• 308 || [Solo] 3 Reasons Why Community is Essential for Chasing Big Dreams || Merritt Onsa
    Jun 19 2024

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/308

    💥 This episode is brought to you by the Devoted Dreamers Community Conversation call held on the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM Pacific / 1:30 PM Eastern. 💥

    Register for free here: https://merrittonsa.com/connect

    Are you ready to uncover the secret weapon for chasing your God-shaped dream?

    If the obstacles between you and your dream feel overwhelming, it might be time for a game-changer: Community!

    In this solo episode, I dive into exactly why I believe community is essential for tackling the hurdles and confidently moving forward with your God-shaped dream. Whether your dream involves writing, speaking, leading, teaching, starting a business, or building a ministry, this episode is packed with inspiration and actionable tips just for you.

    From tackling obstacles like time and discipline to gaining clarity and momentum, community is the key. When you’re surrounded by other Jesus-loving women who also have a big dream, everyone wins because we are stronger together than we are on our own.

    I also introduce you to our supportive Devoted Dreamers community and tell you how to connect this month with like-minded women who have a similar heart and are pursuing God-shaped dreams just like you.

    Pop in your earbuds to learn all about:

    ⚡ The three obstacles that community helps eliminate,

    💫 What the Bible says about strength in numbers, and

    🎁 How to find the like-minded community you seek.

    If you’ve ever felt the nudge to create or build something new but find yourself overwhelmed by the enormity of the dream, you’re in the right place.

    Get ready to step outside your comfort zone, face those fears, and say “yes” to the big dreams God has placed on your heart. This episode is packed with encouragement and practical insights to help you on your journey. Let’s get started!

    RSVP for the free monthly Community call on Zoom


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    27 mins
  • 307 || How to Start Listening to the Whispers of God || Kathy Izard
    Jun 5 2024

    Find the show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/307

    This episode is brought to you by the Devoted Dreamers Community Conversations call, held monthly on the last Wednesday at 10:30 AM Pacific / 1:30 PM Eastern. Register for free here: https://merrittonsa.com/connect

    Have you ever felt a God nudge?

    Whether you call it a nudge, a whisper, or a prompting, I bet you’ve had at least one. Maybe it was super subtle. Maybe you didn’t understand it in the moment. Or maybe it’s like you were knocked over the head with a two-by-four and you cannot go on ignoring it any longer.

    In many cases, the whisper is beyond anything you ever imagined for your life, and for my guest, Kathy Izard, it came loud and clear and completely unexpected. Her story began in the heart of a soup kitchen where a surprising encounter sparked a journey that would require her to surrender in ways she never imagined.

    As you listen, pay close attention to what you can learn from her story, like:

    💡How to know if you have a God whisper,
    ✨ Why your dream probably doesn’t come with a roadmap (and how to take steps anyway),
    ❤️ What it looks like to surrender to a dream you didn’t know you wanted and how God directs your steps when you do.

    This inspiring podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents, and life experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Dreamers Facebook Community

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

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    38 mins
  • 306 || [Solo] How to Discover and Develop Your Good Gifts from God || Merritt Onsa
    May 22 2024

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/306

    💥 This episode is brought to you by the Devoted Dreamers Community Conversation call held on the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 AM Pacific / 1:30 PM Eastern. 💥

    Register for free here: https://merrittonsa.com/connect

    What good gifts did God give you?

    In this solo episode, we dive deep into how you can discover and develop your God-given gifts. Whether you have a burning idea for a book you want to write, a business that could transform lives, or a heartfelt vision for ministry, this episode is for you.

    We’ll dig deep into scripture, reflect on life experiences, and explore practical steps to take action on your God-shaped dreams. Plus, I’ll share details about our supportive Devoted Dreamers community and how you can connect with like-minded women who are pursuing their dreams just like you.

    Pop in your earbuds to learn all about:

    🎁 How to identify your God-given gifts,

    📝 Practical advice for using those gifts as it relates to your dream, and

    ❤️ Understanding why your gifts matter.

