• Summer BBQ in Ljubljana: A Tale of Healing and Community

  • Jul 24 2024
  • Length: 19 mins
  • Podcast

Summer BBQ in Ljubljana: A Tale of Healing and Community  By  cover art

Summer BBQ in Ljubljana: A Tale of Healing and Community

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Summer BBQ in Ljubljana: A Tale of Healing and Community Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/summer-bbq-in-ljubljana-a-tale-of-healing-and-community Story Transcript:Sl: Sončno poletno popoldne je grelo lično urejeno naselje v Ljubljani.En: A sunny summer afternoon warmed the neatly arranged neighborhood in Ljubljana.Sl: Hiše so bile moderne, toda s pridihom tradicionalne slovenske arhitekture.En: The houses were modern, yet retained a touch of traditional Slovenian architecture.Sl: Na travniku v osrčju skupnosti so se zbirali prebivalci.En: The residents gathered on the meadow at the heart of the community.Sl: Ana je gostila poletni BBQ in nestrpno čakala, da se zabava začne.En: Ana was hosting a summer BBQ, eagerly anticipating the start of the celebration.Sl: Ana je bila prijazna, vedno nasmejana soseda, ki je bila ponosna na svoje mesto v skupnosti.En: Ana was a kind, always-smiling neighbor, proud of her place in the community.Sl: Vendar se je v srcu počutila osamljeno.En: However, deep down, she felt lonely.Sl: Njen trud ni bil vedno cenjen.En: Her efforts were not always appreciated.Sl: Pogledala je okoli, kako se sosedje pogovarjajo, medtem ko so s seboj prinesli jedi in pijače.En: She looked around at the neighbors chatting as they brought dishes and drinks.Sl: Manjkal je Miha.En: Miha was missing.Sl: Živel je tik ob Ani, a po smrti njegove žene, se je umaknil vase.En: He lived right next door to Ana, but after the death of his wife, he had withdrawn into himself.Sl: Redko ga je opazila zunaj.En: She rarely saw him outside.Sl: Ana je vedela, da je čas, da nekaj stori.En: Ana knew it was time to do something.Sl: Pogledala je uro.En: She looked at the clock.Sl: "Še imam čas," si je rekla in se odpravila do Mihe.En: "I still have time," she said to herself and headed to Miha’s house.Sl: Njegova hiša je bila zatemnjena, zavese zaprte.En: His house was dark, the curtains drawn.Sl: Globoko je vdihnila in potrkala.En: She took a deep breath and knocked.Sl: Dolgo ni bilo odgovora.En: There was no answer for a long time.Sl: Nato so se vrata počasi odprla in Miha je pokukal ven.En: Then, the door slowly opened, and Miha peeked out.Sl: "Ana?En: "Ana?"Sl: " je vprašal s presenečenjem.En: he asked in surprise.Sl: "Miha, kako si?En: "Miha, how are you?"Sl: " Ana se je trudila biti prijazna.En: Ana tried to be kind.Sl: "Praznujemo v parku.En: "We're having a celebration in the park.Sl: To bi ti lahko odvrnilo misli.En: It might take your mind off things."Sl: "Miha jo je pogledal z žalostnimi očmi.En: Miha looked at her with sad eyes.Sl: "Ne vem, Ana.En: "I don't know, Ana.Sl: Ne počutim se za družbo.En: I'm not feeling up for company."Sl: "Ana je stopila bližje.En: Ana stepped closer.Sl: "Miha, vem, da je težko.En: "Miha, I know it’s hard.Sl: A skupnost te potrebuje.En: But the community needs you.Sl: Jaz te potrebujem.En: I need you."Sl: " Zares si ga je želela prepričati.En: She sincerely wanted to convince him.Sl: Miha je pogoltnil in zamišljeno pogledal stran.En: Miha swallowed and looked away pensively.Sl: "Nikoli nisem mislil, da bom brez nje," je tiho rekel.En: "I never thought I’d be without her," he said quietly.Sl: Ana se je nagnila bližje.En: Ana leaned in closer.Sl: "Razumem te.En: "I understand you.Sl: Ampak mi smo tu zate.En: But we are here for you.Sl: Pojdi z mano, le za kratek čas.En: Come with me, just for a short while.Sl: Skupnost te bo sprejela.En: The community will embrace you."Sl: " Solza ji je zlezla po licu.En: A tear slid down her cheek.Sl: Miha je nekaj trenutkov molčal, nato pa počasi prikimal.En: Miha was silent for a few moments, then slowly nodded.Sl: "V redu, Ana.En: "Alright, Ana.Sl: Pridem.En: I'll come."Sl: "Skupaj sta se napotila nazaj k parku.En: Together, they headed back to the park.Sl: Ko sta prispela, so se sosedje nasmehnili.En: When they arrived, the neighbors smiled.Sl: "Miha!En: "Miha!"Sl: " je zaklicala neka starejša gospa in mu ponudila krožnik pite.En: called out an older woman, offering him a plate of pie.Sl: Ana je opazovala, kako se Miha počasi vključuje v pogovor.En: Ana watched as Miha slowly began to engage in conversation.Sl: Nenadoma je začutila toplino v srcu, občutek pripadnosti.En: Suddenly, she felt warmth in her heart, a sense of belonging.Sl: Medtem ko je večer napredoval, se je Miha nasmehnil prvič po dolgem času.En: As the evening progressed, Miha smiled for the first time in a long while.Sl: Ana je vedela, da je storila pravo stvar.En: Ana knew she had done the right thing.Sl: Ni bilo pomembno, koliko komplimentov bo prejela.En: It didn’t matter how many compliments she would receive.Sl: Pomembno je bilo, da je povezala skupnost in pomagala nekomu, ki je to potreboval.En: What mattered was that she had connected the community and helped someone in need.Sl: Kot se je BBQ zaključil in ljudje poslavljali, se je Miha zahvalil ...
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