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The Leadership Japan Series

By: Dr. Greg Story
  • Summary

  • Leading in Japan is distinct and different from other countries. The language, culture and size of the economy make sure of that. We can learn by trial and error or we can draw on real world practical experience and save ourselves a lot of friction, wear and tear. This podcasts offers hundreds of episodes packed with value, insights and perspectives on leading here. The only other podcast on Japan which can match the depth and breadth of this Leadership Japan Series podcast is the Japan's Top Business interviews podcast.
    © 2022 Dale Carnegie Training. All Rights Reserved.
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  • 568 Business Opportunities in Japan
    1 hr and 8 mins
  • 567 Tough Love Or Fake Praise To Motivate Staff In Japan
    Jul 10 2024
    Tough Love Or Fake Praise To Motivate Staff In Japan This tough love or fake praise alternative is a dubious construct. Are these two alternatives really the only options? For some leaders they may feel that the staff are getting paid to do a professional job and their corresponding need is to get on with it. The boss doesn’t need to be pandering to their needs. This is especially the case toward these self-indulgent, coddled, spoiled brats who are now entering the workforce. Giving this lot praise is fake and not needed, is the view. I certainly grew up in the “tough love” era of business leadership. Praise wasn’t heard, and all you got was a hard time about not doing things well enough or fast enough. They weren’t singling me out for a hard time, because this is what we all got. In that sense, it was very democratic. When you are raised that way in business, you think that is normal and how things are done, because the most experienced leaders in the company all operated that way. Today, the problems arise thick and fast when you take this as your own operating standard and start handing out tough love to your own people. Combining this mindset with youthful ambition is a powerful and potentially highly toxic cocktail which can end in disaster. Today, Japanese young people are in short supply and they are not interested in tough love or fake praise. It sounds silly to raise the question about “how to praise people”, but if you are not raised that way in business, it is not natural to you. The danger is you try too hard and it comes across as completely fake. Flattery is instantly dismissed. Your standing goes down the drain too, as you are perceived to be an idiot. There are many opportunities where we can look to praise our staff. One is “things” and although it looks easy, it is actually the most tricky. Frankly, I would avoid this one altogether, even though it looks like the simplest thing to do. They may have in their possession something very impressive or nice. Today, men commenting on how women are dressed or do their hair or whatever is bound to be seen the wrong way from what you intend. The next thing you know HR is involved concerned about your “sexual harassment” of the female staff. You might comment on your staff’s watch or pen or briefcase or some object they have chosen. This is definitely on the cusp of fake praise, so it has to be handled very delicately. For example, I am not particularly into watches, so me praising someone for their watch may easily be revealed for what it is – desperation to find something to be positive about. Better to find something you are knowledgeable about and recognise they have done well with acquiring an object you can recognise. Praise it and be able to back it up with some insider knowledge. Recognising people’s achievements is safer ground and more relevant in the workplace. The point is “good job” is highly dubious, as praise and reeks of flattery and insincerity. You might think this passes muster, but believe me, it does not. Every person has multiple projects underway, and their job content is incredibly various. “Good job” is by no means specific enough to get anyone excited about receiving that style of praise. Exactly what was it they did that you want to recognise? Call out the precise achievement, such as a report they prepared or a contribution in the meeting or anything solid and concrete. Personal strengths and characteristics are powerful fodder for praise, but again, be very careful about wandering into what sounds like flattery. “You are very intelligent” will set off alarm bells immediately in the recipient. It is like “good job” and so is broad and fuzzy. No one has a clue regarding what you are talking about. We have to link the praise to the action. They may have come up with an insight in the meeting and it may have been a very intelligent observation. When you connect the dots like that, then the praise will land. If you say, “you are resilient” that again is tremendously vague. What did they do which demonstrated their resilience? How did this come to your attention? Why do you know they are resilient? Bring the evidence and paste it to the praise. Otherwise, the whole effort will be tossed out as fake. In fact, you wind up creating more problems for yourself than if you had just kept your head down and concentrated on doing your own work and praised no one. In all of these cases, we need to relate the recognition to something we have witnessed, describe it and then encourage them to keep doing it. Tough love won’t fly anymore and trying to replace it with “praise light and fluffy” will be a train wreck. We need to be very careful to make sure we do praise our people and be particularly careful about how we do that.
