• Unlocking Dubrovnik: A Historian's Amazing Discovery

  • Jul 19 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

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Unlocking Dubrovnik: A Historian's Amazing Discovery

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unlocking Dubrovnik: A Historian's Amazing Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlocking-dubrovnik-a-historians-amazing-discovery Story Transcript:Hr: Ljetni dan u Dubrovniku bio je savršen.En: A summer day in Dubrovnik was perfect.Hr: Sunce je sjalo, a plavo nebo bez oblaka širilo se iznad starog grada.En: The sun was shining, and the blue, cloudless sky spread above the old town.Hr: Ivana, mlada povjesničarka, hodala je uskim kamenim ulicama, tražeći nešto posebno.En: Ivana, a young historian, walked through the narrow stone streets, searching for something special.Hr: Bila je znatiželjna i strastvena, uvijek vjerujući da svaka knjiga ili stari artefakt može sakriti tajne prošlosti.En: She was curious and passionate, always believing that every book or old artifact could hide the secrets of the past.Hr: Jednog dana, dok je pregledavala štandove na ulici, njezin pogled pao je na staru knjigu.En: One day, while browsing through street stalls, her eyes fell on an old book.Hr: "Povijest Dubrovnika", pročitala je na naslovnici.En: “The History of Dubrovnik,” she read on the cover.Hr: Izgledala je istrošeno, ali autentično.En: It looked worn but authentic.Hr: Prodavač joj je obećao dobru cijenu, i Ivana je odmah kupila knjigu.En: The seller promised her a good price, and Ivana bought the book immediately.Hr: Dok je sjela na klupu ispod stare masline, otvorila je knjigu.En: As she sat on a bench under an old olive tree, she opened the book.Hr: Između stranica, nešto metalno zasjalo je na sunčanju.En: Between the pages, something metallic glinted in the sunlight.Hr: Bila je to stara, hrđava ključ.En: It was an old, rusty key.Hr: Srce joj je brže zakucalo.En: Her heart began to race.Hr: Ivana je pažljivo izvukla ključ i držala ga u ruci, razmišljajući kakvu tajnu bi mogao skrivati.En: Ivana carefully pulled out the key and held it in her hand, pondering what secret it might hide.Hr: Tek kad je navečer pokazala ključ prijatelju Matiji, postalo je jasno da će biti puno prepreka.En: It wasn't until she showed the key to her friend Matija that evening that it became clear there would be many obstacles.Hr: Matija je bio skeptičan.En: Matija was skeptical.Hr: "To je samo stari ključ, možda netko zaboravljen", govorio je s osmijehom.En: “It’s just an old key, maybe someone’s forgotten it,” he said with a smile.Hr: No, Ivana nije odustajala.En: But Ivana was not deterred.Hr: Znala je da mora saznati više.En: She knew she had to learn more.Hr: Tako su zajedno krenuli istraživati.En: So, they began their investigation together.Hr: Prvi korak bio je proučiti povijest knjige.En: The first step was to study the history of the book.Hr: Našli su bilješku na posljednjim stranicama.En: They found a note on the last pages.Hr: "Ključ pripada Vrata povijesti", pisalo je.En: “The key belongs to the Gates of History,” it read.Hr: Ivana je odmah znala kamo trebaju ići - stare zidine Dubrovnika.En: Ivana immediately knew where they needed to go—the old walls of Dubrovnik.Hr: Hodajući uskim ulicama, Ivana i Matija su stigli do starog, napuštenog zdanja na kraju grada.En: Walking through the narrow streets, Ivana and Matija reached an old, abandoned building at the edge of the city.Hr: Zidovi su bili obrasli bršljanom, a vrata su izgledala staro i zapušteno.En: The walls were covered with ivy, and the door looked old and neglected.Hr: Uz drhtaj uzbuđenja, Ivana je umetnula ključ u bravu.En: With a shiver of excitement, Ivana inserted the key into the lock.Hr: S malo napora, vrata su se otvorila uz škripanje.En: With some effort, the door creaked open.Hr: Ispod zgrade, ušli su u staru komoru.En: Beneath the building, they entered an ancient chamber.Hr: Unutrašnjost je bila mračna, ali Ivana je ponijela baterijsku lampu.En: The interior was dark, but Ivana had brought a flashlight.Hr: Dok su svjetlost usmjeravali po zidovima, pred njima su se ukazale neobične mape i stari artefakti.En: As they directed the light onto the walls, unusual maps and old artifacts appeared before them.Hr: To su bili dokazi o dio povijesti Dubrovnika koji nikad nije bio zabilježen.En: They were pieces of Dubrovnik’s history that had never been recorded.Hr: Matija je bio zapanjen.En: Matija was astonished.Hr: "Nisi se šalila", priznao je.En: “You weren’t kidding,” he admitted.Hr: Ivana je osjećala ponos i zadovoljstvo.En: Ivana felt proud and satisfied.Hr: Otkrili su skrivenu povijest koja će zauvijek promijeniti znanje o Dubrovniku.En: They had discovered a hidden history that would forever change the knowledge of Dubrovnik.Hr: Nakon tog otkrića, Ivana je bila sigurnija u svoje istraživanje.En: After that discovery, Ivana was more confident in her research.Hr: Više nije sumnjala u svoje instinkte.En: She no longer doubted her instincts.Hr: Matija je sada gledao na njezinu strast s novim ...
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