• Moving Onto The Pathway Of Lasting Joy & Awakening The Greatness Within; Knowing The Truth Of Who You Are To Recognize Your Divine Feminine Love, Power, & Worth & Enter The Portal Of Our Cosmic Heart
    Jun 26 2024

    We have been taught to seek love, power, and validation outside ourselves. To radically embody love is to know the truth of who we are. To recognize we are already love, already powerful, already worthy. This requires entering the portal of our cosmic heart. My beautiful guest this week, Nasrin Barbic, has made this statement the theme and focus of her work and life. A former NASA engineer, Nasrin has transformed into a Certified Women's Empowerment Life Coach, and Reiki Master. She helps bring Women both depth and practical wisdom to apply in their daily lives through her coaching work and as one of the host's of the Radically Embody Love podcast.

    On this guest episode, Nas shares her thoughts about the power of surrendering to the flow of the universe through awareness, alignment, and intention. Together we share our experiences of trying to love and accept ourselves from the outside in and how we began to cultivate unconditional self love and regard. Nas also shares her unique journey toward spirituality and how she chose trusting her own inner guidance rather than relying on the opinions of others.

    Nasrin Barbic is the founder of Pathway to Lasting Joy LLC, she specializes in guiding professional women who sense something is amiss in their relationships or careers. Nasrin empowers them to carve out a new path with clarity and confidence, enabling them to embrace life with joy and ease.

    International Best Selling Author Voices of the 21st Century: BOLD, BRAVE, AND BRILLIANT WOMEN WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE

    ORDER your copy here

    Follow Her on Instagram

    Free FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/YourPathwaytoLastingJoy/


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    57 mins
  • The Path To Emotional Freedom; Restoring The Balance Of Your Divine Feminine Inner World To Experience Greater Peace, Joy, & Love
    Jun 24 2024

    "The path to emotional freedom is the Hero's journey..."

    Choosing to make higher choices in our life, such as releasing negative thoughts about ourselves and others and and moving into a place of faith & trust, is the path to Emotional Freedom. It also involves breaking the attachments to things outside of ourselves to determine how we feel about ourselves. This is no easy task as this is what we are taught to do. This is the value system which we've created and live by. To gain our worth from things outside of ourselves. To believe we are enough if we have enough, often discarding our inner state of being. This, of course, is backwards logic and the pathway out of this place is walked by the Heroes seeking emotional freedom.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode, I share my take on Emotional Freedom. Explaining what I consider it to be, what blocks emotional freedom and what creates it, the benefits of it, and how we begin on this path towards it.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    42 mins
  • Happy Summer Solstice & Strawberry Capricorn Full Moon! Taking Advantage Of This Rare Combination To Ground Your Divine Feminine Energies & Allow Yourself To Shine & Radiate Joy
    Jun 21 2024

    Happy Summer Solstice & Full Capricorn Strawberry Moon! We've made it to the time (in the Northern hemisphere) of sun, fun, long days, vacations, relaxation, all the good stuff! Yet...in comes Capricorn moon to keep us in check on our bullshit. It's actually a good balance that is struck here and that's what I explore today. A vibrant and celebratory time indeed! So be good & ready to have a blast this Summer even if a little hard work is suggested to allow for ultimately greater peace & ease.

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode I explore this rare and powerful combination of The Solstice/Full Moon and share my understanding and take on the potential for this time. Highlighting the interesting duality between the Solstice & Capricorn energy and more specifically how the Capricorn moon will be pushing us a bit to accomplish what we've set out to do and to develop our self sufficiency for greater personal freedom and expression in our lives. It will be a wild and wonderful ride for sure so hold on & enjoy!

    Moonology Oracle Cards; https://www.yasminboland.com/books/moonology-cards/

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    32 mins
  • Creating A Life That You Love From The Inside Out; How To Transform Your Life Through Divine Feminine Shadow Work, Breath Work, & Cycle Breaking & Discover Your Magic & Medicine
    Jun 19 2024

    Life can throw us some serious curve balls at times. Some so unique that it can be hard to feel that anyone could ever understand or that we could feel capable of moving through. Yet, if we came here to be an emotional Warrior, it's our Soul's plan to learn through challenging lessons. My guest this week, Kristina Gauthier, is one of those warriors with a very rich, powerful, and tragedy laden story. Kristina is a certified spiritual health and life coach. She thrives on creating a safe space where her clients can lean into their power and unlock their magic and medicine. Kristina guides her clients to heal their trauma and reconnect with their inner child, all while encouraging them to unapologetically speak their truth.

    On this guest episode Kristina and I discuss the road through addiction that led us both to our Spiritual path, healing the Father wound, & learning to accept and celebrate all parts of ourselves. Kristina shares about being an intergenerational cycle breaker, breaking free from a lifestyle that unfortunately took the lives of both her late mother and sister. As a cycle breaker, Kristina talks about how her mission is to dive deep into the origins of her and her family's behaviors and root out unhealthy patterns. Despite facing tough challenges in lifetime , Kristina has consciously decided to work on herself and become the best version. As a result, she is using her journey to empower others to lean in, break toxic cycles and do the healing work.

    Dr. Jolyn Starling, https://www.drstarling.ca/

    Kristina's early years were far from picture-perfect; she was born into a family with a colossal amount of trauma on both her mother's and father’s sides. Throughout Kristina’s life, her late mother struggled with her drug addiction, and her dad is a well-known Hell Angel. After years of dating abusive men, struggling with her own drug addiction, and feeling deeply insecure and unworthy of love or life, she chose to invest in herself and heal. In 2017, Kristina's late sister died of a fentanyl overdose, and that’s when everything shifted for her. Despite where Kristina
    came from, she chose to lean into her darkness till she found her light and rose above the ashes, making her the first to break the cycle within her lineage. Not only is Kristina the first to break the cycle, but she's now rewriting her lineage by showing up for herself and her late sisters’ two children differently than anyone has done before. Kristina is proof that regardless of what cards you were dealt with when you choose to come home to yourself and heal your trauma, you, too, can turn your life around and create the life you’ve always desired.

