• Breaking Free From Toxic Diet Culture: Exploring A Healthy Mindset Towards Weight - Tracy Desjardins
    Jul 25 2024

    Episode 30 - Tracy Desjardins

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    Welcome to Episode 30, with Tracy Desjardins

    Tracy helps women find solutions for chronic dieting, emotional and stress eating, their sugar addictions and their body image challenges. She's a national board certified health and wellness coach, a mind and body eating coach, a fitness professional, and the international bestselling author of The Diet-Free Diva.

    She specializes is in helping women find solutions for unwanted eating concerns such as restrictive dieting for weight loss, binge eating, sugar addictions, and emotional eating challenges. In her book, she shares her own powerful story growing up as an overweight child and offers her readers a five step plan for breaking free from the toxicity of diet culture. She outlines a trifecta of mind body spirit healing that helps women achieve peace and freedom with food, body and self on their own trusted and sustainable terms.

    Things we chat about:

    Her personal story of mindset and behaviors towards health and weight

    Empowered vs disempowered language around diets and eating

    How to frame weight loss and diet as a matter of value proposition

    Is it the responsibility of corporations to sell healthy food? Or is it a matter of personal responsibility only?

    Should we set numeric goals for weight?

    Is "diet-culture" healthy or toxic?

    Is sugar addiction a real thing? Is it an emotional addiction or a physical addiction?

    Are health influencers a positive or negative thing for the world?

    The role of God in maintaining and setting goals and building ourselves up when we feel down

    How God can lead to all things good when we are at our lowest

    How does Tracy navigate today’s glamorization of obesity?

    “Toxic Diet culture” vs responsibility and healthy discipline

    Should we shame fat people into fitness? If so, when should we do it?

    All this and more on Episode 30 of The Health King’s Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Connect With Tracy:


    Check out her free giveaways!


    Enjoy the show.


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • You Need THESE THREE THINGS If You Want To Reveal Your Optimal Health - Eva Vennari
    Jul 23 2024

    Episode 29 - Eva Vennari - The Elevate Institute

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    Welcome to episode 29.

    Today I discuss with Reverend Eva Vennari of The Elevate Institute

    We have a chat about the three pillars of her Ascension Program: Physical Health, Divine Relationships, and Being Sovereign

    Some things we discuss:

    The commonality of gen x'ers being raised into the trauma of not being seen or having their needs met beyond basic necessities of life, and how that type of trauma affects the immune system, leads to depression, and chronic illness

    How children that are “mature for their age” are actually emotionally stunted and what this looks like

    The ramifications of parents taking away basic free will and regulation sovereignty from a child, and common ways this occurs

    Why alkaline water is a scam

    Obsessive movie weirdos, gamers, golfers etc

    The detriment of video games for children, but also a possible good use case for them

    Does everybody have a purpose in life?

    What is sovereignty?

    The three sticky spots of self sabotage: fear, shame, and guilt

    The coming of the Age of Aquarius. Are we living out biblical prophesy?

    Is all of the gender chaos and nonsense of today indicative of the problem between the genders coming to the surface in order to be healed

    And more!

    Connect With Eva:


    Enjoy the show.


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Exposing The LIES Of Physiotherapy - Taylor Davidson of Football Entangled
    Jul 10 2024

    Episode 28 - Taylor Davidson - Football Entangled

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    All humans should be considering their life and health holistically, but athletes even more so

    What kinds of things should an athlete consider in order to stay in true peak physical shape? Well thats exactly what we have a chat about today

    Some topics we cover:

    The "root cause" of health, performance, and athletecism

    Fascia, mitochondria, and the nervous system

    How modern podiatry is not meant for athletes

    Harms of modern footwear

    Evolution of footwear over time

    What is reflexology?

    Are toe spreaders doing more harm than good?

    Taylor's personal experience of being prescribed pills that wrecked his gut health

    Is everything we are taught about injury recovery false?

    Is inflammation is actually a good thing

    Should we be eating raw meat?

    What's the deal with the cold shower hype

    Coffee - helpful or harmful?

    Should people be eating breakfast?

    And more....

    Enjoy the show.

    Connect with Taylor:




    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 30 mins
  • This Psychiatrist UN-medicates, UN-diagnoses, and UN-doctrinates His Clients - Dr. Fred Moss
    Jul 6 2024

    Episode 27 - Dr. Fred Moss

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    Known as the Undoctor, Dr. Fred Moss proudly speaks about how he un-medicates, un-diagnoses, and un-doctrinates his clients

    Join as we chat about:

    The plentiful and fundamental flaws of the mental health system

    What is the average state of peoples mental health today

    Are mental health professionals forced to diagnose people?

    Why do people identify so strongly with their mental health disorder labels? Is it cope?

    Are most people even interested in getting healthy? Or do they WANT to stay disempowered”

    How to we end the concept of "mental illness”

    Can a healer connect with anyone at any level of disempowered state?

    Are there some people too far gone to be saved?

    Do mental health drugs CAUSE the imbalances that they claim to treat?

    Are we being turned into cyborgs?

    Should we have mandatory non-work days?

    What even is a "week"?

    Should we be scared that computer algorithms know us better than we know ourselves?

