• The wild and poetic anatomy of your heart.
    Sep 25 2024

    Welcome to The Soft Rebellion Podcast, I am so happy that you are here.

    By the time your were only four weeks old floating in your mother’s womb your heart was there circulating blood to every cell and organ to become, your heart is still there 24 hours, 7 days a week, your whole earthy live. It is always with us and yet we so rarely attend to it, only noticing it when we’re out of breath or feeling uncomfortably nervous. Your heart is so much more than an organ, so much more than a pump ensuring the flow of blood in your body. Your heart is a gateway to your creative power! And this is why I dedicate this whole episode to the wild and poetic anatomy of your heart.

    By recording this podcast episode I am grounding myself in my sacred medicine, weaving together a decade of experience in dance, anatomy and osteopathy and I explore how the story of the embryo, the story of how your body came to be brings alive its wild and poetic anatomy - she who guides us home to the creative power of our female body.

    In this conversation I share with you:

    • Softly rebellious facts and insights about the anatomy of your heart - we explore the wings of your lungs, the dome of your diaphragms, the outpouring of great vessels and the pliability of your lungs.

    • How your heart developed and created itself during your time in your mother’s womb and what this story might have to teach you about the expression of your creative power.

    • How our heart helps us to reclaim space, movement and flow and what practices and questions you can engage with to attend to the story of your heart and let its wisdom flood your life.

    Receive my free online workshop: A guided journey to explore and reclaim your soft rebellion - access it ⁠here⁠.


    The Soft Rebellion Podcast is created and hosted by Flurina Dominique Thali. I love hearing from you. To contact me, email ⁠softrebellion@flurinathali.com⁠.


    Social media:

    Flurina Dominique Thali & The Soft Rebellion: ⁠@flurina.thali⁠


    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by ⁠Aspyrian⁠: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track ⁠here⁠.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click ⁠here⁠

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • How fear is calling you home to your true power - with Lisa Lister.
    Sep 18 2024

    Do you sometimes (or often) find yourself wondering how to tap into your own magic and how to bring it into physical creation? And do you ask yourself how the h* to tackle all the fears and self-doubts trying to throw you off along the way? I know all these questions so well and I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to let the one and only Lisa Lister share her wisdom about it.

    In this conversation you will learn that in order to do more you have to BE more of who we are. All magic starts with your body. To source from yourself is an expression of pure self-love which is nothing else than a deep and delicious relationship to your own body.

    Today's guest Lisa Lister, spent a `hot minute` developing exactly that, coming home into her body, sensing and feeling through all its tastes, colour and rhythms of the experiences and events life offered her. And the result, well, start reading her books … this woman is pure awesomeness indeed!

    The Cooler magazine crowned Lisa ‘the defender of female awesomeness’ , Lisa is a bestselling author, visionary artist + women’s wellness practitioner. She offers support, space, remembrance, spiritual guidance, astrological insight, cyclic maps and counsel to women who are exploring, navigating and wanting to heal their relationship with their body, power, sex, creativity, pleasure and passion.

    Lisa took the decision to dedicate her life to create art to help other women to reclaim their power. And in this conversation she shares with us her journey and what process she committed to be able to shine her unique magic into the world today. We also talked about the fear she met and you might meet along the way and how to reclaim the power within.

    In this conversation we explore:

    • How our bodies are the vessel to uncover our unique magic within and to share it with the world. Lisa shares practices and routines which emerged from her personal story and shares so many lush inputs and insights to lean into the wisdom of your body right now! Warning: This episode is very infectious!

    • How to meet fear and comparison and how those experiences really are calling us home to our true power and can be gateways to remember that we always have a choice - it is just not always comfortable - and to take decisions which are aligned with our calling.

    • That we are all creatrixes and being creative is our birth right, Lisa talks about the power of sharing our lived experience, pure, raw and humble, and how if we all do this we strengthen the collective voice of the sacred feminine in the world.

    Receive my free mini course: From body shame and disconnect to joy and into the fullness of your creative power, gain access here.


    The Soft Rebellion Podcast is created and hosted by Flurina Dominique Thali. I love hearing from you. To contact me, email softrebellion@flurinathali.com.


