• The Elephant in the Living Room
    Apr 3 2023

    I am your host, Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA, and you are listening to the Big T: Trauma. On today's show, I will try to tackle the elephant in the room: Are you or were you a victim of sexual assault? And did you claim your victim status or survivorship status? -When a society does not deem an individual or marginalized group as “rapeable,” are they still victims? How can one reclaim a sense of self, worth, and purpose when the mainstream media tries to diminish or overt your experiences? Because for Black and Brown women and children, being a victim can be a double-edged sword! Dr. Mary Koss, psychologist and researcher, and pioneer in the field of sexual violence, helped coin the terms: date rape, acquaintance rape, campus rape, unacknowledged rape, and hidden rape. The research and explanation of sexual assaults presented by Dr. Koss were world-changing and faced backlash. Victims now had a more accurate term to describe their sexual assault. **Once again, we own our shit: the pretty parts, the not-so-pretty parts, and all the traumas in between. **We will continue down our path to reclaiming our truth, our story, and our destiny while self-correcting our trajectory. I am Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA, and you're welcome. **The memories, the interpretation of such memories, revelations, and sentiments are strictly my own. References AKA "The Receipts" https://www.thisamericanlife.org/770/transcripthttps://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2014/11/30/366348383/the-history-of-campus-sexual-assault https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adultification_bias https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2019/01/11/cyntoia-brown-r-kelly-and-refusal-recognize-black-female-victims/2542845002/ https://www.rainn.org/news/surviving-r-kelly-part-ii-leads-40-increase-calls-national-sexual-assault-hotline https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/culture/story/surviving-kelly-documentary-linked-increased-calls-national-sexual-60230012 https://www.businessinsider.in/policy/news/japan-plans-to-raise-the-age-of-consent-from-13-years-old-in-an-overhaul-of-sex-crime-legislation/articleshow/98251529.cms https://theworld.org/media/2023-03-15/japan-moves-toward-raising-age-consent-16 ***Music: Tropical Evening By Mixaund https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thd43js4jHs

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    27 mins
  • It's Been Awhile
    Feb 6 2023

    This is the Big T: Trauma

    Thank you for joining me for this episode.

    I am Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA

    I sincerely apologize for the unexpected hiatus that has lasted several weeks.

    I have been exhausted, not just emotionally and mentally but physically as well.

    I kept racking my brain on how to begin the next podcast, this particular one, so since I am feeling a bit better now, after a hiatus and quick replenishing journey halfway around the world, I am ready to tackle the next portion of the topic. And I will tackle the next podcast by using this podcast to help set the stage.

    Confused yet? Don't be. I promise by the end of the next episode. This will all make sense.

    In this episode, we will touch on the topics:

    Adultification of children

    Mental fatigue related to trauma

    Mental fatigue related to mental illness

    Once again, we are owning our shit: the pretty parts, the not-so-pretty parts, and all the traumas in between.

    We will continue down our path to reclaiming our truth, our story, and our destiny while self-correcting our trajectory.

    I am Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA, and you're welcome.

    **The memories, the interpretation of such memories, revelations, and sentiments are strictly my own.

    *Music: Tropical Evening By Mixaund https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thd43js4jHs

    References "The Receipts"







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    14 mins
  • Victim Status and Victim-blaming
    Jan 5 2023

    The Big T: Trauma

    Thank you for joining me as we focus on healing and calling out what ails us related to trauma.

    We are owning our shit: the pretty parts, the not-so-pretty parts, and all the traumas in between.

    We will continue down our path to reclaiming our truth, our story, and our destiny while self-correcting our trajectory.

    On today's episode, Let's talk about what it means to be a victim.

    What does victim blaming entail?

    And what does a victim look like?

    *****************************Trigger Warning on the 2nd half of this podcast*************************

    Thank you again for joining us.

    I am Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA, and you're welcome.

