• Episode #178. Pathway to Protecting Children Online: A Community Approach, Dany Elachi, Co-Founder HeadsUP Alliance, Father of 5.
    Jul 8 2024

    Join us for an insightful episode as we chat with Dany Elachi, a Sydney father of five and the co-founder of Heads Up Alliance. Dany and his wife started this grassroots movement in 2020 to encourage parents to delay giving their kids social media and smartphones. They believe that families in local school communities can create a healthier environment for their children by working together.

    We delve into the critical topic of raising the minimum social media age to 16 years with Dany Elachi, co-founder of the Heads Up Alliance. With smartphones already banned in public schools across New South Wales and Queensland, Australia is ahead of the curve in reclaiming childhood from the grips of Big Tech.

    Dany discusses the recent bipartisan support for increasing the social media minimum age to 16 and highlights the Coalition's commitment to enacting this law within 100 days of forming a government. He expresses concerns about recent doubts from the Communications Minister and the Prime Minister's suggestions of conditional implementation.

    Through this conversation, we explore why the current minimum age of 13—rooted in American privacy law—is outdated and inappropriate. Dany argues that even if age verification technology isn't perfect, passing this law now would send a solid signal to parents and children about the hazards of social media for young teens.

    Dany presents a compelling list of serious harms linked to early social media use, including:

    • Less sleep, reading, nature, and exercise
    • Weaker family connections and real-life friendships
    • Reduced face-to-face socialization, concentration, learning, and creativity
    • Increased exposure to bullying, extreme viewpoints, gratuitous violence, porn, sextortionists, and child predators

    By taking decisive action, Australia can set a new norm and provide parents with the support they need to resist the pressure of early social media exposure for their children. Dany emphasizes the importance of prioritizing children's wellbeing over profits and the urgency of addressing the negative impacts of social media on youth mental health.

    Tune in to hear Dany Elachi's passionate plea for raising the social media minimum age to 16, the potential benefits for our children, and how communities can come together to protect the next generation. This episode is a must-listen for parents, educators, and anyone concerned about the future of our children's mental health and well-being.
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    Link to the story about Sweden back to basics schooling.

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    41 mins
  • Episode #177 No Safe Haven: A Father's Fight for Online Safety, Wayne Holdsworth, Founder of SmackTalk
    Jul 3 2024

    Did you realise that almost zero places online are safe for children? The dark web has exploited our addiction to phones and digital lives, leaving no one paying attention to our children, who have become easy targets.

    In this deeply moving podcast episode, we hear from Wayne Holdsworth, a father who tragically lost his 17-year-old son Mac was a victim to on-line sextortion in October 2023 after becoming a victim of sextortion. Wayne shares his profound regret and pain, wishing he had known that in the hours before someone decides to take their own life, they might act as if they don’t have a care in the world. If he had known, he believed Mac might still be alive. Social media taught him everything about what to do. Tech companies want you to think that it is OK to use social media BUT they don’t want you to know that their algorithms are serving them R- rated content and that AI chatbots and messaging apps are able to reach any of them now in 2024. Parents, we are asleep and do not realise what an impact this is having on children’s mental health. Time to open your eyes wide and ask- WHAT are they watching, WHO are they talking to? This will protect your kids. It is an urgent crisis.

    Before October last year, Wayne knew very little about suicide. His son fell victim to sextortion, paying the scammers in hopes of stopping their threats, but the harassment continued. Despite Wayne's efforts to intervene, Mac was overwhelmed by the fear of his friends discovering the images he had sent. On the night Mac took his life, he seemed upbeat and happy, which Wayne later learned can be a sign of someone who has decided to end their life.

    At Mac's funeral, 700 people gathered to mourn—a poignant reminder of the widespread impact of suicide. Wayne's message is clear: it’s not enough to simply ask if someone is OK.

