• Think Before You Speak
    Jul 23 2024
    What you think about yourself and say to and about yourself will determine how your day, week, month, year, and life go.

    It is crucial to think before you speak. When you open your mouth and say things about yourself or anyone else, you are opening the door for Satan to step in and create chaos in your world. If you have found yourself thinking negative thoughts and saying negative words, it is imperative to adopt a positive mindset practice.

    Don't Speak Negative Things About Yourself

    It is essential to think before you speak because what you say can be used to take advantage of you. Satan is waiting for every opportunity to distract you and pull you away from your foundation in Christ. He lurks about, waiting to convince you that your identity is what you think and say about yourself, not what your identity in Christ says about you.

    Examples of why you need to think before you speak When you think before you speak, you will discover more peace.

    Your mindset will determine your outcomes.

    How to implement a positive mindset practice to develop the mindset of Christ.

    My suggestion is to adopt the practice of my 7 Cs which are:

    1. Catch the negative thoughts before you speak them out loud.
    2. Challenge the negative thoughts. Are they realistic? Would Jesus think them about you? Would a friend or loved one think that way about you?
    3. Confess the lack of belief, negative thoughts, negative emotions, and any negative phrases you say and ask for forgiveness.
    4. Collaborate with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to give you strength, knowledge, and wisdom to change your thoughts and to increase your faith in Christ.
    5. Change your thoughts and the words you speak. This takes daily practice.
    6. Control - as you commit to this positive mindset practice and actively do it daily, you will have more control over your thoughts, emotions, and the words you speak.
    7. Confidence will become second nature as the negative thoughts decrease and you focus on your belief in Christ as your Savior and what is possible through Him.

    If you do not actively change your thoughts and avoid speaking negative words out loud, they may become your reality. Words are powerful. Choose them wisely so as to manifest the life Jesus has for you, not the things of the world. You, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can change your life, one thought and one word at a time. Get to it!

    Schedule a call with me to learn more about my services and how I work with my clients to achieve an effective positive mindset practice.

    If spending time on social media is triggering negative thoughts, know that you can grow your business without social media. Download this free eBook to learn ten strategies to help you.

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    16 mins
  • 340. Strategies to leverage AI to grow your business with Laura Templeton
    Jul 16 2024
    Combat burnout and leverage AI to get more time back for your business

    AI, particularly tools like ChatGPT, has allowed business owners to streamline their processes while maintaining their unique brand voices. Learn how to leverage AI and revolutionize content creation, save time, and still sound authentically "you".

    Leverage AI as Your Virtual Assistant

    In today's fast-paced business world, every entrepreneur wishes for more hours in the day. You can reclaim time in your day when you leverage AI to serve as your virtual assistant. AI can handle many tasks that consume precious hours. From generating content outlines to researching client avatars, AI simplifies these processes, allowing business owners to focus on higher-level tasks that drive growth.

    More on AI

    Content Creation Made Easy

    One of ChatGPT's standout features is its ability to create content. However, it's crucial to remember to use AI-generated content only after editing it. A good guideline is to follow the 80-20 rule: use 80% of what ChatGPT provides, and ensure you refine the remaining 20% to reflect your unique voice. This practice not only maintains the authenticity of your personal brand but also safeguards against copyright issues.

    Custom Instructions for Consistency

    A significant aspect of using ChatGPT efficiently is setting up custom instructions. This feature allows you to program ChatGPT to understand your brand's voice, values, and target audience. By doing so, the AI-generated content will be tailored to sound like you, making the editing process smoother and faster.

    AI in Practical Applications

    Practical applications of ChatGPT that can be game-changers for business owners.

    Developing Presentations and Courses

    ChatGPT can assist in creating presentation outlines and slide decks, offering ideas for each slide. This feature is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with visual content creation. Additionally, if you're developing an online course, ChatGPT can help outline the course structure, ensuring you cover all necessary points comprehensively.

    Social Media and Marketing Strategies

    Another area where AI proves invaluable is creating consistent and engaging social media content. Business owners can ask ChatGPT to generate a week's worth of social media posts tailored to their audience. Business owners can ensure their content remains relevant and effective by inputting specific instructions, such as including calls to action or focusing on specific themes.

    About Laura Templeton

    Laura Templeton is a highly sought-after keynote speaker, trainer, and client attraction specialist who is passionate about helping businesses and organizations create connection with clarity, confidence, and compassion. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Laura has established herself as an authority in the field of client attraction and sales.

