• Looking Back to Move Forward
    Jul 6 2024

    the practice of the 7 sacred teachings requires looking back into our past with love and compassion so that we can move forward to be the best human we can be

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    7 mins
  • developing the practice of the 7 Sacred Teachings
    Jun 24 2024

    How to begin the practice of sacredness from knowledge to experience. We must transcend our knowledge to experience to become the best we can be and remember it is a work in progress.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    8 mins
  • Questions on Spiritual Practice
    Jun 7 2024

    How to practice the 7 Sacred Teachings. From knowledge to practice. How to find the place of calm within.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    18 mins
  • The Power of Love
    May 21 2024

    Self exploration, spiritual journey, the discovery of self-love, self-inquiry, seeking truth.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    13 mins
  • Journey of Self Discovery
    Apr 29 2024

    Embracing the Seven Sacred Teachings through Language and Action

    This podcast episode delves into how we can align our lives with the seven sacred teachings, emphasizing the importance of truthful language and self-reflection to avoid self-deception. The speaker invites listeners to examine their habitual language, which often stems from fear and can prevent us from living fully and spontaneously. Highlighting the journey of continuously striving to be better human beings, the speaker discusses how acknowledging and managing our fears, and engaging in menial tasks can keep us present and open to truth. The episode also explores addressing internal and external injustices through introspection and action, advocating for solutions rooted in love and compassion rather than shame and blame. The podcast concludes with a call to embrace each moment and journey towards truth and freedom with gratitude and humility.

    00:00 Opening Gratitude and Introduction
    00:20 Exploring the Seven Sacred Teachings
    00:47 The Importance of Language and Self-Reflection
    02:01 Confronting Fear and Embracing Life
    05:33 The Power of Present Moment and Truth
    06:18 Addressing Injustice Through Inner Work
    08:31 The Journey Towards Truth and Freedom
    09:44 Closing Thoughts and Farewell

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    11 mins
  • Beyond Suffering: The Path to Truth with Carolyn Landry
    Apr 5 2024

    In this transformative third episode of "The Seven Sacred Teachings," Carolyn Landry extends a warm welcome back to her listeners, expressing deep gratitude for the guidance of ancestors and the blessings of the Creator. Carolyn begins with a compelling analogy that sets the tone for the episode: pain is to the body what suffering is to the mind, illuminating the profound understanding that while physical pain may be inevitable, mental suffering is a choice.

    Carolyn shares her personal journey of awakening to the realization that much of her suffering was self-generated, rooted in outdated beliefs, thoughts, and a default mindset resistant to change. This episode is an intimate exploration of Carolyn's path to internal reconciliation and alignment with her true nature, guided by the sacred teachings that have illuminated her way.

    With honesty and vulnerability, Carolyn recounts the challenges of stepping onto the red path, confronting fears, distractions, and addictions with courage and determination. She draws powerful analogies to describe her spiritual journey, likening it to walking through fire to burn away the unnecessary and embracing the necessity of self-care, as symbolized by the oxygen mask analogy.

    This journey towards self-reconciliation and the pursuit of truth involves deep inner work, a theme that Carolyn expands upon with grace. She highlights how turning to a support system of family, friends, elders, and spiritual gatherings opened her heart and mind, allowing her to truly listen, learn, and eventually let go of harmful substances and behaviors.

    Carolyn's message is clear: reconciliation begins within. By facing our inner conflicts and seeking the truth within ourselves, we prepare the ground for healing and reconciliation with others. She invites listeners to pause, reflect, and engage in the inner work necessary to confront and resolve emotional reactions and judgments, emphasizing the transformative power of truth and the active role of the seven sacred teachings in finding balance and clarity.

