• Politics, Investment Funds, and Syndications: Staying Neutral Publicly in an Election Year
    Jul 22 2024

    The importance of keeping political views private when dealing with investors in syndication. Maintaining neutrality can help build trust and prevent alienating potential investors. To get started with your syndication or fund visit https://www.moschettilaw.com.

    In the realm of real estate syndication, managing investor relations is paramount, and one's political views can inadvertently affect these relationships. Political discussions can be highly polarizing, and when engaging with potential investors, it is advisable to maintain a neutral stance. This approach is particularly crucial during election years, where emotions and opinions about political candidates and policies run high.

    Maintaining professionalism and avoiding political discourse ensures that investors focus on the merits of the investment opportunity rather than getting distracted by differing political opinions. Investors often seek assurance that their syndicator is someone they can trust and rely on, regardless of personal beliefs. Trust is the cornerstone of any successful investment relationship. Displaying strong political views, especially on public platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook, can alienate half of your potential investors who may hold opposing views.

    For real estate syndicators, the key is to create an inclusive environment where the focus remains on the investment's value and potential returns. By steering clear of political discussions, syndicators can prevent unnecessary conflicts and build a broader investor base. This inclusive strategy aligns with the primary goal of real estate syndication: to attract and retain investors who believe in the project's potential and the syndicator's capability to deliver.

    In essence, while personal political views may be strong and well-defined, they should remain private when dealing with investors. The goal is to create a welcoming atmosphere for all potential investors, irrespective of their political affiliations. By doing so, syndicators can ensure that their investment opportunities are judged solely on their financial merits, leading to more successful and harmonious investment ventures.

    Read more about Reg D - What is Reg D? The King of Securities Exceptions: https://www.moschettilaw.com/reg-d/

    Read more about PPMs - What Is In A Private Placement Memorandum?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/private-placement-memorandum-attorney/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    8 mins
  • How Do Investors Exit Syndications and Equity Funds?
    Jun 26 2024

    As a potential sponsor for syndications and equity funds under Regulation D, it's crucial to understand how investors can exit your fund. This usually happens in one of three ways: redemption, sponsor buyout, or right of first refusal. Redemption is common in open-ended or cyclical funds, where investors can get their money back at defined periods. A sponsor buyout allows you to set aside a certain amount for redemptions each year. If more investors want to be redeemed than the fund allows, redemptions are made pro-rata. Finally, the right of first refusal allows investors to sell their shares to other members in case of a life event. It's a market-driven activity, where the investor may have to sell at a discount due to urgency. While you can facilitate the process, it's best to let the negotiation be between the buyer and the seller. Remember, your aim is to ensure that your investors feel safe and comfortable with the process while maintaining control over your fund.

    Read more about Reg D - What is Reg D? The King of Securities Exceptions: https://www.moschettilaw.com/reg-d/

    Read more about PPMs - What Is In A Private Placement Memorandum?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/private-placement-memorandum-attorney/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    6 mins
  • 4 Frequently Asked Questions About Accredited Investors
    Jun 24 2024

    When it comes to accredited investors, there are frequently asked questions that need clarifying. An accredited investor generally meets either an income or wealth test. They make over $200,000 annually for the past two years or have $1 million of net wealth excluding their family home equity. Here are four common queries:

    1. If you're a syndication sponsor and not an accredited investor, can you still invest? The answer is yes. As a sponsor, you're considered an accredited investor under Rule 501 A.

    2. Can an LLC invest? Yes, under two conditions. If all equity owners are accredited investors (Rule 501, subsection 8) or if the entity wasn't formed specifically for acquiring your offering and it has investments exceeding $5 million (Rule 501, subsection 9).

    3. Can a group of accredited and non-accredited investors form an LLC to invest in a 506c? The answer is no as they are not all accredited investors and likely don't have over $5 million of net assets. However, in a 506b offering, it is possible but non-accredited investors are counted against the 35 non-accredited investor limit.

