• 568 Business Opportunities in Japan
    1 hr and 8 mins
  • 567 Tough Love Or Fake Praise To Motivate Staff In Japan
    Jul 10 2024
    Tough Love Or Fake Praise To Motivate Staff In Japan This tough love or fake praise alternative is a dubious construct. Are these two alternatives really the only options? For some leaders they may feel that the staff are getting paid to do a professional job and their corresponding need is to get on with it. The boss doesn’t need to be pandering to their needs. This is especially the case toward these self-indulgent, coddled, spoiled brats who are now entering the workforce. Giving this lot praise is fake and not needed, is the view. I certainly grew up in the “tough love” era of business leadership. Praise wasn’t heard, and all you got was a hard time about not doing things well enough or fast enough. They weren’t singling me out for a hard time, because this is what we all got. In that sense, it was very democratic. When you are raised that way in business, you think that is normal and how things are done, because the most experienced leaders in the company all operated that way. Today, the problems arise thick and fast when you take this as your own operating standard and start handing out tough love to your own people. Combining this mindset with youthful ambition is a powerful and potentially highly toxic cocktail which can end in disaster. Today, Japanese young people are in short supply and they are not interested in tough love or fake praise. It sounds silly to raise the question about “how to praise people”, but if you are not raised that way in business, it is not natural to you. The danger is you try too hard and it comes across as completely fake. Flattery is instantly dismissed. Your standing goes down the drain too, as you are perceived to be an idiot. There are many opportunities where we can look to praise our staff. One is “things” and although it looks easy, it is actually the most tricky. Frankly, I would avoid this one altogether, even though it looks like the simplest thing to do. They may have in their possession something very impressive or nice. Today, men commenting on how women are dressed or do their hair or whatever is bound to be seen the wrong way from what you intend. The next thing you know HR is involved concerned about your “sexual harassment” of the female staff. You might comment on your staff’s watch or pen or briefcase or some object they have chosen. This is definitely on the cusp of fake praise, so it has to be handled very delicately. For example, I am not particularly into watches, so me praising someone for their watch may easily be revealed for what it is – desperation to find something to be positive about. Better to find something you are knowledgeable about and recognise they have done well with acquiring an object you can recognise. Praise it and be able to back it up with some insider knowledge. Recognising people’s achievements is safer ground and more relevant in the workplace. The point is “good job” is highly dubious, as praise and reeks of flattery and insincerity. You might think this passes muster, but believe me, it does not. Every person has multiple projects underway, and their job content is incredibly various. “Good job” is by no means specific enough to get anyone excited about receiving that style of praise. Exactly what was it they did that you want to recognise? Call out the precise achievement, such as a report they prepared or a contribution in the meeting or anything solid and concrete. Personal strengths and characteristics are powerful fodder for praise, but again, be very careful about wandering into what sounds like flattery. “You are very intelligent” will set off alarm bells immediately in the recipient. It is like “good job” and so is broad and fuzzy. No one has a clue regarding what you are talking about. We have to link the praise to the action. They may have come up with an insight in the meeting and it may have been a very intelligent observation. When you connect the dots like that, then the praise will land. If you say, “you are resilient” that again is tremendously vague. What did they do which demonstrated their resilience? How did this come to your attention? Why do you know they are resilient? Bring the evidence and paste it to the praise. Otherwise, the whole effort will be tossed out as fake. In fact, you wind up creating more problems for yourself than if you had just kept your head down and concentrated on doing your own work and praised no one. In all of these cases, we need to relate the recognition to something we have witnessed, describe it and then encourage them to keep doing it. Tough love won’t fly anymore and trying to replace it with “praise light and fluffy” will be a train wreck. We need to be very careful to make sure we do praise our people and be particularly careful about how we do that.
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    11 mins
  • 566 How To Influence Engagement In Japan
