• $1 Million in Online Programs: The Brutally Honest Truth About What It Really Takes
    Jul 24 2024

    Dreaming of financial freedom as a therapist? Here's my step-by-step journey to a million-dollar online program business!

    As therapists, we often shy away from talking about big money goals. But what if I told you that it's possible to make a million dollars with online programs while staying true to your values? In this powerful episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on my journey to seven figures and sharing the exact strategies that got me there.

    If you're feeling stuck in your practice or dreaming of a bigger impact, this episode is a must-listen! I reveal the game-changing strategies and mindset shifts that helped me go from burnt-out therapist to million-dollar course creator. This isn't your typical "get rich quick" advice – it's real, actionable steps tailored specifically for therapists like you.

    Therapists who are willing to embrace these strategies and lessons are the ones who will thrive both professionally and financially. You deserve to be one of those people! You'll walk away from this episode ready to take bold action, create high-value offers, and build a scalable business that serves more people than you ever thought possible.

    In this episode, I talk about:

    • (04:46) The #1 strategy for success: Creating a high-value offer that solves a pressing problem
    • (09:08) How to build an effective sales funnel that guides potential clients to purchase
    • (12:01) The power of automation and delegation in scaling your business
    • (15:56) When (and how) to incorporate paid advertising into your strategy
    • (19:39) Leveraging upsells and backend offers to boost your revenue
    • (22:18) Why relentless focus on customer success is non-negotiable
    • (25:47) The biggest lessons I learned on my journey to seven figures

    Listen in, and be sure to share this message with a fellow therapist who dreams of making a bigger impact!

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Dr. Hayley and the Therapist Rising Podcast." <– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more therapists — just like you — move toward the thriving practice and life they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Register here for the FREE Online Program Blueprint Training Series
    • Come and say hi on Instagram

    🎉 FREE TRAINING: "The Online Program Blueprint for Therapists"

    Therapists, ready to create a successful online program? Join our FREE 3-part workshop starting August 1st! Learn to:

    • Create and sell your program authentically
    • Increase income while reducing caseload
    • Stay compliant with regulations

    Transform your practice and expand your impact. Reserve your spot now.

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    37 mins
  • If you want to make more money as a therapist, you must do this...
    Jul 22 2024

    As therapists, we often shy away from talking about money. But in today's economic climate, we can't afford to ignore the financial side of our practice anymore. In this powerful mini-episode, I dive deep into the uncomfortable but necessary conversation about financial stability for therapists.

    If you're feeling the pinch in your practice or guilty about wanting to earn more, this episode is a must-listen! I reveal the game-changing mindset shift that helped me overcome my own financial struggles and build a thriving business. This reframe isn't what you'd usually hear in therapy circles, but I promise it will be your secret weapon for boosting your income without compromising your values.

    Therapists who are willing to embrace this money mindset shift are the ones who will thrive both professionally and personally. You deserve to be one of those people! You'll walk away from this episode ready to break free from the limitations of the 1:1 therapy model, embrace your worth, and create the financial stability you deserve.

    In this episode, I talk about:

    • (00:36) Why the traditional 1:1 therapy model is broken and how it's holding you back financially
    • (04:55) The shocking economic realities facing therapists today
    • (08:56) How to overcome the "icky" feeling of talking about money in therapy
    • (12:13) The powerful bi-directional relationship between money and impact
    • (15:00) Identifying and challenging your limiting money stories
    • (16:42) Why focusing on financial growth isn't selfish - it's necessary for sustainable impact

    Listen in, and be sure to share this message with a fellow therapist who needs to hear it!

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Dr. Hayley and the Therapist Rising Podcast." <– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more therapists — just like you — move toward the thriving practice and life they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out. Follow now!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Register for the Online Program Blueprint Training Series
    • Come and say hi on Instagram

    🎉 FREE TRAINING: "The Online Program Blueprint for Therapists"

    Therapists, ready to create a successful online program? Join our FREE 3-part workshop starting August 1st! Learn to:

    • Create and sell your program authentically
    • Increase income while reducing caseload
    • Stay compliant with regulations

    Transform your practice and expand your impact. Reserve your spot now.

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    20 mins
  • Zero to Six Figures: How 3 Therapists Cracked the Online Program Code
    Jul 17 2024

    From Idea to Impact: Three Therapists Share Their Online Program Creation Journeys

    Are you a therapist dreaming of creating an online program but feeling overwhelmed about where to start? You're not alone! In this inspiring episode, I sit down with three incredible therapists at different stages of their online program journeys. From those first nervous steps to celebrating six-figure in revenue, these stories will give you the boost you need to take action on your own program ideas.

    I'm thrilled to introduce you to Dr. Nicole Sokol, Lauren Daly Bentley, and Kerry Evetts. They candidly share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs in developing online programs. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your existing offerings, this episode is packed with practical advice and motivation to help you take that next exciting step.