    What is the role of discomfort in life? Is it a good thing? Is it inevitable?

    Is it a good thing If you are miserable?

    What are the differences between men and women in the mental health profession?

    Should you choose a male or female mental health professional to work with?

    Conventional education system teaches us to disconnect from who we really are in order to protect that person

    Connect with Dr. Fred Moss:




    Enjoy the show.


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 43 mins
  • Why Being a "Strong Independent Woman" Is A Scam - Lauren Kent
    Jul 5 2024

    Episode 26 - Lauren Kent

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    Today I sit down with Lauren Kent, a Love and Relationship Coach for Women

    She helps women that are "successful" in other areas of life become successful in love

    Some things we chat about:

    What does it mean to say “love comes from within”?

    How we must love ourselves first and have healthy self esteem and self image before being successful in relationships with others

    How older generations of women pass down their unhealthy beliefs to younger women “men aren't worth it, relationships aren't worth it”

    How the concept of being a “Strong independent woman” is a scam religion indoctrinating women into miserable loneliness

    Do we have one soulmate in this lifetime or can we have multiple soulmates? Can we have multiple soulmates at the same time?

    Can an individual heal while in a relationship, or can healing only happen while alone?

    Can one relationship partner heal the other?

    How do we establish, respect, and enforce healthy boundaries?

    What to do when the love we want isn't reciprocated?

    “The more you want a baby, the farther you get from one”

    “You don't want a baby, you want a family unit”

    How do we raise children to have healthy attitudes towards relationships?

    When is the right time to start inner healing work?

    Connect with Lauren:



    Enjoy the show.


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Colors Rule Your Life, Only Your INTUITION Can Save You - Mara Marchesi
    Jun 28 2024

    Episode 25 - Mara Marchesi

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    Welcome to Episode 25. Today I have a chat with Mara Marchesi, The Intuition Queen

    We talk about:

    How society is designed to damage and stamp out everyone's intuition from a young age

    How a constant barrage of chemical toxins and being fed a diet of lies leaves people distrustful of themselves

    How to navigate our own internal masculine and feminine energy in order to experience and utilize intuition

    What is channeling and what does it mean to be a channeler?

    What are color charts, what is color therapy, and how can it help us on our life mission?

    How to find our own pent up energy from traumas or life events and how to develop steps to release that energy

    What is “Human Design” and what are the primary archetypes of people that everybody falls within?

    Are you a:



    Manifesting generator?



    How can knowing which one of these archetypes you are help you optimize your life?

    Where do these types of people come from in the first place?

    We talk about all these things and more in today's episode

    Connect With Mara:




    Enjoy the show.


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 35 mins
  • Is Your Relationship Divine? What Is A Divine Union of Masculinity & Femininity? - AmyLee Westervelt
    Jun 23 2024

    Episode 24 - AmyLee Westervelt The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health Hosted by Zak The Health King Welcome to another episode of The Health King's Court

    Today I sit with AmyLee Westervelt, a Nueroenergetics practitioner with a mission of awakening women to the truth of Divine Union We explore the concept of having an "inner other", an internal counterpart relationship within ourselves

    We chat about generational trauma between the sexes and the damage this has caused in society

    We cover social engineering movements and the over-representation of transgenderism in the modern world We discuss the role and purpose of a woman in a relationship or in society at large

    Were women's rights movements actually a good idea and desired by women?

    Is the church responsible for manipulating weak men into subjugating their women?

    Did brothels serve a divine purpose in the past?

    Are certain ailments and disorders being weaponized against society?

    We cover all these things and more on another very diverse episode of The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Connect with AmyLee:


    instagram.com/theamyleewestervelt Enjoy the show. DISCLAIMER: For entertainment purposes only. Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters. Your health is your responsibility. Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk. Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com ZakTheHealthKing.com

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 45 mins
  • Psychologist Calls Out His Colleagues & Says Happiness Is A Dangerous Myth! - Dr. Dana Saperstein
    Jun 3 2024

    Episode 23 - Dr. Dana Saperstein

    The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Hosted by Zak The Health King

    Welcome to episode 23 of The Health King's Court: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Health

    Today I have a chat with Dr. Dana Saperstein, a Clinical Psychologist from Santa Barbara, California

    We discuss a variety of topics.

    Some of those include:

    Why he doesn't respect the institution or standard operating procedures of psychology and mental healthcare

    Why Psychology is more of an art than it is a science

    What it really means to be a proper psychologist as a profession

    What the role of fear is in our lives

    What actually is anxiety?

    Why are certain entities interested in keeping the population anxious and fearful?

    How "sleep training" is deeply traumatic and harmful to a child's brain and development.

    What hypnotherapy is and how to implement it appropriately in a clinical setting.

    The role of psychedelics in mental health care.

    The "myth of happiness"

    Enjoy the show.

    Connect with Dana and check out his podcast: fearmeoutpodcast.com


    For entertainment purposes only.

    Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as medical advice. When necessary, consult with an appropriate health professional regarding important health matters.

    Your health is your responsibility.

    Any action taken based on the thoughts and opinions voiced in this show is done at your own risk.

    Are you a health expert or enthusiast interested in being on the show?

    Email ZakTheHealthKing@gmail.com


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 45 mins