    Social media:

    • Flurina Dominique Thali & The Soft Rebellion: @flurina.thali
    • Guest: @sassylisalister


    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by Aspyrian: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track here.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click here
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    58 mins
  • How to step into the responsibility of your own healing - with Amy Wilding.
    Sep 11 2024
    Do you know these moments in life when you struggle to meet your own needs, your whole being feels out of alignment as if there is a mismatch between body, mind and spirit and you are trying (maybe too hard) to weave those gaps back together? I feel honoured to have had Amy Wilding on the podcast and together we leaned into such an intimate, raw and pure conversation. We explored what healing means for both of us and Amy shared the steps she had to take on her own path stepping into the responsibility for healing her body - the recurrent realisation that she can't longer abandon herself. There is so much Soft Rebellion energy in Amy's story, who wild and wisely came to a point in her life where she stopped purely relying on other medial professionals and started to do her own research - a process which allowed pain to be a doorway to clearly feel what the next step is and emerge into the strength of her body. Yes now is the moment to develop love and care for our future self, she needs us and is awaiting for us. The Soft Rebellion is she who decides to no longer abandon herself and this decision marks the beginning of her journey to heal herself. I hope you will enjoy this conversation as much as I did and reclaim your own Soft Rebellion as you step into the responsibility for your own healing. Amy Wilding is a queer and inclusive feminist, author, educator, advocate, and international speaker. A National Board Certified Integrative Women's Health Coach, she has been leading sacred women’s circles, mother-daughter circles, and rite-of-passage ceremonies for well over a decade. With a deep passion for empowering women by helping them to reclaim their inherent sovereignty and wisdom, Amy has answered the call to service through circle and retreat leadership, workshops, one-on-one mentoring and coaching, conference presentations, guest facilitation, podcasts, interviews, and women's circle leadership training. Amy's first book, Wild & Wise: Sacred Feminine Meditations for Women's Circles & Personal Awakening, was published in 2017, and her next book is in the works. In this conversation we talked about: Why we are responsible for healing ourselves and have to take responsibility to become our own inner mother! We explored what healing means to Amy, namely the journey of accepting what is out of alignment and let your body guide you to your next steps.How to meet resistance towards our own bodies and how this resistance is where the gift lies. Amy shared about her history of autoimmune disease and what she did to facilitate change in the state of her health and life.The initiatory phases of motherhood and peri-menopause and how both require a new approach to address the reality of our bodies.Amy's journey to become an advocate for sacred feminine, why she set up the red ent in Louisville and why we are all yearning for sisterhood, meet in circles and share the information and knowledge patriarch holds away from us. Receive my free online workshop: A guided journey to explore and reclaim your soft rebellion - www.flurinathali.com/ --- The Soft Rebellion Podcast is created and hosted by Flurina Dominique Thali. I love hearing from you. To contact me, email softrebellion@flurinathali.com. --- Find out more about Amy's work by visiting Red Tent Louisville. Social media: Flurina Dominique Thali & The Soft Rebellion: @flurina.thali Guest: Amy Wilding @amywildingofficial or @redtentlouisville Credits: Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by Aspyrian: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track here. Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click here
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    1 hr
  • Time for a big bleed! Why we need rest to tap into our creative power with host Flurina.
    Sep 4 2024

    Welcome to The Soft Rebellion Podcast, I am so happy that you are here.

    This podcast is my expression of yearning to come home to the creative power of my female body and I am so excited to share my lived experience with you and invite you to join this movement. And in todays episode I share with you how, oh Sister, I have been on an adventure called "doing nothing and harvest it all" - yes, a big break, a big bleed was calling me home, it was so bloody hard and so fantastic!

    This solo episode is about the power of rest and darkness and how we need to be in our dark spaces to meet our true power!

    Our bodies are cyclical, each month we experience an expansive phase and a phase of retrieving back home, an inhale phase and an exhale phase. I dismissed the second half of my cycle for many years, neglecting all desires to rest, to take a break and harvest its gifts. I kept doing, running, always chasing - and joined our common tendency of being what I call an inhale society! I still was quite successful but not very fulfilled, and the more I wondered how can I be successful and fulfilled, the more rest and breaks were calling me home … and I feel to share with you today an experience which for me is the answer to this question. I did my first big bleed and I would love to share with you the gifts I harvest in that time. And also the challenges I met.

    In this conversation I share with you:

    • About my first BIG BLEED experience, the gifts I harvested and the challenges I met along the way.
    • Why it is crucial to emergence into our rest as we softly rebelliously reclaim the creative power of our female body and how monthly big bleeds can be the doorways to live a successful AND fulfilled life!
    • About the power of meeting the darkness of our womb and how the time of menstruation can the time where you are the closest to your body and your inner wisdom and intuition!

    Resources I mentioned:

    • Book: Wild Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
    • Podcast episode from The Menstruality podcast about big bleed, episode number

    Receive my free online workshop: A guided journey to explore and reclaim your soft rebellion - access it ⁠here⁠.


    The Soft Rebellion Podcast is created and hosted by Flurina Dominique Thali. I love hearing from you. To contact me, email ⁠softrebellion@flurinathali.com⁠.