    4. Can certified financial planners invest due to their credentials? Sometimes, they can. The SEC has approved certain licenses: series 7 (broker-dealer), series 65 (investment advisor representative), and series 82 (private securities seller). These license holders are considered accredited investors.

    Read more about raising capital - Finding Investors for Real Estate Syndication and Private Equity Funds: https://www.moschettilaw.com/finding-investors-for-real-estate-syndication-and-private-equity-funds/

    Read more about PPMs - What Is In A Private Placement Memorandum?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/private-placement-memorandum-attorney/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    8 mins
  • Interest Rates & Real Estate Syndications / Real Estate Funds: Capital Stacks, Swaps, & Valuations
    Jun 3 2024

    Understanding the effects of high interest rates on real estate syndications or funds is crucial for any aspiring sponsor. High borrowing environment typically poses a challenge to cash flow and property appreciation, compressing the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) when the property is under debt. Simultaneously, high interest rates present attractive returns for investors in safer avenues, making it tough for riskier real estate deals to compete. The capital structure in such deals usually comprises a debt component from lenders and an equity piece from shareholders. While lenders hold more power and control, shareholders bear a higher risk. However, they are rewarded with higher returns.

    In scenarios where interest rates are variable and tied to indices like LIBOR, you can mitigate risk through interest rate swaps. By swapping variable rates for fixed rates, you can ensure your payments don't increase dramatically if interest rates rise. Conversely, if you have a fixed rate loan, you can switch it to variable rates if you anticipate a drop in rates.

    Another crucial aspect is the impact of interest rates on property valuation. As cap rates generally rise following an increase in interest rates, property values may decrease. However, foreseeing a drop in interest rates can present arbitrage opportunities, enabling you to buy at higher cap rates and sell at lower ones, thus maximizing returns for your investors.

    Read more about real estate syndication - What Is Real Estate Syndication?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/what-is-real-estate-syndication/

    Read more about real estate syndication - How To Syndicate Real Estate: https://www.moschettilaw.com/how-to-syndicate-real-estate/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    12 mins
  • Five Exit Strategies for Real Estate Syndications
    May 31 2024

    Navigating your way out of a real estate syndication or equity fund investment requires proper planning and strategic execution. There are five primary exit strategies to consider, each with its unique benefits and potential drawbacks. The first and most common method is selling the asset outright and then distributing the proceeds according to the agreed-upon terms in the operating agreement. The second strategy involves refinancing the property to pull out equity and distribute that cash to investors. However, this method requires careful valuation to ensure fair market value. A third option is recapitalization, which involves restructuring the capital stack to return some of the investors' capital sooner, thereby increasing the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). A fourth approach involves a 1031 exchange, but this can be complex if some investors want to exit the syndication. Finally, a merger or acquisition can provide an exit strategy, although this typically occurs with larger portfolios and requires careful planning and communication with investors.

    Read more about real estate syndication - What Is Real Estate Syndication?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/what-is-real-estate-syndication/

    Read more about Reg D - What is Reg D? The King of Securities Exceptions: https://www.moschettilaw.com/reg-d/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    10 mins
  • Navigating Oversubscribed and Undersubscribed Syndications
    May 29 2024

    In the world of equity syndications, you may encounter situations where your fund is either oversubscribed or undersubscribed. The good news is, both scenarios are manageable and can even offer unique benefits. If your fund is oversubscribed, it means you have the opportunity to raise more capital than initially planned. When drafting your Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) and Operating Agreement, always leave room for potential growth. However, such changes could be materially significant and, therefore, need to be communicated effectively to your investors. The upside is a more diverse portfolio and potentially higher returns due to greater flexibility in asset acquisition.

    On the other hand, if your fund is undersubscribed, your investors' percentage of ownership increases, which can be perceived as a positive outcome. The challenge lies in appropriately communicating this situation. In addition, you'll need to consider alternate financing methods to bridge the shortfall, which may include bank loans or different types of security offerings. In both oversubscribed and undersubscribed scenarios, transparency is key. Your investors are entitled to a comprehensive understanding of your investment product. An experienced professional can help you navigate these situations, ensuring compliance and investor satisfaction.

