Storie Sotto Le Stelle Podcast

By: Storie Sotto Le Stelle Marco Ciappelli
  • Summary

  • BENVENUTI NEL MONDO INCANTATO DI "STORIE SOTTO LE STELLE"!Unisciti a noi sotto le stelle toscane, dove l'aria è profumata di vigneti e antiche storie. Ogni notte, un narratore misterioso svela un mondo dove eroi e esseri magici prendono vita tra i segreti sussurrati dalla natura. Perfetto per sognatori di tutte le età, le nostre storie sono un viaggio nell'incantevole, ispirando meraviglia e saggezza.Ciascuna storia, al momento, viene scritta e narrata in italiano e in inglese. WELCOME TO THE ENCHANTED WORLD OF "STORIES UNDER THE STARS"! Join us under the Tuscan stars, where the air is scented with vineyards and ancient tales. Each night, a mysterious storyteller unveils a world where heroes and magical beings come alive amidst nature's whispered secrets. Perfect for dreamers of all ages, our stories are a journey into the fantastic, inspiring wonder and wisdom. Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English. {}But now, lets be quiet: the story is about to begin…
    2024 - ITSPmagazine Inc
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  • Robots On The Hill (Read In English) | Stories Sotto Le Stelle Podcast | Short Stories For Children And The Young At Heart
    Aug 26 2024
    Robots on the HillOn a bright spring day, some schoolchildren on a field trip passed near the Observatory on the Hill. The large, gleaming building was an architectural wonder, with tall towers reaching toward the sky, silver domes shining in the sun, and gigantic telescopes protruding like curious eyes, always ready to explore the universe. It was the first time they had seen it up close, and to their eyes, it appeared as the wonder of wonders.Back at school, the children couldn't stop thinking about that mysterious place, and during the remaining hours of lessons, they frequently raised their hands to ask questions. But the teachers' answers were vague, and their doubts remained unresolved. To be honest, not many in town knew much about that building. It had been there for so long that no one paid much attention to it anymore. Maybe it had always been there.Among the students in that class were a brother and sister, who were perhaps a little more curious than the others. When they got home, they decided to visit their grandmother, who, more often than not, knew how to answer their strangest questions: "Grandma, you who always tell us memories of the past, and that a merry-go-round and a music box were your favorite games to play, could you tell us something about the future? What secrets are hidden in the sky? What happens in the great Observatory on the Hill?"Grandma smiled, and her eyes lit up with a mysterious sparkle. The two grandchildren, by the way, were sure that their grandmother was hiding some secret in her super-private garage. In fact, Grandma wasn't just passionate about stories from the past: she read a lot, listened to the radio, and often, at night, she observed the sky with peculiar tools. And it was in the sky that she had a dear friend, the Wizard of Knowledge, with whom she had often collaborated in the past to decipher the mysteries of the universe and the future.Without hesitation, Grandma decided to call him on the radio, so that he could answer her curious grandchildren. After a few moments, the Wizard of Knowledge appeared with his shimmering spaceship. Floating next to him was a magical book, which opened and closed on its own, revealing strange symbols, ancient formulas, and secrets.The Wizard turned to the children with a wise smile and told them that the Observatory on the Hill is open 360° to the world, made of glass windows with an infinite view, from where you can study the entire universe. Some robots, coming from distant planets, discovered it while wandering on Earth. To conduct their studies as astronomer scientists, it was the perfect place.The robots that lived there and were in charge of the research project had particular names:ASSO, the Robot best at organizing things, was the head of the expedition.CONNI, the Explorer Robot, who was connected to the universe and understood it better than anyone else.UNO, the Math Genius Robot, who counted the stars and all flying celestial bodies, including meteors and shooting stars.SALUS, the Researcher Robot, who was knowledgeable about Planet Earth, observed all its inhabitants, and tracked every change, from ecosystems to biodiversity.AUDIO, the Artificial Intelligence that was invisible but responsible for all space communications and coordinated discoveries between the various planets.After explaining, the Wizard of Knowledge invited Grandma and the grandchildren to board his spaceship, and together they floated slowly toward the observatory. Gravity seemed suspended, and everything around them shone with a magical light.The Wizard offered them colorful balloons that lifted them into the air, and through the open roof of the spaceship, they were transported to the glass windows of the Observatory.What a wonder! There were hundreds of instruments and many robots of different sizes, all busy with their tasks. Among them stood out for size, shape, and color, Asso, Conni, Uno, and Salus. They looked up, surprised and amazed at the sight of the visitors, and didn't know how to react. The children sent kisses and greetings, but the robots, who didn't understand affection, exchanged only light signals and went back to work as usual. Who knows what thoughts they had and what secrets they hid in their electronic brains.Once back home, they were happy about the adventure, but their curiosity had grown even more. The robots' work would continue, but in their opinion, it was necessary for them to interact with humans to share their discoveries and collaborate for a better world.The robots they had seen through the glass were of few words and too absorbed in their tasks to chat with them. But perhaps what couldn't be seen was the solution: AUDIO, the Artificial Intelligence!To contact it, they needed a genius idea: Grandma's radio could be what they needed. But it required some changes. They immediately fitted it with super-powerful antenna and microphone. Without hesitation, they tried to get in touch with AUDIO, explaining ...
