• Alexandru Tudose: "Daca ai gasit un garaj si o idee, nu inseamna ca va fi si un succes"
    Mar 9 2023

    In acest episod extrem de interesant alaturi de antreprenorul Alexandru Tudose aflam ca, de fapt, cateva din lucrurile pe care le tot auzim in aceasta "cultura de hustle si anti-scoala" nu sunt neaparat un adevar. Am avut oportunitatea sa stau de vorba cu un om care practica antreprenoriatul inca de pe bancile facultatii si nu se rezuma doar la antreprenoriatul clasic, ci si la cel social, avand proiecte pentru sustinerea tinerilor precum proiectul YOU, pentru ca asa cum spune el, datorita oportunitatilor sporite pentru tineri, lumea are impresia ca acestia nu mai au probleme, lucru ce nu poate fi mai departe de adevar. Va invit sa ascultati cu placere acest episod si sa plecati cu cel putin o idee sau o farama de disciplina in urma acestuia. P.S. Nu uita sa lasi timpul sa isi faca treaba. Orice ai invata si oricat de bun ai fi la aplicare, totul se materializeaza in timp.

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    46 mins
  • Alexandru Radulescu: "Pentru ei noi suntem doar niste cifre""
    Feb 24 2023

    De multe ori, succesul consta in mai mult decat munca grea si perseverenta. Daca doar munca ar fi factorul decizional al succesului, atunci chelnerii, soferii, zugravii, oamenii care chiar muncesc pe branci ar fi bogati, insa realitatea nu este asta nici pentru ei, nici pentru un "pusti", asa cum lumea prefera sa vada un tanar muncitor. Aceasta este si povestea lui Alex, in lupta lui cu primariile si reprezentantii corupti ai sectoarelor aferente, Alex a intampinat o masura exorbitanta de judecata, stigma si "bete" aruncate in "roatele" succesului lui, insa in ciuda acestor intamplari, Alexandru a continuat sa mearga pe un drum care la capatul sau are binele celor pe care el ii reprezinta. Povestea lui Alex este una de ascultat, de apreciat si de luat in calcul pentru toti tinerii care se simt colesiti. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

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    54 mins
  • Adrian Cioroianu: "Eu joc ca sa castig,nu de dragul de a juca"
    Feb 23 2023

    Imaginati-va ca stiti exact ce trebuie sa faceti pentru a va atinge obiectivul dorit. Dar, din pacate, constientizarea nu este suficienta pentru a ajunge acolo. Ati auzit sfaturi de la oameni din jur, ati cautat informatii online si totusi nu pare sa mearga. Ei bine, nu esti singurul cu aceasta problema. Uneori, ne este frica de esec si, din acest motiv, cautam inspiratie in continutul online. Dar de ce facem asta? Pentru ca, in loc sa ne concentram pe pasii mici, care duc la succesul final, ne uitam la intregul munte pe care trebuie sa-l urcam si ne simtim copleșiti. In loc sa impartim procesul in etape mai mici si mai realizabile, ne concentram pe dificultatile care ne asteapta si pierdem orice urma de motivatie de a ne ridica si de a actiona . In oceanul asta de incertitudine,confuzie si minciuni navigam zilnic cu cu speranta ca in final totul o sa fie bine. In episodul de azi avem alaturi de noi un om care intruchipeaza cuvantul “dedicare” si “disciplina” , un adevarat profesionist in aria de vanzari si o persoana cu care merita sa stai la o bere .

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    30 mins
  • The ONE thing NOBODY talks about (How to actually REACH YOUR GOALS)
    Jul 11 2022

    We hear all these people talk about what you have to do to reach a certain goal, but so little is actually sticking to your plans, from a mental perspective, talked about. I truly believe that, in most cases, we do know what we have to do to reach a goal, you don't need some guy with a six pack on the internet to tell you in a series of videos that in order to look good and be healthy you have to go to the gym and not eat crap food.

    The reason we like to consume this content is because we have, firstly, a fear of failure, and secondly, we only look at the whole mountain we have to climb, and instead of breaking it down into small steps, we focus on the hard thing that's ahead of us and loose any trace of motivation to actually get up and do the work. For that reason, people consume content so that they don't feel alone. This is where "I want to be ready and then I will start" comes in. It comes from the sheer lack of energy to get started, because as said before, we look at the whole thing at once.

    In this episode you are going to learn how to shift your approach in order to reach your goals and make it easy and pleasurable for you in the process.

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    20 mins
  • The 1 MOST important step in REACHING SUCCESS! (fall in love with failure)
    Jul 6 2022

    All too often we fail at something in our life, or we feel like we fail, and most of the time it is a very unpleasant experience. Why? Because one of the most powerful barriers we posses is our ego, and failure, by it's nature, pokes that ego and makes us feel all sorts of things like anger, lack of power or lack of motivation. That is why our most ambitious goals are so hard to get a hold of, we are fearful of failure, and so we spend our time either worrying about it or trying to avoid failing, both being the reason we don't pursue our dreams.

    That is why it is important to change our relationship towards failure and realise that, in itself, failure is part of success, and that if we seek to be greater at something, regardless of the nature of our ambition, then we must get comfortable with failing.

    That is the reaso this episode is aiming to change your perception on failure.

    You can check out new episodes of the Time podcast every week on YouTube, iTunes, and Spotify.

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    23 mins