• Steal my Scalability Framework (The How Behind My Business's Sustainability During a Few Really Hard 'Life' Years)
    Jun 25 2024

    This has been on my heart for a while to share so I really wanted to open up my Scalability Playbook, if you will.

    These are the three Foundations that have enabled me to not only GROW but SUSTAIN my multi-6 Figure business especially over the last two years that has been a bit of a shit-show personally.

    Tune in to learn:

    >> The exact strategies and steps behind my Simple Scalability Framework that you can steal to create more intentionality and fast-track your way to Multiple 6 Figures

    >> Exactly how this has 'saved' my business - truly I wouldn't be here after the shit show of the last 2 years if this wasn't in place

    >> How to marry the strategic "external' moves with the deep inner work to create the kind of alignment that catapults you into your next level

    I wanted to walk you through the intricacies behind this and share the skills and the strategies and steps behind my Simples Scalability Framework because I really want you to STEAL THIS and create a fuck ton more intentionality and really allow you to fast track your way to multiple 6-Figures THIS YEAR.

    I don’t care what stage of business you’re at.

    It doesn’t matter whether you feel like you are behind the mark or on track I know this is going to REALLY serve you to create more intentionality and fast track your business to that next level this year.

    Annnd if your heart is really feeling like “YESSS this is what I need. This is the way I want to scale. This is the only kind of scalability I’m available for.” YOU are my SOULMATE client. You are the kind of person I would LOVE to invite to work with me ina really intimate level.

    I am taking my last couple of clients for the YEAR and I would LOVE to speak with you if you’re ready to do things differently and you resonate with creating a RICH + RESOURCED business and you really care about enjoying the PATH to your next 300k as much as you desire to create the external abundance then I believe deeply in my soul that this was destined for YOU.

    There is an application to make sure this is a magic fit so if you’re curious to learn how we can fast-track your path to 200k+ this year, apply here ASAP because these spots will NOT last long.

    Once you apply I'll reach out in 48 hours with some thoughts on the exact holistic strategy, scalable business pathway and how I'd love to take a holistic focus on leveraging your energy/intuition and innate gifts as your north star to collapse time and get you living your dream life NOW.

    If that feels like you’re something you’re into and you would love to get my perspective on your business don’t miss this opportunity because you literally get me outlining a strategy for you.

    I would LOVE to really invite you to move. And to take action from that place of where you want to be and use this as an exercise to do just that.

    If you have any questions please feel free to DM me on IG. The fastest way to get my feedback is to fill this out >> https://form.typeform.com/to/aDmQmHJx

    I can’t wait to hear from you!

    Let’s dive in.

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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    48 mins
  • I Almost Burnt My Business Down, Here's What I'm Doing Instead
    Jun 18 2024

    This is another JUICY episode, my loves.

    I want to walk you through a rundown of what's been going on for me behind the scenes because this is the kind of transparency I love to bring you. This is the kind of truth telling most people won’t and I KNOW what I’m going to share with you is going to resonate no matter what stage of business you’re at.

    Tune in to hear:

    >> What's been going on behind the scenes for me in business and how I navigate feeling disconnected or when things feel 'off' (because this happens to EVERYONE at all stages - even if they're not telling you 😜)

    >> The exact process I use to help me navigate WTF to do so I don't make reactionary decisions or blow things up unnecessarily

    >> My fail-proof process to come back to what's REALLY true for me, find my way back into alignment and take action from my highest good whilst still being a really smart CEO

    My intention for this episode is to normalise life ‘life-ing’ and share with you some tangible tools and takeaways you can implement in your business NOW so that you have the cushioning to hold you through different life events and create a sustainable, scalable business that isn’t just reliant on YOU or your ‘good vibes’.

    This is such an important episode, my loves, so let us dive in.


    If you’re wanting to have more GROUNDED GROWTH..meaning you have multiple 5 Figures in recurring revenue mapped out for the rest of 2024 like me and my clients..

    So that you can create more revenue NOW whilst laying down the foundations for year on year exponential growth.

    ​This NEW space is for you if you desire to STOP wasting your energy trying to figure out what the secret is to getting more random sales in the DMs and instead get the personalised support you're missing to create tailor-made strategies and robust foundations to create more coherence and CASH in your company.

    Head here to get the details and Apply NOW to get a personalised strategy audit as well as a MASSIVE EOFY discount if we decide you're the right fit to join us.

