• Simon Baker on Innovating for a Sustainable Future
    Jul 23 2024

    In this podcast episode, host Rob Lawrence interviews Simon Baker, CEO and Co-founder of Hydrogenus, a startup specialising in low-carbon hydrogen projects.

    Simon, with over 30 years of experience in the energy sector, discusses his transition from corporate multinational roles to founding a startup focused on low-carbon hydrogen projects.

    In our chat, Simon emphasises the importance of refining business propositions, developing a long-term vision, and the role of creating diversity in teams.

    Simon also highlights the challenges and opportunities in the low-carbon energy sector, stressing innovation, patience, and flexibility.

    We also briefly explore the global sustainability goals; how they apply to small businesses and the importance of engaging with customers and networks to shape your business ideas.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    The experience of Hydrogenus (00:01:51) Simon Baker shares his background and experience, including the formation of Hydrogenus.

    Starting a Business in the Energy Sector (00:01:56) Simon discusses the initial idea for the business, collaboration, and growth of the company in the energy sector.

    Being Green and Sustainable (00:07:02) Simon talks about the importance of considering global sustainability goals and the impact of climate change on small business owners.

    Career Inspiration and Low Carbon Energy (00:08:50) Simon shares his career journey in the low carbon energy sector and the inspiration behind pursuing this field.

    Excitement in Low Carbon Energy (00:10:04) Simon discusses the excitement and opportunities in the low carbon energy sector, particularly focusing on hydrogen technology.

    Emerging Market Challenges (00:12:32) Simon highlights the challenges and opportunities in the emerging low carbon energy market, emphasising the need for innovation and problem-solving.

    Adaptation and Patience in the Energy Sector (00:14:31) Simon discusses the impact of government policy, the need for patience, and the importance of adapting plans in the energy sector.

    Long-term Strategies for Business Sustainability (00:17:35) Simon shares strategies for staying in the game, emphasising the importance of engaging with colleagues and networks.

    Preparing for the Future (00:19:52) Simon advises on preparing for the future by considering factors such as affordability, net zero, low carbon, and security of supply.

    Navigating Industry Changes and Compliance (00:22:50) Simon discusses staying ahead of industry changes, compliance, and the importance of engaging knowledgeable people and trade organisations.

    Persistence and Determination in Business (00:24:49) Simon emphasises the importance of persistence, determination, and adaptation in bringing business ideas to fruition.

    Importance of Relationships and People in Business (00:26:54) Simon emphasises the value of engaging with people and building relationships in business, highlighting the significance of interacting with individuals who can help shape ideas.

    Understanding Different Personalities and Cultures (00:28:47) Simon shares insights on understanding people of different nationalities, resolving issues, and effective communication in a multicultural environment.

    Diversity in Teams (00:30:10) A discussion on the importance of diversity in teams for gaining different perspectives and shaping products and offerings.

    Exciting Innovations (00:31:28) Discussion about upcoming projects and initiatives in the low...

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    33 mins
  • Rob Hall on Avoiding Common Pitfalls and Strategies For Business Success
    Jul 9 2024

    In this podcast episode, Rob Hall, an experienced corporate and small business coach, discusses, with host Rob Lawrence, the common challenges, pitfalls, and mistakes entrepreneurs face.

    Rob emphasises the importance of distinguishing between working in the business and working on the business; highlighting that many business owners struggle with time management and balancing their personal and professional lives.

    Rob advises setting clear goals, defining the business vision, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) pointing out that focusing on customer needs and understanding the market is crucial for success.

    Rob and Rob also explore the fear of becoming an employer as a significant growth barrier for most business owners.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Corporate world and small business experience (00:01:00) Rob's background in corporate finance and small business coaching.

    Reasons for starting a business (00:02:56) Motivations for starting a business.

    Challenges of running a business (00:05:23) Capacity issues and time management.

    Starting a business the right way (00:6:25) Importance of defining business vision and implementing proper disciplines from the outset.

    Understanding customer needs (00:09:35) The importance of aligning products or services with customer needs and market demand.

    Working on the business, not in the business (00:11:17) The mistake of getting too involved in day-to-day operations and not taking a broader perspective.

    Transition from employee to business owner (00:14:17) Challenges and fears of transitioning from being an employee to leading and managing a business.

    The importance of business support (00:15:05) Discussion about the need for extra support in business, including outsourcing and the mindset shift when taking on employees.

