• The Greatest Lessons Learned from Eight Years of Podcasting with Maximum Lawyer
    Jul 23 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    In this special anniversary episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, hosts Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux celebrate eight years of podcasting. They reflect on their journey since 2016, discussing the growth of their community and the evolution of their podcasting experience. They share insights from interactions with guests and mastermind participants, emphasizing the importance of curiosity and open communication in personal and professional development.

    Jim and Tyson notice that the law firm owners with the biggest growth and impact in their professional and personal lives are the ones that are honest and open, self aware, of where they are truly at.

    The episode is filled with anecdotes from their early days, memorable episodes, and the value of vulnerability in achieving success. Jim and Tyson express gratitude for their listeners and look forward to future growth.

    01:05 We started our podcast in 2016

    07:33 The importance of vulnerability and honesty in the podcast and masterminds

    09:08 How curiosity fosters openness and success in conversations

    11:28 How Jim and Tyson have grown over 8 years of podcasting

    15:32 The balance between being direct and fostering curiosity in discussions

    17:00 How curiosity can combat boredom and enhance everyday life experiences

    18:59 Podcast reflection: the journey and memorable guests

    Jim’s Hack: Read Martin Baron’s book, “Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and THE WASHINGTON POST” focusing on media disruption and leadership.

    Tyson’s Tip: Tool Recommendation of Samurai Preneur that combines various AI services for enhanced productivity.

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.


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    40 mins
  • Those Who Work Hard & Dream Big Can Accomplish Anything with Dawn Smith
    Jul 16 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you looking to scale your law firm? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, hosts Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux engage in a conversation with Dawn Smith, a managing partner at a law firm specializing in nursing home litigation. Dawn shares her unconventional journey to becoming a lawyer and some of the things she has learned.

    Dawn provides some insights on her learnings when she scaled her law firm. One of these learnings was the importance of having defined written processes. Hiring new attorneys means different perspectives and ways of doing things. Without a defined process, it is easy for things to get out of hand and for attorneys to handle things their own way that don't align with the vision of the firm. Some simple processes that should be outlined are how demand letters are written and how mediation sessions are handled.

    Since practicing law can have an emotional toll, Dawn speaks to the importance of supporting staff when handling tough cases. It is crucial to have open dialogue with those who are hearing horrific cases over and over. Building a culture of openness within a firm is key to making sure the mental health of staff is always prioritized and people are not negatively affected.

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    Jim's Hack: Read the book “The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership” which talks about taking radical responsibility and learning through curiosity.

    Dawn’s Tip: Choose one area of law and niche down. Be a specialist because it makes a difference in the work you do.

    Tyson's Tip: Use a resource that allows you to negotiate through tips and tricks.

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

    02:15 From bartender, to forming her own firm specializing in nursing home litigation

    04:33 How the firm expanded its practice to multiple states

    06:35 Importance of written processes

    08:39 Handling emotional aspects of tough cases

    10:04 Having a positive mindset, the importance of support networks, and the belief in hard work and achieving ambitious goals!

    13:03 The firm's marketing approach and obtaining success stories from clients

    14:55 Navigating the challenges of partnership in a law firm

    Connect with Dawn:

    • Email mclinkscales@fightingelderabuse.com
    • Website https://fightingelderabuse.com/
    • Instagram: @smithclinesmithllp
    • Facebook: @smithclinesmithllp
    • LinkedIn: @smithclinesmithllp
    • Twitter: @smithclinellp
    • TikTok: @smithclinesmithllp
    • YouTube: @smithclinesmithllp
    • Instagram: @dawnsmithlaw
    • LinkedIn: @dawnsmith

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    27 mins
  • Overcoming Content Creation Complications with Jim and Tyson
    Jul 9 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you looking to dedicate more time to content creation? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer podcast, hosts Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux delve into the nuances of content creation, emphasizing the importance of simplicity and client-focused messaging.