    Jul 3 2024
    APAC always ranks low in global engagement surveys. At the very bottom of the APAC calculation sits Japan. Part of the reasons are language and cultural. The translations from English can sometimes be off the mark and lead the Japanese to score lower. I always recommend carefully checking the translations to try to tighten them up and make the meanings clearer. Other hurdles can be cultural. One question often asked is “would you recommend the company to your family and friends as a place to work”. This is a straightforward question in most countries, but not in Japan. The sense of responsibility and accountability here is high and those taking the survey will answer this question with a low score. It isn’t because they don’t like the company, but they are risk averse. They worry if they recommend the company, their family or friends may complain to them and quit the company because it is not a match. Alternatively, they worry the company will complain to them about the person they recommended. They see no upside here and so the best course of action is to score low on this question. There is hope, though, to see those scores go up. They may never reach the zenith of your Brazilian or Indian colleagues, who always seem to shoot the lights out when answering these engagement surveys. There are three leverage points for gaining greater engagement amongst employees. 1. Relationship With the Supervisor This is obvious as it covers one of the most high contact relationships inside the company and, as we say, we don’t quit companies – we quit bosses. Has the leader made clear the purpose of the business? This is often assumed to be understood, so there is no conversation on this point. Let’s not assume anything and make it clear. The goals and objectives are critical to the organisation’s success, so let’s make sure we keep repeating what they are. The leader’s job is to understand how the staff feel about their work and the company, and the only way to do that is through conversation. Sounds simple except that time is so limited and we are all cutting corners and being “efficient” with our time, which means not a lot of opportunity to ask staff about how they are feeling. Taking orders from the boss makes for a dull day and a dull work environment. Not many people want to be micro-managed that way. As the leader, we need to give people direction and the freedom to decide how to achieve the goals. 2. Confidence In Senior Leadership Business is a cutthroat struggle for survival. In the days of sail, everyone entrusted their lives to the skill, knowledge and experience of the captain to deliver them safely to their destination. In 1834, my ancestors sailed for months across the raging seas from Bristol to Tasmania. Luckily they made it or I wouldn’t be here writing this blog. Today, our sailing ships have been replaced with company formats to make sure our job security and therefore our livelihoods are protected and made safe. Do the big bosses walk the talk about the values they promulgate? Are they communicating changes and constantly reinforcing the purpose? Do we feel like cogs in the wheel as the organisation grinds out shareholder value and enriches the bosses? Or do we feel valued as a priority in the success of the enterprise? Are they competent enough to make sure the company can survive and even better prosper so that we have career opportunities to grow and flourish? If the answers to these fundamental questions are not positive, then our people will not be engaged and, in fact, may be actively seeking greener pastures. 3. Pride in the Organisation In Japan, when people think about joining a company or changing companies, their spouse, parents, in-laws and grandparents will all have opinions about the decision. This becomes even more important as a consideration when we are talking about foreign enterprises. The gold standard are the biggest, safest Japanese companies, then comes the less big, but still safe middle size Japanese companies and bringing up the rear are the foreign companies. Knowing this, as leaders we have to work hard to make sure everyone is motivated and proud to work in our organisation. Purpose has to be stressed over and over to smooth out the bumps which confront every company. The public persona pf the company has to be one of a good citizen adding value to Japan. Japanese staff are very focused on their relationship with customers and the company has to respect that. Foreign based CFOs come up with crazy ideas which destroy that trust. A common idea is that if we have a 100% no defect rate, we will make less profit than if we tolerated a 3% defect rate, so let’s go for the money. This is abhorrent to Japanese staff and is a huge demotivator. The MVP (Minimum Viable Product) idea may be popular in Silicon Valley ,but it doesn’t have a place ...
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    12 mins
  • 565 People-First Leadership In Japan
    Jun 26 2024