    Wayne Holdsworth's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the need for better support systems for those in crisis. Let's work together to ensure that no other family has to experience such a heartbreaking loss

    For more information and support on sextortion and mental health, visit:

    • eSafety
    • Headspace
    • Lifeline

    Join the conversation and help spread awareness: #MentalHealth #SuicidePrevention #Sextortion #WayneHoldsworth #Podcast #YouthSupport #AwarenessMatters #NoMoreWaits #ParentingAdvice #FamilySupport #SaveLives #OnlineSafety #ProtectOurChildren

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    47 mins
  • Episode #176. How we can help someone today that makes a difference. Ali Halkic, Father of Allem, Founder of Bully Zero, Hero
    Jun 20 2024

    Today we dive deep into important conversations about mental health, well-being, and community support. We're discussing an incredibly important topic that, unfortunately, affects many lives—today, we are talking about suicide and the reasons leading a young boy to the moment and the steps we, as parents and a society, can take to prevent it from happening.

    "Suicide is a challenging and sensitive subject, but it's one we must talk about openly and compassionately. Understanding the signs, offering support, and knowing where to turn for help can save lives. Today's goal is to provide information, share stories, and offer hope."

    I want to take a moment to acknowledge that this topic might be triggering for some listeners. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, it's crucial to reach out for help. In Australia, you can call Lifeline at 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue at 1300 22 4636. You're not alone; some people care and want to help."

    In today's episode, we'll speak with Ali Halkic, hear about how his family has been affected by the loss of Allem, his son, and discuss ways we can all contribute to creating a supportive and understanding community. Remember, it's okay to ask for help, and it's okay to talk about how you're feeling. So, let's start by understanding the signs and symptoms that someone might be struggling with and what steps we can take to provide support.

    We're also excited to announce that we are running an important forum on August 8th in Brisbane to bring us together. We need to take collective action to master children's mental health and prevent further harm. Your participation can make a real difference.

    This is an urgent need to solve the issue of smart devices and social media’s impact on our children’s mental health- as it will reverberate in our country for generations.

    These are the ways people can help:

    This is the forum on August 8th.

    • There is an urgent need for a collective effort to reshape how society, tech companies, parents, educators, clinicians, and policymakers prioritise and protect our youngest users in the digital age.
    • BEING SEEN forum aims to come together and provide tools to empower parents, educators, clinicians, and policymakers to promote children's mental health, digital literacy, and wellness in the digital age.

    Author: "BEING SEEN" Master Parenting in the Digital Age

    Book available here:


    Join us at the SEEN forum: Mastering Mental Health in the Digital Age. August 8th, 2024.

    Register here.


    View the SEEN documentary sizzle reel here by Sam Jockel, CEO Parent TV.

    Link here


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    51 mins
  • Episode #175. How To Get Kids To Listen and The Perfect Way to Connect with Your Child, Sue Meintjes, a mother of two and author, founder of expert parenting advice
    Jun 18 2024

    We dive into Sue Meintjes' ebook, featuring powerful strategies from leading international parenting experts to help get your kids to listen and cooperate without yelling or shouting. Get the free ebook here:


    Each chapter includes a 10-minute interview with a parenting expert who shares their best secret and shows you how to use it with your children.

    Discover insights like:

    • Teaching emotional management and problem-solving (Dr. Rosina McAlpine)
    • Using playfulness to increase cooperation (Julie King)
    • Alternatives to threats for better cooperation (Dr. Chelsey Hauge-Zavaleta)
    • Solving problems with kids (Dr. Ross Greene)
    • Helping your child feel heard and understood (Dr. Heather Wittenberg)
    • Communicating effectively based on your child's style (Heather Lindsay)
    • Parenting smarter with "Golden Time" (Tia Slightham)
    • Encouraging cooperation through playfulness (Karen Thurm Safran)
    • Using the "C.A.L.M. Technique" to soothe and guide (Jennifer Kolari)
    • Creating win-win solutions with your children (Sarah Rosensweet)
    • Getting kids to listen without yelling (Lisa Smith)
    • Importance of hugging during misbehavior (Judy Arnall)
    • Understanding children's behavior (Anna Seewald)
    • Motivating children by understanding their nature (Jessie Buttons)
    • Connecting through "Curious Waiting" (Rebecca Rolland)
    • Listening to children to get them to listen (Nathan Wallis)
    • Reconnecting intentionally with your child (Dr. Beth Trammell)
    • Becoming a "stress detective" for emotional competence (Dr. Jean Clinton)
    • Developing emotional regulation in kids (Dr. Hilary Mandzik)
    • The "One Minute Miracle" technique for cooperation (Sandi and Melissa Schwartz)
    • Planning for smoother problem times (Elisabeth Stitt)
    • Staying calm to foster cooperation (Shirley Pastiroff)
    • Managing transitions effectively (Dr. Jenny Michaelson)