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    11 mins
  • 566 How To Influence Engagement In Japan
    Jul 3 2024
    APAC always ranks low in global engagement surveys. At the very bottom of the APAC calculation sits Japan. Part of the reasons are language and cultural. The translations from English can sometimes be off the mark and lead the Japanese to score lower. I always recommend carefully checking the translations to try to tighten them up and make the meanings clearer. Other hurdles can be cultural. One question often asked is “would you recommend the company to your family and friends as a place to work”. This is a straightforward question in most countries, but not in Japan. The sense of responsibility and accountability here is high and those taking the survey will answer this question with a low score. It isn’t because they don’t like the company, but they are risk averse. They worry if they recommend the company, their family or friends may complain to them and quit the company because it is not a match. Alternatively, they worry the company will complain to them about the person they recommended. They see no upside here and so the best course of action is to score low on this question. There is hope, though, to see those scores go up. They may never reach the zenith of your Brazilian or Indian colleagues, who always seem to shoot the lights out when answering these engagement surveys. There are three leverage points for gaining greater engagement amongst employees. 1. Relationship With the Supervisor This is obvious as it covers one of the most high contact relationships inside the company and, as we say, we don’t quit companies – we quit bosses. Has the leader made clear the purpose of the business? This is often assumed to be understood, so there is no conversation on this point. Let’s not assume anything and make it clear. The goals and objectives are critical to the organisation’s success, so let’s make sure we keep repeating what they are. The leader’s job is to understand how the staff feel about their work and the company, and the only way to do that is through conversation. Sounds simple except that time is so limited and we are all cutting corners and being “efficient” with our time, which means not a lot of opportunity to ask staff about how they are feeling. Taking orders from the boss makes for a dull day and a dull work environment. Not many people want to be micro-managed that way. As the leader, we need to give people direction and the freedom to decide how to achieve the goals. 2. Confidence In Senior Leadership Business is a cutthroat struggle for survival. In the days of sail, everyone entrusted their lives to the skill, knowledge and experience of the captain to deliver them safely to their destination. In 1834, my ancestors sailed for months across the raging seas from Bristol to Tasmania. Luckily they made it or I wouldn’t be here writing this blog. Today, our sailing ships have been replaced with company formats to make sure our job security and therefore our livelihoods are protected and made safe. Do the big bosses walk the talk about the values they promulgate? Are they communicating changes and constantly reinforcing the purpose? Do we feel like cogs in the wheel as the organisation grinds out shareholder value and enriches the bosses? Or do we feel valued as a priority in the success of the enterprise? Are they competent enough to make sure the company can survive and even better prosper so that we have career opportunities to grow and flourish? If the answers to these fundamental questions are not positive, then our people will not be engaged and, in fact, may be actively seeking greener pastures. 3. Pride in the Organisation In Japan, when people think about joining a company or changing companies, their spouse, parents, in-laws and grandparents will all have opinions about the decision. This becomes even more important as a consideration when we are talking about foreign enterprises. The gold standard are the biggest, safest Japanese companies, then comes the less big, but still safe middle size Japanese companies and bringing up the rear are the foreign companies. Knowing this, as leaders we have to work hard to make sure everyone is motivated and proud to work in our organisation. Purpose has to be stressed over and over to smooth out the bumps which confront every company. The public persona pf the company has to be one of a good citizen adding value to Japan. Japanese staff are very focused on their relationship with customers and the company has to respect that. Foreign based CFOs come up with crazy ideas which destroy that trust. A common idea is that if we have a 100% no defect rate, we will make less profit than if we tolerated a 3% defect rate, so let’s go for the money. This is abhorrent to Japanese staff and is a huge demotivator. The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) idea may be popular in Silicon Valley ,but it doesn’t have a place ...
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    12 mins

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