• Reiki Rays Healing Summit 2024 with Yolanda Williams
    Oct 5 2024

    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama.

    Ritual+Shelter is dedicated to providing one-on-one, in-depth conversations with customers to help them find the most efficient healing methods and resources that match their unique interests and energy. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, Sound Bowl, Crystal Healing, and now offer Witch Consultations.

    Visit ritualshelter.com to book an appointment and bring peace back to the body, mind, and spirit. Find them on Instagram at Ritualsheltershoppe as well as Pinterest at Ritual+Shelter.

    As this podcast goes to air, we find ourselves in the midst of a powerful transition following the New Moon Solar Eclipse. This celestial event invites a wave of change and evolution for all of us, opening doors to a deeper understanding of who we truly are.

    Now is the time to not only set new intentions but to embody them, aligning ourselves with our authentic truth. With the energy of Libra, an air element, we’re reminded of our connection to our thoughts and the importance of choosing them wisely. Each moment brings a choice: to shift away from overactive thinking and towards a renewed trust in our higher selves, tapping into the profound wisdom of our souls.

    Libra energy encourages us to seek balance. Are you giving yourself the space to pause and reflect, or are you caught in the whirlwind of busyness? Remember, when we rush through life without recognizing the power of stillness, we risk depleting our energy.

    Deep within us lies an inner strength, a wisdom that embodies our individuality and core passions. This Soul force is a vital aspect of who we are—an intrinsic part of us that demands to be expressed.

    Are you feeling overwhelmed by your racing thoughts and stuck in the monotony of your daily routine? Do you sense that there’s a different way to navigate life, but you’re not quite sure how to find it? I’ve been there—lost, confused, and feeling utterly alone, as if there was no escape. Sleepless nights and a lack of appetite became my norm, until one pivotal day 27 years ago when I was introduced to a teacher who worked with the transformative energy of Reiki. That experience changed my life.

    I was reminded of this journey recently during an interview for Woman’s World Magazine, where I shared how discovering and learning Reiki helped me manage my anxiety, empowering me to make better choices for myself and, most importantly, for my children. It’s significant that such a well-respected national magazine chose to highlight this topic, reflecting how important it is to bring Reiki into public conversation. I’m grateful to see it gaining traction in hospitals, workplaces, and research, and that’s exactly what we’ll discuss in today’s episode.

    If you’re ready to shift your perspective and embrace change, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Spiritual Upgrade Call with me. Let’s explore the number one thing that’s keeping you stuck in old patterns. Click here to schedule.

    In today’s episode I speak with Yolanda Willaims about this next upcoming Reiki Rays Healing Summit. Yolanda, a Reiki Master Teacher and fellow podcaster, is one of the co-host for the summit. In this episode, we talk about Reiki Rays, some of the upcoming interviews, the hopes of the summit and how you can particpate.

    Reiki Rays is a global community of Reiki practitioners and teachers dedicated to creating a brighter and more aware future for us all using Reiki as a main healing tool. They assist and empower an International Reiki community members with opportunities for personal and spiritual growth . This have a wide variety of Reiki articles and infographics, free guided meditations, free e-books, online courses and summits via their Reiki Rays University platform.

    Since its founding in 2012, Reiki Rays has touched the lives of more than four million people, becoming now one of the world’s most popular and respected source of Reiki knowledge.

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    46 mins
  • Living Your Best 5D Life with Maureen St. Germain
    Sep 28 2024

    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, Sound Bowl, Crystal Healing and Witch Consultations. @ritualsheltershoppe. Pintreest

    As this podcast goes to air we continue to move through the eclipse portal of energy. The Solar Eclipse comes in on Wed, Oct 2nd in the sign of Libra. Whereas the Luna eclipse was about pulling us out of our comfort zones, and releasing old karma, the solar eclipse is about stepping forward with a new sense of who we truly are. It’s about setting intentions to trust your higher self.. to connect with the wisdom of your soul.

    The energy of libra is about finding balance. Do you take time to pause and slow down.. or do you keep yourself so busy you don’t know how to sit still. ?hen we continually keep going and don’t recognize the power that comes from pausing, it can be draining.

    Within each of is an inner strength that comes from the wisdom of our Soul. From my perspective, this Soul force is strong and embodies our individuality and core passions. It represents the essence of who we are—an intrinsic part of us that cannot be ignored and yearns for expression.

