• 13: My AI Tools for Content Production, part 1
    Jul 16 2024
    I once recommended to only use one AI service, and then get good at it.

    Not to swap between services, because experience with one beats the minor capability advantages of yet a new service.

    I was both right and wrong.

    In this first episode of two parts, I'll explain why (and take you through all the content AI services we use).

    See you inside the content universe.
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    16 mins
  • 12: Product Promotion Versus Thought Leadership. What You Should Consider?
    Jul 4 2024
    Products drive current revenue.
    Thought Leadership drives future revenue.

    One cannot live without the other. At least not if you're a top player in your industry. Or if you aspire to be.

    In this episode I'll take you through a handful of considerations you should have when working with thought leadership content.

    Hope you like it. Let me know!

    💌 Podcast@montanus.co

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    12 mins
  • 11: Freelancer or AI? 5 things to Consider when Creating Content
    Jul 3 2024
    Yes AI is truly amazing. It can do all sorts of cool things. It can create content at the click of the button and it’s super fast.

    But in some cases, AI still loses ground to the oldschool of producing content, namely using freelancers.

    In this episode I cover five different things you need to consider when choosing whether to use an AI service or a freelancer for producing your content. I hope you enjoy.
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    18 mins
  • 10: Are you Picking the Low Hanging Fruits?
    Jul 1 2024
    My guess is that you have more than one project going on right now. Am I right?

    In content production, you typically have many different deliverables, many different types of content that you need to produce.

    This often means swapping tasks. It means changing pace, and it means navigating different software systems in and out all the time.

    This episode of The Content Universe is not specifically about producing content. It’s more about creating a healthy flow of producing content and getting things done.

    I’ll take you through some of the tasks that I have on my to do list right now and give you a quick idea to how you can juggle the many tasks that content producers and marketers deal avoid every day.

    It’s not rocket science, but it’s something that really help me. I hope it helps you too.
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    9 mins
  • 9: The Hardest (but Untold) Truth About Hosting a Regular Podcast
    Jun 28 2024
    Hosting a podcast requires quite a few things. It requires technical skill. it requires interview skills. It requires editing skills and of course some kind of marketing skills to distribute it all.

    However, all of those things don’t mention the hardest part of it all:

    Getting guests to participate on your show.

    It’s not so much that people don’t want to participate. It’s more that the logistics around getting dates places times all of this to sync up is really really hard.

    How do you make sure to have enough people contacted to have a regular podcast coming out?

    How do you manage the people you want as guests so you know that you can publish every month, every two weeks, or every week?

    That is what we will talk about in this episode of the constant universe so you can learn some of the tricks that we use when we manage guests for a variety of different shows. I hope you enjoy.

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    13 mins
  • #8 5 Templates that Will Safe Your Content Production
    Jun 26 2024
    Ever felt like you were stuck in the red tape of creating content?

    Ever felt like doing the same things over and over and over and over and over again?

    In production, we can save ourselves a lot of time if we use templates intelligently. This is what we talk about in this episode.

    Five templates that will save you time and effort and leave room for results and deep work.

    Let me know what you think in the comments.

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    19 mins
  • #7 Writing for LinkedIn: You Better Move People
    Jun 20 2024
    LinkedIn this odd place where business meets pleasure. Where professionalism meets social. Where employees become human.

    This makes it really hard to find out how to behave on LinkedIn.

    Should you be serious and formal?
    Should you be witty and happy?
    Should you be curious?
    Should you be inspirational?

    Well, in my opinion, you need to be human. All the tips and tricks for writing good posts you can flush down the drain if you are not writing to another human being in every single post.

    Think about this: your posts need to move people. In any way possible.

    Hope you enjoy this episode. Let me know what you think, I’d really appreciate your feedback.
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    13 mins
  • #6 How I Repurpose this Podcast Episode Into 10ish Pieces of Content
    Jun 18 2024
    repurposing is not a new thing.
    But for some reason, people tend to forget that you can re-purpose content you have already made and get lots and lots of extra value out of it .

    In this episode, I will take you through the types of content the episode itself will become once we are done repurposing it.

    I can tell you, it will be about 6 to 10 new pieces of content – nearly without lifting a finger.

    Automation, thank you 🤖
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    12 mins