• 66. Day 19: Your Paycheck, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Feb 28 2024

    Still sticking to the popular theme of money and running it through the powerful realm of energy work, today we look at your paycheck and do a bit of EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique.

    For a recap on the foundations of energy work, feel free to listen to Day 18 first...or dive right into today.

    Are you happy with your current paycheck? Can you think of a number that would put you over the moon? That's what we're shooting for today.

    If you're keen to give it a try, please come along for the ride!

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/ Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    18 mins
  • 65. Day 18: Money Management, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 19 2024

    Today we return to the realm of money.

    Why? Because so much of our self-esteem is co-mingled with the ebb and flow of this particular type of energy.

    And speaking of energy, that's how we're going to tackle our money management today. Energetically.

    Specifically, utilizing the framework of Reiki to generate and direct that flow of energy where we want it to go, to raise our self-esteem.

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/

    Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/

    Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    16 mins
  • 64. Day 17: Triggers, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 18 2024

    Motivational Triggers, as Brendon Burchard teaches, are a fantastic way to "trigger ourselves" instead of letting the world do it for us. (I paraphrase what he says about them).

    Today we turn this practice into a way to bolster our self-esteem.

    What better way to focus in on having the mindset to take the actions that will most help our self-esteem climb?

    If this interests you, please join us for today's practices!

    Then, stick around til the end for a bonus exercise that will launch you ahead on your self-esteem path.

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/ Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    13 mins
  • 63. Day 16: Success, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 17 2024

    Are you successful?


    Don't answer that until you've listened to the criteria. Or, actually gotten a chance to define the parameters for yourself.

    That's what we're doing today. Defining. Assessing. Planning our steps to the next level of success in our own eyes.

    If this interests you, please join in!

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/ Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    10 mins
  • 62. Day 15: Money, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 16 2024

    Do you talk about how much you make? Today we will. And we'll look at why you make what you do.

    Then, if the numbers aren't adding up to satisfaction for you, we'll look at ways to make them different.

    If any of that interests you, please come along for Day 15!

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/ Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    11 mins
  • 61. Day 14: Gratitude, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 15 2024

    Are you looking for more wealth?

    Two weeks ago, I was. Which led me to the subject of today's podcast. Gratitude.

    We'll talk about wealth from a different perspective and pause for a moment of gratitude.

    Just like I am going to do right here.

    I am grateful to you for coming on this journey with me. When we take the time to value our self enough to raise our self-esteem to the next level, that affects the overall vibration of the planet.

    We simply can't level up ourselves without leveling up the very earth we stand on.

    If you're due for a pause and a moment to appreciate the world you have crafted around you, take the next several minutes and listen in.

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/ Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    4 mins
  • 60. Day 13: Anger, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 14 2024

    It happens. Anger is a real thing and we have plenty of opportunities to navigate it.

    What does it have to do with our self-esteem?

    Plenty. And most of it's not good.

    We've been taught the "rights and wrongs" of anger from a very young age. Mostly, we've been taught that the very fact that we Have anger is wrong. Then we've been taught that the way we "do" anger is wrong.

    Today we explore everything from our tendency to suppress anger or our natural expression of it to different ways we can align with our nature to experience anger differently. All along the way, we're tapping into our self-esteem through deeper understanding of ourselves and developing mastery over this hot topic

    If you're interested in coming along on the journey, please join us for Day 13!

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/ Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    12 mins
  • 59. Day 12: Rejection, 31 Days to Enhanced Self-Esteem
    Jan 13 2024

    Rejection sucks.

    It doesn't matter if someone is letting you down lightly with an "It's not you....it's me"

    or blatantly laughing out loud at the amazing new idea you just proposed to your team at work.

    I'll say it again. Rejection sucks.

    But it doesn't have to.

    Today's series of steps is about looking rejection straight in the eye, sitting steeped in the emotions that arise and using logic to sort the real from the fiction.

    I'll be the first to admit, the first 4 steps are pretty heavy. But if you stick with me, we add on two seriously fun steps to bring it all into a feel-good place!

    If this appeals to you, please join us for Day 12!

    If you feel inspired, please connect with me here:

    To read the original blog posts that inspire this podcast go here to My Spiritual Center

    Or…if you’re interested in reading more about the benefits of incorporating Precision Health into your life or practice, check out my posts on the PHA Blog.

    Or connect with me on social media:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melinda.perkins.319/

    Facebook PEC https://www.facebook.com/PersonalEquivalentCoaching/ Instagram: @personal_equivalent_coaching https://www.instagram.com/personal_equivalent_coaching/ Instagram @melindaperkins505 https://www.instagram.com/melindaperkins505/

    Website: https://www.personalequivalentcoaching.com/

    Let's grow together! Because life...and all growth...is better together

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/melinda-perkins/support
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    13 mins