• Ep 99 Road Trip with Me: Solar Eclipse Part 4
    May 8 2024

    It's time to join Camille and her husband, Bryce, on the final part of their journey to see the solar eclipse and beyond. If you haven't caught the previous episodes, you really should take the opportunity to go back and listen to those in order. Start with episode 96. 97, 98, and finally, this episode, 99. It is quite a journey.

    After 33 days on the road, she has real insight into traveling with a trailer rather than a motor home, and the difficulties, and fun they had along the way. It was intense and exhilarating and exhausting.

    But they got to visit old friends and new friends and favorites spots along the way. There were even some turtles and fish involved. So, once again, let’s join Camille as she continues this last part of her journey, a journey which incorporated remote work into all aspects. Listen as she tells you how.

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi-retirees figure out their remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    · Instagram: @camille.attell

    · Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA

    · Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg

    · RV Blog:

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    22 mins
  • Ep 98 Road Trip With Me: Solar Eclipse Part 3
    Apr 23 2024

    In episode 98, we pick up with Part 3 of Road Trip with Me: Solar Eclipse.

    If you've been listening to the whole series since part one, Camille has talked about the journey of going out to Paris, Texas, which is where she and her husband were going to view the solar eclipse. In part two, she talked about getting to Paris and gearing up for the event.

    Today Camille is finally going to talk about the actual solar eclipse. So, this was a pretty big buildup, sort of like a Netflix release where there's all this hype and marketing and you're just waiting for the actual event itself.

    It wasn’t planned that way, that's just how it turned out. It is a bit of storytelling, and it is a departure from her show norm, which is pretty much practical tips, information and resources about remote work. However, a number of people have told her that they really do enjoy it when she does a little bit of storytelling and goes off the beaten path because they just like to follow along with the journey.

    So, let’s join her for this next installment …

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi-retirees figure out their remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    · Instagram: @camille.attell

    · Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA

    · Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg

    · RV Blog:

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    20 mins
  • Ep 97 Road Trip With Me: Solar Eclipse Part 2
    Apr 20 2024

    Where has Camille been? Did you think she disappeared? Au contraire good listener. She is back and ready to continue the saga of her journey to the sun.

    In episode 97, we join Camille, and her husband Bryce, as they travel the 2nd leg of their road trip to the event of a lifetime – the solar eclipse.

    In episode 96, we left them in Holbrook, AZ. Now, they are on their way to the vastness that is known as Texas where the adventure continues. There are technical glitches, rough roads, unhappy cats, short order cooking – what? Keep listening, you’re gonna love this one!

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi-retirees figure out their remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    · Instagram: @camille.attell

    · Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA

    · Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg

    · RV Blog:

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    21 mins
  • Ep 96 Road Trip With Me: Solar Eclipse Part 1
    Apr 3 2024

    Ready for an adventure? Join Camille, and her husband, Bryce, as they travel on down the road toward Texas and the upcoming solar eclipse. Things get off to a bumpy start, to say the least, with unexpected delays in getting her father moved into his condo. You’ve heard about this ongoing, less than smooth, operation in previous episodes. Well, it’s improved, some. But there’s always right field, you know. Camille will fill you in.

    But, after a few more delays, off they go. Cats, sunshine, rainbows (and lollipops?), and then bam! Ah, but Camille tells it so well. So, buckle up and get ready for her unique perspective of things when the situation is less than perfect but not as bad as it could be.

    This is the first part of her multi-part Travel with Me series where she takes us with her on the road to a lifetime event like no other and all the excitement along the way.

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi-retirees figure out their remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    · Instagram: @camille.attell

    · Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA

    · Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg

    · RV Blog:

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    18 mins
  • Ep 95 Celebrate your wins
    Mar 21 2024

    In episode 95, Camille reminds you to celebrate your wins.

    Today’s episode is one that will hit home with many of you out there, and that is acknowledging and celebrating your wins every day. You may not think you have any, but they are there. Big, small, doesn’t matter. Celebrate your wins and celebrate yourself.

    Camille has mentioned in previous episodes the difficult process she has been facing helping move her dad into a condo. He’s 80 years old, has a lot of stuff, the housing market is crazy, the retirement community has been challenging, etc., etc...

    So, in this short and sweet episode Camille will share some of her wins, some Remote Work School, her on-line coaching program, member wins, and a great win for her dad, along with ways for you to recognize your own wins. Take the time to enjoy this episode, which by the way is a win.

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi-retirees figure out their remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    · Instagram: @camille.attell

    · Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA

    · Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg

    · RV Blog:

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    13 mins
  • Ep 94 Finding Side Gigs on Craigslist
    Mar 13 2024

    In episode 94, I share with you why I love finding side gigs on Craigslist. And I tell you about a new one. I just landed.

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi retirees figure out the remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    Hello, and thank you for joining me today. It's always a pleasure to have you back. Or, if it's your first time, thank you so much for listening. Today, I'm going to do something a little bit different. I want to share with you a personal story because I think it would be interesting and maybe a little bit instructive. Now the story specifically will be about how I found a side gig on Craigslist.