    "Beyond Suffering: The Path to Truth with Carolyn Landry" is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and personal growth. Carolyn encourages us to take that first step towards understanding and embodying the truth, assuring us that this path, though challenging, leads to liberation and a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. Join her as she guides us through the sacred teachings that offer not just knowledge, but a way of living that brings peace, harmony, and fulfillment.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    10 mins
  • Journey into Spirit: The Wisdom of Sacred Animals with Carolyn Landry
    Apr 3 2024

    In this enlightening second episode of "The Seven Sacred Teachings," Carolyn Landry warmly welcomes listeners back, extending her gratitude to the ancestors and the Creator for the journey so far. Building on the foundational concepts introduced in the premiere episode, Carolyn delves deeper into the fascinating world of sacred animals and the rich symbolism they carry in our lives and spiritual practices.

    With an inviting blend of personal anecdotes and years of dedicated research, Carolyn brings to life the teachings of the bear, beaver, moose, eagle, and other revered animals. Each animal, she explains, offers unique insights into virtues such as courage, wisdom, respect, love, honesty, truth, and humility. These stories are not just tales from the past; they are alive, guiding us in recognizing and embracing our own spiritual essence and connection to all that is.

    Carolyn encourages listeners to engage with this knowledge actively, suggesting ways to research and connect with the spirit of these animals, whether through books, social media, or direct observation in nature. She emphasizes the joy and revelations that come from this exploration, highlighting how understanding the behaviors and attributes of these sacred animals can illuminate our paths and deepen our spiritual practice.

    This episode is an invitation to open your heart and mind further, to see beyond our human form and into the spirit that animates us. Carolyn's message is clear: we are spiritual beings on a human journey, and the sacred animals are here to remind us of our innate wisdom, strength, and connection to the Earth and each other.

    Join Carolyn for another transformative episode of "The Seven Sacred Teachings," and take another step on your path towards spiritual awakening and harmony with the natural world. Let the sacred animals guide you in discovering the gifts you possess and the beauty of walking in balance and respect with all of creation.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    10 mins
  • Embracing the Path: My Journey with The Seven Sacred Teachings
    Apr 2 2024

    Welcome to the very first episode of "The Seven Sacred Teachings." I'm your host, Carolyn Landry, and I'm here to share a journey that's not just mine but woven through generations of my family's history. My roots trace back to the Penobscot First Nation and Mi'kmaq ancestors, a lineage rich with resilience, tradition, and a profound connection to the land. This journey of mine takes us back to the nomadic wanderings of my grandparents across Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Maine, through the trials and triumphs of my family, and deep into the heart of the Seven Sacred Teachings that have guided us through it all.

    Today, I want to share with you these teachings—Courage, Wisdom, Respect, Love, Honesty, Truth, and Humility—each embodied by a sacred animal that guides us toward living in harmony with ourselves, each other, and the environment. These teachings are not mere words to me; they are the essence of how I strive to live my life, how I've navigated personal challenges, and how I believe we can all find a deeper connection to the world around us.

    I invite you on this journey, not as a passive listener, but as an active seeker of wisdom, healing, and spiritual awakening. The Seven Sacred Teachings have been a beacon of light in my life, illuminating the darkest paths and showing me the way to true happiness, fulfillment, and an unbreakable bond with nature.

    As we embark on this path together, I encourage you to open your hearts and minds to these teachings. Test them in your own life and discover the transformation they can bring. This is not just my story; it's an invitation for all of us to step onto the red path, to find the courage, wisdom, respect, love, honesty, truth, and humility within ourselves, and to walk forward in a world that desperately needs these principles now more than ever.

    So join me, Carolyn Landry, as we explore "The Seven Sacred Teachings" together. Let's take that first step on a journey towards healing, self-discovery, and creating a legacy of balance and harmony for the generations to come. Thank you all. All my relations. I love you all. And until next time.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Seven Sacred Teachings. If you're yearning to delve deeper and embody these teachings in your life, consider joining us for an immersive weekend retreat. We'll share techniques for a profound understanding, honoring, and practical application of these sacred teachings, with guidance at every step. For a transformative experience, visit https://sevensacredteachingspodcast.ca/contact-carolyn to get in touch. Embrace the opportunity to transform knowledge into action. Until we meet again, keep the teachings close to your heart.

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    9 mins