
  • Ep. 16: Getting over your fears: Harnessing the power of help to launch a game-changing business
    Apr 21 2024

    This episode is with Nicolette Lazarus, a self-described midlife woman, solo female founder with a 100% record of getting through bad days.

    Her life has been quite a journey - growing up in an immigrant family in the early 70s, having her attitude to help inadvertently imprinted by an incident with her younger smarter brother, battling to have a successful career in advertising, a post-divorce transformational solo adventure through Australia’s outback, through to a deeply challenging time during her 40’s navigating perimenopause.

    All of this has led her to follow her purpose and start Womanship, a game-changing help each other community for women and wellness providers.

    Some themes we cover:

    The influence on her attitude to help of a seemingly innocuous encounters in ur childhood

    Eldest child syndrome and expectation to help other people

    Needing to prove we can do things and as good as other people prevent us from us asking for help

    How self-acceptance is vital to getting comfortable to have the self-worth to ask for help.

    Holding space for people to talk is a priceless form of offering help

    Difficulty to talk about the very private experience of miscarriage

    The importance of asking for help you become the person that you know you have the potential to become.

    The historical negative cognation of therapy and help can hold people back from seeking support

    The easier approach to ask for help on behalf of your passion project versus asking explicitly for yourself.

    Being specific with your ask is a great way to increase your success at getting a successful outcome to your request.

    Telling yourself what’s the worst that can happen will help get over your fears of asking.

    Want to get early access to Nicolette's Womanship platform? You can sign up at www.womanship.co and/or follow @_Womanship on Instagram for inspirational content and exclusive updates. #sharemoreworryless

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Ep. 15: Priceless lessons about ‘Help’ from surviving skin cancer and starting up your own business
    Jan 13 2024

    This episode is with Greg Allon, father of 3, Chief Operating Officer at a TV Production company, enthusiastic runner, blog writer and aspirational author

    15 years ago he was diagnosed with malignant melanoma whilst his youngest of three kids was 9 months old. And then a couple of years later, he started a spinning studios business with his sister and brother-in-law.

    We discuss his insights on help from these life-changing experiences and how they have fundamentally changed his outlook on life. How they’ve acted as a reminder of how priceless the help from his wife, family and friends was during those tough times, and even now as he takes on new challenges including writing a novel.

    Some of themes we cover are:

    • Children naturally ask for help, as we become adults we overthink it.
    • Hierarchy of help - the multiple ways it can be offered, publicly or anonymously help, accepted and asked for
    • The challenge help offerers experience in asking for help themselves
    • The resistance to asking for help, and the reliance on your partner to be one’s ‘help crutch’
    • The importance of asking for help for emotional and mental support as much as for practical, logistical support
    • The closer you are to your family and friends the easier to ask for help
    • Illness is more straight forward to ask for help, but it’s other less obvious situations that are nearly as valuable to ask for help, but it’s harder because it’s less obvious you need it.
    • The partner needs as much if not more help and support than the person who’s sick.
    • When starting a business how important it is consider what happens if it just goes, ok and to keep going only if you maintain your current job commitment. Not just consider if it’s a failure or a great success.
    • Starting and running a business has inevitable waves of crisis and low points, where you’re verging on being desperate and forced to ask for help
    • How one particular friend went way beyond expectations to help and find ways to keep Greg’s business going
    • Asking people for favours, help, advice and intros historically didn’t come naturally, but the harsh start up experience has now made that much more natural.
    • The more times you now practise asking for help and make it become a habit, the more proficient and comfortable you become
    • The Benjamin Franklin effect - by asking a favour and advice can reframe an adversarial relationship to a trusting and valued one.
    • How giving help is part of self-fulfilment and as such can be considered the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    56 m
  • Ep. 14: 6 Life-enhancing take-aways from meeting Simon Sinek
    Aug 27 2023

    Recently I had the remarkable experience of meeting Simon Sinek, the renowned author, inspirational speaker and podcast host. It represented a wonderful reminder of you how when we dare to ask for help amazing things can happen.

    In this episode I share how the experience has underlined and highlighted so many life enhancing themes I'm increasingly now living my life by, ones that will hopefully help and inspire you on your journey to live the life you want.

