• #433 – Sophie Dearden – Resource Worldwide
    Jul 12 2024
    Resource Worldwide Sophie Dearden founded Resource Worldwide. She's an experienced entrepreneur who is currently running a vastly growing company. She first ventured into the world of business after leaving the University of Worcester with a First Class degree in Art. For many years she ran a number of highly profitable businesses, and she even had a short sabbatical working in the corporate world. But it was in 2018 when things really changed for her. Starting a new e-commerce business that could fit more easily around her family, Sophie knew how to make it grow, and within months she had no choice but to bring in a team to support her. This recruitment process was when she first hired remote professionals, and this experience opened up new doors for her that have now led to the establishment and success of Resource Worldwide. To date, Resource Worldwide has helped more than 200 clients fill roles with remote professionals, and the company’s mission is to help over 1000 businesses by 2025. With Sophie’s vast experience and track record for growing businesses, it seems that nothing is impossible for her. Summary of the Podcast Remote Working Kevin and Graham discuss how the workforce has become more global, with workers from places like the Philippines. They are excited to welcome guest Sophie Dearden, who runs a business called Resource Worldwide. Her business helps companies globally fill skills gaps by placing remote professionals from the Philippines. Sophie's Journey Sophie shares how she initially started hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines to support her own e-commerce business. After that Sophie began helping others hire remote talent as well. She discusses the challenges she faced early on, such as unreliable workers and quality issues, and how she learned to overcome those problems. The Benefits of Hiring Remote Workers Sophie explains how Resource Worldwide now places highly skilled remote professionals from the Philippines. They can be engineers, designers, and programmers, who work for UK and US companies. She highlights how her company is able to pay these workers significantly more than the local market rate. Yet, the cost is still 30% below UK rates. Overcoming Common Concerns Graham and Kevin raise common concerns about remote work, such as quality of work, cultural fit, communication, and time zone differences. Sophie explains how her company's rigorous screening and support processes help ensure a great fit and high performance from their remote professionals. The Impact on Worker's Lives The high salaries provided by Resource Worldwide transform the lives of the remote professionals. Workers get to buy homes, vehicles, and take vacations - things they could not previously afford. This sense of purpose and impact drives Sophie's vision for the business. Advice for Companies Considering Doing This Sophie provides guidance for companies interested in hiring remote talent. One factor is the importance of understanding cultural differences. Be transparent about expectations. Build strong relationships with remote workers to ensure a successful partnership. Clips from the Podcast Resource Worldwide https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Resource-Worldwide.mp4 Mastermind https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Mastermind.mp4 Obstacles https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Obstacles.mp4 Impact on Worker's Lives https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Mission.mp4 Sophie - My Beautiful Daughter https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-Sophie-My-Beautiful-Daughter.mp4 10 x 3 The Charity https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Sophie-Dearden-10-By-3.mp4 You can watch the 10 By 3 Video that Graham helped edi...
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    44 mins
  • #432 – Martin Rides – Data Software
    Jul 5 2024
    Data Software Martin Rides is the Managing Director of The Software Bureau a leading provider of data software. He has a strong direct mail and data focused background and he joins The Next 100 Days podcast to share some of his insights. Summary of the Podcast Data Software & Cleansing Graham, Kevin, and Martin discuss the importance of maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer data. This is especially true for marketing purposes. They discuss the challenges of dealing with deceased contacts, address changes, and data quality problems. Martin explains how his company, the Software Bureau, provides software and services to help organisations cleanse and maintain their contact databases. Deceased Data Sensitivity The group delves into the sensitivity around deceased data. Receiving communications addressed to deceased individuals can be upsetting for family members. They emphasise the need for careful handling of this type of data and the importance of data cleansing to avoid it. Address Changes Martin discusses the Software Bureau's capabilities in tracing customer address changes. This can help companies reconnect with lapsed customers or those who have moved. The group highlights the value of this service. In industries like finance regulations require companies to make efforts to reunite people with lost funds. Technology Advancements The conversation turns to the role of emerging technologies like AI and machine learning in enhancing data processing and cleansing. Martin explains how the Software Bureau is exploring the use of these technologies to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their data services. Clips from this Data Software Podcast Huge Data Resources https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Martin-Rides-Huge-Data-Resources.mp4 Don't Upset the Bereaved https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Martin-Rides-Dont-Upset-the-bereaved.mp4 Data Cleansing https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Martin-Rides-Factor-the-Cost.mp4 Martin Rides Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Martin-Rides-Testimonail.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    43 mins