    Many people think this Soul force, if it exists at all, is unrelated to our everyday lives. I think the opposite: to truly find satisfaction in our day and reach our fullest potential, regardless of our field, we must engage with and harness this inner power otherwise we will find ourselves drained of energy. Our higher self filters energy.. it helps us receive higher guidance.. but when we are too busy and drained, the information we seek becomes elusive.. we don’t trust the messages.. we continuously search and wander.

    Allow the energy of this eclipse to guide you to set new patterns. It's the perfect time to step into your magic and embrace change.

    Have you ever felt like a pushover, always ready to lend a hand at your own expense? Or perhaps you've found yourself overwhelmed, juggling too many ideas all at once? If so, it might be time for a significant transformation in your life. Are you tired of feeling drained? Are you ready to ground your energy and focus on what truly matters instead of getting lost in distractions?

    In my recent quiz, “What's Your Evil Archetype?”, I discovered that last year's top response was the People-Pleaser. This year, however, the Wandering Soul has taken the lead, indicating a struggle to focus amidst an excess of wandering energy. Following closely is the Saboteur, who self-sabotages efforts, preventing progress. Do these patterns resonate with you? Many of us find ourselves caught in these cycles without even realizing it.

    Old habits keep you in your comfort zone. They are why you walk around feeling stressed, anxious, and fearful to move forward. They're why you are having trouble trusting new decisions and making new choices about your life. These habits keep you from being present and enjoying your life.

    Imagine breaking free from these cycles once and for all. I have a unique and powerful approach to help you do just that.

    If you'd like to explore this further, schedule a complimentary Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough Call. Click here.

    In today’s episode, I continue the discussion of expanding states of consciousness. I welcome back to the show, Maureen St. Germain with her book, Living Your Best 5D Life. We talk about how it is possible to undergo dimensional shifts and make spiritual “upgrades” that allow you to shift instantly into 5D. In this episode, we talk about practices for thinking in 5D, the MerKaBa, 8D, the higher self, the light body, navigating the higher dimensions, and how you can harness your strength and energy to live your best 5D life.