    Laura's website

    Additional links and resources

    Learn More about how you can grow your business without social media

    Work with Robyn

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    40 mins
  • 339. Finding Your Superpowers: leaning into personal values & dropping comparison
    Jul 9 2024
    Personal values, dropping comparisons, and building confidence.

    Aligning with our values is not just about finding personal joy but also about creating a meaningful and fulfilling life and business.

    The Happy Mom Mindset

    This book provides valuable guidance for moms and anyone looking to build confidence and ward off the perils of comparison.
    "Comparing yourself to others or to an impossible standard is never useful. We usually compare ourselves and try to do it all because we fear that we don't measure up but end up falling short of an impossible standard."

    The Power of Values in Life and Business

    It is so important to understand your values and align your life and business with those personal values. Recognizing our values is crucial for personal fulfillment and success. Values are not about what's universally good or bad but about what uniquely lights each person up. Dropping the judgment in what you think you should value more or less is the first step in embracing personal values.

    Checking in on your values

    1. Make a List: Write an extensive list of things that matter to you in different areas of your life—personal, professional, financial, health, relationships, and spiritual.
    2. Prioritize: Narrow down this list to the top five values that resonate most with you. These are the values that align deeply with your core.
    3. Reflect: Regularly check in with yourself to ensure your daily actions and decisions align with these core values.
    Battling Comparison with Confidence

    Comparison is a natural human tendency but a destructive tendency that often leads to feelings of inadequacy or failure. We can step away from this comparison trap when we know and honor our values. Understanding what truly matters to us allows us to operate from a place of inner confidence. When we are grounded in our values, we are less likely to judge our accomplishments against someone else's achievements. This shift in mindset reduces the "compare and despair" syndrome and opens up space to appreciate others for who they are without feeling threatened or diminished.

    More on comparison

    A New Perspective on Success

    Embracing your values allows you to reshape your perspective on success. Instead of working towards goals based on societal standards or external validation, individuals can set and pursue deeply meaningful goals.

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    Visit Molly's Website

    Free Resource

    If you would like to learn more strategies to grow your business without social media, download my free eBook: 10 Strategies to Start and Grow a Business without Relying on Social Media.

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    32 mins
  • 338. Healthy Finances: strategies to creating a healthy business budget
    Jul 2 2024
    The key to healthy finances is understanding your budget and managing your debt appropriately.

    Don't let the term "inventory" deter you. Whether you're running a product—or service-based venture, managing assets, understanding balance sheets, and navigating the complex waters of entrepreneurship are invaluable to having healthy finances in your business.

    The Importance of Understanding Your Numbers

    Knowing your numbers is critical for healthy finances and business success. Entrepreneurs should stay updated on various financial documents, such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements, to fully understand their numbers.

    Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements

    1. Balance Sheet: This provides a snapshot of your business's financial health at a given point in time. It lists all your assets (what you own) and liabilities (what you owe). Understanding your balance sheet is crucial for knowing how well your business can meet its debt obligations and handle unexpected expenses.

    2. Profit and Loss Statement: Unlike the balance sheet, which is a snapshot, a profit and loss statement (P&L) is more like a rearview mirror, showing your business's performance over a specific period. It includes your revenue, costs of goods sold, and various expenses. Reviewing this monthly helps you keep track of your financial performance and identify any anomalies or opportunities for improvement.

    By regularly reviewing these statements, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions about taking out a loan, investing in new assets, or adjusting pricing strategies which all add up to having healthy finances.

    Navigating Debt in Business for Healthy Finances

    Debt is a significant concern for many entrepreneurs. The right kind of debt can be beneficial, while the wrong kind can be devastating. Ciara provides practical advice on managing debt wisely:
    1. Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: Not all debt is bad. For instance, an SBA loan or a line of credit can be constructive if used wisely. The key is understanding why you need the debt and ensuring you can manage repayments.
    2. Debt for Investment: Using debt to invest in your business, like buying a building or necessary equipment, can be a good move. However, taking on debt to cover operational shortfalls without addressing the underlying issues is perilous.
    3. Personal Guarantees: Be aware of personal guarantees when signing leases or loan agreements. These can put your personal assets at risk if your business fails to meet its financial obligations.

    Turning Losses into Wins

    You hope you will never be in a crisis, but the key to being prepared if one does hit is creating a mindset of resilience. By mentally preparing and building the right habits, you can navigate difficult times more effectively and emerge stronger.

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    40 mins
  • 337. YouTube business strategy: The type of video content you should be creating
    Jun 25 2024
    Business strategy for YouTube: creating the right type of content to amplify your brands reach

    The allure of YouTube lies in its sustainability as part of your business strategy. Content creation for YouTube can continue to attract views for months and provides lasting opportunities for client engagement and conversion.

