
  • VCFO Deep Dive: Beyond HGTV Success featuring Traci Barrett
    Jul 15 2024
    “After almost 20 years of doing that nonstop, I started to lose myself a little bit. I started to wonder, is this what I want to do for the next chapter of my life? Is there something else out there for me? When I looked around in corporate America, what I realized and what I saw was that there were a lot of people like me. I really wanted to get off autopilot. I felt like nobody in my life was getting the best part of me.” – Traci Barrett The finer details of this episode:Review and analysis of The Root of All Success with The Real Jason Duncan’s Beyond HGTV Success Featuring Traci BarrettEmphasis on the unique thought of the episodeExploration of success and life transitionsImportance of identifying the right client fit and company cultureImpact of generosity on business relationships and company cultureTransformational impact of Traci's strategic life mapping processAppreciation for diverse perspectives on success from Jason Duncan's podcast Episode resources:Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletterDigital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddcConnect with Traci here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracischubertbarrett/Check out Navigate the Journey here: https://www.navigatethejourney.com/Check out Traci’s website here: https://www.tracischubertbarrett.com/Catch the full episode here: https://www.therealjasonduncan.com/podcasts/the-root-of-all-success-with-the-real-jason-duncan/episodes/2148159261 Timestamps: The unicorn (00:04:05)Discussion on the most unique thought of the episode, focusing on success beyond money and titles. Traci's journey (00:05:28)Traci's transition from corporate world to entrepreneurship, and the realization of wanting more from life. Defining success (00:08:03)Traci's personal definition of success and the importance of using unique talents to have a positive impact. Visionary vantage (00:13:12)Discussion on identifying what one wants and why, and the journey to create a different and entrepreneurial company culture. The client relationship dilemma (00:18:15)Discussion on deciding whether to take on a lucrative project that doesn't align with company values. Identifying the right client (00:19:44)Exploring the importance of understanding if a client is the right fit for the team and the impact of a mismatched client-team relationship. Learning from mistakes (00:21:29)Reflecting on the consequences of trying to retain a client who mistreats the team and the importance of addressing such situations promptly. Generosity and company culture (00:24:12)Exploring the role of generosity in shaping company culture, fostering relationships, and creating a positive work environment. The mic drop moment (00:34:55)Reflecting on the significance of identifying personal motivations and goals, as well as the impact of building meaningful relationships in business. The strategic life map (00:35:20)Discussion about the impact of a strategic life map on personal and professional decisions. Transition to second half of life (00:36:13)Exploring the concept of transitioning to a new phase in life after achieving initial success. Impact on personal and professional life (00:37:49)Reflection on the ups and downs of life and how it influences relationships and career decisions. Finding passion and purpose (00:40:09)Discussion about the importance of doing what one loves and finding purpose in daily activities. Identifying personal "why" (00:42:00)Exploring the significance of understanding one's motivation and purpose in life and work. Podcast review and conclusion (00:43:37)Reflection on the podcast and its value, expressing anticipation for future episodes.
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • VCFO Deep Dive
    Jul 11 2024

    Episode resources:

    • Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/
    • Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter
    • Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc


    The podcasting journey (00:00:14)

    Jamie recounts the evolution of the podcast, from its humble beginnings to its current loyal listener base.

    Introduction of the new podcast format (00:01:04)

    Jamie introduces the new format, inspired by the "Rewatchable" podcast, and discusses the idea of discussing existing material through 11 topics.

    The 11 topics of the new format (00:02:49)

    Jamie explains the 11 topics that will be used to discuss existing material, ranging from financial advice to marketing and pipeline strategies.

    Excitement for the new format (00:08:28)

    Jamie expresses excitement and anticipation for the new format, emphasizing the importance of being excited about the podcast's content.

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • A Deep Dive into Leadership, Problem Solving, and Team Engagement with J. Scott
    Jul 1 2024

    “Shifting from advocacy to inquiry is really important, and I think most leaders today are probably advocacy heavy because it's the model that we see most.” – J. Scott

    The finer details of this episode:

    • Importance of leading the way in marketing and working with clients
    • Transforming high-potential individuals into high-functioning teams
    • Rationalizing tasks and initiatives to align with customer satisfaction, team member satisfaction, and profitability
    • Change management and involving stakeholders in driving change
    • Approach to problem-solving and decision-making in leadership
    • Balancing advocacy and inquiry in leadership and marketing
    • Involving team members in leadership meetings and problem-solving process

    Episode resources:

    • Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/
    • Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter
    • Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc
    • Connect with Jason here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonscott120vc/
    • Check out 120Vc here: https://www.120vc.com/


    Leadership and Change Implementation (00:00:14)

    Discussion on leadership, change implementation, and project management with J Scott from 120 VC.