    Social media:

    Flurina Dominique Thali & The Soft Rebellion: ⁠@flurina.thali⁠


    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by ⁠Aspyrian⁠: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track ⁠here⁠.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click ⁠here⁠
    Show more Show less
    47 mins
  • How your body can guide you to live your calling - with Sophie-Jane Hardy.
    Aug 28 2024

    Are you still curiously wondering what this Soft Rebellion is all about? Well, there are as many definitions of the Soft Rebellion as there are women softly rebelling; the key to the Soft Rebellion is that it looks unique for each of us and the closer we are to our instinctual knowing the closer we are to our Soft Rebellion. The Soft Rebellion is she who gives herself permission to be her weird and unique self, it is the beginning of a magic journey and movement, for me, for you and for this podcast.

    I am excited to be joined today by the woman who also mid-wifed the birth of The Soft Rebellion podcast and together we started weaving a web of exploring what the Soft Rebellion means to us and how it often emerges through our so challenging and painful stories which really are an invitation to lean into our calling and dreams.

    Sophie-Jane Hardy is a nature and cycle-inspired business coach, writer and podcast host. Her happy place is walking along the Rivelin river in Sheffield, UK where she lives with her husband, son, and Frodo the dog. Her work has evolved over 15 years in the fields of not-for-profit communications, documentary filmmaking, women's leadership and environmental activism. She is the host of the Red School Menstruality Podcast and the creator of the Your Cyclical Business online programme helping purpose-led creatives and changemaker to channel the wisdom of their menstrual cycles to create thriving businesses.

    In this conversation we explore:

    • The magic birth of The Soft Rebellion Podcast, what the soft rebellion means for Sophie and Flurina and where this movement might take us and what it invites us to emerge into.
    • Sophie's journey and how her body has guided her to emergence into the feminine and to live her calling as a soft rebellion. For Sophie menstrual cycle awareness is the key practice to embody her expression of the soft rebellion on a daily base and she shares with us what that means and how that might look like.
    • Sophie's work as a cyclical business coach and consultant and how our menstrual cycles can be the incredible life coach and guide - our own tailor-made personal guide - and also be our best business coach, if it is purpose-led and a vehicle for our soul work!

    Receive my free online workshop: A guided journey to explore and reclaim your soft rebellion - HERE.


    The Soft Rebellion Podcast is created and hosted by Flurina Dominique Thali. I love hearing from you. To contact me, email softrebellion@flurinathali.com.


    Social media:

    Flurina Dominique Thali & The Soft Rebellion: @flurina.thali

    Sophie-Jane: @sophie.jane.hardy

    More information about Sophie`s work: www.sophiejanehardy.com


    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by Aspyrian: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track here.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click here

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • How I made this big and bold decision.
    Aug 20 2024

    Welcome to The Soft Rebellion Podcast, I am so happy that you are here.

    One year ago I started with The Breathing Body podcast, and what I thought would be `just` the first step of doing `my own thing` became process of really getting to know myself, revealing my authenticity, to call out of my and reach more fully into myself a deep promise to myself to listen and give expression to my creative voice and let her work through me - it became a process of reclaiming my soft rebellion.

    The Breathing Body shed its skin and I am so excited to welcome you to the first episode of its new format: The Soft Rebellion Podcast - A homecoming to the creative power in the female body.

    Today I would like to share with you about the soft rebellion journey I have been in over the past year, what it looked like, where I arrived at and what the greatest teaching was for me. Yes, I made a big bold decision.

    In this conversation I explore:

    • The journey I was on in the past 12 months and what the gold nuggets have been and how they might be an inspiration for you too!
    • What my eating disorder recovery has to do with the Soft Rebellion and how it became a gateway to commit to my greatest vision.
    • The power of `just doing it`! I explore what we and what it need(s) to take big bold decisions in life, I share with you what practices and questions held me during this process and what you can engage with too to start reclaiming your Soft Rebellion.

    Receive my free online workshop: A guided journey to explore and reclaim your soft rebellion - access it here.


    The Soft Rebellion Podcast is created and hosted by Flurina Dominique Thali. I love hearing from you. To contact me, email softrebellion@flurinathali.com.


    Social media:

    Flurina Dominique Thali & The Soft Rebellion: @flurina.thali


    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by Aspyrian: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track here.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click here
    Show more Show less
    38 mins
  • Is art ever not healing? A deep dive into why we dance and create with Hagit Yakira
    Jul 31 2024

    Hello and welcome to The Breathing Body Podcast - My name is Flurina and I am your host, and I am so happy that you are here.