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    10 mins
  • I Robot Sulla Collina (Letto In Italiano) | Storie Sotto Le Stelle Podcast | Storie Brevi Per Bambini E Giovani Di Cuore
    Aug 26 2024
    I Robot sulla CollinaIn una luminosa giornata di primavera, dei bambini in gita scolastica passarono nelle vicinanze dell’Osservatorio Sulla Collina. Il grande edificio scintillante era una meraviglia architettonica, con alte torri che svettavano verso il cielo, cupole argentate che brillavano al sole e telescopi giganteschi che spuntavano come occhi curiosi, sempre pronti a esplorare l’universo. Era la prima volta che lo vedevano da vicino e, ai loro occhi, apparve come la meraviglia delle meraviglie.Rientrati a scuola, i bambini non riuscivano a smettere di pensare a quel luogo misterioso e, durante le rimanenti ore di lezione, alzavano spesso le mani per fare domande. Ma le risposte degli insegnanti erano vaghe e i loro dubbi rimasero irrisolti. A essere sinceri, non è che molti in paese sapessero un granché di quella costruzione. Era lì da così tanto tempo che nessuno ci faceva più caso. Forse c’era sempre stata.Tra gli studenti di quella classe c’erano un fratello e una sorella, che erano forse un po’ più curiosi degli altri. Tornati a casa, decisero di andare a trovare la nonna che, più spesso che non, sapeva rispondere alle loro domande più strane:“Nonna, tu che ci racconti sempre delle memorie del passato, e che una giostra e un carillon erano i tuoi giochi più cari, potresti dirci qualcosa del futuro? Quali segreti si nascondono nel cielo? Cosa succede nel grande Osservatorio Sulla Collina?”La nonna sorrise, e i suoi occhi si illuminarono di un misterioso luccichio. I due nipoti, tra l’altro, erano sicuri che la nonna nascondesse qualche segreto nel suo garage super privato. In effetti, la nonna non era solo appassionata di storie di altri tempi: leggeva tantissimo, ascoltava la radio e spesso, la notte, osservava il cielo con degli attrezzi peculiari. Ed era proprio in cielo che aveva un caro amico, il Mago del Sapere, con cui aveva collaborato spesso in passato per decifrare i misteri dell’universo e del futuro.Senza esitazione, la nonna decise di chiamarlo via radio, così che fosse lui a rispondere ai suoi curiosi nipoti. Dopo qualche istante, il Mago del Sapere apparve con la sua navicella spaziale scintillante. Fluttuava accanto a lui un libro magico, che si apriva e si chiudeva da solo, rivelando segni strani, antiche formule e segreti.Il Mago si rivolse ai bambini con un sorriso saggio e disse loro che l’Osservatorio Sulla Collina è aperto a 360° sul mondo, fatto di vetrate dalla visuale infinita, da dove si può studiare l’universo intero. Dei robot, provenienti da pianeti lontani, l’hanno scoperto mentre girovagavano sulla Terra. Per svolgere i loro studi come scienziati astronomi, era il luogo perfetto.I robot che lo abitavano ed erano al comando del progetto di ricerca avevano nomi particolari:ASSO, il Robot più bravo ad organizzare le cose, era a capo della spedizione.CONNI, il Robot esploratore, che era connesso con l’universo e lo comprendeva più di tutti gli altri.UNO, il Robot genio della matematica, contava le stelle e tutti i corpi celesti volanti, comprese le meteore e le stelle cadenti.SALUS, il Robot ricercatore e conoscitore del Pianeta Terra, scrutava tutti i suoi abitanti e ogni cambiamento, dagli ecosistemi alla biodiversità.AUDIO, l’Intelligenza Artificiale che non si vedeva, ma che era responsabile di tutte le comunicazioni spaziali e coordinava le scoperte tra i vari pianeti.Oltre a spiegare a voce, il Mago del Sapere invitò la nonna e i nipoti a salire a bordo della sua navicella, e insieme fluttuarono lentamente verso l’osservatorio. La gravità sembrava sospesa e tutto intorno a loro brillava di una luce magica.Il Mago offrì loro dei palloncini colorati che li sollevarono in aria e, dal tetto aperto della navicella, li trasportarono fino ai vetri dell’Osservatorio.Che meraviglia! C’erano centinaia di attrezzature e tantissimi robot di diverse dimensioni che si muovevano tutti indaffarati. Fra di loro spiccavano per grandezza, forma e colore Asso, Conni, Uno e Salus. Guardavano in alto, sorpresi e meravigliati alla vista dei visitatori, e non sapevano come comportarsi. I bambini inviavano baci e saluti, ma i robot, che non conoscevano l’affetto, si scambiarono solo segnali luminosi e si rimisero a lavorare come di consueto. Chissà quali pensieri avevano e che segreti nascondevano nei loro cervelli elettronici.Una volta tornati a casa, erano contenti per l’avventura, ma la loro curiosità era cresciuta ancora di più. Il lavoro dei robot sarebbe continuato, ma secondo loro, era necessario che potessero interagire con gli uomini per condividere le loro scoperte e collaborare per un mondo migliore.I robot che avevano visto dalle vetrate erano di poche parole e troppo presi dai loro incarichi per chiacchierare con loro. Ma forse era proprio quello che non si vedeva che poteva essere la soluzione: AUDIO, l’Intelligenza Artificiale!Per contattarlo ci voleva un’idea geniale: la radio della nonna poteva essere ...
