• Playing All Out For The Lord with Sterling Jaquith
    Jun 25 2024

    Discover how to play all out for the Lord with special guest, Sterling Jaquith.

    In our conversation, she shares her unique experiences balancing motherhood with her entrepreneurial ambitions, and how converting to Catholicism transformed her life and business approach.

    Sterling offers invaluable insights on how women can honor their God-given talents while being present for their families.

    We delve into the importance of hearing God's voice in business and our professional endeavors. Sterling provides practical advice on seeking clarity, learning from others, and maintaining a positive attitude.

    Learn more about Sterling and her programs at sterlingjaquith.com

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    33 mins
  • How to Know Exactly what God Wants You to Do Today
    Jun 18 2024

    #008 - Ever wondered how you can navigate life’s challenges with unwavering confidence? This episode is your guide to understanding and embracing God's will in your daily life.

    We'll unpack the power of living with conviction and how aligning with God's plan can diminish fear and uncertainty.

    Drawing inspiration from the lives of Jesus and Mary, we see that even when faced with hardships, fulfilling God's will fortifies you with the strength to persevere.

    I share practical wisdom from saints like St. Therese and insights from Bishop Barron, offering clear methods to discern His will through your vocation and life’s circumstances.

    You'll learn about the demands of your vocation, the circumstances of your day, and how to create a rule of life that aligns with God's will.

    Plan out your own Rule of Life with this free resource: https://www.athrivingcatholic.com/planner

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    27 mins
  • Why Most Productivity Strategies Fail (And What To Do Instead)
    Jun 11 2024

    #007 - We're all striving to be more productive, to get more done in less time. But what if I told you that most productivity strategies are setting you up for failure?

    In this episode we’ll talk about why most productivity strategies fail—and what to do instead.

    From setting up tickler files in David Allen’s GTD system to trying what feels like a million different task management software and planners, I’ve done my fair share of experimenting with productivity strategies.

    But what I’ve found is that they all tend to fail in one critical way.

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    20 mins
  • 13 Catholic Entrepreneurs Share How They Prioritize Family While Making 6-Figures or More
    Jun 4 2024

    #006 - Have you ever seen a wildly successful entrepreneur who also has a thriving family life and wondered, "How do they do that!?"

    Well, in today's episode, you're going to find out!

    I asked 13 entrepreneurs who make 6-figures or more in their businesses how they prioritize their families.

    Here's a list of every entrepreneur who was featured in this episode and where you can find out more about their work:

    • Anna Lalonde from catholicbusinessowner.com and drawntothetruth.org
    • Jenny Parulski from Ads Uncorked (https://adsuncorked.com)
    • Ashley Mikkelsen from http://srtaspanish.com
    • Jill Simons from http://pinksaltriot.com and manypartsministries.com
    • Lindsay Konopa from https://lindsaykonopaphotography.com
    • Nicole Stanley from Arise Financial Coaching (https://www.arise.financial)
    • Lynn Bowser from http://mythrivefinancial.com
    • Stacey Pelster from http://www.svpofficeintuition.com
    • Lisa Canning from The Possibility Mom and The Guiding Star Project (https://lisacanning.ca and https://www.facebook.com/TheGuidingStarProject)
    • Patrick Pulis from https://www.saintofthemonth.com/
    • Sterling Jaquith from Made for Business at http://www.sterlingjaquith.com
    • Jamie Rathjen from Fiat Institute and The Hormone Genius Podcast and www.fiatinstitute.com
    • Stephanie Kirby from The Blue Daisy Floral Designs at https://thebluedaisyfloral.com

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    32 mins
  • How I Boost my Energy, Resilience, and Productivity in <1 hr/Week
    May 28 2024

    #005 - Want to know the #1 productivity secret of Billionaires that you can do in less than 1 hour per week, for FREE? It can boost your energy, strength, focus, productivity, AND resilience!

    This week, we explore the various ways through which exercise enhances all areas of your life, highlighting the benefits of High-Intensity Resistance Training (HIRT).

    I mention a tool that I have found helpful, the Seconds app, to elevate your workout experience, and I provide practical tips for incorporating workouts into a busy schedule.

    Listen in to discover how an effective exercise routine can help you become more productive, resilient, and energized in achieving excellence in your daily life.

    Here are the free workouts I created for you: https://www.athrivingcatholic.com/workouts

    And just for fun, my Christian Rap playlist (on Apple Music): https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/awesome-christian-rap-workout-songs/pl.u-KVXBBJPtZ837eP

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    21 mins
  • Excellence as Growth in Virtue with Rose Folsom
    May 21 2024

    #004 - What does it mean to be excellent as a Christian? How do successful people live with excellence? What are the benefits of virtue and how can we grow in it?

    These are the questions that we’ll be exploring on this episode of The Catholic Pursuit of Excellence Podcast with my special guest, Catholic Prayer Coach Rose Folsom.

    We explore:

    • The Christian meaning of the word "excellence" and the surprising use of that word in scripture.
    • How we can know exactly what human excellence of character is
    • The benefits of excellence of character (virtue)
    • The #1 aspect of excellence, what scripture says about it, how successful people have lived it, and tips to grow in this virtue

    I hope you enjoy the show!

    Connect with Rose and get "Top 10 Tips for Patience" at https://virtueconnection.com/

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    33 mins
  • Is Your Business Taking Over Your Life? Here's How to Keep it in its Proper Place
    May 14 2024

    #003 - How do you balance your work, family, health, and personal obligations without feeling like you’re coming up short in everything?

    How can you strike the right balance between all of the things that you’re responsible for every day and not feel constantly guilty or like you’re letting something else important slip?

    You might be wondering if this is even possible.

    In this episode of the podcast, I want to assure you that not only is it possible to keep all the aspects of your life in their proper place–but that it’s essential to get this right if you’re serious about becoming a saint.

    I’ll share with you the one key concept that when properly understood, will make it easy for you to see exactly where everything fits in your life and to feel confident about how you're using your limited time and energy every day.

    I’ll debunk some common misconceptions that tend to keep people stuck in guilt and overwhelm–so that you can avoid these traps yourself.

    Finally, I’ll give you a simple exercise that you can do today to virtually guarantee that every important area of your life is getting the right amount of time and attention–so that you can approach each day with peace, knowing that you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    26 mins
  • Time for Everything: How to Feel Like there is MORE than Enough Time
    May 14 2024

    #002 - We’re tackling the all-too-common issue of time scarcity. If you’re a motivated and driven person, then chances are good that your to-do list is often more than a little ambitious.

    If you’ve ever thrown up your hands in frustration and said, “There’s so much to do and so little time!” Then you, my friend, are not alone.

    This is by far one of the most common challenges that I help my coaching clients with.

    And while it’s true that none of us can create more time (that’s God’s domain) what we can do is drastically change how we experience time.

    So how can you feel like you have more than enough time every day?

    In this episode, I’ll be sharing…

    • A surprisingly simple mindset shift that will help you feel more time-abundant–especially if your to-do list is impossibly long
    • A sure-fire way to stretch out and slow down your experience of time
    • The nitty-gritty practical strategy you can start using today to feel like there’s more than enough time for everything that you want and need to do

    Are you ready to build high-impact habits of body, mind, and soul that actually stick? Check out the Catholic Path to Excellence today to find out how you can be more consistent in your habits and excel in every aspect of your life.

    Feeling "stuck" in your life? Coaching could be the solution you need to break through whatever is holding you back. Book a FREE Call with me today to find out how I can help you.

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    26 mins