• Equipping a Financially Well Workforce with Dr. Tim Ulbrich
    May 16 2022
    In this episode, you’ll hear from Tim Ulbrich, who is helping to improve pharmacists’ financial literacy. Tim is a pharmacist passionate about identifying career paths that fit students’ goals and interests so they can have fulfilling careers and lives. Tim is also the creator of the pharmacy podcast, Your Financial Pharmacist, and author of the book, Seven Figure Pharmacist. He graduated from Ohio Northern University with his Doctor of Pharmacy and completed residency training in community/ambulatory care at Ohio State. After paying off more than $200,000 in non-mortgage debt, Tim is working to empower pharmacists and pharmacy students to take control of their financial future. Guest - Tim Ulbrich, Pharm.D. Website: www.yourfinancialpharmacist.com and www.yfpplanning.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourfinancialpharmacist/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/390846528023004/ LinkedIn (personal): https://www.linkedin.com/in/timulbrich/ Instagram: @yourfinancialpharmacist and @timothyulbrich Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD www.pharmacyadvisory.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/hillary-blackburn-67a92421/ @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter
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  • Women in Leadership Series: Why We Need Female Leaders with Dr. Hillary Blackburn
    Oct 25 2020
    Are you a female student pharmacist, new grad, or a female pharmacist who’s been practicing pharmacy for a while but interested in a leadership role? Check out this Women in Leadership Series by Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA, seasoned host of the Talk to Your Pharmacist podcast and the author of How Pharmacists Lead: Answers from Women Who Are Leading, Succeeding, and Changing the Profession of Pharmacy available on Amazon from: https://www.amazon.com/How-Pharmacists-Lead-Succeeding-Impacting/dp/B08KHGDTG3/ref=sr_1_2?crid=12M57JGIW89KO&dchild=1&keywords=how+pharmacists+lead+in+books&qid=1603477969&sprefix=how+pharmacists+lead%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-2 Women in Leadership Series: Why We Need Female Leaders covers: - The Current State of Female Leadership - Factors Contributing to a Lack of Female Leadership - Benefits of Female Leadership To learn more check out: www.hillaryblackburn.com @hillblackburn on Twitter @talktoyourpharmacist on Instagram and Facebook
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  • Sexual Health Education with Dr. Tara Thompson
    Aug 16 2020
    For the past 8 years, Tara has been a compounding pharmacist at Innovation Compounding in Georgia and focuses on women's and men's sexual health. Tara collaborates with providers and patients across the US who are interested or presently using compounded medications to treat women’s health. Last year, Tara developed her website www.thesexualhealthpharmacist.com to advocate and educate the public on sexual health issues. She frequently provides lectures and webinars on Women’s and Men’s Health and sits on a monthly sexual health panel of experts called justASK! which encourages patients and providers to ask questions related to sexual medicine. Tara is working toward her AASECT certification as a Sexual Educator, which she will be the first pharmacist in the nation to obtain. MAIN POINTS: - Sexual health for women and men including types of sexual conditions such as Female Sexual Dysfunction, Pelvic Health and Pain, and Hormone Replacement Therapy - What we can do as pharmacists to help educate patients about sexual issues - Pipeline of sexual medicine Guest - Tara Thompson, PharmD website: www.thesexualhealthpharmacist.com instagram: @thesexualhealthpharmacist facebook: @theintimatepharmacist Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA www.pharmacyadvisory.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/hillary-blackburn-67a92421/ @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter
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  • Taking the Leap to Entrepreneurship with Dr. Danielle Plummer
    Jun 14 2020

    In this episode, our guest Danielle Plummer shares about taking the leap from community pharmacy to entrepreneurship. After being a retail pharmacy manager and working with tourists on the Las Vegas strip and near Fremont Street, she launched teleMDcare in late 2019 as a medical concierge service for tourists in Las Vegas.


    1. If anyone is uninsured or underinsured (have high deductibles, high co-pays or no telemedicine benefit) or business owners who do not offer their employees insurance, teleMDcare can support you with unlimited telemedicine and a prescription formulary:
      • for yourself and your family members 
      • to offer our service as a benefit to your employees
      • to earn money back to your non-profit organization
    2. Pharmacists are expanding their roles and revenue through telepharmacy. Although laws vary by state, and to my understanding we can still cannot charge insurances for most services, many pharmacists are getting creative. Examples include:
      • Consultants in specific niches are charging patients directly for their services. These include specific disease states, functional medicine, pharmacogenetics…
      • Partnering with physician’s offices to offer MTM and other services through Medical Part B
      • Remote prescription verification
      • Tapping into a telemedicine physician networks to drive business to your pharmacy
        • Patients can see a physician through a terminal or app in a retail pharmacy then have their prescriptions filled **One Stop Shopping***
        • Patients can drive business to their mail order pharmacies by using a physician’s telemedicine network

    ***GenieMD can support all of these services and are even offering pharmacists a free telepharmacy platform for consultations. Contact Danielle@genieMD.com to arrange a demo for you.

