• Mental Health Matters
    Jul 2 2021

    I did not plan for this episode at all. ⁣

    It was never even on my radar. ⁣

    But then I had a friend commit suicide last week. ⁣
    The 8th person I know who has ended their life within the past year and a half. ⁣

    This one hit close to home though. ⁣
    Too close. ⁣

    But it was my dear friends death that made me realize we need to talk about mental health. ⁣
    More than ever now. ⁣
    And not just on specific days. ⁣
    But ALL the days. ⁣

    And so I sat in front of my microphone and these are the words that just came out. ⁣

    In one consistent flow. ⁣
    No pauses. ⁣
    No redos. ⁣
    No content edits. ⁣

    Just an open honest conversation about mental health in general. ⁣
    Topped with my personal experience. ⁣

    So sit with me in this episode as I get incredibly vulnerable, ⁣
    & grieve my old self and my dear friend. ⁣

    This ones for you Rebecca, ⁣
    And for anyone who is battling a darkness.⁣
    And for anyone who mourns someone who has lost their battle. ⁣
    And just for anyone who is an advocate for mental health. ⁣

    *Please take note on a trigger warning for this episode. Listen at your own discretion and if you require assistance at any time, please address your safety plan or contact a help line in your area. ⁣

    Mental Health Resources:

    Suicide Prevention Lifeline

    The Centre for Addiction & Mental Health

    Canada Suicide Prevention Service

    Kids Help Phone

    Suicide Safety Plan Information

    Cheers to dream & wild things *

    Download your freebie at:

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    20 mins
  • Grow Outside The Box You Were Fit Into: With Kayla Fournier
    Jul 2 2021

    Let me introduce you to our next guest, Kayla Fournier. She is a close gal pal of mine and creator of @worthyofbeing. She has a heart made of pure gold and an open mind. ⁣

    In this episode, Kayla takes us through her journey of growing up in a military family and the major influence it has had on her life. She walks us through burn out and how she had to shed all of her external layers to finally break free of the box she was living in. ⁣

    Sit with us as we seek the freedom and empowerment to be ourselves and worthy of everything. ⁣

    IG: @kaay.fournier
    IG: @worthyofbeing

    Shoutout IG: @dawn.sinclair_

    Halifax & Region Military Family Resource Centre

    Cheers to dreams & wild things * ⁣

    Download your freebie at:

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    1 hr
  • Know What You Want & Create It, With Beauty Industry Leader Aja Coore
    Jun 23 2021

    Welcome to the first guest episode!!!!

    This Beauty Branding Badass, also known as Aja Coore is like no other human. Some might say I am bias as she is my cousin, but I am confident that once you get to know her, you would agree with me. 

    In this episode we chat all things creative, risk taking, adapting and learn secrets of how Aja built a business that transformed her life and the lives of so many others.

    I couldn’t ask for a better guest to premiere my guest episodes as Aja literally is the definition of creating her own Rad Reality.  By knowing what she wants and going to no limits to get it,  you won’t want to miss this conversation.

    Follow Aja:
    IG: @ajacoore_
    Podcast: Pivot & Pause: A Podcast for Beauty Industry Leaders
    Listen on Apple
    Listen on Spotify

    Cheers to dreams & wild things *

    Download your freebie at:

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    38 mins
  • Lets Get Naked
    Jun 17 2021

    Welcome to Season Two! 

    In this episode I talk about the importance of getting naked, literally and metaphorically.  As frisky as that may sound, this is more the orgasm of life. Us humans are complex creatures that have many layers; and if you don't learn to peel back those layers and remove external factors, the love you have for yourself and others will only ever be surface deep. 

    Be sure to listen as I get personally naked with you and talk about the single specific layer that I peeled back years ago, that as simple as it was, started a ripple effect in my self love journey. 

    I hope to spark your curiosity in shedding one layer of yourself, as you never know what you will find. 

    Cheers to dreams & wild things *

    Download your freebie at:

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    17 mins
  • Season Two Trailer
    Jun 14 2021

    Season Two Trailer 

    Here is a sneak peak into what Season Two of Your Rad Reality Podcast will be all about! 