    Alan Mulally has had a very successful career at Ford and Boeing. Over his 45 years as a leader, he developed an approach called “Working Together: Principles, Practices and Management System”. His number one principles is “People first….Love them up”. This type of declaration is simple to make, but not that easy to live when you are facing quarterly reporting of results and the full glare of the stock market. We see so many cases of CEOs firing people, the stock price getting a big boost and that axing of the people turning into many millions of dollars for the CEO personally, as part of their stock-based remuneration package.

    Mulally believes that “working together” must be based on a supportive culture propping up the headline. Culture alone won’t do it, though. His system has a governance aspect directing how the leadership team should work together and which maps out how to create value. His review process is central to translating aspirations into realities. The basis of all of this is the philosophy of building a “people first” culture, which is driven by the company structure and the management processes adopted. He insisted that as part of that “people first” idea that “everyone is included”.

    He arrived at a formula in three parts, which all operate in lockstep and which generates profitable and or successful growth for all. To get to that end game, Part One is “everybody knows the plan”. When you read this idea, like me, you might be thinking “so what?. Of course, everyone knows the plan because I have told them already – end of conversation”.

    When we dig a bit deeper in our thinking, though, we recall that just because we have told people the plan doesn’t mean they accept it, agree with it, or want to execute on it. At the top levels of the company, we come up with the purpose and strategy and then we expect everyone else to deliver what we have envisaged. A Town Hall presentation and a broadcast email may have detailed the plan and we think everyone knows what to do.

    Where we fall down is in the follow-up to make sure the message actually got through. We are all business minimalists, shaving time off activities wherever we can, because we are super busy, all the time. We need to double check that what we think people know is fully understood and they are beavering away on it as we expect.

    Part Two requires that everyone knows the status of the plan. Often, though, access to sensitive information in companies can be restricted. Not everyone may see the real numbers and the full picture. My predecessor never showed the Profit and Loss numbers to the team. When I took over, I decided to make the financial situation totally transparent. The only protected numbers are salary and commission information relating to individuals. If they wish to share that information amongst themselves, then that is their choice.

    Part Three is everyone knows the areas that require special attention. Business is lumpy. Some parts of the business are flying and other parts are limping along. Again, sharing such sensitive information may be restricted. We need to keep referring back to what we stated was the purpose and strategy for the enterprise and keep measuring how well we are delivering against what we have set out for ourselves.

    If things are going well, we feel motivated to do more. If things are not going well, we are motivated to try harder to turn things around. When things are not going well, this situation begs the question about how much open knowledge of the pain should be shared. There is the fear for the leader that if the full extent of the problem is made known, the more capable people, who always have options, will exercise them and leave. This is a tricky balance, and there are no clear parameters for leaders to follow. I would suggest that the leader share enough to galvanise the team to action without scaring the daylights out of everyone and people start abandoning ship.

    Mulally’s viewpoint is based on many years of hard-won experience. It is straightforward in its formulation. The daily execution against the plan, though, is another question. This is the role of the leader, to take ideas and turn them into living breathing systems which can maximise the potential of the people in the firm.

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    11 mins
  • 564 Moving Ideas Into Reality In Japan
    Jun 19 2024

    Ideas are free and sometimes frivolous. We can brainstorm anything we like and we will come up with a bunch of ideas. Often that is where things grind to a shuddering halt. I have been in those rooms, where we covered all the walls with ideas great and mighty. What happened thereafter? Nothing.

    In Australia, in the 1990s, the government tightened up their regulations on company expenditures and particularly looked more carefully at “off-site” session expenditures. In many cases, these were boozy get away weekends for the Directors and they could put the tab on the government’s bill by claiming it as a tax expense. One year, the Directors decided to have an actual offsite with intention.

    They gathered a group of people christened “game changers” and called in a consulting company to run the weekend. It was a phenomenal experience. We came back from that off-site ready to conquer the world. Some seriously good and extremely practical ideas emerged. They were all duly put into a canvas bag by the Directors and taken down to the river, and with rocks attached, plunged into the dark depths, never to be seen again.

    I still don’t know why they never used our ideas, but the feeling of deflation and subsequent decline in motivation on the part of we supposed “game changers” was pronounced.

    Here is what should have happened with our genius ideas.

    1. The outcomes should have been more clearly defined and tied into the strategic plan for the company.

    2. The current situation analysis needed more effort to better highlight the gap between where we were and where we wanted to be.

    3. Concrete goals needed to be set based on the ideas generated.

    4. Next steps needed to be carefully articulated. These must be defined in clear terms and should have been very specific.