    If you’ve ever felt the nudge to create or build something new but find yourself overwhelmed by the enormity of the dream, you’re in the right place.

    Get ready to step outside your comfort zone, face those fears, and say “yes” to the big dreams God has placed on your heart. This episode is packed with encouragement and practical insights to help you on your journey. Let’s get started!

    RSVP for the free monthly Community call on Zoom

    Three questions I asked you to reflect on in this episode:

    Why do my gifts matter in the world?

    What, Lord, do you want to do with my good gifts?

    How can my gifts bring you glory?


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Chat

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    28 mins
  • 305 || How to Start Loving the Unique Ways God Made You || Michelle Acker
    May 8 2024

    Find the show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/305

    This episode is brought to you by the Devoted Dreamers Community Conversations call, held monthly on the last Wednesday at 10:30 AM Pacific / 1:30 PM Eastern. Register for free here: https://merrittonsa.com/connect

    Do you struggle to recognize the beauty of your uniqueness?

    Everywhere you look there’s evidence of the glorious ways God made other people: She’s got an eye for design. That one has a knack for speaking encouraging truth into other people’s struggles. Her every movement is so graceful and poised. I wish I could speak/write/entertain like she does.

    Ultimately, we’re asking the question: God, why didn’t you make me like that?

    We don’t intend to diminish God’s gifts in us; it’s more like we don’t recognize our gifts for what they are. We’ve lived our whole lives with these talents, this wiring, this personality. It doesn’t seem all that special compared to what we perceive as excellent in others.

    What will it take to begin recognizing the significance of your wiring and to boldly use your gifts for His glory?

    In this episode of the Devoted Dreamers Podcast, my guest Michelle Acker offers a reminder that God’s design in each of us—including you—has a beautiful purpose!

    As you listen, pay close attention to what Michelle teaches us about:

    💡Practical ways to overcome the negative voices threatening your dream,

    ✨ Giving yourself the freedom to explore and express your passions, and

    ❤️ The gift of collaborating with another dreamer to create beauty TOGETHER!

    This inspiring podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents, and life experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Dreamers Facebook Community

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

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    42 mins
  • 304 || Am I Too Old to Pursue a Big Dream? || Heather Creekmore
    Apr 24 2024

    Find the show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/304

    Is it too late for me and my dream?

    If you had asked college-aged-me if my parents were old, I’m sure I would’ve said yes. And I wouldn’t have meant it as a compliment

    But what about wisdom? What about the value of life experience? What does the Bible have to say about our value in the midst of inevitable aging?

    When former podcast guest Heather Creekmore reached out to share her new book Aging Gratefully with me, I was convinced this was a topic we all need to consider. (Also, go listen to her previous episode, #231, on How to Trust God’s Calling on Your Life Even When You Feel Unqualified—it is among the top three downloaded Devoted Dreamers episodes of all time!)

    If you’ve felt the pressure to be perfect or feared having missed your chance to pursue a dream, this conversation offers hope, truth, and a much-needed perspective shift that God’s calling transcends age because wisdom and experience are assets, not hindrances.

    As you listen, pay close attention to what Heather’s story reveals about:

    💡Managing the fear of not feeling qualified for the dream God has given you (whether that’s age-related or something else)

    ✨ How to shift into a more biblical perspective that places a high value on long life and growing old,

    ❤️ Heather’s practical strategy for fighting back against the thoughts that would keep you and your dream in hiding

    This inspiring podcast episode helps Christian women in their search for encouragement to use the skills, talents, and life experience for the big dreams God has given you.


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Dreamers Facebook Community

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

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    45 mins
  • 303 || How to Re-Energize Your Faith through the Practice of Wonder || Jen Weaver
    Apr 10 2024

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/303

    Are you afraid of what God might do with your dream?

    If fear has been a driving force in your dream (or lack thereof), it’s time to go deeper in your faith. Bible teacher and author Jen Weaver shares in this episode about how to manage the fear of not feeling qualified for the dream God has given you.

    Rather than quit when you hit a fear roadblock, you can choose to walk through your fears with God—who is the antidote to fear—and He will re-energize your faith with the truth of His Word.

