• Where are the Heroes?
    Jul 4 2024
    Welcome back to the “Where are the Heroes?” podcast series. I am Beau Johnson, the author of The End of Justice. I’m recording off the southern coast of Mexico, so please excuse whatever sounds you hear in the background.In the last episode, I mentioned that America has grave fundamental problems. Consider this one fact. America has had more people in prison per capita than any country in the world and is still one of the most incarcerated. Undeniably, if state and federal legislators pass laws which, by virtue of their mere existence, produce criminals, a virtuous people will be criminalized. Thus, if government officials fail to seek truth while, at the same time, holding citizens in contempt for behavior that is not criminal, we have a recipe for disaster.Let me illustrate this point. There are 93 US Attorneys who are political appointments typically filled every presidential election and they are among 3 million federal employees who work for the US Government. Given the vastness of the federal work force, with many employees serving in the Department of Justice, one would expect US Attorneys to accomplish their responsibilities with alacrity and fairness and ensure the laws are faithfully executed.What does it mean to “faithfully execute” the laws? Whatever the definition, which would include seeking truth and acting justly, we should and would expect US Attorneys to do so without fail. However, when US Attorneys are the cause of injustice, our reservations and fears are justified. Candidly, it does not matter why US Attorneys fail to act faithfully, it matters only that they are unfaithful. To lack the faithfulness to execute the laws connotes that the top-level officials of the DOJ are ill-equipped to ensure justice and the system will falter. There are two primary factors that permit injustice to prevail. The first has to do with the motivation of government officials. The second deals with the inefficiency of the Government.Let’s briefly discuss motivations by citing an example. Before and after the 2016 federal election, Donald Trump was accused of conspiring with the Russians to influence the election. We now know this was a false allegation. We also know that Obama, the outgoing President, and James Comey, then Director of the FBI, were instrumental in creating, fostering, and advancing this false narrative.The point is self-evident. If top officials undermine the rule of law, there will be injustice. If Donald Trump is not able to effectively and efficiently refute false allegations, how is the average American to prevail against the FBI and DOJ? How is someone like Orlando Carter to overcome false claims that he had a $4 million obligation with PNC Bank? Ten years later, with proof from another federal agency that there was no such loan, how was he to prevail over Benjamin Glassman’s lie that the alleged evidence, which never existed, was shredded?Obviously, the ability to hold the Government or officials accountable for dishonesty becomes problematic. With Obama creating and fostering a lie, and supporting Jim Comey’s perpetuation of that lie, is it possible for the DOJ to arrive at the truth? Not anytime soon. Moreover, if the Federal Government is so consumed with advancing the Russia Collusion lie, will the DOJ and FBI have the time and resources to vet thousands of sundry unjust claims? In the last episode, we learned that former US Attorney Benjamin Glassman lied about the Department of Justice shredding evidence of a $4 million loan which does not exist and never existed. Furthermore, we have proof from two separate federal agencies which contradict the DOJ’s false conclusion that there was a $4 million loan. If there was no $4 million loan in 2007, the evidence could not have been shredded in 2018. Glassman is a liar.Is there any doubt that Glassman did not faithfully execute the laws of the United States while serving as US Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio? A liar does not execute anything faithfully. To be faithful to the laws means the truth is sought and honored. When a US Attorney lies, he rejects truth outright and denies justice completely.Now that I have set the tone for this podcast, I will explain what both Benjamin Glassman and Kenneth Parker, the current US Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, did and how they justified their lies to preserve a guilty conviction of an innocent man.We need only look at Glassman’s response to our request that he review the Government’s case against Orlando Carter to understand the extent of his obfuscation.Glassman began by stating,The principal factual ground on which your correspondence questioned Mr. Carter’s guilt was a letter dated January 30, 2017 from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.Let’s first note that Glassman referred to our “principal factual ground.” To be sure, we did not submit anything that was not factual. We only submitted the truth, which was a letter from ...
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    36 mins
  • Where Are the Heroes? Episode 6
    Jun 2 2024
    Welcome back to the “Where are the Heroes?” podcast series. I am Beau Johnson, the author of The End of Justice.Based upon what we have learned about the Government’s case against Orlando Carter, we can only reach but one conclusion. No innocent American should ever endure his experience. No one should suffer the abject indifference and heightened arrogance of public officials who knowingly or unknowingly abuse the criminal justice system.There are grave foundational problems in America. Many of them originate within the minds and hearts of public officials who often act without regard to basic facts and truth. Sadly, facts and truth are secondary to their ulterior motives. For example, nothing can excuse FBI Agent Kevin Gormley from failing to adequately investigate PNC Bank’s false claims.Stated simply, a great injustice occurs when little men with over-sized egos seek glory instead of grinding through the rigors of significant details to achieve verifiable and veritable conclusions to criminal cases.We now know what is indisputable regarding the Federal Government’s case against Orlando Carter. PNC Bank lied about a $4 million loan obligation. Orlando never had this financial liability with this financial institution. There is no need to reiterate the amount of evidence in our possession that supports this fact. Suffice it to say that PNC Bank made false claims which the FBI did not thoroughly investigate.This brings us to the next phase of the criminal case against Orlando Carter, the submission of the Gormley’s “facts” to Gregory Lockhart, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio. Lockhart’s assistant, Richard Chema, handled the case against Orlando Carter.Just to clarify for this audience, the US Attorney should not gratuitously accept the FBI’s investigative conclusions as true. Rather the Department of Justice, through the US Attorney, is expected to conduct its own competent and comprehensive investigation. Even when the US Attorney does not conduct such an investigation, it is deemed to have been done, nonetheless.Did Lockhart and Chema conduct an independent investigation? No.Did Lockhart and Chema investigate PNC’s allegations? No.Did Lockhart and Chema seek the assistance of the Department of Treasury? No.Did Lockhart and Chema conduct a forensic financial audit? No.Since Orlando was convicted of a crime related to an alleged $4 million obligation, we must conclude that Chema failed to determine the facts and truth. For Chema relied upon a piece of paper signed by James Smith which was not legally or financially binding upon either Orlando Carter or his company. Chema asked and the court permitted the jury to see a document that was pitched as a guaranty of a loan. Nothing could have been farther from the truth.Chema’s submission and the court’s acceptance of this “guaranty” as evidence of a $4 million loan obligation cannot be reconciled.Orlando’s situation was made even more difficult since his defense attorneys did not verify the existence of the alleged $4 million loan obligation. They merely questioned the Government if the loan existed. When they received an affirmative response, they did not pursue the matter. This must be viewed as gross negligence as well. Defense attorneys are often culpable for grave mistakes and incompetence. This is exactly what happened with Orlando’s lawyers.Let’s pause to appreciate Orlando’s desperation before the trail began. The FBI, DOJ, and Court accepted that Carter had a financial obligation to PNC Bank without his defense attorneys investigating and refuting this false claim. Consequently, a black man sat alone as the legal system allowed a jury to believe that the fictious loan was real.Chema’s failure to dignify Orlando’s potential innocence is monumental. For, Chema effectively defeated truth as he cemented into the court a lie which became central to the “the record.”This record is what the government and courts rely upon as finality for the preservation of a conviction. Thus, when a defendant makes a righteous, post-conviction challenge, the prosecutor and court summarily dismiss such attempts by asserting that the record is established. The record is final. The record proves guilt. The record is truth.Over the years, Orlando has challenged his conviction repeatedly only to have the government and court argue that the established record confirms his guilt.But what if the record is based upon a lie?This brings us to a very significant point. We have heard of innocent people being exonerated when DNA proves they did not commit the crime. DNA evidence is irrefutable. Blood, saliva, hair, semen, and much more are insurmountable proof of innocence and guilt.Now let’s ask an important question. Is the absence of banking instruments and corporate resolutions authorizing a loan the equivalent of a lack of financial DNA? In other words, if Orlando’s physical DNA was not at the scene ...
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    37 mins
  • Where are the Heroes? Episode 5
    Mar 30 2024

