• CEO Development and Value Creation | Lee Benson
    Jul 26 2024

    Hi, I’m Lee Benson. In this episode, I’ll guide you through CEO development and value creation, focusing on how to build a successful business. I break down holistic value creation into three key areas: material, emotional, and spiritual value. Mastering these elements can unlock intrinsic motivation and drive unparalleled growth in your organization.

    Drawing from decades of experience and multiple successful exits, I want to emphasize the importance of emotional energy in leadership, the role of spiritual value in fostering connectedness, and practical strategies for continually increasing business value.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • Holistic value creation: material, emotional, and spiritual.
    • How emotional energy can supercharge material value.
    • The significance of spiritual value in team connectedness.
    • Practical advice for CEOs to responsibly increase their company's value.
    • The benefits of joining a CEO Mastermind or peer advisory group.

    I’ll share my tried-and-true methods for cultivating capabilities that drive sustained business growth. Whether you're leading a small startup or a large corporation, this video offers valuable lessons to elevate your CEO game.

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    13 mins
  • The Ritz-Carlton Way: Lessons in Leadership and Customer Service from Horst Schulze
    Jul 24 2024

    Legendary hotelier Horst Schulze joins Lee Benson to discuss his decades of experience creating exceptional customer service and building high-performing teams. Schulze shares his insights on leadership, culture, and the importance of providing value to both customers and employees.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Don't just hire employees, invite them to join your dream. Horst emphasizes the importance of giving employees a sense of purpose and belonging, rather than just assigning them tasks.
    • Customer service is about creating trust. Horst believes that trust is built through genuine care and respect for the customer, leading to long-term loyalty.
    • The subconscious expectations of customers are the same everywhere. Horst shares how he found universal principles of customer satisfaction across cultures and industries.
    • Excellence is no accident. Horst stresses the importance of high intent and hard work in achieving excellence, and how it can be operationalized through processes and systems.
    • Leaders have the opportunity to positively impact people's lives. He reflects on the fulfillment he finds in mentoring and developing leaders, and the importance of serving both customers and employees.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    • Excellence Wins: A No-Nonsense Guide to Becoming the Best in a World of Compromise by Horst Schulze

    Additional Notes:

    This episode is packed with valuable insights for business leaders and anyone interested in creating a culture of excellence. Horst's stories and anecdotes are both inspiring and practical, offering actionable advice for improving customer service, employee engagement, and overall business performance.

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Building a Winning Culture with Erik Allebest from Chess.com
    Jul 17 2024

    Welcome to "Show Your Value with Lee Benson." In this episode, Lee chats with Erik Allebest, co-founder of chess.com. Erik shares his journey from learning chess as a child to building one of the most successful online chess platforms in the world.

    What You'll Learn:

    - Culture and Retention: A positive work environment is key to retaining employees. Treat people like humans, not resources.

    - Empathy and Validation: Understand and acknowledge your team's feelings and perspectives to build strong, motivated relationships.

    - Holistic Value Creation: Success is not just monetary. Balance material, emotional, and spiritual values for sustainable growth.

    - Strategic Thinking: Plan ahead and be adaptable. Think several moves in advance, just like in a game of chess.

    Join us as Erik discusses the importance of mission alignment, building a community, and the challenges of remote work. Don't miss this insightful conversation!

    If you enjoyed this episode, please like, leave a review, and rate the podcast.

    Website: https://www.chess.com

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    1 hr
  • The Superpower of Great Leaders
    Jul 12 2024

    Lee Benson reveals the essence of leadership: creating value through your team. He stresses the need for leaders to consistently guide their teams to align with the business model, product value, and culture.

    You'll Learn:

    - Understand the Business Model: Know how your organization makes money, including pricing and expenses.

    - Value of Products and Services: Continuously improve and understand market perception.

    - Cultivate Culture: Foster behaviors and attitudes that drive results.

    - Leaders face the challenge of misaligned decisions. Lee emphasizes guiding teams towards alignment with organizational goals, transforming them into high-performing units that create value independently.

    Lee introduces holistic value creation: material, emotional, and spiritual (connectedness). It's an intentional system to maintain alignment and achieve growth.

    Lee breaks down practical steps to become a leader who enhances organizational value. Move beyond clichés to achieve real results.

    Listen now and transform your leadership.

    #Leadership #ValueCreation #BusinessModel #OrganizationalCulture #TeamAlignment #HolisticValueCreation #LeeBenson #LeadershipDevelopment

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    7 mins
  • Building a BILLION Dollar Business with Bruce Cardena
    Jul 10 2024

    Welcome to another episode of the Show Your Value podcast. This week, I’m joined by the dynamic Bruce Cardenas to discuss the limitless potential for entrepreneurship at any stage of life. Bruce shares his inspiring journey from being in the Marine Corps, then a dedicated police officer, and ultimately, to a successful entrepreneur and executive at Quest Nutrition. This was one of the most remarkable conversations I’ve had in a long time.

    What You’ll Learn:

    - Seizing Opportunities: Now is the greatest time to start a side hustle. With millions of small businesses for sale in America, the possibilities are endless. Don't let dreams pass by unfulfilled—start small and grow from there.

    - Cultivating Value: Discover the power of showing up with no expectations. Bruce shares how his father’s civic-minded approach influenced his path to success and shaped his life.

    - Work Ethic and Discipline: Learn how Bruce’s early jobs and military background gave him a strong work ethic, setting the foundation for his gigantic success in business.