    Danielle's Companies/jobs:

    • teleMDcare, Owner www.teleMDcare.com: offering convenient, affordable access to doctors and prescriptions,  email: info@teleMDcare.com
    • GenieMD, Director of Customer Success, email: Danielle@GenieMD.com
    • HG Pharmacist, Pharmacist Consultant: www.HGpharmacist.com, supporting women with extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy email: info@hgpharmacist.com

    Guest - Dr. Danielle Plummer, Pharmacist

    • teleMDcare, Owner www.teleMDcare.com: offering convenient, affordable access to doctors and prescriptions,  email: info@teleMDcare.com
    • GenieMD, Director of Customer Success, email: Danielle@GenieMD.com
    • HG Pharmacist, Pharmacist Consultant: www.HGpharmacist.com, supporting women with extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (You can leave this out if you’d like, since we’re focusing on telemedicine) email: info@hgpharmacist.com

    Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD


    • https://www.linkedin.com/in/hillary-blackburn-67a92421/ 
    • @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook
    • @HillBlackburn Twitter

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  • Frontlines of COVID-19 in Community Pharmacy
    May 24 2020
    In this episode, you’ll hear from Jamal Downer, PharmD is a Pharmacy Manager for Walgreens based in New York City. Jamal joined the Walgreens family in 2004 and is currently in charge of managing the store as well as providing counsel to those who need to speak with a pharmacist about their medications. Points of discussion: - Why did you choose to pursue a career in pharmacy? What do you like best about community pharmacy? - What have been the most rewarding aspects of the job, especially during this time? - What are the implications of COVID-19 as it relates to the pharmacy industry and what sort of changes have pharmacists had to make as a result of the pandemic? - What is it like leading a team who is working on the front lines of COVID-19 and what have been your biggest learnings and points of inspiration? - Post-COVID-19, how do you see the pharmacy world shifting and adapting to this “new norm” and have there been any upsides to the shift in how you interact with patients/people? Interview with Walgreens Pharmacist, Jamal Downer Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA www.pharmacyadvisory.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/hillary-blackburn-67a92421/ @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter
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  • My Functional Pharmacist with Dr. Candice Burtner
    May 11 2020
    In this episode our guest is Candice Burtner, is a pharmacist who has always appreciated natural ways of living and healing. With a curiosity for the science behind medicinal therapies, she graduated from Belmont University with a Biology degree, then went on to complete pharmacy school at The University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy in Memphis. She started her natural therapy training as a mentee under Mark Binkley fresh out of school, and her most recent training has been with The Institute of Functional Medicine. She is currently working at Riverside Village Pharmacy in Nashville as Compounding Director and running their Low Dose Naltrexone Program for patients who need extra care. She is also Co-Founder and Virtual Health Consultant at My Functional Pharmacist, a virtual health consulting company for women. Candice has a passion for efficiency and simplicity in medicine. She loves guiding women through their health journeys in one-on-one settings to uncover their best next steps with clarity. After working in a wide variety of pharmacy settings, Candice has always brought a functional mindset to her style of care. Ultimately, this passion is what led to the creation of My Functional Pharmacist. Topics discussed include: Topics: - What is functional medicine (FM)? - Creation of My Functional Pharmacist - What is the role of the pharmacist in FM - A few easy tips for boosting immunity during this time Guest - Candice Burtner, PharmD Co-Founder, My Functional Pharmacist @MyFunctionalPharmacist on Facebook and Instagram Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA www.pharmacyadvisory.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/hillary-blackburn-67a92421/ @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter
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  • Testing Drug Quality & Safety with Valisure CEO, David Light
    Apr 26 2020
    In this episode, we chat with David Light, Founder & CEO, of the pharmacy and analytical lab company about drug safety and quality. High-level overview of Valisure: -- Valisure is the first ever pharmacy attached to a laboratory where every batch of medication is analyzed before being dispensed. -- Valisure’s mission is to help ensure the safety, quality, and transparency in the medications it delivers to consumers. -- All medications at Valisure come with a certificate of analysis, similar to nutritional information on food, and are sold at no additional cost. -- Valisure currently rejects over 10% of the batches we analyze for problems related to dosage, dissolution (how a pill dissolves), and the presence of carcinogens. -- Approximately 80% of medications in the U.S. are made from materials coming from India and China -- The $2 trillion global pharma supply chain is incredibly complex and medications can touch 10-20 hands before reaching the consumer. Guest - David Light Founder & CEO, Valisure www.valisure.com Selected media highlights: New York Times: Zantac Products Should Not Be Sold or Used, F.D.A. Warns, Citing Cancer Danger Bloomberg News: Carcinogen Found by Pharmacy in Popular U.S. Diabetes Drug Washington Post Feature Story: A tiny pharmacy is identifying big problems with common drugs, including Zantac Bloomberg Businessweek 9/16/19 Cover Story: Carcinogens Have Infiltrated the Generic Drug Supply in the U.S. Reuters: Online pharmacy flags possible new impurity in blood pressure drug Valisure and Govzilla Drug Quality Scores Collaboration: Press Release (Jan 8, 2020) Rep. DeLauro Calls for Ranitidine Ban and Reintroduces Bill: Congressional Press Release (Valisure presented at joint press conference in US Capitol Building, Jan 10, 2020) Sen. Warren, Cotton, Kaine and Romney Letter on Drug Safety and Reliance on China: Congressional Press Release (Valisure data directly discussed and cited in letter, Dec 9, 2019) Covid-related: Reuters (3/19/20): Potential coronavirus treatment touted by Trump already in shortage, pharmacists say WSJ (2/28/20): FDA Cites Shortage of One Drug, Exposing Supply-Line Worry BioSpace (3/26/20): Some Drugs Being Rationed as Suppliers Continue to See Increased Orders The Hill (3/27/20): Trump must cut our dependence on Chinese drugs — whatever it takes Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA www.pharmacyadvisory.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/hillary-blackburn-67a92421/ @talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook @HillBlackburn Twitter
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  • Fireside Chat on Coronavirus with Host, Dr. Hillary Blackburn
    Apr 13 2020

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