    Establishing business systems and processes (00:16:57) Importance of defining and implementing systems and processes for employees to follow, using the example of McDonald's success.

    Creating a business culture and vision (00:17:29) Insights on the importance of aligning employees with the business values, culture, and vision to drive performance and create a sense of direction.

    Coaching and mentoring for business growth (00:21:40) How coaching and mentoring help businesses understand their goals, create action plans, and bridge the gap between current and desired states.

    Accountability and external support (00:27:18) The role of external support, like coaching or mentoring, in providing accountability and driving action in business.

    Surrounding oneself with the right people (00:28:27) Discussion on the importance of seeking advice and learning from others, including the benefits of networking groups and external support for business growth.

    Business Challenges (00:29:40) Discussion on the struggles faced by businesses and sole traders, including the importance of understanding profit margins and seeking help.

    Running a Business (00:30:31) The complexity of running a business and the importance of defining goals and vision for the business's success.

    Reconnecting with Purpose (00:31:31) Emphasising the significance of reconnecting with the purpose of the business and working towards clear goals.

    About Rob

    Rob Hall spent most of his career in the finance industry, reaching senior levels in leadership and strategic positions. This experience has enabled him to gain extensive commercial knowledge and the ability to coach,...

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    34 mins
  • Andy Skinner on Mastering Business Processes
    Jun 25 2024

    In this podcast episode, host Rob Lawrence interviews Andy Skinner, the founder of AMS Business Consultants, about the critical role of business processes.

    Andy, a seasoned Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, shares insights from his extensive experience in process improvement; revealing the importance of understanding and designing effective processes for startup businesses to enhance productivity and customer satisfaction.

    Andy also describes practical steps for capturing and mapping business processes and emphasises the need to measure processes from a customer's perspective. The conversation also explores the value of aligning processes with customer requirements to drive operational efficiency and growth.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Introduction to AMS Business Consultants (00:01:00) Andy's background, AMS Business Consultants, and qualifications in process improvement.

    Understanding Business Processes (00:02:02) Andy explains lean six sigma, process improvement, management, and design for businesses.

    Early Career and Lean Six Sigma Training (00:03:12) Andy's early career, introduction to lean six sigma, and becoming a certified blackbelt.

    Importance of Processes for Small Businesses (00:06:21) Discussion on the significance of processes for startups and the impact on productivity and customer experience.

    Capturing and Mapping Processes (00:10:37) Practical steps and tools for capturing and mapping business processes.

    Founder's Involvement in Processes (00:13:59) The role of business owners in performing processes and the importance of designing processes for the business and customers.

    Process Design and Improvement (00:15:49) The application of process management, improvement, and design based on business needs and customer perspectives.

    Understanding Customer Needs (00:22:26) The importance of understanding and meeting customer needs to deliver value-added services. The importance of communication, customer service, and continuous improvement in online retail businesses.

    Continuous Improvement and Program Evolution (00:24:35) The importance of continuous improvement and evolving processes in the "Start Build and Grow" program.

    Process Design and Redesign (00:25:07) Process entitlement, process design methodology, and redesigning processes for rapidly growing businesses.

    Implementing Performance Metrics (00:26:51) Establishing a dashboard for visualising and understanding performance metrics in business.

    Measuring and Improving Speed of Response (00:27:30) Measuring speed of response, using the right tools, and setting up processes for tracking performance metrics.

    Aligning Tools with Processes (00:28:53) The importance of defining processes first and then finding tools that fit the process, not the other way around.

    Essential Business Measures (00:31:40) Example of critical measures like speed of response, speed of order, dispatch, and target delivery time for product-based businesses.

    Utilizing Data Analytics (00:33:43) Leveraging website data analytics for future marketing activities and gaining valuable insights.

    Importance of Good Processes (00:35:15) The significance of good processes in delivering consistent outputs and understanding customer needs.

    Process Improvement for Reducing Carbon Footprint (00:37:22) Using process improvement to...

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    34 mins
  • Nigel Sandbrook on Unlocking Small Business Potential with Personality Profiling
    Jun 11 2024

    In this podcast episode, host Rob Lawrence interviews Nigel Sandbrook, a seasoned commercial banker with a 40-year career in manufacturing and banking, on the importance of effective communication, and how personality profiling can help support relationships in a small business setting.

    Our conversation today shares practical insights on applying personality profiling in business to improve relationships, operational efficiency, and a better understanding of ourselves.