    Read more about PPMs - What Is In A Private Placement Memorandum?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/private-placement-memorandum-attorney/

    Read more about the SEC and Reg D - The SEC And It’s Reg D: https://www.moschettilaw.com/sec-reg-d/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    6 mins
  • LLCs vs. LPs in Syndication and Equity Funds: Navigating the Choices
    Apr 18 2024

    If you're considering becoming a sponsor for a syndication or equity fund, you'll want to understand the differences between using a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Limited Partnership (LP) as your entity structure. Two decades ago, LPs were the norm, but today, most sponsors opt for LLCs. There are three main distinctions to consider: taxation, management, and liability protection. With an LLC, taxes are passed straight through to partners, while an LP treats general and limited partners differently. LLCs offer more management flexibility and clear liability protection for the general partner, whereas an LP's general partner has full control but no inherent liability protection. LLCs also have an easier formation and maintenance process. Still, LPs can offer specific tax benefits and a clear distinction of roles. In most cases, an LLC is the recommended choice, but unique circumstances might favor an LP.

    Read more about real estate syndication - How To Syndicate Real Estate: https://www.moschettilaw.com/how-to-syndicate-real-estate/

    Read more about the SEC and Reg D - The SEC And It’s Reg D: https://www.moschettilaw.com/sec-reg-d/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation."

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    9 mins
  • Unlock the Power of Events to Raise Capital for Your Syndication Deal
    Apr 16 2024

    Raising capital for your syndication deal or investment fund can be a challenging endeavor. But one effective strategy is to host an event. The key, however, is not to make the event about your offering. Instead, focus on providing value and addressing topics that would interest potential investors. For example, if your investors are tied to the real estate market, discuss the market trends, legislation changes, and other relevant issues. The goal is to make the event engaging and beneficial so attendees have a reason to be there. Then, depending on your offering's compliance with SEC Regulation D rules 506 B or C, you can either openly solicit from the general public (506 C) or from those with whom you have a pre-existing relationship (506 B). Remember, the event's purpose is to generate interest and create a network of potential investors, not to hard-sell your offering. Partnering with other entities such as wealth managers or title companies can also be beneficial as they can contribute resources and bring in more potential investors.

    Read more about raising capital - Finding Investors for Real Estate Syndication and Private Equity Funds: https://www.moschettilaw.com/finding-investors-for-real-estate-syndication-and-private-equity-funds/

    Read more about PPMs - What Is In A Private Placement Memorandum?: https://www.moschettilaw.com/private-placement-memorandum-attorney/

    Moschetti Syndication Law Group is a boutique syndication law firm, serving small and growth-bound syndicators, as well as private equity firms. Our attorney, Tilden Moschetti, is determined to keep the firm’s ‘boutique’ size so we can tailor the services to each client’s unique needs without turning the firm into a faceless factory churning out private placement memorandums or passing unnecessary overhead expenses onto our clients. (As our client, you’ll only pay a fixed fee, so no surprises.) As for the client experience, we give real-time answers with Tilden Moschetti without making you book an official appointment or get passed along to associates or paralegals. We’ll work with your ambitions and overall vision to help you close the current deal and fill in that ‘missing’ piece – whatever you need – to keep adding more syndications to your portfolio. We keep syndicators syndicating (TM).

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVh1CNQULC45Bh6j4WV2sjA?sub_confirmation=1
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/syndication.attorneys/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moschettilaw
    Messenger: https://m.me/tildenm
    Web: https://www.moschettilaw.com

    #Syndication #PrivatePlacementMemorandum #PPM


    Also, please note, this video and any content from Moschetti Syndication Law Group, Tilden, or anyone affiliated with either or both, does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. Information from these online sources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

    No viewer, user, or browser of content from us should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation.

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    10 mins