
  • Convergence of creativity, our path and being present
    Oct 19 2024

    When we're focused in the present we're automatically on our path and creating our greatest benefit.

    If you wish I can help you distinguish between thoughts aimed at creating an outcome versus ideas spontaneously coming to us in the present moment. Contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon with links to them at my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Increasing win win in our lives
    Oct 16 2024

    The more we focus on anything in our life, the bigger part of our life it becomes. This podcast, hopefully, is an inspiring example of focusing on the win win that I've created in my life. Hopefully, this will inspire you to identify and accept your effectiveness at having created win win in your life and give you insights into how you can create more.

    We create our life with our thoughts. The more conscious we are of what our thoughts are, the better we can be at selecting which thoughts we act on and which thoughts we choose not to act on. It's that choice that makes all the difference in our lives. I can help you, if you wish, become more conscious of what you're thinking, enabling you to make better choices. Better choices improve your life. If that's a ventrist contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Taking ownership of our talents
    Oct 15 2024

    We all would benefit from taking greater ownership of our talents and employing them more effectively in enriching our lives and the lives of others. Because I believe the most powerful form of leadership is example, I'm doing my best to be an inspiring example of taking greater ownership of my talents and further employing them to benefit myself and others.

    I take great joy in supporting others in changing their thinking for the better. If you'd like to work with me in improving your thinking and realizing all the benefits that come with that, contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com and we'll set it up.

    My books are available on Amazon with links to them on my web site, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Responsibility
    Oct 14 2024

    To continually improve our life, we need to take greater ownership of our ability and greater conscious choice over what we choose to do with that ability. That equals our responsibility, our response to our ability.

    Because we create our life with our thinking, we need to be aware of our thinking and the choice we have to act or not act on any specific thought.Only then are we free to create the life for ourselves we desire. If you want my help in becoming more conscious of your thoughts and exercise greater freedom of choice over which thoughts you choose to act on and which thoughts you choose to just let go and not act on, I can help. Contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • We create our world
    Oct 13 2024

    The more honest we are with ourselves, the more we accept that we create our world and have the power to create whatever world, we want. It's just a matter of self-acceptance.

    The more conscious, we are of our thinking, the more freedom we have in choosing which thoughts to act on. This freedom allows us to consciously create the life we want. If you want my help in becoming more aware of your thoughts and your ability to choose which thoughts to act on, that help is available to you. Contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Trusting what works for you
    Oct 12 2024

    Not everything works for everyone. In my experience much of what I understood society was telling me about how to thrive, be happy and succeed didn't work for me. I recommend people experiment to find out what works for them with the understanding just because something works for someone else, it may or may not work for us.

    I've included some of the commonly held thoughts that don't work for me and thoughts that are far less common in our society that are working for me. I hope my example will inspire you to gain greater clarity on what works for you.

    I offer thought coaching for people who want to become more aware of their thoughts and increase their ability to consciously choose which thoughts are optimal for them to act on. If that's of interest to you, you can reach me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Filling in the gaps as I travel my path
    Oct 11 2024

    A with any goal, achievement of the goal requires spiritual growth or insights or more fully accepting who we are; however we want to characterize that growth. This podcast is about me identifying areas where I don't have the understanding and clarity that I need to achieve the goal which, in my case is Enlightenment or peace or everlasting joy; however, you want to characterize it. I'm using my spiritual tool of accepting in greater detail where I'm at now as the most efficient way to move forward

    This podcast, hopefully, will be an inspiring example of effectively doing just that. And moving forward for all of us on our unique path.

    If you wish my assistance in being more consciously accepting of where you're at right now and moving forward on your path, that assistance is available to you. Contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon with links to them at my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    20 m
  • Traveling our path more effeclively
    Oct 10 2024

    We all have our unique path to enlightenmatt. The more that we can identify our path and consciously choose to travel our path the more efficiently we move towards Enlightenment. In this way we experience the love, joy and peace that we are more fully.

    By being aware of our thoughts, we can more consciously choose to travel our path more effectively. If you want my help in identifying your thoughts and choosing which thoughts to act on, that help is available to you. Contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website www.Thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

    Más Menos
    30 m