    PLEASE NOTE: The Blog is located at yestohellwith.com. Be sure to view the exhibits while you listen to the podcast. During a criminal investigation, FBI Agents will, as a matter of course, document witness interviews on forms known as 302 Statements. In episode 5, we will question the effectiveness of FBI Agent Kevin Gormley based upon the testimony of two Ralph Martinez and Sean McAlister, two bank employees. They made comments which clearly demonstrated PNC's failures with a lease transaction with Butler County. Given the number of errors and poor judgment by several PNC officials, one must ask how and why Kevin Gormley ever arrived at the conclusion that Orlando Carter committed a crime. In this episode, I ask very pointed questions which cast serious doubt as to Gormley's competence and sincerity as an agent.

    Get full access to YesToHellWith at yestohellwith.substack.com/subscribe
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    31 mins
  • Where are the Heroes? Episode 4
    Mar 20 2024

    PLEASE NOTE: The Blog is located at yestohellwith.com. Be sure to view the exhibits while you listen to the podcast. Welcome to Episode 4 of "Where are the Heroes?" We will be exploring the FBI's handling the investigation into PNC's claim that a $4 million loan existed between itself and Orlando Carter and that Carter stole the funds. Key to our discussion are FBI statements, known as 302s, drafted by FBI Agent Kevin Gormley after his interviews with witnesses Ralph Martinez and Sean McAlister, both of whom worked for the bank. What will become rather evident upon your review of the 302s is Gormley's complete incompetence and his level of prejudice against Orlando Carter. A competent agent would have taken what were obvious mistakes and confusion with the bank's transaction and determined that there was no crime.