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    42 mins
  • Shamanic Star Wisdom with Lisa Biritz
    Sep 21 2024
    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. As this podcast goes to air we continue to move through the eclipse portal of energy. This energy is all about pulling us out of our comfort zones, releasing old karma, and stepping forward into more balanced relationships with ourselves and our communities. This energy is an awakening. It hits on the south nodes of the cosmic chart, asking you to look at your path and notice where you are stuck in your comfort zone. It is draining when we continually stay in limiting old habits. Yes, it is comfortable … and the brain seeks safety.. but is it really? Within each of us lies this enigmatic inner strength, our Soul. From my perspective, this Soul force is formidable and embodies our individuality and core passions. It represents the essence of who we are—an intrinsic part that cannot be ignored and yearns for expression. Many people think this Soul force is unrelated to our everyday lives. I believe the opposite: to find satisfaction in our day and reach our fullest potential, regardless of our field, we must engage with and harness this inner power. What does it mean to 'work from your Soul? In my experience, it feels like tapping into a wellspring of limitless potential that is continually rejuvenating and vibrantly alive. Rather than operating from a shallow layer of thoughts or strategies, I experience a connection to a dynamic system of energy and creativity that fuels my work. This is the shift in humanity. This is what this Eclipse portal is all about ….from the full moon of this past week through the new moon in Libra on Oct 2nd. This is what is opening all of us up to. Do you feel like your Soul is wondering.. searching? When our Soul wanders, it can be draining.. feelings of uncertaintly, our self esteem can drop, we try to please others. However, it is by acknowledging this and finding the tools and techniques to help you move through. What is it for you? The energy drain.. the thing that takes you away from valuing your energy, your time, your light? Have you taken my quiz… This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Instagram: @ritualsheltershoppe As this podcast goes to air we continue to move through the eclipse portal of energy. This energy is all about pulling us out of our comfort zones, releasing old karma, and stepping forward into more balanced relationships with ourselves and our communities. This energy is an awakening. It hits on the south nodes of the cosmic chart, asking you to look at your path and notice where you are stuck in your comfort zone. It is draining when we continually stay in limiting old habits. Yes, it is comfortable … and the brain seeks safety.. but is it really? Within each of us lies an inner strength, our Soul. From my perspective, this Soul force is formidable and embodies our individuality and core passions. It represents the essence of who we are—an intrinsic part that cannot be ignored and yearns for expression. Many people think this Soul force is unrelated to our everyday lives. I believe the opposite: to indeed find satisfaction in our day and reach our fullest potential, regardless of our field, we must engage with and harness this inner power. What does it mean to 'work from your Soul'? In my experience, it feels like tapping into a wellspring of limitless potential that is continually rejuvenating and vibrantly alive. Rather than operating from a shallow layer of thoughts or strategies, I experience a connection to a dynamic system of energy and creativity that fuels my work. This is the shift in humanity. This is what this Eclipse portal is all about ...from the full moon of this past week through the new moon in Libra on Oct 2nd. This is what is opening all of us up to. Do you feel like your soul is wondering, searching? I recognize this feeling. My soul was wondering and searching for several years after my mother died. When our soul wanders, it can be draining.. feelings of uncertainty, self esteem can drop, and trying to please others. However, it is by acknowledging this and finding the tools and techniques to help you move through.. What is it for you? The energy drain.. the thing that takes you away from valuing your energy, your time, your light? Have you taken my quiz… The Dark Side of Energy Drains? It can help you understand where you are losing energy. Monetize Your Energy is my next online class, coming this fall. But first, we have to understand these energy drains. When the subtle energies are aligned with what you want, they will work for you. You will start to draw health, opportunities, people, money, clients or anything you want into your life more easily. This will allow you to work less while having more impact ...
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    54 mins
  • Channeled Message: Fall Energy
    Sep 14 2024
    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Browse through their bookshelves covering topics such as Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Chakras, Auras, Accessing the Akashic Records, Shadow Work, Astrology, and Earth Based Healing. You can also find herbal teas and tinctures alongside crystals and oils to help establish a mindful mindset and fluid ambiance before meditation, ritual work, and reflection. Ritual+Shelter is dedicated to providing one-on-one, in-depth conversations with customers to help them find the most efficient healing methods and resources that match their unique interests and energy. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, soundbowl, and Crystal healing. Visit ritualshelter.com to book an appointment and bring peace back to the body, mind, and spirit. As this podcast goes to air, we are in the eclipse portal of energy. The full moon is on Tuesday, September 17th, at 9:34 p.m. in the sign of Pisces. Deep and sensitive, it carries significant energy, often associated with emotional release, intuition, and spirituality. Full moons are moments of culmination and clarity, while eclipses tend to bring about sudden changes, revelations, or endings. During this particular event, the Pisces influence enhances themes related to dreams, creativity, compassion, and emotional depth. Individuals may experience heightened sensitivity, making it a potent time for introspection and healing. It can also encourage letting go of past emotional baggage and adopting a more intuitive approach to life. This energy may manifest in various ways, including the resolution of emotional issues, increased creativity, and a deeper connection to one's spiritual path. It's an excellent time for meditation, artistic expression, and exploring one's inner world. However, remaining grounded is essential, as the emotional waves can be intense. This eclipse happens as we prepare for the new season. As we make this transition, we bring with us the growth from the summer. What does that mean for me? As I have talked about, for me, it was a lot of unseen growth, not the outward signs we normally expect to see. My growth was deep within, which helped me ground in my soul’s purpose and reestablish my soul contract. When our soul wanders, it can be draining.. uncertaintly, self-esteem can drop, trying to please others. One of the things I learned from this “adventure” was the worth that I bring to myself and to my community. Once I understood that, everything shifted. I found myself grounded in my soul and ready to harvest all my teachings and step forward in renewed faith for this new season. What is it for you? What energy drain takes you away from valuing your energy, time, and light? In a recent quiz, The Dark Side of Energy Drains, the #1 drain was the people-pleaser, followed by a close second to the wandering soul, and then the martyr. People pleasing can have several downsides, especially if you don't have good energy boundaries" 1. Loss of Authenticity: Constantly trying to meet others' expectations can lead to a loss of self-identity and authenticity. Individuals may neglect their own needs and desires to gain approval. 