    Marketing and Thought Leadership (00:00:29)

    Transition from thought leadership to marketing strategies and leading teams in marketing efforts.

    Creating High Performing Teams (00:01:32)

    Introduction to the topic of creating high performing teams with J. Scott from 120 VC.

    Transforming Cost Centers to Profit Centers (00:02:32)

    Discussion on transforming groups from cost centers to profit centers and focusing on customer satisfaction, team member satisfaction, and profitability.

    Working with Fortune 1000 Clients (00:02:58)

    Details about working with Fortune 1000 clients and the process of transforming various teams within those businesses.

    Shifting Mindsets and Canceling Initiatives (00:04:23)

    Insights into shifting mindsets, rationalizing initiatives, and repurposing existing team members to create growth.

    Impact on Smaller Teams (00:06:17)

    Exploration of how smaller teams can contribute to the three pillars of customer satisfaction, team member satisfaction, and profitability.

    Applying Marketing Principles to Business (00:08:06)

    Comparison of marketing and leadership principles, emphasizing the importance of understanding the underlying business problems.

    Creating Demand and Stakeholder Engagement (00:13:27)

    Explanation of creating demand for initiatives and engaging stakeholders through experience sharing and shifting mindsets.

    Improving Customer Satisfaction through Tools (00:15:59)

    Discussion on improving customer satisfaction through the implementation of tools, focusing on the impact on call center operations.

    Empowering Teams and Overcoming Obstacles (00:17:37)

    Insights into empowering teams, addressing obstacles, and ensuring alignment with day-to-day responsibilities during project implementation.

    Crowdsourcing Requirements and Demand (00:18:25)

    J. Scott discusses the importance of crowdsourcing requirements and demand from employees to improve business solutions.

    Effective Group Problem-Solving (00:20:39)

    The conversation explores the effectiveness of group problem-solving and the value of involving employees in the decision-making process.

    Balancing Advocacy and Inquiry (00:29:57)

    J. Scott emphasizes the importance of shifting from advocacy to inquiry in leadership, seeking input and collaboration from team members.

    Final Thoughts and Contact Information (00:32:37)

    The speakers share their final thoughts on effective leadership and provide contact information for further engagement.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Navigating Digital Marketing Trends: Insights from Industry Events with Hannah Hood
    Jun 17 2024

    “Clients don’t want to ask us for new ideas; they want us to come to them with new ideas.” Hannah Hood

    The finer details of this episode:

    ● Shortening of the sales cycle indicating a positive shift in the industry

    ● Trend of clients seeking specialized services from agencies

    ● Emphasis on the need for agencies to specialize and market their expertise effectively

    ● Importance of being proactive in presenting new ideas to clients and pricing services based on value

    ● Significance of building trust with clients and maintaining long-term relationships

    ● Communication of the value of agency services effectively

    ● Strategies for navigating the evolving landscape of the agency industry

    Episode resources:

    ● Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/

    ● Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter

    Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc

    ● https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahchood/


    The welcome (00:00:00)

    Introduction and purpose of the podcast episode.

    Hannah's agency events (00:00:14)

    Discussion about Hannah's experiences at agency events and their importance.

    The Build Better Agency Summit (00:00:53)

    Highlights from the Build Better Agency Summit and the value of attending such events.

    Impact of COVID on the industry (00:01:52)

    Discussion on the industry's recovery from the impact of COVID-19 and changes in client behavior.

    Shift in client needs and agency specialization (00:05:22)

    Insights into the evolving client needs and the importance of agency specialization.

    Value-based pricing and client relationships (00:08:20)

    Importance of value-based pricing, building client trust, and maintaining long-term relationships.

    Pricing strategies and advice (00:12:22)

    Insights into pricing strategies, price pressure, and the importance of building trust with clients.

    Post-event reflection and team communication (00:16:10)

    Recommendations for post-event reflection and team communication to share insights and implement learnings.

    Denver Experience (00:17:55)

    Discussion about the food, weather, and environment in Denver, and the impact of altitude on the speaker's health.

    Effects of Altitude (00:18:30)

    The speaker's experience with altitude sickness and the importance of drinking water at high altitudes.

    Dryness and Humidity (00:18:54)

    The impact of dryness and high altitude on the body, and the need to stay hydrated in such conditions.

    Future Plans (00:19:43)

    Plans to visit Denver again, and the possibility of meeting up with the hosts for dinner during the next visit.

    Appreciation and Conclusion (00:20:00)

    Thanking the guest for sharing information and experiences and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to participate in events.