    Nigel also shares his role as the programme director of the Start Build and Grow programme; outlining the programme's components, including workshops, peer groups, and 1-to-1 coaching; aimed at supporting new entrepreneurs.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Nigel's background (00:02:00) Nigel's career in commercial banking and involvement in the Start Build and Grow program.

    Description of the Start Build and Grow program (00:02:39) Overview of the programme's components and purpose.

    Importance of good communication for small business owners (00:05:29) The impact of effective communication on customer satisfaction and sales.

    Personality profiling overview (00:06:12) Explanation of personality profiling and the four main personality types.

    Interaction of different personalities within teams (00:09:08) Understanding how different personality types interact within a team environment.

    Identifying one's own personality type (00:011:03) Methods to determine one's own personality type.

    Identifying personality types through visual cues (00:011:53) Observational methods to identify personality types in others.

    Understanding clashes and conflicts between personality types (00:13:45) Insight into potential clashes between different personality types.

    Primary and secondary energy profiles (00:16:02) Rob and Nigel discuss primary and secondary profiles and their impact on behaviour.

    Impact of personality profiling in teams (00:18:24) Observations on the influence of personality profiling within a team environment.

    Applying personality profiling in real-world scenarios (00:20:52) Utilising knowledge of one's own personality type in practical business situations.

    Communication Styles and Email Etiquette (00:24:10) Understanding different energy types for effective communication and email interactions.

    Delegating and Recruiting (00:25:00) Understanding others' strengths to complement one's weaknesses, especially in areas like accounting and compliance.

    Motivation and Role Alignment (00:27:10) Matching individuals' natural energy types with their roles to improve motivation and performance.

    Challenges and Self-awareness (00:29:17) Challenges in understanding one's energy type and the importance of positioning personality profiling properly.

    Personality Stability and Adaptation (00:31:40) Discussion on whether energy types change over time and the ability to adapt to different roles.

    Successful Implementation (00:33:08) Examples of how personality profiling has been effective in organisations.

    Benefits for Small Business Owners (00:35:27) The importance of personality profiling for small business owners to understand themselves and overcome barriers.


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    39 mins
  • Alison Beech on How Action Learning and Group Coaching Can Accelerate Your Business Growth
    May 28 2024

    Alison Beech, a member of the Start Build and Grow program and the Business Growth Coaches Network, discusses with host Rob Lawrence, the value of action learning and group coaching. She explains the structured process of Action Learning, where participants share challenges and gain insights from peer feedback in a safe, non-competitive environment.

    Alison highlights the importance of confidentiality and trust, and the benefits of diverse experiences within the groups. She shares a powerful example of how peer feedback can boost confidence and combat imposter syndrome. Our conversation also touches on the challenges of time commitment for small business owners and the advantages of virtual sessions in a post-COVID world.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Alison Beech's Background and Experience (00:01:00) Alison's role in the Start Build and Grow program and her coaching experience.

    Action Learning Process (00:01:32) Alison's involvement in the structured Action Learning process and its benefits.

    Structured Process of Action Learning (00:04:02) Alison offers a description of the structured process of Action Learning and the importance of a safe space.

    Types of Groups for Action Learning (00:07:34) Different types of groups for action learning, including within organisations and non-competing businesses.

    Importance of Trust and Confidentiality (00:10:36) The significance of trust and confidentiality for participants to be open and vulnerable.

    Powerful Outcomes of Action Learning (00:13:50) The impactful outcomes and "light bulb" moments experienced through action learning sessions.

    Common Challenges in Action Learning (00:15:40) Common challenges faced by both small and large businesses in Action Learning groups.

    Time Commitment and Return on Investment (00:20:03) The time commitment and the return on investment for small business owners participating in Action Learning sessions.

    Learning from Mistakes (00:21:42) Alison discusses how peer groups accelerate learning by sharing mistakes and experiences, particularly for scaling up businesses.

    Diverse Group Makeup (00:24:44) Alison explains the diverse makeup of Action Learning groups, with non-competing businesses and varying levels of experience.

    Imposter Syndrome and Confidence (00:25:19) Alison shares a powerful example of building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome through peer support.

    Facilitation Challenges (00:27:53) Alison discusses the challenges of facilitating diverse energy types in Action Learning groups.

    Transition to Virtual Learning (00:34:37) Alison reflects on the successful transition from in-person to virtual Action Learning groups and its benefits.

    Inclusivity and Diversity (00:38:14) Alison highlights the potential for virtual Action Learning to be more inclusive and diverse, leveraging technology for positive outcomes.

