
  • The Life Cycle of Apps
    Dec 8 2020
    All apps have a lifecycle and some end up dying out completely but how can a social media app go from being so popular to suddenly not existing at all or being seen as uncool? Well, you might not have put much thought into this topic before but it's really important to understand social media usage trends so that you can be as agile as possible and futureproof. In the final instalment of season 1, Alex and Joe take on a more 'think piece' approach to this episode and share their thoughts on what determines app popularity in a world where all of them are fighting for your time. 

    Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire or visit their website www.campfire.co.uk
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    41 mins
  • Paid Social Vs. Traditional Marketing
    Dec 1 2020
    If you're a social media marketeer, you've probably wondered why brands still spend so much money on traditional marketing tools like billboards and TV ads when paid social offers a much more targeted and direct means of speaking to probable customers. 

    Well, there are pros and cons to both and so to understand how best to target your audience with your message, Alex and Joe welcome back Liam Davies, Head of Paid at Campfire. Liam offers his insights into how to use Paid Social effectively and why brands may still use traditional strategies.
    Head to Campfire’s website http://campfire.co.uk to access info-packs and to find out more about this episode. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    39 mins
  • The Founders Edition
    Nov 24 2020
    Throughout the season so far, we've looked at how best to market your brand on social by looking into human psychology but we haven't yet spoken to business owners who have created, built and grown their company using social media primarily.

    In this episode, we speak to both Jack Brewitt, CEO of 92 Degrees Coffee andDan Murray-Serter, founder of 'brain food' supplement subscription brand, Heights. You might also know Dan as the co-host of the popular Secret Leaders podcast. 

    Jack has a primarily Bricks and Mortar business but on the other hand, Dan has an online subscription model business. Alex and Joe thought that they would both be immensely insightful people to speak to, not only because they are both founders but because they both have very different perspectives and experiences of building their brands online. 
    Head to Campfire’s website http://campfire.co.uk to find out more about this episode and the team. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    36 mins
  • How Fake News is Changing the World
    Nov 17 2020
    It seems strange to think that an innocent like or share be so impactful or even dangerous but from global warming to medical advice, there's fake news about almost everything online. 'Fake News' is often a term used as a joke or as a political 'slur' but it really is having an impact on the way the world works, but how? Alex and Joe welcome back Cecilie Traberg, PhD psychology student at The University of Cambridge, onto The Deep Dive to explain to us how fake news is made with human psychology in mind, why can it be so dangerous and why we all need to be aware of the effect our online actions are having.
    Head to Campfire’s website http://campfire.co.uk to learn more. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    38 mins
  • How to be Remembered: Brand Awareness.
    Nov 10 2020
    When you think of crisps, tea or laundry detergent, who do you think of first? You'll have picked some brand names pretty quickly, but why did you think what you did? You might be inclined to think that you chose the brands you did because 'they've been around the longest' and so getting your brand to be the one people think of first may feel like an impossible task but that's not always the case when it comes to brand awareness. Smaller brands can compete for that top spot in a customers mind and so in this episode, Alex and Joe explore how humans remember and recall brands by chatting to Psychology PhD student at Sydney University, Marie Dietz. This episode lays out what you need to be doing to get remembered.
    Head to Campfire’s website http://campfire.co.uk to access info-packs and to find out more about this episode. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    20 mins
  • Are Our Devices Really Listening to Us?
    Nov 3 2020
    With social media apps serving us ads that suspiciously align with our recent conversations, we've probably all had someone tell us that 'well, our devices are always listening, you know' ...but how true is that? To see whether our phones are eavesdropping or whether it's actually us, Alex and Joe explore the psychology behind our online behaviours with Senior Lecturer at The University of Cambridge, Dr Amy Milton, and discover how Facebook knows what ads to serve us as well as checking in with Liam Davies, Campfire's Head of Paid, to find out what data Facebook do and don't have access to...
    Head to Campfire’s website http://campfire.co.uk to access info-packs and to find out more about this episode. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    33 mins
  • Why are Influencers so Effective?
    Oct 27 2020
    Being largely unregulated, the influencer scene is the wild west of marketing but why are influencers so effective and is the word 'Influence' really the correct word to be using? Alex and Joe take a look into the psychology behind so-called influence online with Cecilie Traberg, a Psychology PhD student at The University of Cambridge. Cecilie explains how we, as humans, we influence and are influenced. Alongside Cecilie, Accounts Director at Campfire, Sophie Angell makes her debut to explain why you might have been left disappointed with the return on a recent influencer campaign.... but don't fret as she also shares the 'Golden Rules' for influencer marketing.
    Head to Campfire’s website www.campfire.co.uk to access info-packs and to find out more about this episode. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    21 mins
  • Are Our Attention Spans Shrinking?
    Oct 20 2020
    TikTok, Instagram Stories and Reels are the latest 'short-form heroes' that keep us hooked for hours but why are we spending so long scrolling through quick, snackable content? Is it because the human attention span is shrinking and we can no longer focus on long-form pieces? Well, to answer the question, hosts Alex and Joe dive into the psychology of how our attention spans work with Dr Christopher Hand and teach you how to create content that not only grabs attention but is the right length of time for your audience.

    Head to Campfire’s website campfire.co.uk to access info-packs and to find out more about this episode. Follow Alex, Joe and the Campfire team on LinkedIn, and Instagram @campf.ire. 
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    19 mins