    In this episode I am talking with dancer, researcher, movement therapist and choreographer Hagit Yakira. Together we embarked on a journey to explore so deep and meaningful questions, is the artistic process ever not healing? Why do we dance? What does freedom mean? And how much freedom can we give and live in any given structure? The end result is a conversation, so raw, pure and humble, it brought tears to my eyes whilst we recorded it and is still moving in and through me. This is the breathing body.

    About Hagit Yakira:

    Hagit is an award winning Israeli choreographer and director of her own company Hagit Yakira Dance which she founded in 2007. Besides working with professional dancers she leads performance projects for the community and non-professional dancers as well. Alongside her work as a choreographer Hagit is a teacher. She has been developing a personal style and way of teaching and her workshops for professional dancers and the community are constantly in demand around the UK, Europe, Scandinavia and Israel. Hagit received her PhD from Trinity Laban/City University. Her thesis is titled: Relational Autobiographical Choreographies - on a new choreographic practice. At present she is an Associate Professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway. Her approach in general, as well as to the movement research, is based on autobiography, and different physical exploration of emotions; she is being informed by her background as a dance movement therapist alongside her background as a performer and a choreographer.

    In this conversation we talked about:

    • The intimate relationship between the artistic process and healing and the potency of art to reflect back to us what we otherwise might not see, and call out of us all the voices we forgot to express.
    • The balance of structure and freedom in dance teaching and how becoming a dance therapist brought meaning and generosity in Hagit`s life.
    • Fear as a channel to guide us home to ourselves and how it opens the space to trust what we love.
    • How giving birth and becoming mother of twins "landed something" in Hagit`s live and invited her to land into who she truly is.

    This is how you can connect with:

    • Visit his webpage: www.hagityakira.com

    I hope you enjoy this episode and I am looking forward reading your thoughts and comments.

    You can find more about my work on my webpage www.flurinathali.com, or follow me on Instagram @flurina_breathingbody




    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by Aspyrian: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track here.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click here
    Show more Show less
    55 mins
  • Recovering into Love and becoming your own best coach - with Meg McCabe.
    Jul 17 2024

    Hello and welcome to The Breathing Body Podcast - My name is Flurina and I am your host, and I am so happy that you are here.

    Eating disorders, food struggles, body image issue, body shame, … we are living in a world in which many of us live a life disconnected from their bodies, numbing their feelings and neglect their needs. Always running, never arriving.

    I am so grateful to open the space again to talk about eating disorder recovery as it is a process full of challenges and GIFTS, teaching us to become our own best coach, learning to listen to our feelings and nurture our needs.

    This conversation is for YOU, no matter if eating disorder is part of your history, as my guest, Meg McCabe shares inspiring inputs for daily rest and self-care routines and her story is pure motivation for all of us to listen to our true self and "go all in" with what it tells us to do!

    About Meg:

    Meg McCabe is a podcaster and mental health professional based in West Hartford, CT. She owns a private Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching practice, and is the Founder of The Recovery Collective, a global, eating disorder recovery community focused on healing through connection. She's also the Host of The Full and Thriving Podcast mental health and personal development podcast that consistently ranks in the top 2.5% of all podcasts globally. She's a passionate educator, speaker, group facilitator, retreat host and mental health advocate. Meg attended the University of Connecticut and has a Bachelor's Degree in Communications. There, she was an active member of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women. Meg enjoys the outdoors, dancing, and snuggling with her Husky-Lab mix, Luka.

    In this conversation we talked about:

    ✨Meg's journey of being fashion model, recovering from an eating disorder and how she became a successful coach supporting other women on their recovery journey too.

    ✨The power of working through resistance … and that it is through our actions, rather than the intellectualizing of feelings, that we show ourselves we are enough and start to believe it is true.

    ✨How Meg is dealing with (and celebrating!) bodily changes during pregnancy as a women recovered from an eating disorder.

    ✨ Meg's project called The Recovery Collective and how you can join her world!

    This is how you can connect with:

    • The recovery collective: https://recoverycollective.mykajabi.com/
    • Meg`s webpage: https://www.meg-mccabe.com/

    I hope you enjoy this episode and I am looking forward reading your thoughts and comments.

    You can find more about my work on my webpage www.flurinathali.com, or follow me on Instagram @flurina_breathingbody.




    • Intro/outro music – ‘Hymn for Jim’ by Aspyrian: Robin Porter – saxophone, Jack Gillen – guitar, Matt Parkinson – drums, composed by Robin Porter, listen to the full track here.
    • Graphic: Annina Thali, for more information click here
    • Mix engineer: Jack Gillen, for more information click here
    Show more Show less
    57 mins