• Leaders Leap | How to stay ahead of Disruption with Steve Dennis
    Jul 3 2024


    Steve Dennis, president and founder of SageBerry Consulting, discusses the transformation of the retail industry in the digital age and the challenges faced by companies in adapting to change. He emphasizes the need for leaders to embrace a mindset of continuous transformation and make the necessary mindset shifts to drive success. Dennis also highlights the importance of imagination and creativity in business, as well as the need to think beyond traditional constraints and business models. He encourages leaders to take a portfolio approach to innovation and be willing to take calculated risks.

    Steve Dennis is a strategic advisor, keynote speaker, and bestselling author focused on growth, innovation, and the impact of digital disruption. Steve's groundbreaking book--"Remarkable Retail: How to Win & Keep Customers in the Age of Disruption"--is a perennial international bestseller, and his provocative ideas on the future of shopping and consumer behavior are regularly featured in the media, in his role as a Forbes senior contributor, and through the award winning Remarkable Retail podcast. His new book is "Leaders Leap: Transforming Your Company at the Speed of Disruption" During a storied and diverse career as a C-suite executive at two Fortune 500 companies–and most recently as a consultant and member of several boards–Steve has worked with dozens of brands to catalyze and design their journey to remarkable results. As a sought-out keynote speaker, Steve has delivered inspiring talks on six continents, sharing his unique perspectives on what it takes to reignite customer growth in a world of constant change and shifting consumer preferences. Steve is President of SageBerry Consulting. Prior to founding SageBerry, he was the chief strategy officer for the Neiman Marcus Group, where he also led the company's customer insight, loyalty, and multichannel marketing efforts.


    retail, digital transformation, leadership, mindset shifts, innovation, disruption


    The retail industry has been greatly impacted by digital technology and faces challenges in adapting to the changing landscape.

    Leaders need to embrace a mindset of continuous transformation and be willing to make the necessary mindset shifts to drive success.

    Imagination and creativity are crucial in business, and leaders should think beyond traditional constraints and business models.

    A portfolio approach to innovation, combining incremental improvements and game-changing ideas, can help companies stay competitive.

    Leaders must be willing to take calculated risks and be open to exploring new opportunities.


    Taking a Portfolio Approach to Innovation

    The Importance of Mindset Shifts in Leadership

    Sound Bites

    "If the world has changed so much, why have you changed so little?"

    "Safe is risky."

    "Destruction is a means for creation."


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:44 The Impact of Digital Technology on Retail

    04:11 The Need for Mindset Shifts in Leadership

    08:43 Unleashing Imagination and Creativity in Business

    10:07 Taking a Portfolio Approach to Innovation

    12:05 Embracing Calculated Risks and New Opportunities

    21:14 Conclusion and Call to Action

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    23 mins
  • Revolutionizing Management: Making Feedback and Goals Engaging.
    Jun 27 2024

    Projjal Ghatak (JJ) is the CEO and co-founder of Onloop, a company focused on rethinking how goals and feedback are handled within organizations using AI-powered technology. JJ has extensive experience in leadership and management roles, including as the former head of strategy and international business development at Uber. He holds an MBA from Stanford and is passionate about leveraging technology to enhance workplace productivity. JJ enjoys following Tiger Woods and is an active angel investor, driven by a desire to make complex processes more insightful and engaging.

    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Strategy and Leadership podcast, Anthony Taylor hosts Projjal Ghatak, fondly known as JJ, the CEO and co-founder of Onloop. They delve into the importance of delivering feedback in a manner that fosters growth, collaboration, and curiosity rather than judgment. With JJ's extensive background in leadership roles and his innovative approach at Onloop, he shares insightful perspectives on enhancing organizational performance through AI-driven feedback mechanisms.

