• Ep. #46 Manifest Health and Happiness for Profound Healing and Transformation
    Jun 18 2024
    In this episode of the "Place to Be Free" podcast, Martha Blessing delves into the principles of manifestation and how they can be harnessed for healing on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Drawing from her extensive experience and profound insights, Martha challenges conventional paradigms and explores the universal spiritual laws that govern our well-being. Discover the true meaning of creation and manifestation beyond the popular buzzwords. Martha emphasizes the importance of understanding and applying universal laws, such as the law of polarity, and unpacks common misconceptions about the law of attraction.. Plus, Martha shares her own journey of overcoming chronic pain and serious illnesses by peeling back layers of fear-based beliefs and tapping into the profound wisdom of our bodies. If you're ready to break free from old beliefs and embrace your innate power to heal and create then, Tune in now! Highlights: How to transform your health and life by unlocking your inner potential. Using manifestation principles for healing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues How universal laws like polarity (opposite states coexist) can aid healing How core wounds and subconscious beliefs like unworthiness hinder healing and well-being. The importance of taking full responsibility for beliefs and choices to shape reality. Universal laws and manifestation principles for lasting transformation. Links: Level 1 of healing consciousness: https://www.marthablessing.com/four-levels-of-healing-awareness-level-one/ level 2: https://www.marthablessing.com/four-levels-of-healing-awareness-level-two/ Level 3 https://youtu.be/kxjXynAcalY?si=Sntu08zEzApuKrt4 Level 4 https://www.marthablessing.com/four-levels-of-healing-awareness-level-one/ https://youtu.be/x8AzikgTiZA?si=6CNou6Ghr6fVwDme Book mentioned: Love Yourself Like Your LIfe Depends On It https://amzn.to/3ypwddZ
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    25 mins
  • Ep. #45 Why Isn’t the Law of Attraction Working for Your Healing?
    Jun 11 2024
    Welcome back to the "Place to be Free" podcast with Martha Blessing! In this episode, Martha uncovers the truth about healing and why just wishing for it isn't enough. She shares stories and examples to show how some people get stuck in what she calls "magical thinking" and miss out on real progress. Martha explains that healing requires both inner change and action, not just positive thoughts, and empowers individuals to break free from self-limiting patterns and reclaim their well-being. Want to learn more about how to break free from limiting beliefs and take steps toward true healing? Tune in now! Highlights: The common blocks people face when working through mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. The importance of using Universal Spiritual Laws for healing Misunderstanding of the Law of Attraction Taking action within the law of cause and effect How subconscious beliefs influence experiences and outcomes in life. The Impact of Childhood Programming The limitations of Talk Therapy Links: Level 1 of healing consciousness: https://www.marthablessing.com/four-levels-of-healing-awareness-level-one/ level 2: https://www.marthablessing.com/four-levels-of-healing-awareness-level-two/ Level 3 https://youtu.be/kxjXynAcalY?si=Sntu08zEzApuKrt4 Level 4 https://www.marthablessing.com/four-levels-of-healing-awareness-level-one/ https://youtu.be/x8AzikgTiZA?si=6CNou6Ghr6fVwDme Book mentioned: Love Yourself Like Your LIfe Depends On It https://amzn.to/3ypwddZ
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    13 mins
  • Ep #44 How Can We Break Free from Fear-Based Medicine and Embrace True Healing?
    Jun 3 2024
    Break Free from Fear-Based Medicine and Embrace True Healing. In this episode of "The Place to Be Free Podcast," Martha Blessing returns after a year and a half hiatus, sharing insights from her deep work with clients in her healing and mentoring practice. She discusses the overwhelming information available in the healing community and emphasizes the importance of understanding the mechanisms of healing at a deeper level. Learn about the four levels of consciousness, overcoming fear, and the power of self-empowerment and intuition in achieving true health. Martha explores why chronic symptoms persist despite numerous medical and holistic options, emphasizing the importance of consciousness in healing. She also discusses the negative impact of fear-based medical practices and shares personal experiences to illustrate how fear-based practices can hinder true healing. Martha's journey inspires trusting one's body and embracing empowered healing. Tune in now! What was covered: Martha's reason for taking a break from podcasting The purpose of Healing Screening is not prevention What hinders people's healing Breaking out of Fear-Based Medicine Martha's personal experience challenging western medicine Doctors practicing “CYA” medicine The Next Level of healing https://youtu.be/x8AzikgTiZA?si=6CNou6Ghr6fVwDme https://www.marthablessing.com/quiz/
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    Less than 1 minute
  • Ep. # 43 Spiritual Prescriptions for Healing Digestion
    Aug 31 2022
    In this episode… In this episode, the spiritual causes of digestive issues like irritable bowel Syndrome (IBS) and other common issues and how to heal them by getting to the core cause, the energetic and emotional imbalances. These are clients' success results with a spiritual approach to healing Conversation Highlights: Learn how digestion is a metaphor for life?How following the digestive metaphor you can energetically and metaphysically pinpoint the problem Why taking over-the-counter medications like zantac and prilosec are a slow miserable way to worse health? Why the special and restrictive diets are not making your condition improve.Why spiritual healing creates a healthy solar plexus and digestion. Metaphysical and energy healing creates long lasting healing for digestive issues. How reprogramming your Subconscious Mind for healing digestion is the most successful.
