• Back in Time
    Jul 25 2024


    In this episode, TJ reflects on his experience creating the podcast and shares his thoughts on the musical Back to the Future. He discusses the concept of optimizing one's future self by making decisions in the present. He also emphasizes the importance of being prepared and taking action when things don't go as planned. TJ encourages listeners to take responsibility for their actions and make adjustments to move towards their desired future.


    podcast, Back to the Future, musical, optimizing future self, decision-making, being prepared, taking action, responsibility, adjustments


    Reflect on your decisions and actions to optimize your future self.

    Be prepared for unexpected situations and take action to overcome them.

    Take responsibility for your actions and avoid blaming others.

    Make adjustments and adapt when things don't go as planned.


    Optimizing Your Future Self

    Making Adjustments for Success

    Sound Bites

    "What actions can you do today that your future self is going to thank you for?"

    "What decisions am I making today that my 77 year old self is going to thank me for?"

    "Please stand by while we adjust the space time continuum."


    00:00 Reflecting on My Podcast Journey

    00:40 The Musical 'Back to the Future'

    02:33 Optimizing Time for a Better Future

    05:46 Being Prepared for Unexpected Situations

    08:23 Taking Action Instead of Blaming

    11:08 Making Decisions for Your Future Self

    11:24 The Pursuit Exit.mp4

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    11 mins
  • 262.2
    Jul 15 2024


    In this episode, the host opens up about his personal struggle with weight gain and his commitment to getting back on track. He shares his highest weight of 262.2 pounds and reflects on the reasons behind his weight gain, including a busy work schedule, lack of exercise, and unhealthy eating habits. The host discusses his plan to hold himself accountable by signing up for a marathon, following a low-carb diet, and scheduling regular gym sessions. He also mentions using Post-it notes as a visual reminder of his weight loss goals. The episode ends with a call to action for listeners to join his newsletter and embark on their own journey of self-improvement.


    weight gain, personal struggle, getting back on track, busy work schedule, unhealthy eating habits, low-carb diet, marathon, gym sessions, accountability, weight loss goals


    Weight gain can happen to anyone, and it's important to acknowledge and address it.

    Accountability is crucial in achieving weight loss goals.

    Planning meals and scheduling regular exercise can help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Setting specific goals and visual reminders can provide motivation and track progress.

    Sharing personal experiences and supporting others can inspire positive change.


    Accountability and Planning: Keys to Success

    Confronting Weight Gain: My Personal Struggle

    Sound Bites

    "262.2 refers to the weight on the scale that I saw back after the 4th July weekend in 2024."

    "250 pounds is one eighth of a ton. And when you put it in context like that, it really makes you kind of take a step back."

    "I've got time every Monday, Wednesday and Friday where it's time to go to the gym from five to six."


    00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview

    03:04 Factors Contributing to Weight Gain

    05:10 Motivation Behind the Podcast

    09:16 Realization and Accountability

    12:59 Scheduling Gym Sessions for Accountability

    15:02 Visual Reminders and Goal Setting

    16:59 Inspiring Others and Newsletter Announcement

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    15 mins
  • Good For Lola
    Jul 1 2024


    The conversation revolves around the topic of resisting positive change and making choices that are good for long-term well-being. The speaker uses the example of their new puppy, Lola, who is attracted to chewing on mulch despite it being harmful. The speaker draws parallels between Lola's behavior and human tendencies to resist healthy habits. They provide tips for overcoming resistance, such as setting clear achievable goals, creating a supportive environment, building a consistent routine, and using positive reinforcement. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making choices that benefit future well-being and encourages listeners to pursue their best selves.


    resisting change, positive habits, healthy choices, long-term well-being, overcoming resistance


    Resisting positive change is a common human tendency, often driven by the comfort zone and preference for instant gratification.

    To overcome resistance, set clear achievable goals, break them down into smaller steps, and celebrate small victories along the way.

    Create a supportive environment by removing temptations and setting up systems that make healthy choices easier.

    Building a consistent routine helps turn positive behaviors into habits.

    Use positive reinforcement to reward yourself for sticking to your goals.

    Making choices that benefit long-term well-being is important for a healthy and vibrant future self.