    Season Two is coming to you anywhere you listen to podcasts on June 17th 2021!

    Be sure to subscribe so that you never miss an episode and until then, be sure to catch up on all your favourite Season One episodes. 


    Download your Four Weeks of Rad Living template at:


    Music Credit: audionautix.com


    Cheers to dreams & wild things *

    Ali Rad 

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    1 min
  • Stay Playful & Create Magic
    Apr 1 2021

    Season One, Episode Ten

    Until Next Season... Stay Playful & Create Magic

    Welcome to the last episode of Season One.

    Get ready for Season Two coming May 2021 which will be full of many guests!


    This episode is all about play, or better yet the lack there of.

    Sahara Rose - The Highest Self Podcast. She talked about how when you are a child, everyone talks about magic, how anything is possible and that you can do anything you set your mind to. Yet as soon as you reach a certain age, that magic just disappears and all-of-a-sudden all the possibilities turn to ashes.

    This is when the box appears.
    The one you are supposed to fit in.

    The place where as an adult, you stop believing in magic and possibility.
    When did we stop believing we can be and do anything we choose?

    It is because we stopped making time and space for the things that made us happy as children.

    As if we don't have enough time is an excuse, when the cold hard truth is that every human has the same 24 hours in a day. You have to choose how you spend that time.

    Think back on your childhood and I want you to think about the 3 top things that made you the happiest during that time....




    Then ask if those things are in your life?

    Do you still get those feelings from something else?

    If you are not experiencing any of these, ask yourself why not?

    And then I want you to actively make the decision to make space for them.
    Do things that make you happy.
    Focus on your imagination.
    Your creative side that came so naturally as a child.

    That inner child is still in you.
    You never lose it.
    We just stop playing with it.

    We find ourselves in a place full of such seriousness. A place where if you laugh too much you are seen as immature.

    We owe it to ourselves to find that balance.
    To not take ourselves and life too seriously.
    To make time for play.

    As children it is all about the playfulness.
    As adults, we learn how to be serious.
    And somewhere along the line we are supposed to find the balance.
    We can't find that balance if we stop believing in the magic.

    Go back to those 3 things that made you happy as a child, choose 1 of them and make time for it.  Legit. Start with 30 min a week, then an hour, etc.
    But be all in. 
    Give it all you've got.
    Be present.
    &  create some freaking magic*



    Starting April 1st (TODAY), I will be taking part in my creation of Four Weeks of Rad Living
    I will be sharing my daily tasks to IG @mz.alirad
    I am opening it up for anyone to join me for these four weeks, in hopes we can encourage as many people to live their most joyful and rad lives. 

    Download your Four Weeks of Rad Living template at:


    Music Credit: audionautix.com

    Cheers to dreams & wild things *

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    20 mins
  • The Three Pillars of Self Care
    Mar 25 2021

    Season One, Episode Nine

    Self-care is a term that has been receiving a lot of attention the past couple years. 

    My first experiences with self-care were a bit misleading truth be told, which is how this episode has come to light. 

    For so many years I was under the impression that self care meant spa days, facials, baths, etc. But the older I got and the deeper I dove into my self awareness journey, I began to realize that self care is so much more than that.

    In my opinion, self care is the consistent actions and relationship you have with yourself. It is how you live your life. 

    I have come to believe that there are Three Pillars of Self Care

    1. Body
    This I feel is the most prominent one.  This is the self care that takes care of your physical being. 
    This is where you will find the societal views of self care like spa days, baths, pedicures, etc. 
    But under this category, you can also find:
    - Exercise (more, less, specific type, etc.) 
    - Food (types of food, quantity, time eating)
    - Hydration 
    - Sleep 
    - Etc. 

    2. Mind
    This is the self-care that takes care of your mental health.
    The most well-known mind self care I feel is meditation.
    I personally had always struggled with meditation as I could not find a sense of peace sitting on a yoga mat crossed legged and focusing on my breathing. It wasn't until someone recently taught me that meditation does not just have to be that.... meditation is whatever activity you feel most at peace doing.  It wasn't until I heard this, that I realized my meditation was walking among the trees, or sitting by the ocean, or sailing my boat Aoife. Once I came to this realization, my whole world changed. I encourage you to dive into yourself to find where you feel like the most peaceful version of yourself.
    My number one tip on mind self care is journaling. 
     I know a lot of people struggle with this, mostly because they don't know what to write. My advice to you on this is it doesn't effin matter what you write. It is for you and you only. Let your mind brain dump onto paper and release. 
    ** Stay tuned in on IG for journal prompts in the near future. 