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    25 mins
  • Ep. # 42 How Can I Open My Heart Center And Release What No Longer Serves Me?
    Aug 17 2022
    In this episode… In this episode I'm sharing, (with permissions :) , a live hot-seat mentoring session from a woman who has been struggling with moving on from traumas in her life and opening her heart center to self love and living her purpose. And also, how to not take on the negative energy and consciousness of the "collective". Conversation Highlights: How do I open my heart again after experiencing trauma in my life?How do we prevent physical ailments from picking up on other people's energy? How to not take on the energy of what's going on in the world? How do we get grounded back in our own energy and personal power after trauma.What is the difference between managing energy and leaking energy and personal power. How and why to use your subconscious mind to change your energy and health.The steps you need to take to open your heart center and create deep self love and trust from within. .
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    26 mins
  • Ep. #41 How The Spiritual Path Of Least Resistance Prevents Your Healing
    Aug 10 2022
    In this episode… In this episode I'm explaining how and why the widely known spiritual concept of choosing the path of least resistance will keep you stuck with symptoms and recurring patterns of self-sabotage. Conversation Highlights: What does it really mean to take the path of least resistance?When is it a good idea to not take the path of least resistance? How standing in your truth and knowing is holding a space for alignment and healing. Choosing your personal power vs following everything the medical community tells you.When we're correcting patterns in the subconscious mind we will come up against fierce resistance. Divine Mind is never in resistance. Aligning with Divine Mind is the only path to offering no resistance How the Core Wound/Unconscious Agreement causes illness in the body and self-sabotage patterns in our life. CLICK HERE
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    20 mins
  • Ep. #40 Stop Wearing Your Feelings- The Energetic Path Out of Anxiety and Depression
    Aug 3 2022
    In this episode… In this episode I'm talking about how we break free from the unpleasant feelings of trauma and other events in our lives in order to free up our energy and use it to create well-being and live and create a life that is our truest and fullest expression. Conversation Highlights: Why clinging to a diagnosis is keeping you stuck in an energetic pattern of illnessWhy staying going on disability for anxiety and depression will suppress your life force and impede and slow down your healing. The best way to process and disconnect feelings from life eventsHow to feel your feelings energetically so you can move through them to freedom and thriving.How to use Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect to transform negative feelings and emotions into healing.How the consciousness frequency of your feelings creates illness patterns in your body.How holding the energy of your feelings causes grief in your heart center and can lead to long term heart disease on a cellular level.
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    21 mins
  • Ep. #39 Energy Medicine: Balancing Mis-managed Energy- part 2
    Jul 27 2022
    In this episode… In the last podcast episode I introduced you to some principles from Universal Spiritual Laws and quantum science and healing. When you understand these basic principles of healing in the quantum field, or unified field of consciousness, you'll realize that your symptoms are an energy imbalance, or lack of understanding in how illness is really created. I gave you the first three esoteric and spiritual healing principles in the last episode of the podcast. In this episode I'm sharing more of these principles so you can apply them to create transformation. Conversation Highlights: How the mechanism of healing happens The role and frequency of Love and Faith in creating transformation from the inside out.Five esoteric and spiritual healing principles that will help you shift your mindset and internal energyWhy Faith is the active energy that clears the channel for healing.Why Divine Mind is your supply and source of well-being.The role that shame plays in being a major contributing factor to depression. And how to clear it.
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    25 mins