• UC 397: The GP that makes a difference
    Jul 5 2024


    Dr Nelum Dharmapriya is in the chatters neck of the woods, but they had not heard about her until recently. When people are on the same trajectory there seems to be an invisible connection that draws them together. Nelum has been a GP for 20 years, but it wasn’t until her own health crisis that she realised that the diagnosis and medication route was not working for her and decided to research and try something new. She read the Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung and it made sense. She chose 4 strategies, she prioritised Real Food, prioritised protein, went low carb and added healthy fats.

    She realised that perhaps her patients would improve if she also helped them with these priorities. Dr Nelum began Whole Food Revolution where she teaches her patients the basics of good eating but also ensures their mindset is set for the changes ahead. 1 day workshops help people through the process.

    Quotes People knew what to do but couldn’t do it. I was taught to diagnose and treat Snoring could be excess fat in the tongue due to visceral fat. Brown fat is in the mitochondria and generates heat. 4 Strategies; Real food, prioritise protein, low carb and add healthy fats Mindset was important.

    Where to find Dr Nelum https://wholefoodrevolution.com.au hello@wfrevolution.com.au Facebook:

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • UC 396: You can be your own doctor if you pay attention
    Jun 13 2024


    Our guest today is Cameron Borg, a 27 year old man, wise beyond his years. Listen in as we ask questions about his life, his study and his job as a pulmonary scientist and of course his second love Rikki Flow Nutrition Podcast. You won’t want to miss this one.

    Cameron Borg is a qualified nutritionist, pulmonary scientist, podcaster and health coach. He has spent the best part of the last decade learning about why our health is deteriorating and what we need to do in order to mend it. He has worked with hundreds of clients on the foundational aspects of their health to allow them to build and optimize their health from the ground up.

    Quotes You can be your own doctor if you are paying attention What you eat can change the way you feel and impact your life You can learn more from one good book than three years of university I loved being one on one, I’m going in the complete opposite to the conventional way If you really listen to a patient they will tell you what is going on People rarely change by being told what to do they can only be through making your own mistakes Vegetarianism is like a right of passage for those interested in nutrition I was in an intellectually vulnerable space when veganism was introduced to me. Listening to Dr Jack Kruse when the whole facade fell away and I realised there was so much more to this than food. If you are concerned about animals you should also be concerned for yourself. There is so much more to meat equals bad Without seafood we do not have big brains this gives DHA. I needed to be slapped across the face and did that privately (on veganism) There is no time space only conscious agents and realism The most reliable effect is the placebo effect and drug companies have to beat it, everything is measured against it. You must make mistakes in order to get to where you are.

    Where to find Cameron www.ricciflownutrition.com @ricciflownutrition Youtube – Ricci Flow Nutrition Spotify: Ricci Flow Nutrition Podcast

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    1 hr
  • UC 395: Positive Birth and Motherhood Stories with Rebekah Rocca
    May 29 2024


    When the world tells scary birth stories Rebekah wants to tell positive birth stories. Rebekah Rocca is a Mum of 4 (soon to be 5), artist, author and incredible story teller. Listen in as the Chatters chat with this one amazing Mumma and entrepreneur. We all have 24 hours in a day, but Rebekah is remarkable in how much she can do with that time.

    Socials and Website Instagram @everandwild Website; www.everandwild.au

    Books – Childrens A Place to Belong ABC – Naturally Me 123 – Naturally Me

    Quotes So many kids are so fussy, chemicals are tricking them tint thinking they need foods that are not real. You don’t have to do everything they say to do. I want to do what I want to do. I let my body do its thing, I trusted it. I don’t want to have to fight someone to do what I want to do. I handed my kids seaweed not lollypops. It is more about trusting your own body. We need to change our thinking on what it means to give birth. I see what everyone else is doing and do the complete opposite. Quality over quantity. Hospitals are great when you need them in an emergency. We focus so much on what everyone else thinks we should be doing, You are the best parents for your kids and know more than anything what’s best for your kids. Trust ourselves more.

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    59 mins
  • UC 394: Perry Venakis- You are never too old to be the best version of you
    May 15 2024


    Perry Venakis is a 60 year old energetic power house that wants to help people be the best version of who they are no matter what age. His whole life he has been studying , health, nutrition, genetics, fitness, diabetes, longevity, martial arts, biochemistry to name a few. He specialises in sarcopenia otherwise known as age related muscle loss. He talks to the chatters about this being a problem intrinsically and extrinsically. He has the answer and if you are not excited about change after listening to Perry then the chatters are not sure what will get you inspired to make the changes to be the best you can be.

    It’s a simple formula of lifestyle and diet changes, but with Perry’s N90 program he has, that is scientifically proven, he can help with that aging muscle loss. Muscle loss means less activity, less health, less energy, less ability and so much more. It’s not easily diagnosed but can be easily witnessed in the aging population.