    3. Soul
    This is by far my favourite pillar. 
    You need to listen to what you need. I feel the soul ties everything together about you and your self care.
    This is where you need to learn to set boundaries, learn how to say no, & learn how to be open and honest with yourself and others.

    I just hope this encourages you to listen to your body, mind and soul in order to live your most authentic, peaceful and rad life.



    Starting April 1st, I will be taking part in my creation of Four Weeks of Rad Living
    I will be sharing my daily tasks to IG @mz.alirad
    I am opening it up for anyone to join me for these four weeks, in hopes we can encourage as many people to live their most rad lives. 

    Download your Four Weeks of Rad Living template at:


    Music Credit: audionautix.com

    Cheers to dreams & wild things *

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    19 mins
  • The Only Thing Guaranteed In This Life....
    Mar 11 2021

    Season One, Episode Eight

    The Only Thing Guaranteed In This Life....

    This episode contains information that may be triggering to some individuals who have or are currently grieving the loss of a loved one. Or anyone who is sensitive to the topic of death.

    The only thing guaranteed in your human life, is that you will at some point, die. The reason I want to discuss death is because no matter how much someone does not want to die, it is inevitable.

    And yet, I feel so many people live their lives full of so much fear around the topic of death. So I am hoping to raise awareness for people to live their life regardless of the knowledge they will die and that when their time comes, that they walk into death fearless and with no regrets.

    I have been both blessed and cursed with the familiarity of death from a very young age.

    The curse is pretty clear in the sense that I have had to endure the pain of losing close loved ones to me. This introduced me to pain and loss from childhood and it did lead me down some dark paths in some of my grieving processes. (*Teaser for episodes to come*).

    The blessing, was that I also began to appreciate life in a way that some go their whole lives never experiencing. I thank death for teaching me the lesson it did, to guide me on the path of who I am and how I choose to live my life. Because the fact is experience is a hell of a teacher, but you definitely learn.

    The most prominent death I have experienced was the loss of my mother at the age of 12 (turning 13). This death was unique because as a young pre-teen girl, I was robbed of so many experiences with a mother and it shattered my heart into millions of pieces.

    However, I was blessed to have a mother who never let the cancer destroy her life. She knew death was inevitable for her, but she was determined to live her life anyways. I want to emphasize how powerful this was for me to witness. And the older I get and continue my grieving process, the more I learn and admire from my mom over those years. Because my mother lived more in 6 years with cancer, than some people do their entire lives.

    My mother was a remarkable woman for so may reasons, but being a guide of true life was her specialty.

    I speak on this topic because I want to light a fire under people\s asses to live their goddamn lives. Life is way too short, even if you live to be the oldest person on the planet. And since death is coming for all of us, why not use that as fuel to live your best life? Because if death doesn't give you a sense of urgency to live your life, I truly don't know what else will. 

    When someone you love dies, it hurts like nothing else. I won't deny that. And no matter what anyone says, the grieving process continues on your whole life. The grief never goes away. But there comes a point where you need to realize that they continue to live on through you and that your life doesn't stop because of loss. 

    You owe it to yourself and everyone who has passed before you, to live your life. Be proud, authentic, kind, and all the things you are to your core and shine them onto the world. Let the world shine in all the parts of you that are hurting. 

    Don't be the person on your death bed regretting all the things you did not do. Because I have been on those deathbeds with many people, and it is heart wrenching. Find your peace in this life and move through it with compassion and love. 

    Because death is the only thing guaranteed in this lifetime, so when death comes knocking, I hope you walk into it proud of the life and legacy you have left behind. 

    Download your freebie at:
    There will be some fun stuff coming up with this in the next week stay tuned! 

    Music Credit:

    Cheers to dreams & wild things *

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    17 mins