    JJ elaborates on his philosophy of minimizing friction in goal alignment and feedback processes. Drawing analogies from sports coaching, he emphasizes the necessity of capturing regular observations and converting them into actionable insights through generative AI. The conversation further delves into Onloop’s proprietary framework for collaborative team development, which aims to demystify and simplify the manager’s role, making it more engaging and efficient. By comparing the fitness industry's motivational tactics, JJ advocates for making workplace productivity practices equally appealing and beneficial.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Curiosity over Judgment: Approaching feedback with curiosity rather than judgment leads to more constructive and less confrontational interactions.
    • Hierarchical Needs of Team Members: JJ discusses a five-tiered hierarchical approach to managing team productivity, focusing first on motivation and clear goal setting.
    • Insights Through Generative AI: The use of generative AI in Onloop’s platform helps transform unstructured observations into specific, actionable feedback.
    • Effective Feedback Delivery: Constructive feedback, when direct, kind, and specific, helps individuals recognize their superpowers and identify areas for improvement.
    • Cultural Transformation: Shifting the narrative from "performance management" to "cultural transformation" enhances receptivity and engagement within teams.
    Notable Quotes:
    1. "Are you approaching things with curiosity? Are you approaching things with judgment? When you start approaching things with curiosity, there is a much greater probability that you will end up being helpful."
    2. "We try to make the process of goal alignment and feedback as fun as possible."
    3. "Every team member has five hierarchical needs, and it's every manager's job to manage those five needs hierarchically."
    4. "If people don't want to do something, start off at a negative, then no matter how positive things are, it takes a hurdle."
    5. "Give managers a simple way to think about how they drive high performance in their teams."
    • Projjal Ghatak on LinkedIn

    • Onloop Website

    • Anthony Taylor on LinkedIn

    refer to get video, subscribe on Youtube. : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOHLNRrpk3rGUdg7qUQjiog/?sub_confirmation=1


    SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster.

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    25 mins
  • Hortense Le Gentil Discusses Leadership and Overcoming Mind Traps
    Jun 19 2024

    Hortence Le Gentil is an esteemed author, coach, and speaker, specializing in leadership transformation. She is the author of "The Unlocked Leader" and a member of the prestigious MG 100, a group of top coaches under the mentorship of Marshall Goldsmith. With a diverse background in show jumping, marketing, and entrepreneurship, Hortence has coached numerous CEOs and senior executives, helping them unlock their potential and lead with empathy.

    Episode Summary:

    In this captivating episode of the Strategy and Leadership podcast, host Anthony Taylor engages with Hortence Le Gentil, a renowned leadership coach and author of "The Unlocked Leader." Hortence shares her multifaceted journey from being a show jumper to becoming a successful entrepreneur in the recycling steel industry, eventually finding her calling as a leadership coach. With clients ranging from industry leaders like Ralph Lauren and the president of Levi’s, Hortence's insights offer profound wisdom on overcoming personal and professional mind traps.

    Hortence delves deep into the concept of "mind traps," which are obsolete beliefs that hinder personal and professional growth. Using her own experiences and client stories, she illustrates how identifying and overcoming these limiting beliefs can lead to unlocking one’s full potential. Hortence emphasizes the importance of listening to one's inner voice and pursuing paths that align with one's true self, a philosophy that has guided her dynamic career.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Recognizing Mind Traps: Understand that mind traps are outdated beliefs that restrict growth and how identifying them is the first step towards self-improvement.

    • Overcoming Trauma: Both significant and subtle traumas can create limiting beliefs. Addressing these is crucial for personal growth.

    • Listening to Your Inner Voice: Finding your path requires tuning into your inner voice, which guides your true desires and ambitions.

    • Leadership and Empathy: Effective leadership today extends beyond traditional metrics; it involves genuine empathy and human connection.

    • Personal and Professional Growth: Breaking free from mind traps not only enhances professional performance but also enriches personal life.

    HORTENSE LE GENTIL is a world-renowned executive leadership coach, speaker, and author. She guides CEOs and senior executives on their journey from hero leaders to human leaders. Guided by 30 years in business, working across industries—including media consulting and advertising—and as an entrepreneur. Hortense was a 2021 and 2023 nominee for the Thinkers 50 Coaching and Mentoring Awards, and has been ranked #5 on the Global Gurus list by World Management Global Gurus. She is a certified Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered™ coach and a member of MG100 Coaches. Author of THE UNLOCKED LEADER: Dare to Free Your Own Voice, Lead with Empathy, and Shine Your Light in the World (Wiley, September 26, 2023), and ALIGNED: Connecting Your True Self with the Leader You’re Meant to Be (2019), Hortense is a contributor to Harvard Business Review and ThriveGlobal.com, and has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., and Business Insider. She is based in New York.

