• WINNER! Awards Are Easy to Win and Have HUGE IMPACT on SMALL BUSINESSES!
    Jun 6 2024

    In this episode, host Jay Schwedelson discusses why awards can create HUGE value for small businesses like yours.

    He shares stats on how awards increase customer trust and willingness to pay more, as well as make a business stand out from competitors. Jay then offers tips on where you can find local awards to apply for AND win (local chambers of commerce, media outlets, and civic organizations).


    Best Moments:

    (01:52) 92% of consumers are more likely to TRUST an award-winning company — 68% are willing to pay MORE for their products/services

    (02:10) Awards DIFFERENTIATE and brand you compared to your competitors

    (04:11) It's easier to win local awards than you may think?!?

    (05:50) Potential places to find local awards you can WIN

    (08:12) Winning awards results in 22% more job applications on average


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    10 mins
  • Your SUBJECT LINE Can Change Your Business! EASY Tips to Massive Increase in Email Marketing Performance!
    May 30 2024

    In this episode of Small Business Quick Wins, host Jay Schwedelson provides tips on how to write effective email subject lines that WIN you business!

    He shares specific techniques based on data from over 15 MILLION subject lines analyzed, explaining that strong subject lines dramatically increase open rates. You'll learn simple but impactful tactics to implement in your own email campaigns!


    Best Moments:

    (02:54) The first few characters of a subject line are most important for capturing attention

    (03:13) Starting subject lines with a number like "The 5 things..." lifts open rates 20%

    (03:36) Capitalizing the first 1-2 words grabs ATTENTION in crowded inboxes

    (04:26) Using an emoji as the first character boosts open rates by up to 25%

    (05:32) Turning subject lines into questions increases opens over 30%

    (07:45) Ending subject lines with ellipses ("...") creates suspense and lifts opens 30%


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    10 mins
  • AI for SMB's is EASY!! Here is HOW...
    May 23 2024

    In this episode of Small Business Quick Wins, host Jay Schwedelson talks about how small businesses can leverage AI tools to save time and resources. You'll hear about some great free AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Perplexity that YOU can use to easily generate content, ideas, and insights as a small business owner!


    Best Moments:

    (01:15) AI is simple to use and accessible for small businesses — you just need basic internet search skills

    (01:37) AI can save small businesses significant time and resources in creating content, ideas, and insights

    (03:06) How to use ChatGPT to effortlessly create social media content calendars, find local partnership opportunities, develop website FAQs, and more

    (05:32) Gemini can summarize YouTube videos into bullet points to reuse content

    (06:41) Perplexity provides suggestions to improve your AI queries

    (08:24) 67% of small businesses are already using AI in their businesses


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    10 mins
  • Speak to the WALLET! Money Talks and Drives RESPONSE! I Growth WINS
    May 16 2024

    In this episode of Small Business Quick Wins, host Jay Schwedelson shares an incredibly effective sales and marketing technique - speaking directly to your potential customers' wallets. He provides examples of compelling messaging that clearly conveys the financial savings and benefits customers will gain. Listeners can expect to learn specific techniques to craft wallet-focused messages and offers.


    Best Moments:

    (01:51) Headlines, subject lines and messaging focused on saving money generate over 30% more engagement

    (04:09) Share the exact cost savings to create interest e.g "Save $200 annually by upgrading your HVAC system"

    (04:29) Use comparative cost analysis e.g. "Old AC units cost you an extra $300 a year. Upgrade now and start saving."

    (07:18) Comparative cost analysis converts at 60% higher rates than standard offers


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    9 mins
  • FAIL Fast!! I Growth WINS
    May 9 2024

    In this episode, host Jay Schwedelson talks about the importance of failing fast as a small business owner. Jay also shares statistics about how many startups pivot their initial business model and how failing fast can save development costs in the end.


    Best Moments:

    (00:36) Failing fast in business

    (04:35) Why FAILING fast in small business marketing is GOOD and helps you reach results quicker

    (07:15) Actionable tips for small business leaders


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    8 mins
  • Chief EVERYTHING Officer Is NOT The Way w/ Kenny Lange
    May 2 2024

    In this episode of Small Business Quick Wins, host Jay Schwedelson interviews Kenny Lang, a business coach who helps small business owners turn their purpose into performance. You'll learn NEW strategies for business owners to delegate tasks and responsibilities in order to focus on higher level vision and GROWTH!

    STEAL Kenny's BEST ideas for laying out org charts, designing roles and setting CLEAR KPIs, having REGULAR check-ins with team members, and the importance of psychological SAFETY for discretionary effort.


    Best Moments:

    (02:03) A CEO often acts as the "Chief Everything Officer" by handling many roles and tasks in a small business

    (03:57) Lay out an organizational chart to visualize all roles and where the business owner currently sits in multiple seats

    (05:46) Design roles by articulating the mission/outcome, main responsibilities, and key metrics for success

    (08:12) Have weekly syncs to check on KPIs and address any misses early

    (09:34) Meet every other week for 15-30 minutes to provide support and build
    psychological safety

    (10:42) Review alignment with values and role fit quarterly


    Guest Bios:

    Kenny Lang is a business coach who helps small business owners turn their purpose into performance. He empathizes with the realities small business owners face and aims to help them win. He hosts the "How Leaders Think" podcast and has recently released a free workshop to help small businesses find focus.


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    18 mins
  • 101 of SMS and TEXT Messaging for Small Business Owners! w/ Kenneth Burke
    Apr 30 2024

    In this episode of Small Business Quick WINS, host Jay Schwedelson interviews Kenneth Burke, Vice President of Marketing at Text Request, about how small businesses can get quick wins that help build their business.

    In this episode, you'll learn how to leverage SMS and text-based marketing to better connect with customers. You'll hear about the benefits of text messaging for small businesses, tips for getting started with SMS marketing, important compliance considerations, and common pitfalls to avoid.

    Best Moments:

    (02:17) Why text messaging is effective for small business marketing — texts have high open and response rates

    (03:39) Getting started with an existing customer database — segment, upload contacts, customize messages

    (05:52) One-way broadcast texts vs. two-way conversational texts

    (10:04) The #1 thing small businesses should do is start collecting cell numbers and SMS consent — EVEN IF you aren't using SMS marketing yet!

    (10:45) Important compliance tip — ALWAYS get opt-in consent before texting customers

    Guest Bio:

    Kenneth Burke is the Vice President of Marketing at Text Request, a business text messaging platform. He has over 10 years of B2B tech marketing experience and has won numerous awards, including being named a 20 Under 40 Honoree by The Tech Marketer.

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    14 mins
  • SEGMENTATION = 760% increase in REVENUE for Small Businesses!
    Apr 25 2024

    In this episode of Small Business Quick Wins, host Jay Schwedelson talks about the power of customer segmentation and how to use it as a game changer for your small business. He outlines three key customer segments that your business should focus on ASAP — new customers, lapsed customers, and your biggest spenders.

    Best Moments:

    (02:16) New Customers and how to approach them to keep them from churning

    (03:06) Lapsed Customers and how to WIN them back

    (04:03) Biggest Spenders and how you can improve that relationship to keep them spending BIG

    (06:00) Businesses that use segmentation strategies experience a 760% increase in revenue

    (07:16) Using segmentation to identify niche markets and tailor products to your customers' needs, resulting in a 33% increase in new product success rates

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    9 mins