    When you submit your application for the NEXT week only, I’ll send YOU a personalised strategy walking through exactly what I see us doing together, the strategies we’d create and implement to create more grounded growth and your personalised pathway to PREDICTABLE INCOME and exponential yearly growth.

    I CANNOT wait to hear from you. Spots are VERY limited. We only have 2 spots. APPLY NOW >>


    I can’t wait to hear from you. If you have any questions, DM me on IG and let’s speak about it.

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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    30 mins
  • How to UN-F*CK Your Sales (How I Made 20k Off of 1 Story with 100 Views)
    Jun 11 2024

    Really fun episode for you, but I would feel like every other marketer in the online space, yes, loves, we’re getting sassy, if I didn’t share this next bit to go with this excellent episode and title.

    I have been REALLY fucking intentional about the way I have grown and scaled my business.

    I have been playing the long game since Day 1 and I’ve put a lot of time and energy into the really core areas of my business that create these magical kinds of sales.

    I am a MASTER of conversions. I have a very small audience. The money we make shouldn’t make sense. Our conversion rates shouldn’t make sense. I LOVE to break the fucking rules and do shit MY WAY in business and that’s unleashing even more.

    Know that whilst this is absolutely possible for you. And this happens to my clients ALL THE DAMN TIME. It’s NOT a secret. It’s not this magical thing that isn’t available for you. It is absolutely available for you if you’re willing to lean into the support, the skills, the strategy, and the mindset that really goes into being able to show up like someone who really commands that level of attention and TRUST HERSELF to create those kinds of results.

    I wanted to add this caveat because I hate that shit when there’s hooks like this and there’s no context of what actually goes into these kinds of results.

    If you’re craving more simple, streamlined scalability. If you’re wanting to have more GROUNDED GROWTH..meaning you have multiple 5 Figures in recurring revenue mapped out for the rest of 2024 like me and my clients..

    So that you can create more revenue NOW whilst laying down the foundations for year on year exponential growth.

    This is for you if you desire to STOP wasting your energy trying to figure out what the secret is to getting more random sales in the DMs and instead get the personalised support you're missing to create tailor-made strategies and robust foundations to create more coherence and CASH in your company.

    If this sounds like something you’re interested in you NEED to apply for my INNER CIRCLE. This is grounded growth. It’s your one stop shop to step into simple, soulful, streamlined scalability by multiplying your monthly recurring revenue and getting personalised IN IT with you suppor for a predictable path to consistent 20k months and beyond.

    Apply NOW to get a personalised strategy audit.

    When you submit your application for the NEXT week only, I’ll send YOU a personalised strategy walking through exactly what I see us doing together, the strategies we’d create and implement to create more grounded growth and your personalised pathway to PREDICTABLE INCOME and exponential yearly growth.

    I could do this shit with my eyes closed after creating this for the last 5 years of my business and I WANT to help YOU with it.

    Business isn’t meant to feel as hard as it may feel. As crunchy. Or even if you’re feeling like it’s good, but it could be better. Fuck good. You’re meant for greatness! Apply now here: https://form.typeform.com/to/aDmQmHJx

    I can’t wait to hear from you. If you have any questions, DM me on IG and let’s speak about it.

    Ok love. Let’s dive in!

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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    24 mins
  • The 5 Most Underrated Strategies I've Used to Scale to Over 1.5 Million
    Jun 4 2024

    This episode is inspired by a convo I recently had with my coach of 6 years because I realised that I've been MASSIVELY downplaying one of the biggest strategies I've leveraged to scale my business to over 1.5 million after struggling in my previous one for years.

    I'm sharing the 5 most underrated strategies with you today because I know how much the marketing in the online space is designed to distract you from the REAL needle movers in business and I frankly WANT you to learn from my mistakes so you don't have to waste your time trying to crack the code on simple scalability and leverage my learnings instead.

    Join us to learn:

    >> The BIGGEST underrated strategy and why I'll never stop using it no matter what stage of business I'm at

    >> Why so many of us avoid the very thing that will help us expand in the easiest way

    >> The 'hidden' strategies that matter the most when it comes you being able to expand your empire without constantly needing to work harder to get to that next level

    This has truly been THE THING that has scaled me to over 1.5 million in the last 6 years.

    I struggled for YEARS in my nutrition business and I ended up closing it down. And it was very much because of that experience that I KNOW it to the depths of my soul that this strategy is TRULY a non-negotiable if you desire more easeful scalability. If you want to shorten the timeline of your expansion. If you want to STOP working harder to create new levels of growth.