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    11 mins
  • The Tribe of Wandering Shoes A Story Under the Stars in Four Parts. Just like the seasons! The Summer Adventure (Read In English) | Stories Sotto Le Stelle Podcast | Short Stories For Children And The Young At Heart
    Jul 3 2024
    The Tribe of Wandering ShoesA Story Under the Stars in Four Parts. Just like the seasons!The Summer AdventureIn a large clothing store downtown, among other items for sale, there were some rather peculiar sports shoes. In addition to being very comfortable, cheerful, and available in various colors, they would occasionally swap laces and positions for fun. And, believe it or not, they talked to each other.Lately, during the closing hour from 1:45 to 2:45, they would plot how one day they could fulfill their dream: they wanted to wander the world aimlessly, thus becoming the Tribe of Wandering Shoes.Hidden behind thick curtains were the fitting rooms, where, invisible to the store staff and customers, lived a lively little witch. Her name was Soletta the Witch, and she had a glowing magic wand from which she cast spells whenever she pleased.By day she spied, and by night she schemed, wandering around the store as if it were her own; it was no surprise she knew about the plot of the sports shoes.When they decided to take action, Soletta the Witch cast a spell, first tripling their number and with a flick of her wand and a puff of air, sent them sliding down the escalator. Suddenly, they found themselves free outside.Now, free and multiplied, the Tribe of Wandering Shoes was ready for adventure.It was summer, the days were so hot and sunny that they decided to go to the beach. This would be their first stop. After packing for the journey, they set off.Step by step, they reached the seaside just at sunset: an incredible light reflected on the waves, turning them silver, and upon arriving at the beach, they swayed like leaves in the wind. The cool sand was pleasant to step on, but the grains that got into their shoes as they walked caused a lot of itching. They started jumping, dancing, and having fun, waking up all the umbrellas which reopened along with the drowsy deckchairs. At that point, everyone was laughing and dancing with the shoes; joy, as we know, is contagious.After a wonderful evening together, they went to their hotel, and after a refreshing sleep, they got up early. The sun was still low on the horizon, and all agreed it would be nice to take a walk in the pine forest. After a hearty breakfast, they set off in single file: one, two, three, one, two, three, forward march.They walked in the shade along a tree-lined avenue. Seeing them, people were curious and said: “What beautiful colorful shoes” and they, happy and indifferent, continued: one, two, three, one, two, three, forward march.Reaching the pine forest, they sat under a huge tree. Everything was pleasant and relaxing until a bright flash, a sudden bolt from the blue, grazed them. They closed their eyes in fright, and when they opened them, they saw a vast field of mushrooms in front of them.Were they magical mushrooms? How could they have appeared so suddenly? And what about the pine forest? Was it perhaps a fantastic and enchanted place?Seeing the bewilderment of the Wandering Shoes, some mushrooms began to speak in unison: “We are part of a magic spell. This is the Pine Forest of Wonders. We communicate with fantastic creatures and, together with them, protect the animals and plants living in this habitat.”“We are very curious about this,” said the surprised Wandering Shoes, “what else do you do?”The mushrooms responded again in chorus: “At night we illuminate the undergrowth with iridescent lights, our stems grow, and our caps change color.”And they continued: “We traverse secret paths, where magical plants grow that emit an enveloping and intoxicating fragrance. We enter caves where elves, squirrels, owls, bunnies, and many others live. We have the power to communicate with them.”“But if you are wondering why we appeared to you, it is because, unexpectedly, something fantastic has happened. The bright flash that grazed you has given you a superpower that now allows you to know the magical secrets of the pine forest.”The mushrooms invited the entire Tribe of Wandering Shoes, astonished and speechless, to stay in the pine forest and wait for the night. Mystery hung in the air until dusk when the forest magically transformed into an enchanted fairy tale.And as the mushrooms had said, the shoes with their newfound superpower became part of it. They quietly explored the secret paths, entered the caves following the mushrooms, and met the elves and all the other inhabitants of the pine forest — magical and non-magical.At one point, all the shoes found themselves asleep under the big tree. Awakening before dawn as if from an incredible and fantastic dream, the pine forest returned to their eyes as it was the day before. They lay for a while, reflecting on the mystery of the magical mushrooms.Drawn to the fantastic life of the nighttime pine forest, they returned once, twice, three times, and more. They learned the secret language used by the animals, mushrooms, and elves to communicate with each other, and ...
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    8 mins

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