fate: Our agreed-upon incarnation that has large predetermined circumstances and events in life that we are born into and works within the limited possibility and aliveness of our soul’s potential (IN the world - and OF it). * Destiny: The liberated life path of discernment and transformative experiences, turning fate into a “flow” of our free will, shaping our experiences and growth beyond the limitations of fate that are progressive, conscious, and soul-directed.* Soul Contract: The cause-and-effect path of self-trust (or lack thereof), sovereignty (answering your higher call), and the contractual archetypes we live from (light or shadow) in the natural ebb and flow between Fate and Destiny. * Deciding to take Fate into Destiny: The Holographic Reading process is about becoming our authentic mystical essence and self, manifesting from the unknown and mystery of creation, and actively embodying purpose, joy, and meaning.So what does working with our DESTINY and the "ENERGETIC BODY" look like? WHAT YOU WILL WITNESS! In this fun, powerful 30-minute session, you'll witness my incredible clients' Holographic Reading victories: ✨ Break Ancestral Contracts that created the statement of "I feel like I lost 100lbs!"✨ Re-find a Sense of Self from a life of ADHD / Autism✨. Released resentment with her mother and resolved of all parties intentions✨. Restored the energy blueprint of her higher soul as a leader she's called to beEnjoy this Soul Healing and Empowerment Experience.What a incredible and honorable opportunity to support my client and support her in bringing awareness of her truth - INSIDE OUT. In this powerful and emotional episode, we delve into the intricacies of a holographic reading, exploring soul contracts, archetypes, and guidance loops. You will witness healing deep-seated fears and insecurities tied to ancestral patterns and inner child wounds. Through the guidance of spirit guides and a series of exercises, you can see how fast and efficient releasing old contract of people-pleasing and fear, reclaims their self-sovereignty, and steps into a new empowered leadership role. My Clients AFTER THOUGHTS - can ya FEEL her energy?! "I felt like a big 'boulder' cracked and things just started to lift out. By the end, I felt like I had lost 100 lbs. My body felt like it was 'online' again. I felt peace." "I was recovering from an autistic shutdown/meltdown process, but this healing process made me vulnerable and receptive to change. Kassandra said there's strength in vulnerability, and my core knew she was right." "This experience has far exceeded my expectations. It was the ceremony I needed, and it came when I was ready. I'm deeply grateful for this transformational experience." 🌟 A Few INSTANT Benefits via Wisdom Restored with a Holographic Journey- Energetic Integration for intuitive connection deeper mystical wisdom- Connect with soul family, guides, and ascended masters- Reclaim energy taken from you over lifetimes- Retrieve lost parts of yourself through soul retrieval- Empowers to navigate life with confidence and inner powerMoving towards Destiny requires self compassion, love, accountability, discipline and integrity, but the rewards are beyond measure. Life really is up to what you make of it, so choose with intention and learn as you evolve. The world is a mystical, magical place if you take back your inheritence. xo Kassandra✨. Learn more about Holographic Psychic Readings HEREThe Growth Guild is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Get full access to The Growth Guild at thegrowthguild.substack.com/subscribe
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    29 mins
  • How We HIGHLY Impact Each Other SUBCONSCIOUSLY
    Jul 18 2024


    Hello beloved.

    I went live Sunday night sharing how each of us deeply impact each other - unconsciously.

    I also touch on the launch of the NEW HOLOGRAPHIC READINGS, which are a blend of Trauma informed healing and releasing contracts that hold us back.

    WE NEED YOUR LIGHT. I’m here to support you however I can. HIT PLAY!

    In times of chaos to order, it's critical we understand HOW we IMPACT our reality - and others in our co-creation and the law of resonance.

    These principles impact our lives on personal and familial levels.

    Exploring the power of mirror neurons, we discuss the importance of nonjudgmental presence to facilitate collective healing.

    We are encouraged to create a warm evolutionary ecosystem with shared values and to hold space for others without judgment.

    This practice ignites a morphogenetic field connecting past, present, and future timelines.

    The call to action is clear: embrace awareness and responsibility in this spiritual journey to create a new, harmonious world.

    Love, Kassandra

    Find the Video Here.

    Psychic Reading in bio or HERE

    The Growth Guild is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Get full access to The Growth Guild at thegrowthguild.substack.com/subscribe
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    10 mins
  • Criticism to Confidence Guided Meditation
    Jul 13 2024


    Giving yourself this moment in meditation, will bring your energy into alignment of the seeds you planted and are harvesting.

    As a holographic psychic and hypnotherapist, I invite you into this moment and space with your superconscious and unconscious serenity and self-discovery with my latest guided meditation.

    Release outdated contracts of shame and tune into your resilient spiritual essence. This guided visualization helps transform your inner landscape, freeing you from unconscious scripts that undermine self-worth when facing unkindness.

    Tune within to identify and release ancestral shadows, healing your ability to navigate criticism with calm, unshakable confidence. Feel the lightness as buried burdens dissolve, reclaiming your natural state of empowerment, wisdom and grace.

    Centered again in your highest self, all falls away except peace.

    Love, Kassandra

    If you need extra support and clarity in this moment, just reach out.

    Get full access to The Growth Guild at thegrowthguild.substack.com/subscribe
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    13 mins