    I’m just REALLY excited to share all of this with you. Let us dive in.

    I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this episode so PLEASE make sure you DM me on Instagram.


    I am taking spots to chat on my calendar for those of you that are READY to expand this year. You’ve decided on your success. You want to shorten the time frame.You’re ready to go ALL IN on the things that matter. And you wanna scale without having to constantly keep working harder to get those results you want. I have a couple of spots opening up in a few of my 1 on 1 containers and I’m fucking READY to do it with you and help you expand and grow.

    Book in a complimentary coaching consult here.

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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    49 mins
  • My Secrets Behind Lazy Scalability
    May 28 2024

    My gosh it is our 200TH EPISODE!!

    I have an exciting announcement inside about a BIG giveaway I’m doing to celebrate whether it’s the first episode you’re listening to or the 200th, so THANK YOU!

    Tune in to hear:

    >> The BIG giveaway I'm hosting exclusively to YOU, my podcast girlies - to say a huge thank you for being with me!!

    >> My 5 Secrets behind my "Lazy" Scalability - aka: HOW I've been able to grow to over 1.5 Million in a VERY simple, streamlined and sustainable way

    >> Why I'm always going to advocate that you CAN grow your income without growing your stress levels, FULL STOP (and I'm teaching you the exact framework today so you can implement this ASAP)

    >> The biggest reason MOST businesses don't end up scaling this way (you NEED to know this so you can get your mindset and strategy on LOCK to make sure you don't fall into this trap!)

    My intention for this episode is for you to really understand what it can look like to do LESS but so much better so that you can create MORE of the results you want, STOP wasting your time on stuff that isn't moving you closer to your goals and simplify TF out of your scalability this year and share my favourite strategies to make all that happen!!

    This is a meaty episode. I know it’s going to be SO helpful. And that tuning in is going to give you that insight you desire so let’s get into it.

    REMEMBER- make sure you leave a review on itunes, screenshot it and send it to support@elisedanielle.com AND/OR take a screenshot of this episode and share it to Instagram and tag me to go in the draw to win a FREE "Your NEXT 200k Strategic Scaling VIP Coaching call" with moi!

    AND - If you've DECIDED it’s your time to step into YOUR next expansion, simplify the F out of your strategy so that you can streamline your energy and let your marketing and mindset do the heavy lifting for you?

    ​Book in a complimentary coaching consult here. ​

    I'm currently filling up upcoming spots for my highly coveted VIP Coaching + an Inner Circle that has been a secret back-end offer (until now). If you want to find out about both of those, book in to chat with me here. ​​

    OR of course if you want a sneak-peak DM me on IG here. ​

    I wouldn't wait. In literal weeks from now you could be celebrating and stabilising at 20k-80k months, just like so many of my clients have.

    How much MORE FUN could you have if you woke up every Monday to humans who are EXCITED to pay you?

    That's how I feel, that's how my clients feel and that's HOW you'll get to feel and this is the first step to get there >> https://elisedanielle.satoriapp.com/offers/153990-coaching-consultation​

    And as always, DM me on Instagram and let me know what resonated from today’s episode. I always LOVE hearing from you!

    FB Group

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    50 mins
  • Social Media Strategies My Clients are Using NOW to Make BIG Sales
    May 21 2024

    Recently my clients have been absolutely KILLING it and quick frankly, so have we.

    April was our BIGGEST month ever this year and I wanted to get into the dirty minutiae around exactly HOW my clients and I are amplifying sales right now.

    This is VERY different to what I think was working six months ago. Certainly a year ago.

    I wanted to make sure we delved into all of this juice so you have all this information. You know I’m not about gatekeeping. I want you to have ALL of the tools you CAN and really utilise these podcasts to amplify your results.

    Join me as I share:

    >> The 4 holistic social media strategies my clients are current using to create 20k months, sell out launches and create HUGE conversions from small audiences

    >> The ONE THING that is likely stopping your clients from hiring you

    >> Why business basics aren't basic and how you can elevate simple foundational tools to create MORE sales with less marketing effort

    >> My 'secret weapon' that has been proven to guarantee my 3 year track-record of consistent 6 Figure Launches

    Excited for you to tune in and don’t forget to DM me on Instagram and let me know what resonated. Let’s dive right in.