    Join us for practical, quick tips that can transform everyday interactions into opportunities for connection and joy. Don't miss this episode for actionable advice and inspiring stories!

    Please join the #BEINGSEEN movement to safeguard children on-line.

    Buy the book www.profselenabartlett.com and pass the word to as many parents as possible.


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    39 mins
  • Episode #174. BEING SEEN, Simple effective strategy to see yourself, others, a fresh perspective on parenting in the digital age.
    Jun 16 2024

    We explore the fascinating landscape of mental health, personal growth, and the intricate workings of the human mind.

    We are thrilled to introduce our listeners to my groundbreaking new book that promises to redefine the way we approach parenting in 2024. "BEING SEEN -Master Parenting in the Digital Age where we delve into the heart of this transformative work.

    "BEING SEEN" addresses the unique challenges faced by parents and children in today's rapidly changing world. Are you struggling to connect with your child in the digital age? Is screen time causing tension in your family? Are you concerned about the impact of technology and societal pressures on your child's well-being? If so, this episode is a must-listen.

    I share insights from extensive research and personal experiences, offering practical strategies and a heartfelt exploration of how to strengthen the parent-child bond, nurture self-confidence, and create a supportive environment.

    Join us as we discuss the pain points of modern parenting, the vision behind "BEING SEEN," and the actionable steps you can take to thrive as a family in 2024 and beyond.

    If you're looking for guidance, inspiration, and a fresh perspective on parenting in the digital age, don't miss this episode. And stay tuned for the release of "BEING SEEN," available for pre-order in January 2024. It's time to embark on a transformative parenting journey together!

    You can order BEING SEEN here:


    #BeingSeenBook #ParentingChallenges #FamilyConnection #PreorderNow

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    Please join the #BEINGSEEN movement to safeguard children on-line.

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    3 mins
  • Episode #173 Parenting Children Well Across Two Homes: What It Takes with Tiffany Rochester, Founder of Co-Parenting Companion
    Jun 10 2024

    Imagine a world where children are put at the centre of conversations during separations and divorces. Imagine the financial savings and improved mental health for everyone involved. This is what happens when we prioritise children’s mental health.

    Link here

    Separation and divorce impact children's brain development, classified as one of the adverse childhood experiences (ACES).

    Link here:


    However, the impact can be minimized by handling the process in a prepared way with guidance. Many people accept it as a fact that half of all marriages end in divorce, but this applies only to first marriages. Those who wed multiple times face a far higher rate of divorce. In fact, 67% of second marriages end, and 73% of third marriages are dissolved. Having a co-parenting companion is beneficial for every family navigating these statistics.

    Tiffany Rochester has two decades of experience supporting separated parents in collaborative co-parenting, I know that separation does not have to be a barrier to creating and sustaining a healthy co-parenting relationship – because I’ve repeatedly guided co-parents to minimise stress and maximise freedom effectively, so you can co-parent with relaxed confidence, focused on enjoying your children and building your new life.

    "Too many times, I had parents say to me, I wish I’d met you right at the start. I could have saved so much time and money. We wouldn’t be here now.”

    Key Steps to Putting Children First:

    Choose Supportive Professionals: Find lawyers and mediators focused on minimal damage and collaborative processes. Winning an argument should not be the goal—minimising harm is.

    Early Intervention: Seek support early from experts in child and brain development to navigate turbulent times, ensuring the best long-term outcomes for everyone involved.