    Learn more about Kristina here:
    IG - _kkristinna
    Fb- Kristina Gauthier
    Tik tok @ kkristinnaa

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    44 mins
  • Addressing The Father Wound To Break Generational Cycles & Begin Moving Out Of The Darkness & Into The Light Of Knowing Your Divine Feminine Worth & Value
    Jun 17 2024

    As I sat down to record on Father's day, I remembered that "Father Wound" was on my list of future solo episodes to record. So I figured today was the perfect day to check it off my list. It's a big topic with a lot to cover. So I used this episdoe to focus mostly on exploring the Father wound and offering ways to begin breaking the cycle of ineffectively trying to heal it through relationships & connections that mimics the original hurt. Which is often from our Father or another Masculine figure in our life.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode I dive straight in to the idea behind the Father Wound, share a bit of my personal experience and wounding, and offer guidance to begin to address, heal, and move on from this wound. I then explain how we can begin stop lurking in the darkness of our deep emotional wounding and move towards the light of healthy, truthful, unconditional love. I also of course wish a very wonderful Father's Day who those who have an amazing Father who they share a beautiful relationship with. That bond is sacred and those healthy Father/Daughter connections help break generational patterns as well.

    Oracle of the Nile Deck, https://www.oracleofthenile.com/

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    53 mins
  • Are You Allowing All Facets Of Your Personality To Come Through? Exploring The Remarkable Divine Feminine Diamond That You Are & Letting Each Aspect Of Yourself To Freely Be Expressed
    Jun 14 2024

    Alright everybody, I thought I had a pretty solid idea of how I was going to formulate this topic into an episode...yet after editing I'm not sure that it actually adds up to a cohesive thought. Hopefully it's not a totally loss and someone gets something out of it! The point I was hoping to explore is that as humans we're not one dimensional. We're multi-dimentional, complex beings that aren't always consistent in how we present in the World. And that's a good thing! On different days we may embody different personas; ambitious go-getter, reserved observer, compassionate and nurturing presence, a wise-minded individual. The list goes on and on. Yet so often people don't feel safe to show up in different ways due to the expectations of others or the typical role that we play. With this episode I'm hoping to inspire you otherwise!

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode, I do my best to share my ideas on the concept of our multi-faceted personalities and being open to embracing the many sides of ourselves that show up. That while we may have a few sides of ourselves that are most common, it doesn't mean that there aren't other parts of our persona which might want to come through now and then! On this episode I encourage listeners to ask, what are my various personalities? Are there some that I try to suppress or have fear of expressing? Embrace being a sparkling diamond with many facets to your amazing self!

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    36 mins
  • Get Psyched To Explore Attachment Styles, Reparenting Your Inner Child, Parts Work, & Moving Towards Your Healthy Divine Feminine Life Of Fulfillment
    Jun 12 2024

    As the seasoned host of the successful Get Psyched podcast my guest this week, fellow therapist Lindsey Locke, has a lot to say about working towards a healthy lifestyle. In fact, she has worked extensively as a fitness coach which is actually how I came to find out about her as she previously worked at a substance abuse recovery center. This focus on the body & mental health naturally led Lindsey towards incorporating a holistic mind, body, and emotion approach in her work helping clients live a non-toxic lifestyle.

    On this guest episode, Lindsey shares with us about how she has worked towards secure attachment and healing her own attachment style. As someone who always felt like "one of the guys" and really leaned into her masculine, Lindsey had to learn to slow down, receive, and surrender which were all BIG practices for her. She also speaks on reworking her own stories around love, IFS/parts work she's done to reparent and love her inner-child, and how that's shown up in her past relationships and led her ultimately to her current relationship with her fiance.

    Lindsey is a registered associate therapist. Having spent well over a decade in the health/wellness and fitness space, Lindsey approaches the body, mind, soul, and spirit in her work with clients. With a Master's degree in Holistic Counseling Psychology, Lindsey aims to address the whole person, their stories, the parts of them they are proud (and not so proud) of, unearth patterns that once kept that person safe, but are no longer serving them, and help clients move toward healing.

    Connect With Lindsey On Instagram!


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    58 mins
  • Talking To Your Heart; Telling A New Story To Your Divine Feminine Heart To Shift Your Destiny And Attune Your Self To Higher Love
    Jun 10 2024

    "A loving heart is the truest Wisdom." -Charles Dickens

    As someone who, despite being almost a decade onto my spiritual path STILL struggles with deep rooted core false concepts about myself and life, I get a little frustrated at times. Wondering if I can ever really heal enough to have the higher experiences of life, love, and abundance that I dream about. Which is why I was grateful to discover this new practice of talking to your heart to establish a new message that you can hold there. And I've been enjoying and benefiting it from it so much that I wanted to share it with all of you!

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode I share about this practice of dropping into your heart and telling it a new story. Then repeating this message over and over again until deeply believe it, in your heart not your mind. Because the heart is what then tells the mind what is true/ not true. The heart can then begin to attune the rest of your cells in your body to this new story. And THIS is what can shift your destiny! To a higher path of greater peace, joy, and love. YES! I also offer the benefits of having a clear & open heart and ways to ask questions of your heart when old fears pop up.

    Doing The Thing: How Finding Your Shine Will Brighten Our World - Quade, Dana E.

    Hello My Old Heart, The Oh Hellos

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    39 mins