    When it comes to getting a start in content creation, Jim and Tyson talk about the need for the process to be simple and manageable. Most people think that content creation needs to be complicated and advanced, with theme music, the most up to date camera and a dedicated editor. The reality is this can be done using basic equipment and some research. Creating good content also involves answering the questions people want to know. If someone searches a question up years later, they will fall into your funnel through a video that is focused on that topic.

    Consistency is key in the content creation space. In order to make an impact or get people to listen to what you are generating, there needs to be a consistent schedule to put content out. It may feel like generating multiple videos a week is a lot or you feel like you have talked about a topic too many times. But, the reality is not every person is going to watch the same video. Different videos are going to impact different people.

    Listen in to learn more!

    02:00 The importance of simple content creation

    07:07 The significance of listening for new content ideas based on how people phrase their questions

    09:49 Consistency and authenticity in content creation

    12:16 Focus on one social media platform

    13:45 Having a distinct voice and incorporating humor

    18:35 Keeping content creation simple

    19:27 The importance of delegating finance-related tasks and the benefits of outsourcing

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

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    26 mins
  • The Most Effective Strategies for Nurturing Referral Relationships with Brian Glass
    Jul 2 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you looking to invest more time and money into marketing your firm? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux interview Brian Glass, a personal injury lawyer from Fairfax, Virginia. Brian shares his journey in the legal field, and the shift in marketing that he has done with his firm, Ben Glass Law.

    Brian shares some insights on his firm’s strategic shift from digital marketing to referral marketing, which has impacted the performance of his firm. Digital marketing involves putting money into running ads or commercials for a business. This only works if you have a team ready and able to take floods of calls from potential clients. Since most clients are calling to inquire, many will skip from firm to firm if that initial intake process is lacking. A shift to referral marketing involves putting money into a relationship management person whose job is to foster relationships with people who are most likely to refer others to the firm. Depending on how much money the firm is making, referral marketing might be more feasible and manageable.

    Nurturing these relationships is so important if referral marketing is the avenue a firm chooses to go down. There needs to be a process in place to figure out where to search for potential clients who can refer people. This can be cold calling or cold emailing people within your postal code or city limits and meeting them one on one. Whether it's a coffee chat or a lunch, it is crucial to make personal connections with those who have a wide range of networks.

    Take a listen.

    Jim's Hack:
    Read the book No Ego by Sy Wakeman. The book is about cutting down on workplace drama and what solutions can be implemented to create a better culture.

    Brian’s Tip: Read the book The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter, which talks about how comfortable people are in their day to day lives and how to move away from the mundane.

    Tyson's Tip: Choose a theme for each month and encourage your team members to share something related to that team.

    08:39 The decision to shift from digital marketing to referral marketing, and the results of this change

    05:54 Building relationships and prioritizing family time

    10:59 Referral relationship management strategy

    14:16 Role of the relationship manager

    19:05 The importance of evaluating processes and seeking innovative approaches in law firm operations

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

    Connect with Brian:

    • Website
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    • brian@benglasslaw.com

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    29 mins
  • Send a Video Message to Your Client Instead & More!
    Jun 29 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you a law firm owner who is looking to integrate technology into your processes? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, host Tyson Mutrux discusses the transformative role of video messaging in his law firm.

    Video messaging platforms are great tools to use in law firms as they can cut out lengthy emails and conversations. Tyson provides insight on a few applications that are great for lawyers. One of these platforms is Dub, which allows you to record yourself while reviewing documents. For example, if you are reviewing a document that requires feedback, you can open up the document using Dub and record yourself providing feedback in short clips. It is an easy and efficient way for clients to hear your voice. It is also perfect to use when responding to clients as it provides a unique way to update them on files.

    Listen in to learn more!

    02:17 Various ways law firms can use video messaging, including sending case status updates, onboarding new clients, explaining legal concepts, appointment reminders, client meetings follow-ups, requesting client testimonials, holiday greetings, and explaining documents and more!