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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    51 mins
  • Anatomy of a Stupidly HIGH Converting Landing Page
    May 14 2024

    This is something really fun and TOTALLY different.

    Total honesty, my loves - I scrapped the topic I was going to share this week. Don’t worry we’re going to share it next week!

    But I just HAD to have this conversation with you NOW because I know it’s going to be SO valuable.

    In this week’s episode, I am walking you through the anatomy of my most recent INSANELY highly converting landing page. Industry average for reference is 5-15% and this page is currently converting at 72%!!

    I’m treating this as a live case study which is just SO fun and I want to walk you through IN DETAIL why I think this page is converting so well.

    Tune in for:

    >> All of my industry secrets around HOW I'm creating a 72% conversion rate on my upcoming Masterclass: Nonsensical Conversions (how ironic and cute!)

    >> Me walking you through step-by-step EXACTLY why this is converting so well and the principles you can use to amplify the conversions on any landing page or sales page you have

    >> The specific tweaks and changes I made to this landing page and why I think it's performing so well RIGHT NOW - this will give you HUGE insight into buying behaviour and the non-negotiable shifts to make to create nonsensical conversions too!

    I also have REALLY exciting news to share at the end of this episode and I am SO excited for you feedback on this one so make sure you DM me on IG. Let’s do it!

    And in case you missed it..


    We have an upcoming MASTERCLASS: Nonsensical Sales that is happening THIS Saturday, May 18th.

    After scaling to over 1.5 million in 6 years with an email list of 1200 and an IG following of 3300, I know a thing or two about what it REALLY takes to create quite frankly stupid conversions with a small audience and I want to let you in on the strategies I teach my clients to do the exact same thing.

    If you haven’t grabbed your FREE seat, make sure that you do. This is going to be SUCH a game changing masterclass for you to learn the art and science of *Nonsensical* Sales and create MORE authentic sales, without needing to waste your precious time building a bigger audience or pumping out MORE content that isn’t converting.

    Get all the details and register your spot here: https://bit.ly/4a8YHFW

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

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    55 mins
  • BTS Spicy Q+A with my COO - Lauren Corey
    May 7 2024

    This is the FUNNEST episode, my loves.

    I have my incredible COO, Lauren, on this week's pod to answer ALL sorts of fun questions that we collected from you!

    Lauren is my ride or die. She’s the reason I have my sanity most days, and she has been SUCH an integral part of the recent successes at Elise Danielle.

    There are SO many juicy conversations that we’ve had behind the scenes that we finally decided it was time to get on the mics together and actually record one.

    And I am SO excited for you to listen in on this one.

    Tune in to hear:

    >> What Lauren’s role is in Elise Danielle and how she supports her humans as a COO

    >> A behind the scenes take on how Lauren thinks about around systems, teams, hiring, etc. and what she sees as the biggest determinant of success in the online space

    >> Lauren’s answers to the questions you submitted on our IG poll and SO much more

    Lauren has SO much experience in the online space. She has been it just as long as I have so I just know you’re going to get SO much out of her valuable insights and wisdom and that by the end of this episode you’re going to LOVE Lauren as much as I do. Let’s dive in!

    PS After you’ve listened to this week’s episode, in addition to taking advantage of the amazing resources on Lauren’s website, make sure you send Lauren a little thank you note for taking the time to be here with us today because she so didn’t have to do this and it was so gracious of her to spend her time with us in this way! And if you have additional questions for us after this, DM me and let me know. We may just need to do a follow up episode in the future!

    📣 NEW: FREE Masterclass is here- NONSENSICAL SALES 💰

    After scaling to over 1.5 million in 6 years with an email list of 1200 and an IG following of 3300, I know a thing or two about what it REALLY takes to create quite frankly stupid conversions with a small audience and I want to let you in on the strategies I teach my clients to do the exact same thing.

    Hurry up and grab your FREE spot to my upcoming Masterclass so that you can learn the art and science of *Nonsensical* Sales and create MORE authentic sales, without needing to waste your precious time building a bigger audience or pumping out MORE content that isn’t converting.

    Get all the details and register your spot here: https://bit.ly/4a8YHFW

    Website: https://www.elisedanielle.com
    DM me on Instagram: @elise_danielle_
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivenbadasswomen

    Lauren’s Website: https://laurencorey.co
    Connect with Lauren on IG: @laurenjeanco

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    1 hr and 3 mins