    5. Time frames must be attached to the goals, because goals without a time limit are just a dream. There will be various goals and these will include both short-term and long-term outcomes. There needs to be a roadmap created in order to realise them.

    6. Ideas always attract money. Maybe this is why our ideas got killed off. The Directors all shared in the proceeds of the business, so perhaps they preferred to allocate the dough amongst themselves, rather than invest it in our thoughts and suggestions.

    Money isn’t the only resource required. There is time and staffing required to back up the application of the ideas and if they are in short supply, nothing goes forward.

    7. Obstacle anticipation often gets neglected in idea generation, because we are at the front end. When we get to the execution stage, though, this is when the problems emerge. Rather than just dealing with these as they arise, it is good practice to try to scope them out at the start. There will always be some means for overcoming problems. We can find ways to compensate for time, money and staff issues if they are insufficient to sustain the task execution.

    8. Measuring results is boring. It is much more fun to brainstorm and then rush around like bees in a bottle executing. Was it all worth it? The only way to know that is to have milestones and measurables against which we can track the amount of progress we have made or not made.

    Getting the ideas into reality is never easy, because so many actors have to get involved and it requires substantial cross-platform cooperation. The NIHS or “Not Invented Here Syndrome” is a pain. Our colleagues, who were not selected to be “game changers” or to get involved in the execution piece, are uninterested observers. They have to work on our idea, but they resist being dragged into the work and are happier to lambast what is going on from the cheap seats.

    Idea generation and idea application must come as a set. It is better not to start at all, if the ideas cannot be applied. From my experience, I know how devastating it is to waste your valuable time and effort to see your hard earned ideas squandered and slaughtered.

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    12 mins
  • 563 Using Dale Carnegie’s Human Relations Principles For Effective Coaching
    Jun 12 2024
    Effective leaders actively coach their staff and move them through four stages. In Phase One, they create a psychologically safe environment. In Phase Two, they engage the team members. In Phase Three, they evaluate the response to those engagement activities and finally, in Phase Four, they empower their subordinates. Let’s choose some of the most appropriate Dale Carnegie Human Relations Principles to help us execute on these four phases as a coach. Phase One: Psychologically Safe Environment. Principle 10 recommends that the only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. This makes sense because how often do those arguing with us become convinced we are right? Never. Rather, they dig their heels in and argue the point with us. If we want to keep the relationship with our staff and create a calm atmosphere, it is better to not go there. Principle 11 says to show respect for the other person’s opinion and to never say they are wrong. Bosses often think they have to coach people who hold a different viewpoint. No need for that, because remember, we don’t have to make decisions based on their opinion. We can come to our own conclusion and we certainly don’t have to belittle their perspective and demotivate them. Principle 12 is a difficult one for the boss. If we are wrong, we should admit it quickly and emphatically. The boss can get tied up with their own status and infallibility as prerequisites for being in charge of others. If we can admit our own mistakes, it allows us to grant our team members the scope to make mistakes. The process of innovation is often messy and mistakes will happen. If we want people to come out of their comfort zone, then mistakes are bound to occur. We have to see mistakes as part of the learning process and we can begin with being humble ourselves. Phase Two: Engage The Team Members Principle 13 is beginning in a friendly way which at first blush seems ridiculous. Actually, we think we are friendly, but we may be very outcome oriented. We get straight to the bottom line and forget we are talking to people. Instead of going for the results, we could begin with some friendly banter and build the relationship first and then get to the numbers. Principle 14 is getting the staff member to say “yes, yes” immediately, which can sound like manipulation. What we are talking about here, though, is to make it easy for them to say “yes” to what we propose. We do this through using our communication skills to frame the conversation in a way which makes agreement simple. This is a key coaching skill. Principle 15 suggests letting the other person do a great deal of the talking. This is a boss special to avoid. We like to do all the talking. Rather, we should let the person feel ownership of their work and hear their ideas and opinions, rather than rattling off orders like a mad pirate captain. Phase Three: Evaluate The Response Principle 16 is let the other person feel that the idea is theirs and this also sounds like manipulation. What we really want is for them to come up with their own ideas. We may need to seed that idea formation, and that is much better than telling them our idea. Given the same context, it is natural to reach a common conclusion. We bosses often go directly to the punchline and forget to share the background and context with them. Principle 17 says to walk in their moccasins and see things from their viewpoint. As the boss, we may have a very strong viewpoint and will always be driving for results. Their position is different from ours and we need to keep that in mind when they may not respond as we expect. It becomes easier to coach people when we understand what they think and what they want. Principle 18 recommends to be sympathetic with their ideas and desires. There can be one mountain top but that doesn’t mean only the boss has the path to the top. There can be many tracks to take and perhaps they choose one different from us. That doesn’t mean we are right and they are wrong. Phase Four: Empower The Team Principle 19 says appeal to their better selves. The majority of people want to do a good job and want the company to succeed. If we make this our starting point, we will talk to our staff in a positive, forward looking manner. We give them a high reputation to live up to and they do the rest to fulfill that expectation. Principle Twenty says we should dramatise our ideas. This makes sense in a modern world where so much is coming at us and at warp speed. If we want to have an impact, we have to break through all the brain clutter and grab their attention. Principle Twenty One specifies to throw down a challenge. Stretch goals are often set so high that everyone just concludes the goals are impossible and they give up. There is a line in there somewhere that allows everyone to push further, believing it is possible to get the result. This is another key ...
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    12 mins
  • 562 Moving Ideas Into Reality In Japan
    Jun 2 2024