    Jen is passionate about empowering believers to engage in every aspect of life WITH God. Her latest book A Beckoning to Wonder is a gorgeously illustrated poetry collection, helping you rest in God’s goodness as you re-energize your connection and experience the life-changing ease of wonder.

    As you listen to this episode, pay close attention to what Jen’s story can teach you about:

    💡Managing the fear of not feeling qualified for the dream God has given you,

    ❤️ The power of wonder to remove the burden of overthinking, and

    ✨ Partnering with God to take the pressure off and embrace your dreams like a child: with the freedom to be a learner, to try things, to mess up and keep moving forward.

    This inspiring podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents, and life experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Dreamers Facebook Community

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

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    43 mins
  • 302 || [Solo] How to Persevere When You Want to Quit Your Dream || Merritt Onsa
    Mar 27 2024

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/302

    What do you do when a dream feels too hard?

    Somewhere along the journey of saying “yes” to a God-shaped dream you’ll probably ask yourself why in the world you did that.

    It’s no small thing to attempt something you’ve never done before like writing a book when you don’t know the first thing about publishing; or starting a business when you’ve always been a W-2 employee; or taking the risk of inviting strangers to purchase the art you’ve created, attend a workshop you’ll be teaching, or buy a product you’ve spent your creative energy building.

    It feels incredibly vulnerable to put yourself out there like this. And some days you might feel like quitting so you can go back to your “easy, normal life.”

    I don’t blame you. We all have those moments, but there’s actually a great deal of hope in the messy middle as well, and that’s what I have to share with you in this episode.

    Pop in your earbuds and you’ll learn all about:

    🪤The 3 traps you’ll encounter when you’re in the messy middle of a big dream

    🏃‍♀️Practical advice for how to navigate the messy middle without giving up

    ❤️Finding strength to persevere in community with others dreamers facing similar trials

    This encouraging podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents, and experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.

    Join us for my next free monthly call on Zoom with other devoted dreamers


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Let’s Chat

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    32 mins
  • 301 || Why Dreaming Big Is a Trust-Builder for Your Faith || Rachel Bates
    Mar 13 2024

    Find show notes here: http://www.merrittonsa.com/podcast/301

    Is there a God-nudge you’ve been ignoring?

    Rachel Bates never imagined starting a nonprofit; in fact, even as she leads the Beauties ministry, this role feels outside of her comfort zone and skill set on most days. The reason she said ‘yes’? Beauties has touched Rachel’s life and the faith of her young daughter so deeply. She couldn’t ignore the Spirit’s prompting to grow the ministry and reach girls beyond her home community—or that she was the one to begin this work.

    Now, looking back, she can see the breadcrumbs of God’s hand leading her from a teaching career, to mothering, and then to this opportunity. At the same time, she knew nothing about nonprofit leadership before sitting down with an attorney to discuss next steps. In order to be obedient to the call, she knew she would have to surround herself with others who had the skills and experience she lacked.

    Rachel candidly shares about her struggles with self-doubt and on-going battle with perfectionism, sharing scriptures that keep her anchored continuing to embrace the joys and challenges of this role.

    As you listen to this episode, pay close attention to what Rachel’s story can teach you about trusting the Lord as you pursue a dream outside your comfort zone, including:

    💡 Why we hesitate to listen to those “God nudges” about the big dreams He’s given us (and what’s really at play there),

    ✨ How to find courage to say “yes” to the adventure God has for you, and

    ❤️ The transformative power of stepping into the identity He has given you in Christ.

    This encouraging podcast episode is for any Christian woman in search of encouragement about how to use your skills, talents and experience for the big dreams God has planted in your heart.


    Connect with Merritt: Website || Instagram || Book a Discovery Call

    Get Connected with the Dreamers Facebook Community

    Leave a Review: Apple Podcasts/iTunes

    Subscribe: on Apple Podcasts * on Android

    Produced by Jonathan R. Clauson.
    Theme music by Reaktor Productions.
    Ad music by Komiku.

    Show more Show less
    46 mins