    Overcoming Resistance to Healthy Habits

    Choosing What's Good for You in the Long Run

    Sound Bites

    "Why do we resist doing what's good for us?"

    "Set clear achievable goals and celebrate small victories."

    "Set up your environment to support your goals."


    00:00 Introduction and Lola's Fascination with Mulch

    02:03 Why Do We Resist Doing What's Good for Us?

    04:12 Setting Goals and Creating a Supportive Environment

    05:30 Building a Consistent Routine for Positive Habits

    07:08 Prioritizing Long-Term Well-Being

    08:16 Conclusion and Call to Action

    09:10 The Pursuit Exit.mp4

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    9 mins
  • Daily Habits
    Jun 21 2024


    The conversation explores the concept of daily actions and how small consistent steps can lead to remarkable results over time. The host shares personal examples and provides five tips for taking daily action: start small, stack habits, schedule actions, track progress, and find accountability. The importance of breaking down goals into manageable tasks and adapting habits to fit one's lifestyle is emphasized. The conversation also highlights the benefits of technology and online communities in supporting daily actions.


    daily actions, small consistent steps, remarkable results, habits, goals, small wins, start small, stack habits, schedule actions, track progress, find accountability, technology, online communities


    Your outcome in life is a lagging measure of your habits.

    Taking daily action, even small steps, can lead to remarkable results over time.

    Start small and build on small wins to stay motivated.

    Stack habits by adding new actions to existing routines.

    Schedule actions and treat them as appointments in your calendar.

    Track your progress visually and use technology to support your goals.

    Find accountability through online communities or coaching programs.


    Start Small, Build Big

    The Power of Daily Actions

    Sound Bites

    "Your outcome in life is a lagging measure of your habits."

    "Start small. It's easy to get overwhelmed by a big challenge."

    "Habit stacking. It's just adding on a new habit to something that you're already doing."


    00:00 The Power of Daily Actions

    06:27 Start Small, Build Big

    08:39 Stacking Habits for Success

    10:23 Scheduling Actions for Success

    14:03 Tracking Progress and Staying Motivated

    15:32 Finding Accountability and Support

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    14 mins
  • Make the Deal
    Jun 12 2024


    The conversation discusses the tendency to wait for the perfect time to start and not make a deal with oneself to take action. It emphasizes the importance of embracing imperfect action and starting where we are. The conversation provides practical tips for overcoming the perfection trap, such as setting a non-negotiable start date, starting small, celebrating small wins, adjusting and adapting, and seeking support. The key takeaway is to stop waiting for the perfect time and start taking action towards our goals.


    perfect time, deal with oneself, start, side project, obstacles, achieving goals, waiting, procrastination, imperfect action, embrace, circumstances, momentum, motivation, progress, potential, delay, start date, small wins, adjust, adapt, support, perfection trap, potential, unlock, full potential


    Stop waiting for the perfect time and start taking action towards your goals.

    Embrace imperfect action and start where you are.

    Set a non-negotiable start date and start small.

    Celebrate small wins and adjust and adapt as you go.

    Seek support from people who will encourage and hold you accountable.


    Celebrate Small Wins and Adjust and Adapt

    Seek Support to Overcome the Perfection Trap

    Sound Bites

    "The key to making progress and achieving our goals is to embrace imperfect action."

    "By taking imperfect action, we build momentum, gain valuable experience, and have the opportunity to adjust our approach as we go."

    "Set a non-negotiable start date. Instead of waiting for the perfect time, just pick a date, commit to starting no matter what."


    00:00 Introduction: Waiting for the Perfect Time

    06:05 Embracing Imperfect Action

    11:26 Setting a Non-Negotiable Start Date

    12:22 Celebrating Small Wins and Adjusting

    14:06 Seeking Support to Overcome the Perfection Trap

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    9 mins
  • Breaking it Down
    May 31 2024


    In this episode, Tall John explores the strategy of breaking down ambitious goals into manageable steps, using the example of Scott Dixon's remarkable race at the 2024 Indy 500. He discusses the power of setting milestones, focusing on the process, and embracing flexibility to achieve success. The episode provides practical strategies for achieving ambitious goals and emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and resilience.


    ambitious goals, achieving success, milestones, process, flexibility, continuous improvement, resilience, Scott Dixon, Indy 500


    • Breaking down ambitious goals into manageable steps is key to achieving success.
    • Setting milestones, focusing on the process, and embracing flexibility are essential strategies for achieving ambitious goals.
    • Continuous improvement and resilience are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success.

