• The importance of early diagnosis
    Dec 15 2023

    Too many patients with a rare disease remain undiagnosed. Prof. Dr. David Cassiman, head of the metabolic center in UZ Leuven, shares his experience on the Rare Disease landscape in Belgium, with special attention for Fabry disease.

    Only 40% of Fabry patients are currently diagnosed in our country. Therefore, systematic screening in high-risk populations is advised for Cardiologists, Neurologists, and Nephrologists. Prof. Dr. Cassiman explains why it is so important.

    He also touches upon how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can add value in this domain. What can we expect now and in the future? Curious about the opinion of a Belgian expert? Listen to (t)his podcast!

    C-ANPROM/BE/FAB/0051 – November 2023

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    14 mins
  • The referral trajectory
    Dec 14 2023

    With over 6000 rare diseases, you as specialists often face challenges in identifying their symptoms and consequently offering the best patient care. Prof. Dr. David Cassiman, head of the metabolic center in UZ Leuven, elaborates on the symptoms of Fabry disease and explains which tests to perform in case of suspicion.

    How can a reference center in metabolic diseases help you and your patients in this diagnostic odyssey, and which are the treatment options for patients with Fabry disease? Do you wonder what the answers to these questions are? Listen to( t)his podcast!

    C-ANPROM/BE/FAB/0051 – November 2023

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    11 mins
  • Fabry disease and the heart
    Dec 13 2023

    As cardiac disease is the leading cause of death in Fabry patients, Cardiologists are key in the diagnostic pathway. Prof. Dr. Tomas Robyns, Cardiologist in UZ Leuven, elaborates on how Cardiologists can speed up diagnosis. He gives an overview of the cardiac symptoms suspicious for Fabry disease and the new techniques to visualize cardiac involvement.

    To make it more tangible, Prof. Dr. Robyns describes a specific patient case.

    Are you convinced you can make a difference for Fabry patients? Listen to (t)his podcast!

    C-ANPROM/BE/FAB/0051 – November 2023

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    14 mins
  • Fabry disease and the kidney #1
    Dec 12 2023

    Dr. Wim Terryn and Dr. Gert De Schoenmakere Nephrologists from Ieper and Roeselare, both have a special interest in Fabry disease. They discuss together why it is worth looking for Fabry patients in your Nephrological practice.

    Let them convince you about the importance of Nephrologists in the diagnostic pathway of Fabry patients.

    Are you curious to discover the content? Listen to this podcast!

    C-ANPROM/BE/FAB/0051 – November 2023

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    10 mins
  • Fabry disease and the kidney #2
    Dec 11 2023

    In this episode Dr. Wim Terryn and Dr. Gert De Schoenmakere are zooming in on the screening process itself and the best techniques to test a suspicious case. When a patient has been diagnosed it is key to test the rest of the family. Can you do it yourself or do you need to refer your patient to a reference center?

    Interested in knowing more? Listen to this podcast!

    C-ANPROM/BE/FAB/0051 – November 2023

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    14 mins
  • Fabry disease and the brain #1
    Dec 9 2023

    Dr. Dimitri Hemelsoet and Dr. Jelle Demeestere, Neurologists from respectively UZ Gent and UZ Leuven, both have a special fascination for Fabry disease. They engage in collective discussions on the significance of actively seeking out patients with suspected Fabry disease. Let them convince you about the pivotal role of Neurologists in the accurate identification of Fabry patients.

    Are you curious to discover the content? Listen to this podcast!


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    20 mins
  • Fabry disease and the brain #2
    Dec 8 2023

    In this episode, Dr. Dimitri Hemelsoet and Dr. Jelle Demeestere, both Neurologists, explain why it is crucial to follow the right screening techniques for suspected Fabry patients and how this can lead to better patient outcomes.

    Interested in knowing more? Listen to this podcast!


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    19 mins