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Unleashing the Power of Delegation: HR Insights and Leadership Strategies with Vicky Brown
    Jun 3 2024

    Episode Notes:

    “Delegation is challenging; it requires a lot of thought process and a lot of preparation. But you shouldn’t try to do everything on your own; use your team. Delegation is about giving them enough information so that they know what the end goal is.” Vicky Brown

    The finer details of this episode:

    • Importance of supporting managers and helping them grow their leadership skills
    • Challenges of delegation and setting boundaries in leadership roles
    • Emphasis on teamwork and collaboration within a business
    • Creating a culture of trust and open communication within the organization
    • Understanding implications of being a multi-state employer

    Episode resources:

    • Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/
    • Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter
    • Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc
    • www.idomeneoinc.com
    • https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicky-brown-4160061
    • Morehumanmoreresources.info/podcastgift

    Time stamps:

    HR conversation (00:00:14)

    The conversation covers the broad scope of HR, including coaching, delegation, and more.

    Introduction of Vicky Brown (00:01:42)

    Vicky Brown introduces herself as an HR professional and shares her background in opera singing.

    Vicky's company and clients (00:02:24)

    Vicky talks about her HR consulting company, Dominion Enterprises, and her range of clients.

    Transition from opera singing to HR (00:04:24)

    Vicky shares her transition from an opera singer to an HR professional and the challenges she faced.

    Services provided by Vicky's company (00:07:32)

    Vicky explains the comprehensive services her company offers, including regulatory compliance, benefits, and payroll administration.

    Employee relations and manager coaching (00:08:27)

    Vicky emphasizes the importance of employee relations and coaching managers to enhance leadership skills.

    Delegation challenges (00:10:30)

    Vicky discusses the challenges of delegation and the need for proper training and trust in the delegation process.

    Setting boundaries for delegation (00:14:08)

    The discussion addresses the need for clear boundaries and healthy communication in delegation, especially between leaders and team members.

    Preparation for effective delegation (00:18:15)

    Vicky emphasizes the importance of preparation and effective communication in the delegation process.

    The importance of team collaboration (00:20:28)

    Discussing the value of incorporating the team's input and perspective into decision-making processes.

    Delegating responsibilities in a leadership team (00:21:22)

    Exploring the role of a leader in delegating tasks and allowing team members to contribute their expertise.

    Creating a culture of trust and collaboration (00:22:43)

    Emphasizing the significance of fostering an environment of trust and open communication within the team to create a positive work culture.

    Strategies for effective collaboration (00:23:21)

    Discussing the approach of setting goals and strategies, and the importance of open communication and feedback in the collaboration process.

    The role of leadership in shaping organizational culture (00:25:34)

    Exploring how leadership influences and shapes the organizational culture through their actions and interactions with the team.

    Building a positive work culture through effective delegation (00:26:47)

    Discussing the impact of effective delegation on creating a work culture that encourages creativity and critical thinking.

    Favorite HBO shows and final thoughts (00:27:46 - 00:34:10)

    Sharing favorite HBO shows and concluding the episode with final thoughts on delegation, trust, and collaboration.

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Sales 'Snacks' for Creative Agencies
    May 20 2024

    Sales is the engine of any agency, but oftentimes it's the hardest part to grow and scale when you move from a founder-centric shop to a full marketing organization. The clips in this episode offer some of the best pieces of advice our hosts of the Creative Agency Success Show have gathered, provided to you in bite-sized form, so that you can digest and try your favorites.

    The finer details of this episode:

    • Who makes a good salesperson? -- with Diane Helbig
    • How to warm up your cold calls -- with Nikki Rausch
    • What to do when owners hate sales? -- with Karl Sakas
    • 9 steps to speedier sales -- with Simon Severino
    • How a product catalogue helps the sales process -- with Joe Ardeeser

    Episode resources:

    • Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/
    • Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter
    • Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc
    • Full episodes included in the podcast:
      • RETHINK YOUR SALES APPROACH with Diane Helbig
      • SELLING FOR ACCOUNTANTS with Nikki Rausch
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Pipeline Meetings: Why A CFO Helps Agencies Accelerate Growth with Hannah Hood
    May 6 2024

    “As a little bit of contextual background for our listeners, if you don't already know, as a part of the suite of meetings and services that we offer our clients, we are in what we call our pipeline meeting. During these meetings and throughout our client relationship, we stress the importance of knowing your data. At the end of the day, you absolutely need to be looking at your data and understanding the story that it tells you about where your agency currently is. Having conversations with my clients so that I can really dive into what the data is telling me is crucial.” –Hannah Hood

    The finer details of this episode:

    • Challenges and trends in the agency industry
    • Extended sales cycles and delays in closing deals
    • Slower lead generation and new client acquisition
    • Strategies for managing low utilization
    • Whitespace analysis for evaluating services provided to clients
    • Impact of the current economic state on client decisions

    Episode resources:

    • Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/
    • Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter
    • Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc
    • https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahchood/
    • Love hearing insight from Hannah? Check her out on the Young CPA Success Show: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHIPahPXE1HhfZO1Ig5pGiB-eHA4hrFzQ


    The state of the industry (00:00:00)

    Introduction to the episode and discussion about the agency industry's challenges and trends.