    Encouraging Participation (00:39:04) Alison encourages listeners to overcome fear and imposter syndrome by participating in Action Learning and sharing their experiences.

    Powerful Group Intervention (00:42:07) Alison shares a powerful example of a group intervention that led to saving a business from a crisis through action learning.

    The power of group dynamics (00:43:46) Discussion on the...

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    43 mins
  • Justin Nevison-Grainger on Funding Your Business
    May 14 2024

    How do you fund your early start-up business?

    In this podcast episode, host Rob Lawrence discusses with Justin Nevison-Grainger, a seasoned corporate finance expert, the importance of validating business ideas, seeking honest feedback, and understanding commercial finance for new business owners.

    Justin also explains funding options, including government loans and private investments, and introduces the "CAMPARI" approach for preparing funding discussions. He also emphasises the need for long-term planning, aligning business goals with personal ambitions, and the value of resilience and adaptability.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Helping new businesses (00:01:15) Justin discusses how he assists new businesses, offering guidance on commercial finance and the challenges they face.

    Unique perspective and experience (00:02:59) Justin shares his unique perspective and the experience he has gained from helping various organisations and growing enterprises.

    Background and experience (00:04:38) Justin provides an overview of his 30 years of experience in corporate finance, including his roles at Barclays and Handelsbank.

    Starting and growing a business (00:06:53) Justin advises new businesses to seek honest opinions, test their ideas, and build support networks before taking the plunge.

    Questions for soliciting feedback (00:08:23) Justin suggests seeking feedback from support networks, and forums, and testing business ideas before starting a new venture.

    Services and finance support (00:010:02) Justin explains how his services fit into the start-up journey, offering philanthropic support and assistance with start-up finance.

    Startup funding opportunities (00:12:11) Justin discusses the initial funding options (the 3 Fs) and the government start-up loan scheme, before exploring other sources of finance.

    Preparing for funding conversations (00:14:59) Justin advises on preparing for funding conversations, emphasising the importance of character and the purpose of the funding.

    The Stress Test (00:16:57) Justin discusses how early-stage businesses should consider their ability to service interest rates and the use of tools like loan calculators to plan their borrowing.

    Ability and Viability (00:18:58) Justin explains the importance of demonstrating management skills and viability, including understanding profit and loss accounts and identifying key skills needed for the business.

    Repayment and Serviceability (00:19:51) Justin emphasises the importance of the ability to repay borrowed amounts and the concept of offering security to lenders for repayment assurance.

    Insurance for Security (00:20:47) Justin discusses the need for offering personal guarantees or assets as security to lenders and the benefits of doing so to reduce borrowing costs.

    Understanding Numbers (00:22:44) Justin explains the importance of understanding setup costs and making assumptions for business plans and projections.

    Cash Flow and Survival Budget (00:24:51) Justin emphasizes the need to consider personal survival budgets, cash flow, and working capital cycles when starting a business.

    Credit Insurance (00:28:19) Justin explains the concept of credit insurance, its benefits in protecting against non-payment, and the due diligence it provides on customers.

    Success Stories (00:30:21) Justin shares success stories of turning loss-making businesses profitable and helping entrepreneurs achieve their life...

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    39 mins
  • Kat Dancey on Branding Strategies for Business Growth
    Apr 30 2024

    In this podcast episode, host Rob Lawrence interviews branding expert, Kat Dancey on how branding extends beyond the visuals of an organisation to the values, culture, and customer experience.

    We discuss the multifaceted nature of branding in business: Kat emphasises the importance of branding from the beginning and aligning it with business operations, processes and customer service. Kat highlights the effectiveness of case studies and testimonials in demonstrating value and building brand credibility. Kat also shares her journey from construction sales to business mentoring, advocating for "action-driven" success.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Branding Definition and The Importance of Branding (00:00:48) Kat explains the generic understanding of branding and its impact on business culture and processes.

    Branding Beyond Logos (00:02:44) Discussion on how branding extends beyond just a logo, affecting internal culture, employee recruitment, and business values.

    Branding and Company Culture (00:03:19) Kat explains how a company's values and culture personify its brand, influencing both internal and external aspects.

    Branding and Impact (00:07:31) The discussion explores how branding affects internal processes, employee training, and customer service quality.

    Early Branding (00:11:32) The importance of considering branding from the early stages of a business and aligning it with the company's vision and values.