    It's not the only time I've done this. So, I'll tell you about the first time I did it. And I'll also tell you about how I did this again just a few weeks ago. But before I do that, I want to share another story with you not totally related to today's episode. But it's really part of a broader philosophy related to things that I talk about a lot on this show, and that is to always remember that everything you do, most everything you do has a value. Meaning you might be doing something as simple as cleaning your house.

    For me, that's not simple at all. So, who knows, maybe for you, you love it. I know some people listening hate doing it. But that task has value inside of that task. There are skills that you would need to possess to do it. And so, the reason I'm telling you this is I was on a walk this morning. I'm trying to get out more for walks, trying to do the healthy thing.

    Right. And on my walk today, I saw a gentleman. He appears to be retired. I don't know, but this wasn't a Monday at around 10 30, so I don't know. Maybe someone could think I'm retired. Because I took a walk at 10 30, which is not true. I'm just a remote worker and I can set my own schedule. So I shouldn't make assumptions.

    However, this man as planting flowers and putting in some plants in his lawn outside of his house. And it looked so beautiful. I loved what he was choosing. He had some succulents; he had some flowers. Names of which I couldn't tell you. I saw him with his soil, and he was patting it all down. And I, you know, as I walked by him, I said, wow, that is just so beautiful. To which he replied: oh yeah. I just have a lot of time on my hands. I should probably get better hobbies.

    And I just can't even with a comment like that. If you've been listening to the show or me for any length of time, you know, that I'm a huge advocate for people to see their own talent, to really recognize, respect and honor their own skills.

    And so, when that man responded to me like that, maybe he was being funny., maybe he was being humble. But I heard something else. I heard self-judgment. And I stopped and I turned around and I looked at him. And I said, no, you don't need better hobbies. This is exactly what you're meant to do, and you're obviously really good at it.
    And then he protested even more …..

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any reti

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    21 mins
  • Ep 93 Slam The Scam Day
    Mar 6 2024

    In episode 93, you will Join Camile in the world of scams and scammers on Slam the Scam Day!

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi retirees figure out the remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work, how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    In episode 93, Camille addresses the numerous types of scams out there, including those that sound like official government agencies or representatives. The Social Security office posts information about these scams every March 7th of every year. So, it doesn’t matter when you are listening to this podcast, the information always applies.

    Camille has extensive experience teaching about scams and scammers within her on-line coaching program, Remote Work School. Unfortunately, there have been members of that community who have experienced a scam of one sort or another personally. Camille gives a glimpse at how angry this makes her.

    Unfortunately, the retired and semi-retired job seeking sectors of people are particularly vulnerable to these unethical and unscrupulous individuals. And it is not always easy to distinguish the source. If your radar goes up, leave it, hang up, delete it, and then report it if possible.

    Join Camille now for more information not only from the Social Security office but her own personal experience and how she deals with and has dealt with scams and scammers. This is information all of us need, regardless of age or status.

    Here is the link for the Social Security Office scam information.


    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    · Instagram: @camille.attell

    · Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA

    · Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg

    · RV Blog:

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    19 mins
  • Ep 92 How to Use AI Apply to Create Your Resume in Minutes
    Mar 4 2024

    Join Camille in episode 92 for more AI tool talk.

    You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi retirees figure out the remote work options.

    I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work, how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....

    In the previous episodes to this one, Camille talked about the applications of AI tools including using them to write your resume and why it’s a good idea. She mentioned the 2 big tools, ChatGPT and Gemini, formerly Bard, that people are using for all kinds of things including resume writing.

    In today’s episode she talks about a new AI tool called AI Apply, that she really, really likes and feels is worth discussing. She came across it in one of the updates of an AI network /newsletters she subscribes to for information on AI tools that hit the market daily.

    Something about this one caught her eye because it feels very much like the way she trains resume writing in her one-line coaching program, Remote Work School. She is going to discuss how this tool seems to understand the pitfalls of resume writing and how to swim the quicksand of algorithms, robots, key words, and little tricks of the trade to get your resume through the virtual door.

    Click here to check out AI Apply. This is an affiliate link.

    Coupon code: Camille25off to get 25% off your purchase.

    If you want to learn more about how to leverage your digital products or service visit:

    You can also take her FREE training at:

    If you have suggestions for the show, you can contact Camille via Instagram: @camille.attell

    **DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not a substitute for professional consultation. For any retirement or income-related matters, it is best to work with a professional advisor.**

    Welcome to The Remote Work Retirement Show, the only show that is dedicated to remote work for semi-retirees, people leaving the workforce, and people working in retirement to help them have the peace of mind that they can live how they want without the fear of running out of money.

    • Instagram: @camille.attell
    • Linkedin: Camille Attell, MA
    • Check out the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaeS5wa0iAdD3C_cDLyj-Pg
    • RV Blog:
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    25 mins