    **The memories, the interpretation of such memories, revelations, and sentiments are strictly my own.

    *Music: Tropical Evening By Mixaund https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thd43js4jHs

    References "The Receipts"

    Life Stance. The 4 Types of Trauma Responses


    Simple Psychology https://www.simplypsychology.org/fight-flight-freeze-fawn.html

    WebMD https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-does-fight-flight-freeze-fawn-mean#:~:text=The%20fight%20response%20is%20your,please%20someone%20to%20avoid%20conflict.

    APA. Black Women the forgotten victims of sexual assault. https://www.apa.org/pi/about/newsletter/2020/02/black-women-sexual-assault

    The Annie E. Casey Foundation. The Adultification of Black Women and Girls. https://www.aecf.org/resources/listening-to-black-women-and-girls

    ACLU. Legal System has Failed Black Girls, Women, and non-binary https://www.aclu.org/news/racial-justice/legal-system-has-failed-black-girls-women-and-non

    CDC Maternal Mortality Rates in the United States, 2020 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2020/maternal-mortality-rates-2020.htm

    Music: Tropical Evening By Mixaund https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thd43js4jHs

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    18 mins
  • Trauma and What it Means
    Dec 29 2022

    We continue our talk on the Big T Trauma.

    We previously got a little closer to the water. In today's segment, we will dip our toes into the water. In each segment, we will discuss and process a series of Traumas, little Ts, and Big Ts as we continue down our path to reclaiming our truth, our story, and our destiny while self-correcting our trajectory. We are owning our shit: the pretty parts, the not-so-pretty parts, and all the traumas in between.

    The memories, the interpretation of such memories and revelations, and sentiments are strictly my own.

    And again, I appreciate your willingness to spend a few minutes with me on a very real topic that often evokes raw, uncomfortable, and sometimes painful memories.

    This is Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA and you are welcome.

    References "The Receipts"

    Maternal Mortality Rates per CDC https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2020/maternal-mortality-rates-2020.htm

    Foster Care https://www.foster-america.org/the-problem

    Vanderbilt University Research News https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2022/04/18/new-study-black-women-face-higher-maternal-mortality-rates-than-previously-determined/

    Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs https://ccp.jhu.edu/2021/05/17/maternal-mortality-black-mamas-race-momnibus/?gclid=CjwKCAiAkrWdBhBkEiwAZ9cdcMnZU0ZCpD0YBgrozrIL4kVSKxsEgNcWoqGZHb_iMESf2Gnqb6_CCRoC11EQAvD_BwE

    National Coalition for Child Protection Reform https://nccpr.org/80-percent-failure/

    Child Abuse and Prevention CDC https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/childabuseandneglect/index.html

    Child Welfare Information https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubpdfs/fatality.pdf

    National Library of Medicine- The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1494926/

    Global Education Ranking of Countries https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/02/15/u-s-students-internationally-math-science/

    Global Rankings https://theconversation.com/new-global-testing-standards-will-force-countries-to-revisit-academic-rankings-115199

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    18 mins
  • The Baseline
    Dec 23 2022

    Join me as we delve into a topic that is usually overlooked, yet it can critically impact our ability to move through the world, make decisions, form connections, and experience life itself. The Big T that is, Trauma.

    In today's episode, we are going to establish the baseline for this podcast series as well as begin the journey into what it means to experience survivorship as a trauma victim.

    I appreciate you, and Thank you for joining me for this episode.

    This is Dr. Antwannette D. Kozlow, DHA and you are welcome.

    *The statements made in this podcast are strictly my own.

    The Receipts

    Discrimination and Racism in Mental Health https://www.nami.org/Blogs/NAMI-Blog/July-2020/Discrimination-and-Racism-in-the-History-of-Mental-Health-Care

    Racism in Mental Health https://www.mhanational.org/racism-and-mental-health

    Historical Legacies of Racism in Mental Health https://ct.counseling.org/2020/05/the-historical-roots-of-racial-disparities-in-the-mental-health-system/

    Racism and Health https://www.cdc.gov/minorityhealth/racism-disparities/index.html

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    11 mins
  • The Maiden Voyage Episode 1
    Dec 1 2022

    Welcome to the first podcast in our series, The Big T; Trauma. This is a short and sweet intro that may give one a glimpse into what's in store in future episodes.

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    3 mins