    Listen in to this incredibly energetic hour with the chatters and Perry Venakis.

    Where to find Perry Website: https://www.n90.com.au/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/N90.nutrition Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/n90.nutrition/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkgS5AHcPqvUWMBHN27CS0g

    Quotes I have seen that body builders have a loophole in their diet, there’s a big hole in nutrition. The more you learn the more you realise you don’t know. There is two parts to wellbeing – the intreinsic and the extrinsic. The human body cannot store protein. As we age we want to grow muscle not lose it. You can turn this around and stop sarcopenia at any age. We are only 5% of a group who want to change. The dose creates the poison. My opinion is this is wrong and we will crash into that brick wall. A question I ask myself is, ‘Did our ancestors eat this way?’ Why N90? 90 days is whre your journey begins. Learn how to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat! Get older comfortably and healthily. You can maintain muscle mass whilst losing weight. Eat, move and be healthy.

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • UC 393: Sleep Breath Heal with Dr Scott Wustenberg
    May 3 2024


    Dr Scott is a passionate teacher in nutrition and chiropractic neurology as well as Sleep/Airway medicine.

    Inspired to become a Chiropractor by his uncle, Scott studied Biochemistry and Physiology at Auckland University, and Chiropractic at the NZCA School of Chiropractic. He graduated in the first class, and has practiced in NZ, and Queensland. In addition to his Bachelor of science and his degree in Chiropractic, Scott also holds a Masters degree in Nutrition Medicine, and post Graduate qualifications in environmental medicine.

    The Chatters talked to Scott about snoring and how can we fix this ever growing issue that has health consequences. His surprising simple to do’s might mean the men in the chatters life get more sleep themselves.

    Socials and Website www.optihuman.com.au www.advancerehab.com.au www.optimalsleepairwayhealth.com


    First Principles; How a small problem in early life creates havoc across time by Scott Wustenberg

    Quotes A drive for survival guided me to look at retraining. Chiropractic is a great starting point, it takes away stress on normal function and flow on nervous system. Airway dysfunction causes sleep dysfunction. The MTHFR gene affects ability of the body to utilise folate. It all starts in pregnancy. Health is a continuum what you have as a child will continue on into your adult life. If you have fragmented sleep you cannot heal. Snoring leads to health consequences. Not sleeping well and snoring will become an inability to be dynamic at 90years of age. It is so important to see that it’s a cost that needs to be paid as an investment. Sleep fragmentation has a huge effect on cognitive function. Deep sleep is where we repair the body. Classic medical models are not providing answers for us. Perhaps we have to learn a new twist on old things? Chewing is much more than getting calories into you, it’s a neurological process. Your brain is very expensive architecture, if you don’t use it you will lose it. Hope allows the capacity for change. Hope is the essential thing to pair with curiosity. We can make a difference and keep moving forward. Sleep, breathe, heal.

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://changinghabits.com.au/ https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ https://www.instagram.com/changinghabits_hq/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/changinghabits https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • UC 392: Design a Life with Dr Maria Zuschmann
    Apr 18 2024

    Dr Maria Zuschmann, affectionately known as Dr M, is an Integrative Chiropractor, Speaker, Author, Podcaster and Stress Adaptation & Performance Coach.

    Dr M has been in the Health, Wellness and Performance space for over 20 years. Spending her early years in private practice as a Chiropractor developing a very keen interest in helping her clients with their Stress Adaptation structurally and through Posture Correction along with wellness workshops. The chatters enjoy learning all about stress adaption performance and designing a life.

    How to find Dr M






    Quotes It’s important to respect each other’s different opinions and know when to pick your battles Unless someone asks for help, I don’t offer it Simplify as much as possible in your world I had somewhat of a spiritual awakening in connection to the Universe I could be really sad, cross and bitter or double down on my self-care and get through this time Relatively speaking I chose to get through that period of grief faster. You can stay in it or ruminate in it, I take all steps to live my best life. Millionaries pay no attention to astrology but billionaires do! Everything will seem like it is out of order but trust it to work out. If you’re not getting adjusted by a vitalistic chiropractor, you should! I am not apologising for it anymore. We’re always magnetising – whether it’s shit or good stuff. Ask yourself… who do I want to be? What we grieve when people leave is often their characteristics too. We have a variety of people attracted into our lives to fill those gaps. Illness can be a lack of integrating stress. You can’t beat yourself up for what you don’t know. We’re either designing our life or someone else is designing it for us. You want to design for the best possible energy. Remove any noise that is not making you feel good. I have a no dickhead policy! I will be who I want to be, it makes connections to others more powerful. I just lean into all aspects of me.