    Get full access to YesToHellWith at yestohellwith.substack.com/subscribe
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    20 mins
  • Where are the Heroes? Episode 3
    Feb 22 2024

    PLEASE NOTE: The Blog is located at yestohellwith.com. Be sure to view the exhibits while you listen to the podcast.

    In the last episode, Orlando Carter denied having a $4 million loan with PNC Bank. If Mr. Carter is telling the truth, why did PNC claim that the loan existed? Why did bank officials assert that the funds were stolen?

    Either PNC lied or Mr. Carter is lying. What is the truth?

    Since the FBI and DOJ investigated PNC's accusations and confirmed the loan existed, then Orlando Carter MUST BE guilty, right? No. The fact is that the FBI and DOJ never asked PNC for proof of the loan. Moreover, the FBI did not ask other government agencies to confirm the existence of the loan. Finally, the FBI and DOJ did not conduct a forensic financial audit of either PNC or Mr. Carter.

    Without accomplishing any of these three options, the Federal Government must have gratuitously accepted that the loan existed and Carter stole the money.

    This episode is packed with information and an amazing revelation!

    Get full access to YesToHellWith at yestohellwith.substack.com/subscribe
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    21 mins
  • Where Are the Heroes? Episode 2
    Feb 17 2024

    PLEASE NOTE: The Blog is located at yestohellwith.com. Be sure to view the exhibits while you listen to the podcast.

    Discover the name of the billion-dollar company that falsely accused an innocent man of stealing $4 million. Hear from this innocent man who received a 15 year prison sentence, yet declares that he never committed a crime.

    PNC Bank is fined for violating banking/lending laws.












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    25 mins
  • Where are the Heroes? Episode 1
    Feb 12 2024

    In the coming weeks, Yes to Hell with .com will be launching its first Podcast series entitled, “Where are the Heroes?”

    My name is Beau Johnson. I am the author of The End of Justice. My publisher asked me to share a story, like the ones in my book, depicting a grave injustice. I chose a story that dates to 2008 and is still in need of resolution today.

    In Where are the Heroes? you will learn about an innocent man who was convicted of a crime he did not commit and received a 15-year prison sentence.

    This innocent man not only fought for his freedom in 2009 during a trial by jury, but after being released from prison, he still fights for his exoneration to this very day. Should we expect anything less from someone who did not commit the crime? Does a guilty man continue to fight after he is released from incarceration?

    Tragically, in this story, a major national corporation was the primary cause for this man’s wrongful conviction. Additionally, since the federal agents who investigated and prosecuted the case DID NOT seek the truth, the United States Government is also directly responsible for this injustice.

    In this podcast series, I will disclose in detail and with proof that this major corporation lied to the Federal Government. This very lie is what began this injustice. In my opinion, both the officers of the company and the federal agents are guilty of crimes. Stated differently, the Federal Government did not conduct a competent investigation in 2008 and this is where the government makes an even greater mistake, in 2018, a sitting US Attorney and his assistant, lied to keep this innocent man behind bars.

    I am going to be brutally honest. If this major corporation does not resolve this injustice, one of my objectives with this podcast series is to seek its financial ruin. If the CEO does not agree to correct the company’s errors, I will expose the truth and ask you, as customers of this corporation and as private citizens, to end your relationship with this dishonest company.

    Secondly, I will be seeking the disbarment of a sitting and former US Attorneys, as well as seek criminal investigations into their misconduct. I have firsthand knowledge that they not only ignored evidence provided by a separate federal agency proving that an innocent man went to prison, but that these federal officials in the Department of Justice lied to the public about evidence in this case.

    These disclosures will be shocking and underscore the corruptness of the criminal justice system in America.

    Many may say that my assertions are foolhardy, that it is dangerous to accuse a billion-dollar giant of criminal conduct, or that accusing federal officials of lying is foolish as well. But here is the rub. If the government is complicit with this company’s crime by refusing to consider both the company’s errors and new evidence, then no one will be able to hold the company, government, or courts accountable. In fact, this is the point of the YestoHellwith podcast.

    When there are no more options, warriors must stand and fight for truth.

    I look at it this way. If I witnessed a lady being raped, I would intervene. If I saw someone being murdered, I would intervene. In this story, which is an ongoing injustice with no resolution in sight, I am witnessing a crime against an innocent man and I refuse to acquiesce to moneyed-interests or a corrupt federal government.

    In this podcast series, I will be asking you to get involved. I hope you are ready, willing, and able. I hope you become a hero.

    If you wish to be informed of the release of the first episode of “Where are the Heroes”, please visit YestoHellwith.com and subscribe to the podcast. Please visit the sponsors of YestoHellwith.com. I ask that you consider donating as well.

    Be sure to visit the YestoHellwith.com social pages and share the link with family and friends. We are seeking a grassroots effort that will give YestoHellwith organic growth. Together, we can uplift the truth and correct injustices.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Get full access to YesToHellWith at yestohellwith.substack.com/subscribe
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    8 mins