• The Present Is The Point Of Power; Are You Holding Your Vision & Keeping Your Focus On What You Want & On The Divine Feminine Moment Of NOW?
    Jul 8 2024

    Nothing changes if nothing changes. I heard this phrase right before I decided to get sober from drugs and alcohol. I realized the one thing I hadn't tried in an attempt to heal was to stop drinking and I thought, maybe it's time to see what would happen. When we make major shifts in our lives and move on to a new path of putting our energy, attention, and focus into things that align with our values, remarkable things can happen. When we live from the NOW and decide that we are fully deserving and worthy of having our heart's greatest desires for our highest good, these things can come to us in an instant.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode I explore this concept of the present being the Point of Power and tie it into some previous messages around forgetting the past to fully place your beliefs in the now. This is what enables manifestation of what you truly desire rather than continuing to experience your beliefs based around fear and lack. The time is NOW to make a change and have a new experience!

    Here is a passage from the oracle card Magician in The Mirror:

    It is absolutely crucial right now, that you take the time to fully comprehend the meaning of this card. This is a fork in the road, and you are at the wheel. You have two choices: Continue on as you have been doing, stuck in patterns and routines that no longer serve you and keep you stuck, or veer off in a new direction, bright with opportunity and endless possibility. You would think that this decision is a no brainer, yet it is actually a profoundly challenging one for many people; the reason being that their focus is always on the rear view mirror, forgetting to enjoy the scenery on this important journey and also forgetting to create the future that they desire.

    The Nature of Personal Reality : A Seth Book By Jane Roberts

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    27 mins
  • New Moon In Cancer; Seeking Comfort & Embracing Divine Feminine Tender New Beginnings While Making Space For What Nourishes You Emotionally & Spiritually
    Jul 5 2024

    Happy New Moon in Cancer! I hope your Cancer season/July is off to a good start. As we roll into this moon you have some beautiful opportunities to surrender and relax into your feelings and explore what makes you feel emotionally safe & secure. At this time, don’t hesitate to lay low and conserve your time and energy. You may find that you need more rest than normal when as you’re tasked with feeling your feelings & all that comes with that process. This moon invites you to reflect on who and what makes you feel appreciated, secure, and cared for and taking time to slow down & care for yourself & perhaps allow for an emotional reset.

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode we explore the watery depths of today's (July 5th) New Moon in Cancer & discuss the ways to embrace the cozy crab qualities of Cancer. I also address how to utilize them to find the places where you're needing more security in your emotional body. This is an important time to take inventory of your closest relationships. Are your friendships, romantic attachments, or family members leaving you feeling nurtured or depleted? Consider who you share your energy & space with. Take time to consider this as you surrender into softness, coziness, & nurturing moments of this Cancer moon.

    Lyric Raven; IG @lyricravenmusic

    White Sage Tarot, https://whitesagetarot.com/

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    23 mins
  • Chasing Brighter: Taking The Journey Of Self-Discovery & Learning Inspiring Lifestyle Tips For Divine Feminine Women To Discover The Best Version Of Themselves
    Jul 3 2024

    We all want to learn ways to be the best versions of ourselves. Which is why so many Women are feeling called on a journey of self-discovery so they can live the life of their dreams. For the past few years my amazing guests this week, sisters Kelly & Jessica, have been on a journey to not only absorb information from others but also to implement those strategies into life changes. It’s hard work and often overwhelming yet they want to inspire others and give them the tools so that they too can unlock their potential. Kelly & Jessica are hosts of the fabulous Chasing Brighter Podcast and are wonderful Women with beautiful & well intentioned hearts.

    On this guest episode I reunite with Kelly & Jessica after being on their show a few months ago. We jump right back into an exciting and vibrant conversation around starting a journey of self-discovery, joy in midlife, finding your purpose, the importance of connection, and the power of Women exploring who they are and then creating a life around what brings them the greatest joy & fulfillment. It's a delightful exchange of Sisterhood love and lifting one another up just as the Divine Feminine always desires to do!

    ​Kelly leads a strategy & technology consulting firm based in Chicago. She’s perpetually immersing herself in new projects and hobbies. Kelly loves applying innovative thinking to tap into the best ways to live and thrive in our world today.

    Jessica is a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in Henderson, NV. She is a trained Level 1 Reiki healing and a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional. Jessica has been in the social work field for over 20 years.

    Learn more about Jessica & Kelly and how to work with them here:


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    45 mins
  • Finding Acceptance In Times Of Uncertainty: Allowing Divine Feminine Peace Into The Places Where Discomfort & Uneasiness Lies
    Jul 1 2024

    If you can't go around it, you gotta go through it

    The unexpected events that happen during the course of our lives are not always pleasant. They can be challenging, scary, uncomfortable, devastating even. So how are we supposed to come to terms with them, walk through them, with poise and grace when on the inside we're screaming, crying, or panicking? Acceptance truly can be the answer to all our problems. If only it were easier to embrace. Yet even just little efforts to be in a place of acceptance of life just as it is, can make a huge difference.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode I share an update on my current life experiences and how they're forcing me to embrace acceptance in the face of uncertainty. This of course dovetails into how we can all begin to practice calm surrender & acceptance in small ways to be able to navigate the bigger incidents when they occur. Life is unpredictable. That's what keeps it exciting and interesting. Yet it can also lead it to it being heartbreaking and confusing. We're all on this ride together and when we take a position of surrender and acceptance it inspires others to do the same, which in turn creates greater peace overall.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    33 mins
  • Honoring Your Creative Valves; How Following The Emphasis Of Your Soul & Making Space For The Divine Feminine Creative Expression That Wants To Be Expressed Through You Can Transform Your Life
    Jun 28 2024

    Do you ever have those days when you feel a flood of creative energy towards something unexpected? It could be something small, like running to the craft store and getting all the material you need for a vision board or to put together a photo album. Or something as big as putting together a business plan for a venture you've always toyed with yet never gone for. These experiences represent what I call Creative Valves which will periodically open up within in us and allow the emphasis of our Soul to come through with the energy of creation.