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://changinghabits.com.au/ https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ https://www.instagram.com/changinghabits_hq/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/changinghabits https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • UC 391: We're Fed Up so Step Up with Dr Gundula Rhoades
    Apr 5 2024


    Gundi Rhoades is an author, vet, farmer, mother and nature lover. She has written the revolutionary book The Food Solution. Kim and Cyndi quiz her about how we can be part of the solution to look after health and planet health rather than being part of the problem. We may only be 2 people but if everyone does the right thing by making sure we consume food grown in ecologically rich soils, nor sprayed with chemicals then collectively we can change the trajectory of human, animal and planet health. Cyndi and Kim and such fun with Gundi, she is intelligent, funny, witty, serious and above all an inspiration.

    Quotes Cowgirls dream of being a vet. I was environmentally aware as a teenager. People are grieving, lack of snow, normal weather patterns, they fear but don’t believe they can do anything. We can feed the system that heals planet earth or feed the system that destroys it. Roundup kills bacteria, fungi and plants, modern agriculture puts the chemistry back in the soil, but has no thought for ecology Glyphosate destroys the ecology of the soil. We need to eat for today to save tomorrow. Eat local

    Where to find Gundi Facebook Gundi Rhoades Book; The Food Solution

    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://changinghabits.com.au/ https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ https://www.instagram.com/changinghabits_hq/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/changinghabits https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy

    Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • UC 390: Love Medicine and Miracles with Dr Michelle Woolhouse
    Mar 21 2024
    It’s official, Kim and Cyndi have a new crush. Dr Michelle Woolhouse’s interview was the most heart warming experience for our two chatters. They talked about the medical model, how it needs to change one practitioner at a time, how 35% of Australian GP’s now call themselves integrative and that more and more were realizing the importance of wholistic health care and not reductionism. Dr Woolhouse talks about what Evidence Based Medicine is, it is not just about the science but also the clinical judgement by the doctor and the patient values and preferences. The heart was a big topic, not just the physical but so much more. Dr Michelles Bio “It is not only until we explore the whole person, that true health can be found”. Dr Michelle Woolhouse is a doctor, mind-body medicine expert, keynote speaker, Founding Medical Director of health tech start-up Vively, Podcast host and Author of The Wonder Within. She is an expert in mind-body medicine and how by embracing the whole you can change your life, health and relationships. She educates widely in the areas of whole person health including mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress and burn-out, psycho-neuro-immunology and women’s hormones. Dr Michelle has advanced post-graduate training in mind-body medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, nutritional and environmental medicine and holds fellowships with the Royal Australian College of GP’s (FRACGP), the Australasian society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM) and Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (FACNEM). Quotes I was young, I was wide eyed, and naïve as a young intern. When we are in fear and panic we cannot look forward I became fascinated that eastern medicine spoke of the heart as the core essence. Healing is neve as easy as we hope it to be but it’s never as hard as we think it will be I see it time again, people searching for answers to their mystery symptoms, bouncing from specialist to specialist. Finally, when a diagnosis comes, the person is left with more questions than answers Hope is such a powerful part of the healing journey. Western medicine has a heart that beats true. Stay connected to my heart the heart of those I see. The older I get the more curious I get. When we are in a state of fear and panic we don’t have access to good judgement. Being in the system I do see so many well-intentioned people. Sometimes looking within gives a greater understanding of the connection. Buddhism in medicine can be a powerful roadmap through tragedies. The Wonder Within is a heart lead playbook for the anxious stressed and burnt out. Be of the most service or help to yourself. The heart communicates to the body through sensations, knowings and emotions. The heart is the one organ fully formed and functioning in the embryo by 4 weeks at the size of a sultana. We know that hostility and loneliness are huge risk factors for heart disease. The heart has incredible depth, we have heart to heart talks, a brave heart, a kind heart. We have become obsessed by science as the only metric but historically there is an acknowledgment of the human being and humanity as a whole. It is vital to have a love of the human in medicine. Evidence based science is simply the best evidence we have at the time. We need to include the patient and their belief system and the clinician and their experience. Indigenous wisdom is about holism, inclusivity and connection. You have to have disruption and fear before a system can change. Healing is never as easy as we hope it to be but it is never as hard as we think it to be. Where to find Michelle Website: www.theholisticgp.com.au Linked In – dr michelle woolhouse Instagram: The Holistic GP Enliven Retreats Book – The Wonder Within by Michelle Woolhouse Cyndi O’Meara Links Website-https://changinghabits.com.au/ https://thenutrition.academy/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/cyndiomeara/ https://www.instagram.com/thenutrition_academy/ https://www.instagram.com/changinghabits_hq/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cyndi.lovetto https://www.facebook.com/changinghabits https://www.facebook.com/thechnutritionacademy Kim Morrison Links Website- https://www.kimmorrison.com/ Instagram-https://www.instagram.com/kimmorrison28/ https://www.instagram.com/twenty.8.essential/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/KimMorrisonTraining https://www.facebook.com/twenty8essentials
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    1 hr and 20 mins