    - Creating a Winning Culture: The importance of building a solid company culture, where every employee feels valued and motivated. Bruce shares practical tips on how leaders can foster a positive environment that drives success.

    - Never Too Late to Start: Bruce didn’t start in business until he was 46! Age is just a number and Bruce defied the conventional mindset to achieve remarkable success.

    - Purpose Over Pleasure: Understand the significance of finding your “why” and staying disciplined to achieve long-term fulfillment rather than short-term gratification.

    - Health is Priority: Myself and Bruce spoke about the importance of health and why it is paramount to anything you do in the value creation world.

    This episode will ignite or even reignite that entrepreneurial spark in you and show you how to truly live a life of value creation. It was an honor and privilege to have Bruce on the show and I’m looking forward to a round 2. Until next time, keep showing the world your value!

    For inquiries or collaborations, Bruce can be reached at:

    Email: BruceECardenas@gmail.com

    Instagram: @BruceECardenas

    Website: BruceCardenas.com

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    1 hr
  • Value Creation: The Single Skill That Transforms Lives
    Jul 5 2024

    In this episode, I dive into what value creation is all about. We'll explore how it can transform lives by balancing material success, emotional well-being, and spiritual connectedness.

    I'll share my framework for understanding and applying value creation in both personal and professional contexts.

    What We Unpack:

    Introduction to Value Creation:

    - The inspiration behind the podcast and its mission to introduce a healthier framework for value creation.

    - An overview of the value creation framework, emphasizing the need to apply it in everyday life for holistic growth.

    Material Value Creation:

    Common perceptions of value creation focusing on financial and material aspects.

    - The role of material value in maintaining desired lifestyles and achieving business success.

    Emotional Energy Value:

    - Emotional energy is the "X Factor" in life, often more critical than material wealth.

    - The impact of emotional energy on overall well-being and life satisfaction.

    - Insights on fostering an environment where high emotional energy can thrive, both in personal and professional settings.

    Spiritual Value Creation:

    - Spirituality defined as a sense of connectedness with oneself and the broader universe.

    - The importance of spiritual value in enhancing creativity, insights, and connectedness with others.

    - Practical steps to strengthen spiritual connections within oneself, family, and community.

    Balancing the Three Buckets:

    - The necessity of balancing material, emotional, and spiritual value to achieve holistic success.

    - Strategies for leaders to cultivate these values within organizations, promoting intrinsic motivation and a sense of community.

    - The long-term benefits of maintaining this balance, both for individual fulfillment and organizational prosperity.

    Listen to this episode to explore how embracing a holistic approach to value creation can lead to a more fulfilling and impactful life.

    Subscribe: Don't forget to subscribe to "Show Your Value" for more insights and inspiring discussions on value creation.

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    15 mins
  • How To Build Rapport With Anyone | Glenn Poulos
    Jul 3 2024

    This week, we dive into the world of sales with our special guest, Glenn Poulos, author of "Never Sit in the Lobby: 57 Winning Sales Factors.” When we reframe how we see sales as a value-added to others, we completely change the game.

    In this episode, Glenn shares insights from his extensive sales career, exploring the nuances of building strong client relationships, the importance of first impressions, and strategies for maintaining a positive mindset. Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, Glenn’s practical advice and experiences are invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their sales approach.

    What We Talk About:

    - The Power of First Impressions: Treat every interaction like it's the first. This shows you are more than a robot and someone truly looking to add value to others.

    - Value of Persistence: Discover why “showing up with something in your hand and something in your mind” is crucial in sales.

    - Aligning with Top Brands: Understand why selling top-tier brands can significantly impact your success and how to make strategic decisions in your sales career.

    About the Glenn:
    Glenn Poulos is the co-founder, Vice President, and General Manager of Gap Wireless Inc., a leading product and service distributor for the mobile broadband and wireless markets. With over three decades of experience in sales, he has spent thousands of hours in the field or on the phone with customers and working with salespeople to help create several very successful companies.

    After entering the sales field in 1985 as a Technical Sales Rep, Glenn founded his first company, mmWave Technologies Inc. in 1991 and simultaneously served as President of Anritsu Electronics Ltd. for 9 years. Using his extensive knowledge and experience in the industry, he lectures groups on sales strategy, consumerism, and what motivates people at a raw emotional level.

    Don't miss out! If you found value in this episode, please like, comment, and subscribe to our channel. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below – we love hearing from you!

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Creating Value Through Knowledge and Education with Jim Keyes
    Jun 26 2024

    Today, we’re joined by Jim Keyes. Jim is the former CEO of 7-Eleven and Blockbuster, who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in entrepreneurship and leadership.

    In this episode, Jim delves into the transformative power of education, the importance of lifelong learning, and the crucial role of technology in reshaping our future. He shares his unique insights on how education is not just about degrees and diplomas but about creating value in the world. Jim's journey from a challenging upbringing to leading major corporations is a testament to the potential within each of us to achieve greatness.

    What You Will Learn:

    - The historical evolution of the American education system and its implications today.

    - The pivotal role of corporate America in revolutionizing education through technology.

    - The essence of lifelong learning and how it contributes to personal and societal freedom.

    - Strategies to foster a culture of collaboration and critical thinking in various environments.

    Join us as we explore these compelling topics and more with Jim Keyes. His insights will not only inspire you but also challenge you to rethink how you approach education, leadership, and value creation.

    If you find value in today's episode, don't forget to like, leave a review, and share it with others. Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to explore the art of value creation.

    For more free videos, tools, and resources about the MIND Methodology go to https://etw.com/

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    1 hr and 5 mins