    Today, you'll learn:

    • (4:55) How to kick perfectionism to the curb and take those crucial first steps in program creation
    • (11:30) Why beta launches are gold for refining your course and boosting your confidence
    • (20:15) Clever strategies for juggling program creation with clinical work and family life
    • (28:40) The surprising personal and professional growth that comes from this journey
    • (35:20) Smart tips for scaling your program and building a dream team as you grow
    • (42:10) The life-changing impact of online programs on therapists' careers and lifestyles
    • (48:35) Why surrounding yourself with a supportive community is your secret weapon for success

    Don't let self-doubt keep you from sharing your amazing expertise with the world. Listen in and get the inspiration and practical know-how you need to start or level up your online program today!

    Standout Moments:

    "What you start with and where you end up are two very different things. The journey is about refinement and growth." - Kerry Evetts

    "Creating an online program opens up a completely new way of utilizing your skills, creativity, and finding ways to serve the people you're most passionate about helping." - Dr. Nicole Sokol

    "The incubator has given me options, possibilities, and a space to actually infuse myself in the way that I work." - Lauren Darley-Bentley

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    "Dr. Hayley's advice is a game-changer for therapists!" <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing the show! This helps more therapists discover these valuable insights for creating online programs. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding bonus episodes with even more juicy tips for therapists, and if you're not following, you might miss out. Follow now!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Grab Your Free Ticket to The Online Program Blueprint Training Series
    • Therapists Rising Incubator Program
    • Join the Therapists Rising Facebook Community
    • Dr. Hayley Kelly Instagram
    • Lauren Darley-Bentley on Instagram
    • Kerry Evetts on Instagram
    • Dr. Nicole Sokol on Instagram

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    58 mins
  • Scale Your Impact, Not Your Stress: How to Create Online Programs That Compliment Your One-on-One Work
    Jul 15 2024

    Hello there, my friend! In this episode of the Therapist Rising Podcast, I'm diving into a topic that comes up so often in our community - how to create an online program that runs alongside your one-to-one work.

    I'm thrilled to be joined by the incredible Emma Gray, our head of coaching here at Therapist Rising. Emma is a walking demonstration of how to balance online programs with a one-to-one caseload, and she's here to share her wisdom with us.

    Here's what we chat about:

    • Why therapists want to keep their one-to-one work while diversifying (00:31)
    • Emma's journey in creating successful online programs (01:35)
    • How online programs can bring more financial stability and spaciousness to your practice (03:19)
    • The beautiful impact on work-life balance and flexibility (04:24)
    • Reducing burnout and showing up more powerfully for your clients (05:50)
    • Creating offerings that light you up and bring you joy (08:17)
    • Using online programs to enhance your one-to-one work (10:56)
    • Embracing the future of therapy and mental health (14:02)

    Emma drops some amazing insights, like: "It's a beautiful way of bringing more spaciousness into our day, but increasing our earning capacity."

    And I share my thoughts on why this matters: "This is actually the future of therapy - how are you going to adapt as a one-to-one therapist to make your longevity more assured?"

    If you're a therapist who loves your one-to-one work but wants to reduce your caseload, increase your income, or find more balance, this episode is absolutely for you. I hope you enjoy this conversation and find some inspiration for your own journey!

    Don't forget to follow the Therapist Rising Podcast on your favorite platform to catch all our latest episodes. Until next time, my friend!

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    "I love Dr. Hayley and Therapists Rising!" <– If that sounds like you, I'd be over the moon if you'd consider rating and reviewing the show! Your support helps me reach more amazing therapists just like you who are ready to build the practice and life of their dreams. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then, let me know what part of the episode lit a fire under you!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Therapists Rising Website
    • Register now for the Online Program Blueprint
    • My Instagram
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    29 mins
  • [Unmasked Monthly Musing] Lessons from a Retreat “Disaster”
    Jul 10 2024

    G'day and welcome to another Unmasked Monthly Musing! In this episode, I'm taking you behind the scenes of what happened when our babysitting fell through right before a major business retreat. Buckle up, because this is a story of:

    • Kids at a business retreat (yep, you read that right!)
    • Team members becoming fairy hunters
    • The incredible power of community
    • And how sometimes, the biggest challenges lead to the most beautiful realizations

    What you'll hear:

    • (2:00) The moment I nearly pooped my pants (figuratively... I think)
    • (6:07) How my kids surprised the hell out of me
    • (11:44) The feedback that made me want to cry (in a good way)
    • (15:30) Why I'm so damn grateful for this "disaster"
    • (20:42) A reality check on work-life integration
    • (24:48) Exciting news about our Online Program Blueprint!

    This episode is for you if you've ever felt like your personal life and business dreams are at odds. Spoiler alert: they don't have to be!

    Remember, I'm not special or different from you. If I can do this, so can you.