    This Episode is supported by Cascadia Partners Fleet Electrification Consulting Practice. Are you interested in learning how you can electrify your fleet? Learn more at https://www.cascadiapartners.ca/resources/fleet-electrification-consulting

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    30 mins
  • Digital Tools and Data: Unlocking the Future of Healthcare w/Shanil Ebrahim
    Jun 11 2024
    In this episode, Anthony Taylor interviews Shanil Ebrahim, a partner at Deloitte in the Life Sciences. They discuss the challenges and needs in the healthcare industry, particularly the shortage of human resources. They explore the role of technology, such as AI and telehealth, in addressing these challenges and improving patient outcomes. They also highlight the importance of considering the patient as a central stakeholder in healthcare and the need for accessible and equitable care. The conversation emphasizes the need for leaders to navigate the complexities of implementing technology and engaging end users to drive change. Shanil Ebrahim: Shanil Ebrahim is a distinguished partner at Deloitte, leading the national life sciences and healthcare consulting division. Recognized as one of Canada's Top 40 Under 40, Shanil brings a wealth of expertise in consulting, audit, tax, financial advisory, and risk advisory services. He oversees a dynamic team specializing in complex strategies, AI and digital health solutions, human capital, and future workforce preparations. Shanil also dedicates his time to community service, having served as the chair of Wellesley Central Residences and as a board director for the Children Treatment Network. Episode Summary: In this enlightening episode of the Strategy and Leadership podcast, Anthony Taylor welcomes Shanil Ebrahim, a leading figure in the health sciences sector and partner at Deloitte. Recognized for his strategic insights and leadership, Shanil shares his experiences and outlook on the intersection of healthcare, technology, and leadership. Shanil delves into the pressing issue of human health resource shortages and the transformative potential of technology in healthcare. He touches on the integration and adoption of AI-driven tools, telehealth, and data analytics aimed at improving efficiency and patient outcomes. As Shanil elaborates, the future of healthcare revolves around multi-faceted strategies including workforce reform, innovative hiring practices, and maximizing underutilized resource pools. This conversation is essential for understanding how industry leaders are navigating through and optimizing against the backdrop of a Canadian healthcare system in flux. Key Takeaways: Human Health Resource Shortages: Addressing the critical shortages of clinicians, technicians, and nurses in healthcare, and exploring innovative ways to tackle this issue. Technological Integration: Utilizing AI, telehealth, and data analytics to enhance patient care, reduce administrative burdens, and streamline operations. Workforce Reform Strategies: The importance of adopting global workforce strategies, targeting underutilized resource pools, and enhancing training programs. Patient-Centric Approach: Emphasizing the necessity to maintain patient-centric care through digital equity and ensuring accessible healthcare services for all demographics. Leadership in Healthcare: Strategies for managing change resistance and fostering technology adoption among healthcare professionals, ensuring seamless integration with existing workflows. Notable Quotes: "Patients are going to play much more of a role. I think a lot of the things that we see in hospitals are going to end up moving to home care." - Shanil Ebrahim "We need to be tech enabled, we need to be AI driven, we need to start adopting it." - Shanil Ebrahim "How do we create a reform where we can actually address things along the full journey?... making these type of jobs much more attractive right from the onset." - Shanil Ebrahim "For every hour that a doctor spends with a patient, they're spending 2 hours in documentation." - Shanil Ebrahim "We have so many safeguards when it comes to digital and technology that it actually poses less risk than sometimes these paper copies in terms of patient confidentiality." - Shanil Ebrahim Resources: Deloitte: Global Website Healthcare Outlook 2024: A detailed analysis of the future trends and predictions in healthcare. Future of Healthcare 2040: Insights into innovative approaches and future strategies for healthcare services. Shanil Ebrahim on LinkedIn: Connect with Shanil Ebrahim In conclusion, this episode provides an insightful look into the future of healthcare, emphasizing the importance of integrating technology and patient-centric models. For more in-depth discussions and expert insights, tune into the full episode and stay updated with the Strategy and Leadership podcast for more captivating content. Prefer to get video, subscribe on Youtube. : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOHLNRrpk3rGUdg7qUQjiog/?sub_confirmation=1 About SME STRATEGY CONSULTING: SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward ...
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    30 mins
  • Staying Mission Focused in an Ever-Changing World with Karryn Christopher
    Jun 4 2024

    Karryn Christopher is the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Preferred Partnerships at Signature Travel Network. For over 23 years, She has played a pivotal role in marketing, technology training, and creating preferred partnerships to optimize travel agency profitability. Her dedication to the company and extensive experience in the travel industry have made her a key figure in supporting the network's members and ensuring their success.