2. Emotional Exhaustion: Trying to please everyone can be mentally and emotionally draining, leading to burnout, anxiety, and stress. 3. Resentment: Over time, people-pleasers may feel resentment towards those they aim to please, as they might feel their efforts are unappreciated or taken for granted. 4. Difficulty Setting Boundaries: People pleasers often struggle to set healthy boundaries, which can lead to being taken advantage of or overwhelmed by commitments. And more.. Overall, while wanting to please others can stem from kindness, it’s essential to balance this with self-care and authenticity to maintain healthy relationships and personal well-being. These are just a few examples… want to know more? Join me in my next masterclass, The Aura of a People-Pleaser, where we will look at this energy drain, and I will offer you ways to work energetically with your aura to break this draining habit and monetize your energy better. I’ll drop the link in the shownotes. When the subtle energies are aligned with what you want, they will work for you. You will start to draw health, opportunities, people, money, clients or anything you want into your life with a lot more ease. This will allow you to work less while having more impact and attracting great clients into your business. It will help you become healthier, stronger, more powerful, and empowered.
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    24 mins
  • Native Strength with Kate Herrera Jenkins
    Aug 31 2024
    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Find them on Instagram @ritualsheltershoppe. Gem & Mineral Show- Sept 6, 7, 8th As this podcast goes to air, we are going to the last New Moon of Summer. It’ in the sign of Virgo as we are in Virgo season. Virgo energy is ruled by Earth, and Virgo season ushers in a period of transition as we move from summer to fall and feel our energy settle and refine. This period gives us a foundation to rest upon as we process the events of the past and future. It allows us to organize our lives after the chaotic burst of energy Leo Season often brings. Virgo Season brings us an opportunity to show up as that person and realize our inherent self-worth. It is a time to let go of self-doubt, perfectionism, and self-criticism as we step into our potential in this lifetime. Virgo’s energy helps us embrace our authentic self realized in Leo Season while accepting it with compassion, forgiveness, and strength. As we journey through Virgo Season, become aware of the conditions you place on yourself for love and acceptance. What impossible level of perfectionism are you holding yourself to and why? We often feel that we have to be perfect to receive love and be worthy. Over this season, began to teach yourself that you are worthy of love, acceptance, and fulfilled dreams just as you are right now. This New Moon sets your intentions by embracing all aspects of yourself this season. Purge your consciousness of unworthiness at the beginning of Virgo Season by making a list of all the reasons why you don’t believe you deserve love, belonging, acceptance, or fulfilled dreams. Write unrestricted and break free of the bonds of shame that keep you tied to a life of self-doubt. What don’t you feel you are good enough for? What in your past or present is preventing you from owning your magic and declaring your worth to the Universe? Come join us at Ritual + Shelter for a new Moon Light labyight meditation.. Get out of your mind and ground your soul in your heart so taht you can cocreate with source the path you choice. The event is on Tuesday, Sept 3rd. Register at RS It is so important to let go of that need to be perfect. It’s draining you of your energy. As is people pleasing? Are you saying yes when you mean no? Are boundaries lacking in your life? These are all energy drains… The dark side of Energy Drains. What is your evil archetype? Take the quiz and find out. I’ll drop the link in the show notes. I can help you to Monetize your Energy, with spiritual tools, to rewire your brain with neuroscience techniques so that you can create healthy energy boundaries to monetize your energy. AS a Spirtual mentor not only will I teach you these tools to use for yourself, but also I will hold you accountable to using them and showing up stronger in your energy. My next Masterclass for Energy Drains is on Sunday Sept 15th. Learn how you can stop these energy drains. As a spiritual mentor and I can you you to tap into your Soul to learn more about yourself, how to work through past traumas, and how to step forward in life. I have many tools in which I can guide you through. Want to know more? Schedule a complimentary spiritual upgrade breakthrough call with me. Let's talk about how I can guide you into building your practice, help you move through difficulties in life, transitions, and find the love for your soul that will inspire you. All the Links will be in the show notes. In today’s episode, I am finally getting a chance to talk about my trip to Sante Fe. When I got back, I had a loss with a dear friend’s death, and everything stopped. I didn’t get a chance to talk about my trip and all that I experienced. I went out there for two reasons, one was to visit a retreat facility.. hint hint .. MAster retreat in 2025. And the other reason was to expeience the Native American Corn Dance. My quest is Kate Jenkins who invited me out there. There is so much to say about Kate.. but before we begin let’s take a moment to pause and center and set an internion for this new moon energy coming in. Kate Herrera Jenkins (Shu-wah-mitz) is an active member of the Pueblo of Cochiti in New Mexico. She is the founder of Native Strength Revolution. Kate attended Loyola University in New Orleans and graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Music Therapy. She moved to New York City in 1998. There, her career with Music Therapy developed a love to serve kids with special needs and also developed a passion for working with elders. She continued to serve elders through movement, music and recreation until 2008. In 2008, she discovered hot yoga and immediately wanted to share this healing modality with the world. She attended 9 weeks of yoga teacher training in CA with Bikram Choudhury. She has Also studied Yin Yoga...
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    59 mins
  • The Aquarian Shaman with Linda Star Wolf
    Aug 24 2024

