• 196. The Shocking Truth About How Big Your Email List Really Has To Be
    Jul 30 2024

    Building Your Email List With Ads Is Easier and Faster Than It Used To Be. Tune In To Find Out Why.

    I wish I could pour the magic of having a warm (and large) email list into a bottle and sell it in small doses.

    If everyone knew how incredibly life-changing it can be to send some emails to your list and make money they would take me seriously when I keep saying “Build Your List Faster!!”.

    But alas, only a few brave souls will listen and take action, and experience the absolute awesomeness of the magic of having a hot email list!

    They’ll also experience profitable launches and have money flowing into their bank accounts, and finally be able to (insert thing you want to buy, experience, or quit doing forever).

    If you’re one of those who’ll take me up on this challenge even if it is just because you’re curious to see what happens when you finally have a large, warm email list, you’ll love this episode.

    Tune in and let me tell you why it is easier to get started with list building ads today and it is cheaper than it has been in years.

    And when you make your first 10K from your emai list, you can send me chocolate and we can celebrate together.



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    24 mins
  • 195. How To Never Waste Money On Ads Ever Again
    Jul 25 2024

    How To Run Ads And Be Profitable

    If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they felt they’d make more money if they put their money into a broken vending machine rather than into the Ads Manager, I’d be rich!

    There are many ways to waste money, but ads shouldn’t be one of them!

    However, when you are a course creator who launches courses live two, three, or four times a year, it can be a mystery working out exactly how your ad dollars are coming back into your pocket.

    So to help you know exactly how course launchers often waste money on ads, and to demystify how to measure your results so you never have to wonder if you made money, I give you today’s episode.

    When you listen to today’s episode you’ll learn the 4 most common ways I’ve seen money wasted on ads and you’ll find out exactly what to do so you never waste any money on ads.

    To profitable ads and even more profitable launches!


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    49 mins
  • 194. The Real Reason You're Struggling To Grow On Social Media And How To Fix It
    Jul 23 2024

    Discover Why Ads Are Cheaper And It’s Easier To Get Started If You’re Brand New Right Now

    I did an experiment. I tried relying solely on organic social media to build my email list and drive traffic to my website. I failed!

    Not because I did not work my hiney off to make it happen (as have you I’m sure). But because the algorithm gods sit on their bean bags somewhere in Palo Alto and control who sees my content, how much of it they see and when they stop showing it to them.

    So I switched my ads back on after not running a single ad for 6 months. And what happened next blew my mind.

    In today’s episode, I share it all with you.

    When you listen to today’s episode you’ll discover the importance of starting early with their ads and starting soon. NOW is the best time to start because organic is just getting harder and harder and paid is getting cheaper - for NOW!

    And when you’re ready to get started with ads to increase your reach and skyrocket your hot leads email list go to www.thelaunchlounge.com/getmyadup and take the free 5 Day Video Training where you get to look over my shoulder as I show you exactly how to set up your first ad.



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    39 mins
  • 193. Uncommon Launch Strategies That Sell More Courses
    Jul 18 2024

    Strategies That Create More Demand And Sell Courses Even Before You Launch

    When you listen to today’s episode you’ll leave feeling inspired to think creatively about your next launch and how you can create more demand for your course long before you launch.

    When you listen you’ll hear:

    • How one client increases demand using a ‘deposit’ strategy to secure sales long before their launch

    • How another client turned their testimonials into a coffe table book to inspire more people to create a business as past students did.

    Imagine going into a launch with half your revenue already in the bank and half the seats of your course already sold.

    You can when you know how to use some uncommon strategies that sell more courses even before you launch.

    Enjoy listening


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    15 mins
  • 192. The Key To Turning Your Coaching Business Into an Online Courses Business
    Jul 17 2024

    From Successful Coach To Profitable Course Creator - How to turn your coaching business into a thriving online courses business.

    When you listen to today’s episode you’ll learn the exact steps to turn your coaching business into a profitable online courses business so you can take on fewer coaching clients and start selling your knowledge to more people, sooner.


    • Why you can’t just sell your specialist knowledge online and what you need to do instead

    • Why it’s been easy for you to sign up coaching students but that won’t help you when you’re selling online

    • The one thing you need to talk more about on social media to build your email list faster so you can launch sooner

    Start selling your expertise to more people and make a bigger impact when you can turn your knowledge into a profitable online course.

    Listen to this episode to find out how.


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    14 mins
  • 191. How Much Of Your Personal Life Should You Share On Social Media?
    Jul 16 2024

    You Can Build a Large Social Media Following And Still Protect Your Privacy

    Leave feeling relieved and empowered knowing you can have very strong boundaries between your audience online and your personal life, and still build a following large enough to sell your courses.

    When you listen to today’s episode you’ll discover why your audience doesn’t need you to show your personal life on social media as much as you think.

    You’ll learn the key to creating relatable content without feeling like you’re “on” all the time.

    And you’ll learn how you can manage your brain to create strong boundaries between social media and your life.



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    14 mins
  • 190. How Course Creators Really Make Money Online
    Jul 15 2024

    Discover The Key To Turning Your Coaching Business or Your Influencer Business Into a Profitable Online Courses Business.

    I recently created a bonus course for our students inside The Launch Lounge Membership and shared with them what I share in today’s episode.

    I’ve never had so many people tell me this was the biggest ah-ha moment for them and now they know why they’ve been struggling for years.

    In today's episode, I’ll share with you the three types of business models we can build as personal brands that create content on social media to make money online.

    When you listen you’ll know:

    • Why your audience loves your free stuff and never buys what you sell

    • Why you’re great at building an audience online but they never buy your courses

    • Why your coaching students love your content but you struggle to sell your courses to new audiences.

    I know you’ll walk away from today’s episode with a new perspective on how to build your audiences and what to offer them when you sell your courses.


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    27 mins
  • 189. 'Should I Delete Old Blog Posts?'
    Jul 12 2024

    How To Repurpose Old Blog Posts That You Don’t Want To Use Any More

    Today is a walk-and-talk episode and you and I will be walking through the streets of Brisbane together.

    Let me share with you some of the real conversations I’ve had with clients and students this week and give you a sneak peek into our world.

    Today I answer the question “Should I delete old Blog posts or keep them” this is relevant because our old posts can easily start to feel a bit…well, embarrassing to us.

    Tune in and hear what I told our students in The Launch Lounge and how I learned this the hard way.

    Hope you enjoy the episode and I’ll be back here next week.


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    15 mins