    Ideas are free and sometimes frivolous. We can brainstorm anything we like and we will come up with a bunch of ideas. Often that is where things grind to a shuddering halt. I have been in those rooms, where we covered all the walls with ideas great and mighty. What happened thereafter? Nothing.

    In Australia, in the 1990s, the government tightened up their regulations on company expenditures and particularly looked more carefully at “off-site” session expenditures. In many cases, these were boozy get away weekends for the Directors and they could put the tab on the government’s bill by claiming it as a tax expense. One year, the Directors decided to have an actual offsite with intention.

    They gathered a group of people christened “game changers” and called in a consulting company to run the weekend. It was a phenomenal experience. We came back from that off-site ready to conquer the world. Some seriously good and extremely practical ideas emerged. They were all duly put into a canvas bag by the Directors and taken down to the river, and with rocks attached, plunged into the dark depths, never to be seen again.

    I still don’t know why they never used our ideas, but the feeling of deflation and subsequent decline in motivation on the part of we supposed “game changers” was pronounced.

    Here is what should have happened with our genius ideas.

    1. The outcomes should have been more clearly defined and tied into the strategic plan for the company.

    2. The current situation analysis needed more effort to better highlight the gap between where we were and where we wanted to be.

    3. Concrete goals needed to be set based on the ideas generated.

    4. Next steps needed to be carefully articulated. These must be defined in clear terms and should have been very specific.

    5. Time frames must be attached to the goals, because goals without a time limit are just a dream. There will be various goals and these will include both short-term and long-term outcomes. There needs to be a roadmap created in order to realise them.

    6. Ideas always attract money. Maybe this is why our ideas got killed off. The Directors all shared in the proceeds of the business, so perhaps they preferred to allocate the dough amongst themselves, rather than invest it in our thoughts and suggestions.

    Money isn’t the only resource required. There is time and staffing required to back up the application of the ideas and if they are in short supply, nothing goes forward.

    7. Obstacle anticipation often gets neglected in idea generation, because we are at the front end. When we get to the execution stage, though, this is when the problems emerge. Rather than just dealing with these as they arise, it is good practice to try to scope them out at the start. There will always be some means for overcoming problems. We can find ways to compensate for time, money and staff issues if they are insufficient to sustain the task execution.

    8. Measuring results is boring. It is much more fun to brainstorm and then rush around like bees in a bottle executing. Was it all worth it? The only way to know that is to have milestones and measurables against which we can track the amount of progress we have made or not made.