    Content Creation for Business Strategy Differentiating Content

    You want to focus your content creation on what works for you and your business. You are not trying to reach the masses; you are trying to reach your soulmate clients. Think about your soulmate clients and create content targeting that specific niche audience that is ready to invest.

    The Right Content Mix for Business Strategy

    As you plan your content creation, you want to create a mix of educational and community content. Educational content should address specific pain points your soulmate clients face, while community content helps build trust and connection.

    Example: Health Coaches

    For health coaches, avoid broad topics like "how to lose weight." Instead, focus on advanced topics that address your soulmate clients' specific issues, such as managing cortisone levels or tailored health strategies for particular demographics.

    Optimal Posting Frequency

    Trena recommends posting once a week. This consistent yet manageable frequency helps build a library of valuable content that continues to attract and convert viewers.

    Utilizing YouTube's Features for Optimal Business Strategy Audience Retention and Engagement

    YouTube provides detailed analytics that shows audience retention and engagement. By analyzing these metrics, you can refine your content to keep viewers engaged and encourage them to explore more of your videos. High audience retention signals to YouTube that your content is valuable, leading to better placement in searches and recommendations.

    Thumbnail and Title Strategy

    Contrary to traditional SEO practices, YouTube thrives on engaging titles and thumbnails. Your title and thumbnail should pique curiosity. Instead of "How to Lower Your Cortisone Levels," try "5 Proven Ways to Transform Your Health by Lowering Cortisone Levels." This approach grabs attention and increases your click-through rate, which is crucial for YouTube's algorithm.

    The Role of Quality and Authenticity Production Quality

    While having high production quality can help, it's not the be-all and end-all. Trena points out that raw, authentic content often performs just as well, if not better, than highly polished videos. The key is to deliver value and connect with your audience on a personal level. You want to ensure that you provide whatever the title of your video promised viewers you would address.

    Equipment and Setup

    You don't need a professional studio to start. A decent smartphone camera, a ring light, and a quiet, well-lit space can suffice. Focus on ensuring clear audio and avoiding distractions in your background.

    About Trena Little

    Trena is an income strategist and YouTube expert who helps online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to six figures. She combines practical knowledge (and scrappiness) from her own experiences, plus years of proven results, to help business owners capitalize on YouTube, build sustainable value ladders, hit their bottom line, and enjoy the process.

    Trena's Website

    Learn more about small business marketing Strategy

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    37 mins
  • 336. Balancing body and faith: Strategies for total body wellness
    Jun 18 2024
    Following God's Path to Total Body Wellness and Business Success

    We may have a plan for how we want things to go and how we plan to achieve total body wellness, but listening to God's plan is essential, as he often has bigger and better plans in store. Linda Bailey's story is about resilience, passion, and unwavering faith.

    A Transformative Collaboration with Robyn Graham

    Linda's business took a remarkable turn when she joined forces with Robyn Graham, a seasoned business strategist and coach. Together, they embarked on a transformative journey that saw Linda's business thrive despite significant personal challenges. This collaboration highlighted the value of the processes and procedures they implemented and showcased the potential for growth and success.

    The Power of Processes and Automation

    Solid systems and processes are imperative to growing your business and preparing for life's obstacles. Systems and methods provide structure and stability in your business, even when you are pulled away for other matters.

    Systems to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

    • Overhauling the Website: Creating a user-friendly website optimized for client conversion.
    • Building Automation Series: Streamlining business automation to save time and provide client connection
    • Effective Blogging and SEO: Optimizing blog posts for SEO to draw in new clients and convert readers into clients.
    • Engaging Email Marketing: Creating emails that your subscribers want to read and engage with, focusing on driving engagement, which leads to conversions

    After working with Robyn to make these changes in her business, Linda is now ranked number 2 on Google for one of her main search terms. Focusing on implementing a solid SEO strategy, like the one Robyn taught Linda, makes a huge difference.

    For all business coaching needs, Robyn Graham is your go-to expert. Connect with Robyn to transform your business the way Linda Bailey did.

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    29 mins
  • 335. Holistic leadership strategies for entrepreneurs with Matthew Bracket
    Jun 11 2024
    Holistic Leadership Strategies: Power, Authority, and Influence in Faith and Entrepreneurship

    Holistic leadership strategies incorporate your values, such as faith, and help you embrace your identity in Christ.

    Unveiling Holistic Leadership Strategies: Power, Authority, and Influence in Faith and Entrepreneurship

    The journey through holistic leadership, which encompasses faith and personal growth, is an intricate and fulfilling adventure.