  • #431 – Jenny Moseley – The Wellington Trust
    Jun 28 2024
    The Wellington Trust Jenny Moseley is the Trustee responsible for marketing at The Wellington Trust. She joins Kevin and Graham on this podcast to publicise the 90th Anniversary of The Wellington. Graham got to know Jenny many years back, usually at the bar of a Direct Marketing Association thing with her dear late friend Rosemary Smith, a previous guest. Now, after a stellar career, including years as The Direct Marketing Association's Chair, she has joined a passionate group of people who wish to preserve the future of this magnificent ship. Summary of the Podcast Introduction to Jenny Moseley Graham introduces Jennifer Moseley, a long-time friend with an impressive career. Jenny has had roles at National Geographic and as chair of the Direct Marketing Association. Now a trustee of The Wellington Trust, Jenny is focused on preserving the historic ship The Wellington. The ship is moored alongside the Thames in London. History of The Wellington Trust Jenny provides background on The Wellington Trust. The ship itself was built in 1934. It served in the Royal New Zealand Navy before being called back for war service in World War II. The Wellington played a key role in the Battle of the Atlantic. It escorted over 100 convoys and rescued hundreds of people. The Wellington Trust is dedicated to preserving this important piece of maritime history. Fundraising Jenny discusses the ongoing fundraising and maintenance needs for the Wellington ship. Key projects include: Replacing the fire alarm system Repainting the decks Maintaining the hull below the waterline - all of which require significant funding. The Trust is seeking donations from the public and exploring corporate sponsorships to cover these costs. Education In addition to preservation, the Wellington Trust focuses on educational initiatives. They engage young people and the public with the ship's history. This includes hands-on experiences like steering the ship in the wheelhouse. They use augmented reality to bring the ship's past to life. The Trust aims to provide unique, immersive experiences that connect people to this vital piece of maritime heritage. Call to Action Graham and Kevin expressed hope that Wellington would outlast them. Please consider supporting the Trust's fundraising efforts to ensure the ship's continued preservation. Click the image of The Wellington below to go to their fundraising page. Clips from the Podcast Where is The Wellington? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-Where-is-The-Wellington.mp4 National Geographic https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-National-Geographic.mp4 Built in 1934, Launched in Devonport https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-The-Wellington.mp4 The First Floating Livery Hall https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-Floating-Livery-Hall.mp4 Friends of The Wellington - Wedding & Royal Mail Story https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-RM-Story.mp4 Message to Donors https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-Donors.mp4 Jenny's Testimonial for The Next 100 Days https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jenny-Moseley-Testimonial.mp4 How to Donate to The Wellington Trust Email Jenny Moseley directly: jmoseley@thewellingtontrust.org The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and imple...
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    Less than 1 minute
  • #430 – Lucia Knight – Midlife Unstuck
    Jun 21 2024
    Midlife Unstuck Her website is Midlife Unstuck. She's a midlifer, who's seen several career changes. Northern Irish, she's moved around a bit too. Lucia has helped individuals to find similar jobs, in different companies. And she has helped perfect new board members for growing companies. Equipped with a Psychology MSc., Lucia now combines head-hunting, management, coaching and psychology. All to help to help other midlifers find a career that fits and feels much better than their current work. Summary of the Podcast Monetising The Next 100 Days Podcast Lucia and Kevin discuss how the podcast they co-host, "The Next 100 Days", was originally not intended to be monetised Kevin suggests it is being monetised by accident. They reflect on the journey of the podcast over the past 9 years. Emotional Impact of the Midlife Unstuck Podcast The group discusses how the podcast has had an emotional impact on them. Graham and Lucia share that there have been episodes that were deeply moving. Best thing to do then is "shut up and let the person talk." They reflect on how the stories shared on the podcast can be very powerful. Lucia's Background Lucia shares the pivotal moment that led her to pursue a Masters in Psychology. Her career shifted to helping people in mid-life make career changes. She describes her own experience of feeling unfulfilled in her previous corporate role. Identifying SUPERPOWERS Lucia explains her approach to helping clients identify their unique superpowers. All this to design a career that allows them to use those strengths. And to solve problems that excite them, while also earning enough money to live the life they want. She walks through the key steps in this process. Navigating Career Transitions During Challenging Times Kevin shares his own experience of being made redundant during the financial crisis. The need for financial security impacted his ability to make a more deliberate career transition at that time. Lucia explains how she approaches working with clients who are in "survival mode" due to financial pressures. Midlife Unstuck - The Brand Lucia discusses the intentional design of her Midlife Unstuck brand and website. She has a slightly distorted logo that is meant to make people pause and reflect. Lucia explains how this ties into her approach of helping clients see things from a new perspective. Career Design for Young People Lucia shares her passion for bringing career design and happiness insights to young people. These range from high school students, who she believes are not getting enough exposure to these important topics. Clips from the Podcast Before the show, Graham created this Image for Lucia's business using DALL:E But don't look at the fingers! https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lucia-Knight-Norman-Rockwell-Inspired-Later-Life-Career-Change.mp4 Lucia Helps People Move Careers https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lucia-Knight-What-She-Does.mp4 How Does She Attract People? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lucia-Knight-How-She-Attracts-Poeple.mp4 The AI Question - Graham Asked AI to phrase a question https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lucia-Knight-Answer-to-AI-Question.mp4 Avoid Cryptonite https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lucia-Knight-Avoid-Cryptonite.mp4 Lucia Just Ruined GrowCFO Bingo Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Lucia-Knight-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat,
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    Less than 1 minute
  • #429 – Jen Pearson – Corporate Treasury
    Jun 14 2024
    Corporate Treasury Jen Pearson is fiercely passionate about all things treasury. Working with intelligent, forward-thinking start-up leaders is her ideal customer profile. She helps them free up their time to focus on strategy and product development. They can relax knowing she has their backs with all things cash and banking. Her company, TreasuryEdge offers a range of services built on her intense devotion to sharing knowledge and building community. Summary of the Podcast What is a Corporate Treasurer? Jen explains that a corporate treasurer is responsible for managing the financial risk of a business. The treasurer focuses on handling cash forecasting, debt, and foreign exchange. In a way, they act as an in-house bank. But she's not a bank. She just tales on the tasks that would otherwise be outsourced to banks. Challenges of Working with Banks Graham and Jen discuss the difficulties of working with banks. Banks can overcomplicate processes and make it hard for businesses to understand the full costs. Jen emphasises the importance of having trusted banking partners though. But above all, she forges relationships with people who can explain things clearly. Jen's Background Jen told us how she decided to leave her corporate job and start Treasury Edge. Her focus is to provide treasury services to startups and scale-ups. She discusses the challenges of going out on her own. One thing that is clear to her now, is she has had to develop new skills beyond just treasury expertise. Advice for Early Stage Companies Graham and Jen discuss the critical importance of effective cash management, especially for early-stage companies. Jen sets up sustainable treasury processes to mitigate risks like bank failures or payment disruptions. Clips from the Podcast What is a Corporate Treasurer? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-What-is-Treasury.mp4 It's Who You Know https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-Who-You-Know.mp4 An Example of Treasury with FX Hedging https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-FX-Hedging.mp4 Talking About Start-Up and Scale Ups https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-Start-Ups.mp4 Treasurers of Tomorrow https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-Treasurers-of-Tomorrow.mp4 Why Focus on Young Companies? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-Why-Young-Companies.mp4 Testimonial from Jen Pearson https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Jen-Pearson-Testimonial1.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    Less than 1 minute
  • #428 – Stuart Bell – 90 Minute Books
    Jun 7 2024
    90 Minute Books Stuart's marketing and operational experience helped take 90-Minute Books from idea to an organisation that has helped over 800 business owners and entrepreneurs create their greatest lead generation tool. And in this episode of The Next 100 Days, he unpicks how everything works and why you should consider writing your own 90 Minute Book. Stuart and Graham are both MeclabsAI Guild members. What is even more exciting is Stuart's partner in 90 Minute Books is the one and only Dean Jackson, a world renowned marketing expert. Come across a landing page? Or the 9-word email? Yep, Dean was the inspiration for both. Summary of the Podcast Before We Got Started The participants, Stuart Bell, Kevin Appleby, and Graham Arrowsmith, engage in some casual conversation. They banter about British accents, the Queen, and changes to British currency and culture. Discussing the 90 Minute Books concept Graham introduces Stuart Bell, who explains his "90 Minute Books" concept. Stuart helps business owners create a valuable, conversation-starting book in just 90 minutes of recorded content. The 8-step framework focuses on identifying the target audience, crafting an attention-grabbing title, and including a clear call-to-action. Pricing and delivery options Stuart discusses the pricing model for the 90-minute books service. Prices range from $3,000 to $6,000 depending on the level of customisation and support needed. He explains the benefits of providing both digital and physical book copies. These books can be used as lead generation and relationship-building tools. Comparison to traditional publishing Stuart contrasts the 90-minute books approach with traditional book publishing, With Stuart, the goal is to create a conversation-starting tool rather than a lengthy, academic work. He emphasises the importance of maintaining the author's natural voice and tone throughout the book. Synergies with Meclabs AI Stuart discusses the connection between his book concept and the MeclabsAI framework. MeclabsAI focuses on a sequential "micro-yes" approach to lead generation. He explains how the two methodologies complement