    Getting the ideas into reality is never easy, because so many actors have to get involved and it requires substantial cross-platform cooperation. The NIHS or “Not Invented Here Syndrome” is a pain. Our colleagues, who were not selected to be “game changers” or to get involved in the execution piece, are uninterested observers. They have to work on our idea, but they resist being dragged into the work and are happier to lambast what is going on from the cheap seats.

    Idea generation and idea application must come as a set. It is better not to start at all, if the ideas cannot be applied. From my experience, I know how devastating it is to waste your valuable time and effort to see your hard earned ideas squandered and slaughtered.

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    10 mins
  • 561 Creative Problem Solving
    May 29 2024

    Japan has a lot of wisdom to share and one of my favourites is to not start with the solution to a problem. In Japan, the idea is to start with making sure you have the right problem to solve. This is not easy, because often we are super busy and moving at warp speed all the time, so just jumping in to fix a problem sounds like the best approach. There is a follow-on metaphor of the scaling of the wall. We work hard and progress rung by rung up the ladder, getting us to the top - the solution – only to find our ladder is up against the wrong wall. We don’t want that, do we?

    Problem definition is sometimes obscured by having a number of factors to confront and not enough insight into which are the priority items. This might be for a lack of a data or from conflicting opinions. The issue remains a large one, though, which we must deal with at the very start of the process.

    Here are some steps to consider in problem definition.

    Step One: Silence Is Our Super Power

    Once we get into an open discussion about identifying the problem, we can find we waste a lot of time and basically get no progress. We argue the toss on what to solve and can get stuck. Instead, have around six people in a team and have them all sit in silence and think. Now thinking is seriously hard work. It is particularly difficult for us today, because we are being corralled by algorithms spewing out one minute videos, fostering shorter and shorter concentration spans.

    Ask the team to sit there for fifteen minutes in Round One and do nothing but think and write their issues on Post-It notes. This will be torture for some and very challenging for most. Nevertheless, as the organiser, we have to have guts to ignore the fervent and persistent impatient glancing at watches, head shaking, eyes rolling, yawning, etc., that will go on, as the team is possessed by a wave of boredom.

    Step Two: Prioritise Issues

    After the first fifteen minutes, everyone stays in silence and now we spend 3 minutes to arrange what we have come up with into a broad priority listing of where to start.

    Step Three: Share Together - Round One

    Now we start putting our ideas up on a chart or a wall. We attach the Post Its in priority order to the wall and explain our thinking to our colleagues. There is no judgement allowed at this point, because we are still on the journey and we don’t need any decision being taken yet.

    Step Four: Whole Team Sharing

    Once we get our teams idea’s out, we share it with the other teams and they do the same for us. We try to cross pollinate the thinking going on. There is no evaluation of what has been produced at this point.

    Step Five: Think and Prioritise

    After that stimulation, again, in silence, we keep thinking for another ten minutes. This is very hard because all the easy ideas have been tapped. Now we have to really dig to find the gold. We will adjust our previous priorities based on our new ideas.

    Step Six: Share Together - Round Two

    We bring our Post-It notes and add to what we came up with in the first thinking bracket. Again, we share the content with our teammates.

    Step Seven: Whole Team Sharing Round Two

    Again, each team presents what they have come up with, so that all the teams can share in the ideas.

    Step Eight: Each Team Makes Selections

    By this stage, we will have had a lot of information shared and we will have a pretty good idea of where everyone has placed their priorities. Now we have to make some decisions about which will be the issues which we will take forward to solve. Each team will coalesce the possibilities into a short list.

    Step Nine: Whole Team Makes The Final Selections

    Each team presents their selections and then decisions are taken on which issues are going to be picked up to work on.

    There is usually a strong raft of similar issues which will have been highlighted. These commonalities make it easy to drive decisions about the final problems to work on. Remember, we are not after perfection here, so if we get good selections, then we are on the right track. We have created a hierarchy of issues to work with and we can get to them all over time. We start with what we consider the most burning issues.

    The next stage is to use creative thinking to work on how to solve the issues once clarified and we covered that in a recent episode already.

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    11 mins