    Extended sales cycle (00:01:25)

    Analysis of the extended sales cycle, identifying the pain points and strategies for improving the sales process.

    Slower lead generation and new client acquisition (00:05:56)

    Discussion on tracking lead sources and making informed decisions based on lead metrics to improve client acquisition.

    Whitespace analysis (00:06:34)

    Explanation of the whitespace analysis tool to identify opportunities for service expansion and niche specialization.

    Companies wanting more for less (00:10:23)

    Exploration of the challenge of clients seeking more services for reduced costs and strategies for communicating and evaluating the value of services.

    Evaluation of team utilization and business size (00:13:53)

    Strategies for evaluating team size, performance, and business goals during slow times, including considerations for right-sizing the team and utilizing contractors.

    Planning for the future (00:17:28)

    Discussion on reevaluating business goals and creating a plan for the future based on current challenges and opportunities.

    Evaluating Weaknesses and Planning for Change (00:18:49)

    Discussion on evaluating weaknesses, improving processes, and investing in marketing strategies during a lull in business.

    Tapping into Hidden Potential within the Team (00:20:40)

    Exploring the importance of evaluating team members' hidden potential and tapping into their skills and ideas.

    Bringing Operations and Sales Teams Together (00:22:59)

    Emphasizing the significance of communication between operations and sales teams for better client outcomes and sales strategies.

    Favorite Reality Television Shows (00:25:09)

    Casual conversation about favorite reality TV shows, including game show types, and personal viewing preferences.

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • Digital Agency Growth: From Infancy through Adolescence to Maturity with Karla Santi
    Apr 22 2024

    “I'm the CEO. I'm not a CFO, but I was acting as one. It was not my favorite part of running a company because math doesn't excite me like it does some of you. I can do it, and I think I did it pretty well. But it was invaluable to be able to have your firm come in and take a look at how we've been running the company and just to get the reassurance of, 'You guys are good, you're not doing things wrong.' You've been able to come in and tweak things and make it even better. It's been quite the journey from first meeting you, in 2015.” -Karla Santi

    The finer details of this episode:

    ● Importance of mentoring in personal and professional growth

    ● Value of finding a mentor or coach in the professional world

    ● Significance of advisory boards and diverse perspectives in decision-making

    Episode resources:

    ● Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/

    ● Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter

    Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc

    ● https://www.blendinteractive.com/


    Karla's Background and Agency (00:00:15)

    Discussion about Karla's impressive background and her agency, Blend Interactive.

    Karla's Journey and Agency Evolution (00:01:51)

    Karla shares her personal journey and how her agency has evolved since its founding in 2005.

    Long-time Friendship and Events (00:03:25)

    Discussion about the long-time friendship between Karla and the hosts, as well as their shared experiences at various events.

    Karla's Decision to Seek Financial Help (00:07:03)

    Karla discusses the triggering event that led her to seek financial help and the decision to commit to working with a financial team.

    Adoption of AI and Employee Development (00:10:45)

    Karla talks about the adoption of AI in web development and the focus on employee development within her agency.

    Empowering Leadership Team and Future Plans (00:12:24)

    Discussion about empowering the leadership team to make decisions and future plans for the agency.

    Karla's Role as a Mentor (00:15:26)

    Karla's role as a mentor and the importance of personal connections in mentoring relationships.

    Influence of Sports on Mentoring (00:20:01)

    Karla reflects on the influence of ballet and tennis on her leadership style and team collaboration.

    Finding the Right Mentor (00:21:53)

    Discussion on the importance of finding a mentor who connects with you and fosters a meaningful relationship.

    Transparency and Trust in Relationships (00:23:02)

    Importance of transparency and trust in professional relationships, including the mentor-mentee dynamic.

    Takeaways from Conferences (00:24:11)

    The value of attending conferences and the key insights gained from them.

    Learning from Others (00:33:19)

    The significance of learning from others and seeking guidance to improve professional development and business success.

    Más Menos
    39 m