    1. Manifesting: Things don’t just happen by chance, we can make them happen. Being clear as to what you want in life - both the feeling and the and that you feel it and deserve it, it will happen.
    2. Meeting the universe half way: Be receptive to and recognise opportunities when they present themselves and why it happens in that moment and and in that way.
    3. Journey not the destination: Liberating to let go of expecting or being driven by certain outcomes. To embrace each moment, encounter and opportunity that can then let the surprising magic happen.
    4. Authenticity: being authentic enables game-changing things to happen. It creates stronger connections, a sense of trust that can only enrich your life
    5. Gratitude: simple but important reminder that it boosts your own mindset and mood. For help when it’s offered, for opportunities the universe gives you, and for the people that in your life. And to be grateful for yourself, who you are, how you show up and what you give the world.
    6. Purpose: Benefit of being able to capture your purpose, and then tap into and live and breathe it. With this Gift of Help project I feel like I’m doing so.

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Ep 13: Meeting Simon Sinek: An inspiring story about daring to ask
    Aug 15 2023

    This episode tells the inspiring personal story of the life-changing benefits of practising what I’m preaching. To be aware of and have the motivation to overcome your blockers and asking for help. And for this to massively serve me when I recently met Simon Sinek, and how this has led to a massive step forward on my journey to increase the impact of my Gift of Help project.

    I hope this inspires you as much as it has me.

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Nugget #8: The benefits to you, and those around you, of accepting help unconditionally
    Jul 9 2023

    Here’s a few nuggets and insights from the clip of my conversation with Matt Black a colon cancer survivor and now charismatic campaigner.

    Accepting help with unconditional gratitude, can trigger not only an unexpected mood and energy boost for yourself, but also for the help giver and the wonderful ripple effect onto those around them. And how this in general breeds a sense of love and gratitude, support and friendship.

    Plus also we talk about the power of a thinking of you reach out and offer to help out to not only the person who’s going through a health or life challenge but to those close to them.

    You can listen to the full episode and Matt's story and his inspiring attitude here: https://www.thegiftofhelp.org/2075728/12711782

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Nugget #7: Extraordinary power of human connection simply from accepting help
    Jun 29 2023
    In this short clip from my conversation with David Smith, the gold-winning Paralympian, we talk about the joy and priceless value of human connection from simply asking, offering and accepting help even with strangers. Plus how his attitude of being curious, compassionate and courageous underpins all of this.

    You can listen to the full episode and David's extraordinarily inspirational story and life philosophy here:

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Nugget #6: The joy of being asked for help
    May 21 2023

    This clip is from conversation with Osher Günsberg.

    In the spirit of the joy of being asked for help, we talk about it being not the survival of the fittest, but more survival of the friendliest. And that as a species we have succeeded because we are cooperative and our brains are hardwired to reward us when we help others.

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Ep 12 David Smith, Paralympian's passion to help others and live a life with purpose
    May 14 2023

    This conversation tells the story of how a Paralympian gold medallist’s grit and self-reliance gave way to vulnerability, self-awareness, accepting and offering help and a greater sense of purpose.

    David was a promising national level student athlete, but in 2010 he was diagnosed with a rare tumour in his spinal cord. He then went on to represent Great Britain at rowing and win gold at the London Olympics in 2012. However in 2106, one of the multiple spinal surgeries he had to endure that year left him paralaysed from the neck down on one side.

    We discuss how dealing with depression and overcoming suicidal thoughts has given him a greater sense of purpose, and brought out his altruistic personality, passion to learn, help others and make a difference in the world.

    Some other themes we cover are:

    • It's hard in today's world when we're bombarded with so much noise, to get to the core of who we are, what we value the most, what are our non-negotiables, and live in alignment with that.
    • The benefit of nature, animals and a change of environment to help yourself.
    • Mental health challenges of performance athletes who experience post Olympics depression, yet it seems it less impacts the coaches and support team
    • How Victor Frankl’s stimulus-space-response framework can guide our perhaps unwanted immediate reactions to situations. if we can work on that stimulus, space response and smile more often, we change the vibration of our life and everyone around us.
    • The difference between UK and Jamaican culture around greetings and expressing of love and blessings.

    You can contact me on:
    Email: ashley@thegiftofhelp.org
    Facebook: Ashley Usiskin
    Instagram: @gift_of_accepting_help_podcast
    Linked: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleyusiskin/

    Más Menos
    58 m