    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Or find them on Instagram at @ritualsheltershoppe.

    As this podcast goes to air, we have just moved through that intense Aquarius Super Blue Full Moon… Lots of light is streaming down on all of us. We are moving through changes in humanity. So many messages coming in at this time.

    Messages for the soul about our evolution. We are still in Mercury Retrograde energies.. so yes.. there is a feeling of going forward.. moving backwards.. push pull.. energy. We see it in the contrast of our life.. the weather patterns, the stock market, and the political atmosphere. We aren’t meant to stay the same.. from the time we are a baby we are growing.

    I recognize that change is not easy. I recognize that even when we say we want to change, it is so easy to fall back into old patterns. Does this sound familiar to you?

    That’s why we have tools.. spiritual tools to help us rewire the brain and get out of the limiting beliefs and energy drains we find ourselves in.

    Are you tired of being drained of your energy? Are you done with the people pleasing?

    Are you saying yes when you mean no? Are boundaries lacking in your life?

    These are energy drains… The dark side of Energy Drains. What is your evil archetype? Take the quiz and find out. I’ll drop the link in the show notes.

    I can help you, with spiritual tools, to rewire your brain with neuroscience techniques so that you can create healthy energy boundaries to monetize your energy.

    As a Spirtual mentor not only will I teach you these tools to use for yourself, but also I will hold you accountable to using them and showing up stronger in your energy.

    I wanted to share another testimonial from one of my students, Rhonda. Rhonda came to me with a strong religious background, seeking a wider view of her own soul’s journey. She has now gone on to become a Reiki Master and helping other people as well to live through their soul’s work.

    So yes, I am a spiritual mentor and I help people tap into their Soul to learn more about themselves, how to work through past traumas and how to step forward in life. I have many tools in which I can guide you through.

    Want to know more? Schedule a complimentary Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough Call with me. Let's talk about how I can guide you into building your practice, help you move through difficulties in life, transitions, and find the love for your soul that will inspire you.

    In today’s episode, we talk about how we can bring forward these ancient spiritual teachings into our modern-day society. My guest is Linda Star Wolf and her lastest book is called, The Aquarina Shaman. In her book, she Describes how to recover the magical sensibility and innate awareness that most of us leave behind in childhood as she explores the fundamental stages of the journey to awaken shamanic consciousness. In this episode we discuss what shamanism is …what indigeous really means, how ancient teachings can come together, the work of the shaman, Misappropriation of this work, and the dance of the spiral path.

    Linda Star Wolf, Ph.D., D.Min., has been a visionary shamanic guide for more than thirty-five years. The founder of Venus Rising Association for Transformation and president of Venus Rising University for Shamanic Psychospiritual Studies, she is the creator of the Shamanic Breathwork Process, the Shamanic Ministers Global Network, and the Wise Wolf Council. She lives with her beloved husband, wolf dogs, chickens, and community at Venus Rising’s Elemental Temples near Asheville, North Carolina. https://www.shamanicbreathwork.org/

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Crystal Body Grids with Sharon L. McAllister
    Aug 17 2024

    This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Browse through their bookshelves covering topics such as energy healing, crystal healing, Reiki, chakras, auras, accessing the academic records, shadow work, astrology, and earth-based healing.

    You can also find herbal teas and tinctures alongside crystals and oils to help establish a mindful mindset and fluid ambiance before meditation, ritual work, and reflection.