    Transparent Communication: Children need simple, honest communication about the changes. Plan the initial conversation thoughtfully, considering the first 8 weeks post-separation. Keep it simple and answer only the questions they ask.

    Avoid Parental Alienation: Ensure that your actions and words do not alienate the other parent. Encourage a healthy relationship with both parents, maintaining transparency and accountability.

    Stories of Great Co-Parenting:

    Witnessing collaborative and amicable co-parenting efforts is deeply inspiring. Parents who own their contributions to the relationship breakdown and strive for a cooperative future provide an invaluable legacy of resilience and love for their children.

    There is little "winning" in separation and divorce—only minimising harm and fostering a positive legacy. Parents can create a nurturing, supportive environment across two homes by focusing on what's best for the children.

    #CoParenting #ChildMentalHealth #DivorceSupport #ParentingAcrossTwoHomes #TiffanyRochester #FamilyWellness #HealthyDivorce #ParentingAdvice

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    54 mins
  • Episode #172. GlassHouse. A new world of flowers in mental health wards. Interview with Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion, Author The Rosie Project.
    Jun 4 2024

    Have you ever noticed that mental health wards rarely have flowers compared to other wards like those in cancer and children's hospitals? "Glasshouse," a novel by Anne Buist and Graeme Simsion, aims to transform mental health in Australia by highlighting the challenges within mental health services, the experiences of mental health workers, and the patients they strive to help and heal.

    The authors take us inside the Menzies Mental Health Service, breaking the silence about the realities of being a mental health worker and raising the conversation about what Australia needs to disrupt and transform mental health prevention and treatment.

    I found "Glasshouse" at the airport and finished it when I landed in San Francisco; I couldn't put it down. As Anne and Graeme say, people in glass houses should not throw stones.

    Listen to Anne and Graeme discuss their new book, written together. I was able to snag them for an hour while they were on the Great Australian Bookshop Tour, visiting 400 bookshops over four months.

    To create an opportunity for change, one must walk in the shoes of all those they are writing about. We discuss their upcoming sequel, introducing their characters to neuroscience, early life experiences, and technology.

    We'll know mental health treatment has been transformed when all mental health hospitals and wards are part of architecturally designed buildings filled with paintings and flowers. In these spaces, people are treated as humans undergoing multi-generational experiences. If there is a place where flowers are needed, this is it.

    Anne Buist is the Chair of Women’s Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, based at Austin Health, with over 30 years of clinical and research experience in perinatal psychiatry, including directing mother-baby units for much of this time. She co-authored "Glasshouse," a series set in a mental health facility, with Graeme Simsion.

    Graeme Simsion is the author of "The Rosie Project" series, which has sold over six million copies in forty-two languages.

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    55 mins
  • Episode #171. Let Them Be Kids campaign to end the impact of social media on children, Melanie Pilling, Deputy Editor Courier Mail
    May 27 2024

    We are at a critical point and coming together is essential. If you feel helpless and struggling with what to do to keep your kids safe online, know you are not alone—many people are suffering in silence- there are many simple things we can do to empower ourselves today to protect our children's mental health and learning how to help your children be seen by us more than screens is one of them. Join us by participating in creating a safer digital future for all of us and, most importantly, our children.

    There is an urgent need for a collective effort to reshape how society, tech companies, parents, educators, clinicians, and policymakers prioritise and protect our youngest users in the digital age and ensure that children are SEEN by healthy adults more than screens.

    Melanie Pilling has worked in the media for 23 years - first as a journalist writing stories across crime, politics, entertainment and lifestyle to run a major metro newsroom managing over 100 reporters. For the last five years as Deputy Editor of The Courier-Mail and Sunday Mail, I have focussed on our digital transformation resulting in The Courier-Mail becoming the No.1 news subscription website in Queensland

    Here's something you can do to empower yourself and to join us:

    Please attend the forum "BEING SEEN": Empowering People with Tools to Protect and Promote Children's Mental Health and Safer Digital Lives.

    Please mark your calendars and save the date: August 8th, Brisbane,
    Stay tuned for more details!
    Please register for tickets here: the only cost is your time.


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    36 mins