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

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    13 mins
  • The Awkward Art of Having Hard Conversations with Jim and Tyson
    Jun 25 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you a law firm owner who avoids having tough conversations? In this podcast episode, Jim Hacking and Tyson Mutrux engage in a candid discussion about the challenges of having difficult conversations. They share personal experiences and struggles, and talk about ways to overcome fears of handling tough conversations in the workplace.

    Having tough conversations in the workplace is an unavoidable thing, especially if you are a business owner or have a team of employees that you oversee. Jim and Tyson talk about where the fear stems from. For Jim, it stems from the need to control the outcome of a particular situation. If you say something in a certain way, you may be able to control the outcome. But, in reality sometimes things just need to be said in order to not let situations get out of hand. For Tyson, he struggles with sugar coating conversations and not truly letting someone know how he is feeling. This can lead to conversations that never amount to anything significant.

    Jim and Tyson share a few ways to approach difficult conversations so you don’t avoid them. One thing to do is try to see things from the other person’s perspective. For example, if an employee did something that you do not like, try to understand why they may have done it to begin with. Maybe they made a decision based on a lack of training or they did not have the adequate resources to do their job.

    Take a listen to learn more!

    05:01 The challenges and personal experiences with difficult conversations in the workplace

    06:14 Exploration of the fear and control associated with having difficult conversations

    10:17 Emotional regulation and self-reflection during difficult conversations

    13:20 The middle path in handling difficult conversations

    14:17 Importance of considering different perspectives during difficult conversations

    18:05 Strategies for dealing with dishonesty during difficult conversations

    20:04 Importance of active listening and follow-up questions

    23:10 Using a technique to identify and address emotions before engaging in challenging discussions

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

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    29 mins
  • Have You Asked Your Leadership Team These Questions?
    Jun 22 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you trying to find ways to make your 1-1 meetings more fulsome? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer podcast, host Tyson Mutrux underscores the importance of monthly check-ins with the team to ensure accountability, improvement, and employee satisfaction.

    Tyson shares the three key questions you need to ask your team to make sure they are feeling supported in their roles. The first question is highlighting something they are proud of that month. This will help them identify their wins and if there aren't any, how to make them. The second question is about figuring out where they need to improve, which can be either personal or professional. This can help set up some action items to focus on for the weeks ahead. The last question to ask is if there is anything they need from you as their manager or boss. This may be advice or additional support in delivering on their tasks. All of these questions are a good way to ensure staff are feeling confident in their jobs and that you as a boss are there to help out when needed.

    Take a listen to learn more!

    01:09 The first question for the team is to identify something they are most proud of

    02:02 The team is asked to reflect on areas where they need to improve

    02:56 How to make improvements over the next 30 days and the need for accountability

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

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    6 mins
  • Helping Law Firms Grow and Scale Profitably with Brooke Lively
    Jun 18 2024

    Watch the YouTube version of this episode HERE

    Are you looking for some financial strategies to make your firm more successful? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer podcast, Becca Eberhart chats with Brooke Lively about key financial strategies for business growth.

    Brooke provides some advice on how to value a firm to ensure it remains successful. Valuing a firm is knowing how much you as an owner are making a year multiplied by 4. It is important to think about valuing your firm to set yourself up for retirement in the future. As a law firm owner, you can increase the value of a firm by purchasing other firms or investing in the newest technology. This should happen when you are established and consistently bringing in more money each year. It will ultimately help when you are ready to sell in the future.

    It is so important for law firm owners to create a plan to value a firm, which is something Brooke provides as a service to attorneys. Part of the plan includes strategic improvement, which involves thinking about things to invest in prior to selling a firm. For example, if you really want to sell to a certain buyer, all you care about is timing because you have a short time frame to sell. If you know you need to invest in updating the technology of a firm first, that will be a priority before you consider putting the firm on the market.

    Take a listen to learn more!

    13:14 Insights into valuing a law firm

    18:34 The significance of focusing on making a law firm sell-ready

    26:23 Importance of strategic improvement in increasing the value of law firms

    Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

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    42 mins