    Ritual+Shelter is dedicated to providing one-on-one, in-depth conversations with customers to help them find the most efficient healing methods and resources that match their unique interests and energy. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, soundbowl, and Crystal healing. Visit ritualshelter.com to book an appointment and bring peace back to the body, mind, and spirit.

    As this podcast goes to air, we are moving into the Aquarius Full Moon peaking on the 19th. This is our last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins, and you may feel the intensity rising.

    Eclipse Season is always a highly transformative time, and it seems like this Full Moon is planting the seeds of change.You may feel the unsettling energy flowing in, but it seems that the Universe is not ready for you to land just yet.

    It can always be unsettling to be in a state of limbo or in the process of change, but one thing you can come back to under this Full Moon is the idea of flow. This is your time to flow with what is coming up, rather than trying to control.

    This Full Moon really wants all of us to surrender, to just be present in whatever is showing up for you in your world. Uranus, the natural ruler of Aquarius, is also active under this Full Moon, adding to the insecurity we may be feeling. When Uranus is active along with the Moon, we can feel irrational, moody, and caught off-guard.

    The presence of Uranus also indicates some surprise or wildcard energy that you perhaps didn’t see coming. Things may turn in an unexpected direction or you may receive some information that shocks you. Uranus can also trigger what is weak, revealing what is no longer stable or working in your life. So definitely a time to stay true to your spiritual practice, to ground your energy and work with what I call the RITES for your everyday life… reiki, intuition, tarot eft and stones and crystals..

    As a spiritual mentor, I can help you with these tools, learn about your energy body, and upgrade your spiritual path.

    Sharing another private client’s testimony, Andi, who was going through a divorce, wasn’t happy, knew something was missing, and was looking for guidance. She found me through one of my sound healing events and resonated with my story.

    Yes, Andi did the work and saw her life improve. She continues to use her spiritual tools to counter all of life’s issues. So yes, I am a spiritual mentor, and I help people tap into their spirit and learn more about themselves, how to work through past traumas, and how to step forward in life. I have many tools that I can guide you through.

    Want to know more? Schedule a complimentary spiritual upgrade breakthrough call with me. Let's talk about how I can guide you into building your practice, help you move through difficulties in life and transitions, and find the love for your soul that will inspire you.

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    57 mins
  • Deathwalking- From Elder to Ancestor with S. Kelley Harrell
    Aug 10 2024

    This podcast episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter.

    Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Browse through their bookshelves, which cover topics such as Energy Healing, Reiki, Chakras, Auras, Accessing the Akashic Records, Shadow Work, Astrology, and Earth-Based Healing.

    You can also find herbal teas and tinctures alongside crystals and oils to help establish a mindful mindset and fluid ambiance before meditation, ritual work, and reflection.

    Ritual+Shelter is dedicated to providing one-on-one, in-depth conversations with customers to help them find the most efficient healing methods and resources that match their unique interests and energy. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, sound bowl, and Crystal healing. Visit ritualshelter.com to book an appointment and bring peace back to the body, mind, and spirit.

    It’s been an unexpectedly intense week. How perfect that the topic of today’s episode is about spiritual, cultural, and the ancestral aspects of aging and dying. I lost a dear friend who was like an adoptive mother to me. My life went on pause.. no podcast.. no blog.

    Many people don’t know this about me.. part of the work I do is in helping the soul through the transition into death, preparing the body for burial and helping the family as well. When it is someone close to you, the work can be harder. Although it does hold great honor to serve at this stage of life. So I took the week to offer the rituals, the ceremony, to help the family, and to mourn. My Aunt Micky as she was know to the entire community, also left me a gift, a gift in the reflection of my work back to me and how important it is for me to talk about this work and bring the conversation forward.

    We are at a time in humanity that is asking us to understand this cycle of life for death is a part of it.

    As we discuss in this episode, how we live is how we die. Having a spiritual practice can help you throughout your life to understand your soul, how you work through traumas, and what you choose to carry forward.

    Being a spiritual mentor allows me to live my purpose and do this work. I wanted to offer another glimpse into the mentoring that I offer. My student, Summer, came to me with huge gifts. Gifts she didn’t understand, which made it hard for her to trust her abilities. She is also highly empathic and was taking on so much more energy from others than she needed to ... let’s listen to what Summer has to say.

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    46 mins