each other in creating effective marketing tools. Potential for voice integration The group discusses the potential for integrating AI-generated voice technology to create audiobooks This offers a further way to enhance personal connection with the audience. Clips from the 90 Minute Books Podcast The Kings English https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stuart-Bell-Kings-English.mp4 90 Minutes Explained https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stuart-Bell-90-Minutes-Explained.mp4 My Damn Toe Hurts - Single Target Market https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stuart-Bell-My-Damn-Toe-Hurts.mp4 A Conversation Starter https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stuart-Bell-Conversation-Starter.mp4 A High Net Worth Shock n Awe Package Strategy https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stuart-Bell-HNW-Strategy.mp4 Testimonial from Stuart Bell https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Stuart-Bell-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    Less than 1 minute
  • #427 – Mike King – High Ticket Sales Campaigns
    May 31 2024
    High Ticket Sales Campaigns Mike King helps clients identify gaps in their client acquisition strategy especially with High Ticket Sales Campaigns. He helps them fix it and then scale it. Plus, he's got lots to share about being a better husband. On top of that, this Michigan high performer is also on the leadership team for the MeclabsAI development that Graham is a bit part player in! Summary of the Podcast Introduction to Mike King Graham introduces Mike King, who like Graham is part of the MeclabsAI Guild. Mike is from Michigan. His expertise is in high ticket sales campaigns. He generates leads for Cardone University, one of Grant Cardone's businesses. Mike's high ticket sales campaign approach Mike explains his approach to optimising high ticket sales campaign funnels. He runs ads, manages copywriting and creative, and works closely with the sales team to understand objections and improve the overall process. These campaigns have increased conversions for Cardone University. He offers a free "90-day onboarding playbook" that gives prospects a taste of the training before they commit to the full offering. Mike's personal story Mike shared stories about his challenging upbringing. This included an absent and troubled father. These challenges appear to have blessed Mike with deep empathy and the ability to connect with people. Naturally, this works in his favour when marketing. He shares how getting involved in men's groups and retreats has helped him heal and inspired him to mentor other men. Clips from the Podcast Improving Metrics for Call Booking https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mike-King-Improving-Call-Booking-Metrics.mp4 Cardone University https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mike-King-Cardone-University.mp4 Cardone University in More Detail https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mike-King-Process.mp4 A Challenging Start to Life https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mike-King-Challenging-Upbringing.mp4 The Biggest High Ticket Sales Campaign Breakthrough in the Last 12 Months https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mike-King-5x-Conversion-Uplift.mp4 Mike Leaves this Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Mike-King-Testimonial.mp4 The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    Less than 1 minute
  • #426 – Simon Severino – Strategy Sprints
    May 24 2024
    Strategy Sprints Simon Severino is the author of Strategy Sprints and has created over £2bn in additional sales for his clients over the last 21 years. In this podcast, Simon shares his proven templates with high-ticket entrepreneurs. They reclaim 14 hours per week using the Strategy Sprints™ Method and enjoy sales that soar. Simon is a podcaster, TEDx speaker, Forbes contributor and Triathlete. Summary of the Podcast Introduction Kevin & Graham discuss their backgrounds in business and careers. Graham recently considering retirement planning and a potential pivot in his consultancy work. Community building and sales coaching Simon Severino shares his strategy for doubling business revenue within 90 days. He does this by increasing price, win rate, and sales frequency. Important is community building and sales process optimisation. One of his super skills is questioning. Strategic Value Wheel Clips from the Podcast What Do Strategy Sprints Deliver? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Simon-Severino-What-Do-Strategy-Sprints-Deliver.mp4 How Do They Get 25% More in Each of the 3 Areas? https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Simon-Severino-25-More-Price-.mp4 The Best Talk % on a Sales Call https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Simon-Severino-Best-Talk-Rate.mp4 All Without Adding a Single Lead... https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Simon-Severino-Dont-Need-Many-Leads.mp4 Philosophy, Management Consultancy and Sales Questions https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Simon-Severino-Sales-Questions.mp4 Simon Provided this Testimonial https://thenext100days.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Simon-Severino-Testimonial.mp4 Contact Strategy Sprints The Next 100 Days Podcast Co-Hosts Graham Arrowsmith Graham is "The High Net Worth Data Guy" who founded Finely Fettled to help business owners and marketers market to affluent and high-net-worth customers. Now get all-inclusive affluent direct mail campaigns combining A lister copy, design, print and postage for £599+vat, without the DIY hassle. Find Graham on LinkedIn. Kevin Appleby Kevin specialises in finance transformation and implementing business change. He's the COO of GrowCFO, which provides both community and CPD-accredited training designed to grow the next generation of finance leaders. You can find Kevin on LinkedIn and at kevinappleby.com
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    56 mins