    Branding Evolution (00:15:33) The idea of branding evolution, the impact of communication on branding, and the need for adaptation based on customer feedback.

    Customer feedback and branding measurement (00:17:55) Importance of customer feedback in evaluating logo designs and internal branding alignment.

    Challenges and mistakes in branding (00:19:18) Discussion on mismatches, challenges, and mistakes in branding, including the integration of marketing with the business.

    Marketing and branding alignment (00:21:05) The impact of marketing and sales alignment on branding, and the importance of reflecting the business's values.

    Customer testimonials and trust-building (00:28:04) The significance of capturing and using customer testimonials for trust-building and brand humanization.

    Case studies in branding (00:34:40) The importance and value of case studies in showcasing the customer journey and the benefits of the product or service.

    Case Studies as Marketing Assets (00:36:16) Using case studies to showcase value and customer experiences from day one.

    Capturing Project Progress (00:38:24) The importance of capturing project progress for before-and-after demonstrations and marketing purposes.

    Tips for Branding (00:42:48) The importance of believing in your brand's message and the value of customer feedback.

    Asking the Right Questions (00:44:03) The significance of asking open-ended questions to understand the customer journey from an emotional point-of-view.

    Kat's background (00:45:24) Kat's background in construction sales and marketing, and her contact information.

    About Kat:

    Kat is an experienced Business Coach and Mentor who specialises in performance improvement: to help people to be the best version of themselves and ensure a successful and sustainable business future.

    Kat helps businesses unite their sales and marketing strategies to ensure maximum effectiveness and see strategy plans delivered.

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    44 mins
  • Matt Sykes on Effective Strategies for Successful Selling
    Apr 16 2024

    In this podcast episode, host Rob Lawrence interviews sales expert and author, Matt Sykes, who shares practical tips for small business owners and insights from his extensive experience in sales coaching and training.

    Matt shares his views on the distinctions between sales and marketing, the importance of understanding customer needs, and the value of empathy and curiosity in sales. We also explore how selling, and the sales process are about guiding the right people to make the right decisions. Matt provides some excellent tips on effective communication and confidence-building whilst managing a sales process. Matt also talks about his books "Sales Glue" and "Converted" and introduces the ideas of pipeline management and mastering the art of pitching.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Matt Sykes Background (00:00:00) Matt's introduction, background in sales, and his two books, "Sales Glue" and "Converted."

    Early Sales Experience (00:01:42) Matt's first sales job at a shoe shop and transitioned to a corporate selling job in the print industry.

    Challenges and Passion for Sales (00:03:27) Matt's initial challenges in sales, his passion for helping people, and the satisfaction he derives from it.

    Understanding Selling (00:05:55) Matt's perspective on selling, emphasising the importance of helping people solve problems and the role of empathy.

    Difference Between Selling and Marketing (00:08:26) Matt's explanation of the differences between selling and marketing, using analogies to clarify their distinct roles.

    People-Centered Approach in Sales (00:10:06) Discussion on the people-focused nature of sales and the importance of developing people skills and attributes for successful selling.

    Skills and Attributes for Salespeople (00:10:52) Matt's insights on the skills and attributes that make a good salesperson, emphasising the importance of curiosity, empathy, and inspiration.

    Introverts in Sales (00:14:25) Matt's perspective on introverts in sales, discussing coaching and the potential for success in sales roles.

    Building Confidence (00:16:55) Matt discusses the importance of building confidence in sales and compares it to a pilot's calming demeanor.

    Mitigating Risks (00:18:03) Matt emphasises the need to accept the risks in sales and discusses the high likelihood of encountering "no's" in the sales process.

    Being Authentic (00:21:01) Matt advises against being an imposter in sales and encourages salespeople to be themselves to build trust.

    Common Mistakes (00:21:42) Matt shares common mistakes small business owners make in sales, including underestimating the need to focus on building a sales machine.

    Closing the Sale (00:26:48) Matt explains that the close happens at the start of a conversation and discusses the importance of setting clear expectations.

    Return and Follow-Up (00:31:39) Matt discusses the importance of setting clear on next steps and calls to action to avoid deals going cold and the need for effective follow-up strategies.

    Owning the Sales Process (00:33:32) Matt discusses the importance of having a sales process and owning the sales process from the beginning.

    Reframing the Sales Process (00:34:08) Matt emphasises the importance of reframing the sales process as a commitment to helping the customer make the right decision.

    Six-Step Sales Process (00:36:11) Matt mentions his six-step sales...

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    54 mins