    What is holistic Leadership?

    Holistic leadership involves leading ourselves first, then our intimate circles, and finally, our professional and organizational contexts.

    Holistic leadership integrates various facets of life—personal, intimate, professional, and organizational. It begins with leading oneself and progresses to influencing and guiding family, relationships, and professional environments. The essence of holistic leadership is the ability to grow and help others grow, maintaining integrity and moral authority throughout.

    Understanding power, authority, and influence for holistic leadership.

    There are many misconceptions surrounding power, authority, and influence. Younger generations often reject these concepts due to past abuses and negative connotations. However, at their core, these elements are inherently positive.

    • Power: Sacred and meant to do good, reminiscent of God's dynamic creative power.
    • Authority: Derived from the Latin word "auctoritas" (author), it represents giving birth to something and enriching life.
    • Influence: From the Latin "influere" (to pour into), it signifies a life-giving force, reflecting how our interactions can help others grow.

    These principles tie back to the creation narrative,

    Holistic Leadership Strategies reject the negative use of power

    Distinguishing between good and bad uses of power is crucial for a good leader. Authority and influence should serve to uplift and create, not to control or diminish. Many fall into pride, greed, and fear traps, leading to destructive behaviors and decisions that stray from God’s intentions. A focus on humility, grounded in truth and geared toward fostering collective growth, helps avoid these traps.

    Integrating faith and holistic leadership strategies.

    Faith plays a pivotal role in leadership, offering a moral compass and a source of strength and guidance. The Holy Spirit is available to believers as a source of wisdom and leads our conversations and decisions, underlining the importance of aligning leadership with Christian values. Faith-centered leadership encourages reliance on Christ’s teachings and the embodiment of His love and service in all leadership endeavors.

    The role of women in leadership

    Women have unique power and dignity, particularly within leadership and motherhood. He highlighted women's invaluable role in nurturing and guiding others, whether physically through motherhood or professionally, as coaches and mentors. The feminist movement brought significant progress but also pressures that sometimes caused women to overcompensate or lose their unique qualities. Embracing the nurturing and creative spirit intrinsic to women aligns with holistic leadership principles and fosters a balanced and supportive environment.

    Holistic leadership strategies guarding against the misuse of authority.

    Read the full show notes and access all links.

    Website for Matthew Bracket.

    Free resources

    Download the free eBook, 5 Crucial Strategies to Start and Grow a Sustainable Business, to simplify your business growth journey.

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    49 mins
  • 334. Client onboarding strategies to improve client retention
    Jun 4 2024
    Creating a client onboarding process is a necessary step to continue serving your clients and scaling your business.

    You must have a thorough and automated client onboarding process. You have worked to establish the know, like trust factor with your new client, and now they are ready to invest in your services. A new client is going to pay to learn more from you. It is your job to make this feel like a Disneyland experience. You want your new clients to feel comfortable and confident that they chose to work with you. Let's make this a great experience.

    How to Establish Your Client Onboarding Process What to Include for Low Ticket Items

    These low-ticket items could include a low-priced membership or courses under $1,000. For your low-ticket items, you want to start with an invoice and then present the contract or terms of service for them to read through. Clients should also receive an automated email with links to all platforms and logins. You want to make things as seamless and easy for clients as possible. We are servant leaders. We are here to serve our clients.

    What to Include for High Ticket Items

    Your client onboarding process for high-ticket items is essentially the same process. You want to start with an invoice and then present the contract. Make sure that a lawyer has created your contract and clearly outlines any refund policies you have. Clients should receive an automated email with links to all platforms and logins, a way to access calendar reminders and replays. An additional personal touch of an onboarding gift, a handwritten birthday card, and an offboarding gift are all nice personal touches. Keeping this contact with your client is an additional way to let them know you are here to walk them through this process of working together.

    Client Journey past the Onboarding Process

    How can you better serve your clients and have a lasting client relationship?

    • Intake During Onboarding: During your client onboarding, you should ask targeted questions to help guide you as you work to serve your clients' needs.
    • 3-month check-in: Check in with the same questions you asked during your onboarding process to continue to help you serve your client. You also want to ask clients: What has helped you so far in our time together to help you find success? It is also important that your client outlines what success means to them(helping others, making more money, expanding their reach, etc.).
    • 6-month check-in: Use the same questions from your 3-month check-in and also ask: What is one thing that is most pivotal to your success that I have helped with? What should we add to the program? What could we take away from the program?

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    Website for Jeanette Peterson

    Additional resources for growing your business

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    45 mins