    Sound Bites

    "How do you eat an elephant? The answer is one bite at a time."

    "Dixon's strategy at the Indy 500 perfectly illustrates the power of breaking down big goals into smaller, more manageable steps."

    "Even the most ambitious goals can be achieved by breaking them down into manageable steps."


    00:00 Breaking Down Ambitious Goals: The Strategy for Success

    03:01 Achieving Success: The Power of Milestones and Flexibility

    07:08 Continuous Improvement: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    7 mins
  • Winning Weekends
    May 22 2024


    In this episode, John discusses the importance of embracing weekends as opportunities for growth and progress. He emphasizes the need for consistency and the impact it has on achieving goals. John provides strategies for making the most of weekends, including planning ahead, involving others, celebrating small wins, and embracing flexibility. He concludes by encouraging listeners to maintain unwavering commitment to their goals and to cultivate a lifestyle that aligns with their aspirations.


    weekends, growth, progress, consistency, goals, planning, involving others, celebrating wins, flexibility, commitment


    • Embrace weekends as opportunities for growth and progress
    • Consistency is key to achieving goals
    • Plan ahead and involve others in your weekend activities
    • Celebrate small wins and be flexible with your plans
    • Maintain unwavering commitment to your goals


    • Celebrating Wins and Embracing Flexibility
    • The Power of Consistency in Achieving Goals

    Sound Bites

    • "The importance of consistency."
    • "Instead of viewing weekends as an obstacle to your progress, you should embrace them as opportunities for growth and enjoyment."
    • "Four strategies to make the most of your weekends: plan ahead, involve others, celebrate small wins, and embrace flexibility."


    00:00 - Introduction: Embracing Weekends as Opportunities for Growth

    01:37 - The Power of Consistency

    08:12 - Celebrating Wins and Embracing Flexibility

    10:41 - Maintaining Unwavering Commitment to Your Goals

    12:01 - Conclusion: Keep Pursuing Your Dreams

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    10 mins
  • Living 80%
    May 13 2024


    In this episode, host Tall John explores the concept of living life to the fullest. He starts by discussing Jesse Itzler's quote, 'Don't be an 80% version of yourself,' and delves into the reasons why people settle for mediocrity. He highlights the role of limiting beliefs in holding us back and emphasizes the importance of stepping outside our comfort zones to experience growth. Tall John shares personal experiences and encourages listeners to overcome their limiting beliefs and embrace their full potential. He also discusses the impact of pursuing greatness on future generations and concludes with a call to action to be 100% ourselves.

    living life to the fullest, potential, mediocrity, limiting beliefs, comfort zone, growth, greatness, pursuing dreams, mindset, overcoming obstacles, future generations


    • Don't settle for being an 80% version of yourself; strive to be 100% you.
    • Limiting beliefs often hold us back from pursuing our dreams and living up to our potential.
    • Stepping outside our comfort zones is essential for personal growth and experiencing greatness.
    • Overcoming obstacles and embracing a mindset of excellence are key to living life to the fullest.
    • Pursuing our dreams not only benefits us but also has a positive impact on future generations.

    Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone: The Path to Growth
    Embracing Excellence: Cultivating a Mindset of Greatness

    Sound Bites

    "Don't be an 80% version of yourself."
    "Growth happens outside our comfort zones."
    "You're never going to get good if you don't try new things and expand yourself."

    00:00 Introduction: Living Life to the Fullest
    00:32 Chapter 1: Breaking Free from Mediocrity
    05:58 Chapter 3: Embracing Excellence
    07:41 Chapter 4: Pursuing Dreams for Future Generations
    09:55 Conclusion: Embrace Your Uniqueness

    Reach TJ at Talljohn.com or TallJohn77 on IG

    Thank you for listening.

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    8 mins