    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful Strategy and Leadership podcast episode, host Anthony Taylor catches up with Karryn Christopher, the Executive Vice President of Marketing and Preferred Partnerships at Signature Travel Network. Karryn, who has been part of the organization for over two decades, shares her journey and the importance of staying mission-focused, the dynamics of the travel industry, especially during crises, and the pivotal role of communication and community in effectively serving their members.

    Karryn talks about Signature Travel Network's structure and mission, emphasizing how being a member-owned cooperative has fostered resilience amidst industry turbulence. She discusses how the pandemic reshaped their operations and business models and how their commitment to communication and best practices has enabled them to support their network. Karryn also touches upon the importance of embracing change and the challenges of working with external partners to drive technoloy

    • Staying Mission-Focused: Signature Travel Network’s unwavering commitment to its mission of serving members has been crucial in navigating the unstable travel industry.

    • Strong Communication: The organization’s multiple communication channels, including daily emails, Facebook communities, and an intranet, ensure members have access to valuable information and support.

    • Member Collaboration: Community and member-driven committees are instrumental in providing valuable insights and fostering collective growth.

    • Embracing Change: Challenges like the pandemic highlighted the need for adaptability and leveraging external expertise to innovate and grow.

    • Leadership and Support: Effective leadership involves creating space for others to grow and being committed to the success of colleagues and partners.

    Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Signature Travel Network and Mission-Focused Approach 02:19 Supporting Members and Partners During the Pandemic 05:00 The Value of a Travel Advisor and Community Support 08:18 Staying True to the Mission and Evolving the Value Proposition 10:08 Lessons Learned and Embracing Change Internally 12:45 Structural Support for Mission-Focused Work
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    19 mins
  • Building High Performing, Scalable Organizations: An Interview with Rob Bier
    Jun 3 2024


    In this episode, Anthony Taylor interviews Rob Beer, the managing partner at Trellis and author of Smooth Scaling. Rob shares his insights on building great companies and the importance of being all in. He discusses the challenges of managing growth and the need for balance between operational and cultural needs in high-growth companies. Rob also emphasizes the importance of aligning incentives and timelines and shares lessons from his experience at Smart Money Group. He provides advice for CEOs on transitioning from a 'get shit done' mindset to building an organization that gets shit done. Rob concludes by sharing his personal hobbies and where to connect with him.


    • Building great companies goes beyond financial success and high growth; it involves how well the company does what it does.
    • The transition from a 'get shit done' CEO to building an organization that gets shit done requires discipline, patience, and the ability to delegate and empower others.
    • Growth should be aligned with the operational complexity of the organization; growing too fast can lead to organizational inefficiencies and breakdowns.
    • Private equity firms prioritize sustainable growth and profitability, while venture capital firms may push for rapid growth to achieve high valuations.
    • Success in scaling organizations requires discipline, alignment of incentives, and a focus on building an efficient and effective organization.



    Introduction and Background


    Interest in Great Companies


    Success and Failure in Organizational Effectiveness


    Balancing Operational and Cultural Needs in High-Growth Companies


    Driving Fast Growth and Managing Complexity


    Aligning Incentives and Timelines


    Transitioning from a 'Get Shit Done' CEO to Building the Organization


    Lessons from Smart Money Group


    Sustainable Growth vs. Capital Markets Game


    Personal Hobbies and Fun Facts


    Smooth Scaling and Where to Connect with Rob Beer


    Key Takeaways and Conclusion

    Prefer to watch video, subscribe on Youtube. : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOHLNRrpk3rGUdg7qUQjiog/?sub_confirmation=1


    SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster.

    For teams: We can facilitate your strategic planning offsite meeting and strategic plan creation. As well as support your strategic plan implementation.

    For individuals leading strategy: Join our community of strategy leaders who have learned SME Strategy’s approach and tools for aligning teams, and driving strategic plans forward.

    For more visit www.smestrategy.net/

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    29 mins
  • EY Entrepreneur of the Year Kerry Siggins on her Ownership Mindset
    May 31 2024


    In this episode, Anthony Taylor interviews Kerry Siggins, CEO of StoneAge and author of The Ownership Mindset. Kerry shares her journey of becoming a leader at StoneAge and the importance of trust and empowerment in building a successful company. She emphasizes the need for leaders to have an ownership mindset and to surround themselves with smart people. Kerry also discusses the challenges of aligning a large organization and the importance of defining a clear vision and values. The episode concludes with a discussion about Kerry's book, which provides actionable insights for leaders looking to build a great team and culture.