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    "I love Dr. Hayley and Therapists Rising!" <– If that sounds like you, I'd be over the moon if you'd consider rating and reviewing the show! Your support helps me reach more amazing therapists just like you who are ready to build the practice and life of their dreams. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then, let me know what part of the episode lit a fire under you!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Therapists Rising Website
    • Register now for the Online Program Blueprint
    • My Instagram
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    28 mins
  • The Secret Math Behind a 6-Figure Therapy Practice (with Fewer Hours)
    Jul 8 2024

    Ever wondered how some therapists manage to work less while earning more? The secret lies in understanding the math behind your practice! Whether you're looking to add a little cushion to your bank account or dreaming of a four-day workweek, this episode is your roadmap to success.

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the nitty-gritty of the numbers behind online programs. You'll learn how to crunch the numbers and see how you can either fatten up your bottom line or wave goodbye to a day of clinical work without sacrificing your income. It's like financial alchemy, and I'm going to show you how to turn your expertise into gold!

    From calculating your current practice's value to exploring various online program options, this conversation is packed with practical, straightforward advice that can transform your practice and your life.

    Today, you'll learn:

    • (2:00) How to calculate your current practice's true value
    • (5:30) The different types of online programs and their typical price points
    • (9:45) The math behind adding to your bottom line with a short course
    • (14:20) How to replace a full day of clinical work with a group program
    • (19:30) Practical considerations for launching your online program
    • (23:45) The compounding effect: How one program can lead to increased income over time

    Listen in and start crunching those numbers! Your future self (and your bank account) will thank you.

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    "Dr. Hayley's advice is game-changing for therapists!" <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing the show! This helps me support more therapists -- just like you -- move toward the practice and lifestyle they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast - if you're not following, there's a good chance you'll miss out on our new episodes. Follow now!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Therapists Rising Website
    • Come and say hi on Instagram!
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    20 mins
  • No Budget? No Problem! How to Turn Your Expertise into an Online Program Without Spending a Dime
    Jul 3 2024

    Create a successful online program for free: Learn how to turn your therapy expertise into a digital course without spending a dime.

    Are you a therapist dreaming of creating an online program but worried about the cost? What if I told you that you could launch a successful digital course without spending any money? In this episode, I'll show you exactly how to leverage your expertise and free tools to create, host, and deliver an impactful online program.

    As a therapist who's been there, I understand the struggle of wanting to expand your reach but feeling limited by budget constraints. That's why I'm sharing my step-by-step guide to creating a Minimum Viable Program (MVP) using only free resources. You'll learn how to plan, create content, host, and deliver your program without breaking the bank.

    From utilizing Google Docs for course outlines to recording high-quality videos with just your smartphone, this episode is packed with practical tips to get your online program off the ground. Plus, I'll show you how to build an engaged community around your course using free platforms.

    Today, you'll learn:

    • (2:22) How to plan your program structure using free tools like Google Docs and Trello
    • (8:15) Tips for creating compelling course titles and descriptions that attract your ideal participants
    • (13:40) Strategies for recording professional-quality video content using just your smartphone
    • (19:55) How to leverage free platforms like YouTube and Google Drive to host your program
    • (25:30) Using Mailchimp's free plan for effective program communication
    • (31:15) Building a supportive community around your program with a free Facebook group
    • (37:40) The concept of a Minimum Viable Program (MVP) and why it's perfect for getting started

    Don't let a lack of budget hold you back from sharing your expertise with the world. Listen in and learn how to create your online program today – no investment required!


    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    "Dr. Hayley's advice is a game-changer for therapists!" <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing the show! This helps more therapists discover these valuable insights for creating online programs. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then share what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I'm adding bonus episodes with even more tips for therapists, and if you're not following, you might miss out. Follow now!

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • Free AI Guide for Therapists
    • Join the Therapist Rising Community
    • Dr. Hayley Kelly Instagram
    • Therapists Rising Website
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    27 mins
  • The Ethical Roadmap: 3 Must-Know Considerations for Therapists Creating Online Programs
    Jul 1 2024

    As a therapist venturing into the world of online programs, you might feel overwhelmed by the ethical and legal considerations. But I'm here to tell you that knowledge is power, and understanding these key points will give you the confidence to create impactful, ethical, and legally compliant online programs.

    In this episode, I break down the three major areas you need to have on your radar as a therapist creating online programs. This isn't information you'll get from generic business coaches - it's specifically tailored for therapists like you who want to expand beyond the one-to-one therapy chair.

    Today, I talk about:

    • (1:12) Why understanding ethical and legal considerations is crucial for therapists creating online programs
    • (5:34) Key Consideration #1: Scope of practice and professional boundaries
    • (12:26) Key Consideration #2: Confidentiality and data protection
    • (16:45) Key Consideration #3: Content and marketing ethics
    • (22:22) How these considerations empower you to create amazing, impactful programs with confidence

    Listen in because when you understand these ethical and legal considerations, you'll have the foundation to create online programs that are not just impactful, but also ethically sound and legally compliant.

    Click here to listen!

    Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts

    "I love Dr. Hayley and Therapists Rising." <– If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more therapists — just like you — move toward creating impactful online programs. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review." Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

    Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast.

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    • The Incubator Waitlist
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    25 mins