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode I share my ideas around Creative Valves and how making space to explore them can make all the difference. So often we put hard and fast parameters around what we believe our focus needs to be during our days and throughout our lives. Yet the single most important thing we can do to move towards our personal growth and evolution is to honor the creative emphasis that comes through us, guiding us towards what our Soul desires to express. I explore this concept on today's episode and share some ways to allow for and explore your own Creative Valves.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    37 mins
  • Moving Onto The Pathway Of Lasting Joy & Awakening The Greatness Within; Knowing The Truth Of Who You Are To Recognize Your Divine Feminine Love, Power, & Worth & Enter The Portal Of Our Cosmic Heart
    Jun 26 2024

    We have been taught to seek love, power, and validation outside ourselves. To radically embody love is to know the truth of who we are. To recognize we are already love, already powerful, already worthy. This requires entering the portal of our cosmic heart. My beautiful guest this week, Nasrin Barbic, has made this statement the theme and focus of her work and life. A former NASA engineer, Nasrin has transformed into a Certified Women's Empowerment Life Coach, and Reiki Master. She helps bring Women both depth and practical wisdom to apply in their daily lives through her coaching work and as one of the host's of the Radically Embody Love podcast.

    On this guest episode, Nas shares her thoughts about the power of surrendering to the flow of the universe through awareness, alignment, and intention. Together we share our experiences of trying to love and accept ourselves from the outside in and how we began to cultivate unconditional self love and regard. Nas also shares her unique journey toward spirituality and how she chose trusting her own inner guidance rather than relying on the opinions of others.

    Nasrin Barbic is the founder of Pathway to Lasting Joy LLC, she specializes in guiding professional women who sense something is amiss in their relationships or careers. Nasrin empowers them to carve out a new path with clarity and confidence, enabling them to embrace life with joy and ease.

    International Best Selling Author Voices of the 21st Century: BOLD, BRAVE, AND BRILLIANT WOMEN WHO MAKE A DIFFERENCE

    ORDER your copy here

    Follow Her on Instagram

    Free FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/YourPathwaytoLastingJoy/


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    57 mins
  • The Path To Emotional Freedom; Restoring The Balance Of Your Divine Feminine Inner World To Experience Greater Peace, Joy, & Love
    Jun 24 2024

    "The path to emotional freedom is the Hero's journey..."

    Choosing to make higher choices in our life, such as releasing negative thoughts about ourselves and others and and moving into a place of faith & trust, is the path to Emotional Freedom. It also involves breaking the attachments to things outside of ourselves to determine how we feel about ourselves. This is no easy task as this is what we are taught to do. This is the value system which we've created and live by. To gain our worth from things outside of ourselves. To believe we are enough if we have enough, often discarding our inner state of being. This, of course, is backwards logic and the pathway out of this place is walked by the Heroes seeking emotional freedom.

    On this Divine Feminine solo episode, I share my take on Emotional Freedom. Explaining what I consider it to be, what blocks emotional freedom and what creates it, the benefits of it, and how we begin on this path towards it.

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    42 mins
  • Happy Summer Solstice & Strawberry Capricorn Full Moon! Taking Advantage Of This Rare Combination To Ground Your Divine Feminine Energies & Allow Yourself To Shine & Radiate Joy
    Jun 21 2024

    Happy Summer Solstice & Full Capricorn Strawberry Moon! We've made it to the time (in the Northern hemisphere) of sun, fun, long days, vacations, relaxation, all the good stuff! Yet...in comes Capricorn moon to keep us in check on our bullshit. It's actually a good balance that is struck here and that's what I explore today. A vibrant and celebratory time indeed! So be good & ready to have a blast this Summer even if a little hard work is suggested to allow for ultimately greater peace & ease.

    On this Identify & Heal solo episode I explore this rare and powerful combination of The Solstice/Full Moon and share my understanding and take on the potential for this time. Highlighting the interesting duality between the Solstice & Capricorn energy and more specifically how the Capricorn moon will be pushing us a bit to accomplish what we've set out to do and to develop our self sufficiency for greater personal freedom and expression in our lives. It will be a wild and wonderful ride for sure so hold on & enjoy!

    Moonology Oracle Cards; https://www.yasminboland.com/books/moonology-cards/

    Join the Women Waken Community on Instagram Here: https://tinyurl.com/522duz2c

    Feel free to reach out to me to see how we can work together and send your questions, feedback, and requests for future solo episodes here:
    Whitney Walker, LMFT
    License # 107082
    IG: @Womenwaken
    Youtube: @womenwaken

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    32 mins