    Kerry Siggins is the CEO of StoneAge, a leading manufacturer of industrial cleaning equipment and one of Outside magazine’s top 100 companies to work for. In 2021, she was honored by Industry Era magazine as one of its Top 10 Most Influential CEOs, and in 2017 she was a finalist for Colorado’s CEO of the Year. She sits on the boards of several companies and is member of the Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO). She is regularly invited to deliver keynote speeches on several business and leadership topics, including how to create employee-centric cultures in which it’s safe to speak up and show up as your whole self. She is an active blogger and contributor to Forbes, Entrepreneur, Authority magazine, and BIC magazine and hosts several podcasts, including the popular Reflect Forward.


    • Trust and empowerment are essential in building a successful company.
    • Leaders should have an ownership mindset and surround themselves with smart people.
    • Defining a clear vision and values helps align a large organization.
    • Regular check-ins and accountability systems are crucial for ensuring success.
    • Kerry's book, The Ownership Mindset, provides actionable insights for leaders.



    Introduction and Background


    Becoming a Leader at StoneAge


    Empowering Others and Building Trust


    Aligning the Company and Ensuring Accountability


    Creating a Unified Culture


    The Ownership Mindset Book

    Prefer to get video, subscribe on Youtube. : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOHLNRrpk3rGUdg7qUQjiog/?sub_confirmation=1


    SME Strategy is a management consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster.

    For teams: We can facilitate your strategic planning offsite meeting and strategic plan creation. As well as support your strategic plan implementation.

    For individuals leading strategy: Join our community of strategy leaders who have learned SME Strategy’s approach and tools for aligning teams, and driving strategic plans forward.

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    20 mins
  • Elevating Your Game: Strategies for Success in Business and Life with Alan Stein Jr.
    Apr 23 2024

    Alan Stein Jr. is an acclaimed keynote speaker, author, performance coach, and consultant with a formidable track record in working with elite NBA superstars such as Kevin Durant and Victor Oladipo. As a former basketball performance coach, Stein Jr. has pivoted his focus to the corporate realm, where he leverages his sports insights to elevate individual and organizational performance. His deep love for basketball and expertise in performance training make him a noteworthy authority in applying sports principles to business leadership and team development. He is also the author of books like "Raise Your Game" and "Sustain Your Game," which explore the parallels between athletic and business excellence.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Transformational Leadership: Embrace a leadership that focuses on what you want for people, rather than what you want from them, to enhance personal influence and impact.
    • Core Values in Decision Making: Use your personal values as a guide to make consistent and aligned decisions that reflect your true self and bolster leadership effectiveness.
    • Unseen Hours: Invest in habits and activities during the "unseen hours" — those moments away from the public eye — to become the best version of yourself and set the foundation for success.
    • Youth Sports and Leadership: Alan passionately highlights the need to improve the landscape of youth sports, teaching parents and coaches to prioritize process over outcomes and constructively contribute to a child's growth.
    • Elevate by Caring: One's dedication to genuinely caring for their work and relationships is the differentiator in achieving professional and personal success.

    Notable Quotes:
    • "Every single decision you make, you need to ask yourself and run through the filter of, is this in alignment with my personal core values or not?"
    • "As a manager, if you show up as less than your best self, mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, you give your team and the people that report to you less of a chance to be successful."
    • "Stop badgering and berating the officials. Let the officials officiate. Just sit there and enjoy watching your child do something that they love...encourage them, support them, but don’t coach from the sideline."
    • "I am a huge advocate of improving parental behavior and decorum on the sideline, teaching coaches how to have a better impact and influence."
    • "The more you invest in caring about others, then the more that will be reciprocated and you'll be rewarded with some phenomenal opportunities and some incredibly fulfilling relationships."

    Subscribe to our channel for weekly youtube videos on strategy, leadership, business and management.: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOHLNRrpk3rGUdg7qUQjiog/?sub_confirmation=1

    ➡ Looking for a sample agenda for your strategic planning offsite? https://www.smestrategy.net/blog/sample-strategic-planning-agenda

    // Connect with us:

    ► Contact us: https://www.smestrategy.net/contact

    ► Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonyctaylor604/


    SME Strategy is a Strategic planning consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations develop and implement their strategic plans. We work with teams to facilitate conversations about strategic direction and business strategy so that our clients can focus their energy on what will move them forward faster.

    ► Work with us: Are you looking for someone to facilitate your strategic planning process? https://www.smestrategy.net/strategic-planning-facilitator

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    28 mins