
  • From job fatigue to passionate professional life
    Dec 8 2020

    From job fatigue to passionate professional life

    In the 8th episode of Marketing To Go, I talk with career coach Mark Crossfield. For 15 years, he has helped people find their path in their professional life – out of job fatigue and into fulfilling self-realisation.

    Hear him talk about:


    ·      the symptoms of job fatigue

    ·      the various phases in the process of achieving a satisfying professional life

    ·      how our teenage years can guide us in our careers as adults

    ·      the three basic elements of professional life: the role, the company and the industry

    ·      how we tend to think of work at an organisational level, while forgetting the individual

    ·      how work does not have to be hard, but can be the fulfilment of a passion

    ·      how moderation is not a virtue if we are to acknowledge our underlying wishes in our professional lives

    ·      a pragmatic approach to marketing as an independent professional

    ·      why we don't necessarily have to be outgoing and venturous to be self-employed

    ·      Mark's best advice on marketing when it comes to gaining new customers


    Time and space for rediscovering yourself

    Mark loves helping people recognise their potential and utilise it in their career. He has extensive knowledge about various industries and years of experience in career coaching – but that's not what his clients say is the biggest benefit. Instead, it is the space he creates for reflection on your life and career – a space with time for introspection, where you can rediscover yourself.


    Feel like it's time to reflect? Then have a listen right here.

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    49 m
  • Good Ideas Sell Books
    Sep 6 2020

    In the seventh episode of Marketing To Go the author Steven Sonsino is my guest. He started off as a ghostwriter, and since then he has written a great number of books on different subjects.

    Listen to him talk about:

    • how to write a good book
    • how a good book becomes profitable if you set it up to be that
    • how you actually embark upon your first book
    • why the title is absolutely crucial – and how one good title secured him an income for five years
    • loads of tips on creating a really good title
    • the best way to publish your book
    • how your book can build up your audience as you write it
    • the power of a book as opposed to something like an article or a blog
    • how you can be successful with lectures, mentoring and other things as a result of your book, even if you are an introvert
    • why he advises new authors to make their own podcasts
    • the three questions you should always ask when writing something
    • why you should persevere with writing new books

    The author as an agent of change
    Steven Sonsino is filled with boundless enthusiasm on the dissemination of knowledge and he sees an author as one who is capable of gathering, disseminating and sharing knowledge wherever there is call for it. To him a good book is a book that transforms people. That is why he sees authors as agents of change.

    Find your idea
    If you have a good idea or a good story, you also possess the potential for a good book, according to Steven Sonsino. Wherever there are new ideas there is something to write about. The main thing is to find the idea, not forgetting an idea which others, that is your audience, will also find interesting.

    Steven Sonsino is still receiving income from his second textbook that he wrote 30 years ago.

    Listen to how this can be done here...

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    1 h y 9 m
  • Strengths of email marketing
    Apr 15 2020

    In the sixth episode of Marketing To Go Kenda Macdonald is my guest. She is the author of the book Hack the Buyer Brain and founder of Automation Ninjas which help small and large companies all over the world with behavioural marketing automation.

    Amongst the things we talk about are:

    • easy ways of getting started with automation
    • why social media are not quite what they appear to be
    • what email can do that social media cannot
    • how email and social media can complement each other
    • why a freebie needs to be small and simple – both for you and your potential customer
    • advantages of being a small company – and how to make the best use of these in your newsletter
    • Kenda’s writing process, and how she found time to write her book
    • tips on the best way of recording your audio book – and why you should do it yourself
    • future of digital marketing

    Email marketing is a powerful tool
    In her own words, Kenda is obsessed with email marketing. She sees it as a powerful tool – with a tradition going back further than we are given to realise. An email is actually very similar to a letter, something we have been using for centuries – and not that much different from newspaper articles, take for instance the leader column and the personal column. However, many companies do not make full use of email’s attributes – there is too much sales talk, too little attention on the readers, and communication tends to be too impersonal.

    Make it personal
    In fact, communication should be personal and target-specific. Kenda foresees that mainstream newsletters will die out whereas personal newsletters can look forward to a bright future.

    Advantages are out there for your little company. Guess what they are! Or just listen to it here.

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    45 m
  • Understand what success is for you – and stick at it
    Feb 22 2020

    In the fifth episode of Marketing To Go I am talking to Darrell Vesterfelt. He has been blogging since 2004 and today he is helping lots of people with content marketing. The general theme of our chat is the question: What is success and how do you become successful?

    En route we will touch upon:

    • How to find out whether you should count on blogging, videos or podcasts etc.
    • Why is it that at present podcasts can be a good bet strategically
    • The two most important focus areas for online-marketing in 2020
    • Freedom and discipline – and how these two things go hand in hand
    • Time management – and why this is crucial for success
    • Why Darrell invites everyone to ring and chat to him completely free of charge
    • Communication actually being the fourth step in a process, which starts with – listening
    • Two things which are always crucial for achieving success

    Darrell Vesterfelt is a man who knows a lot about success – for he is a person who has spent many years striving for success and through doing this he has attained solid experience. One of his important findings is that strategy, tactics etc. do not in themselves lead to success; they are just tools. You can be extremely productive, and yet end up in the wrong place.

    The most important thing is your mind-set: that you know what it is that you want to achieve so you follow the right path – and choose the tools that best support you along the way. For this reason, success does not necessarily have that much to do with the outward appearance – and you are the only one to judge whether you achieve success. But according to Darrell you can achieve greatness by taking small things seriously.

    Would you like to know what success actually is, and how you can achieve it? – Then listen here…

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    42 m
  • It all lives in your body – and your instincts show the way
    Jul 20 2019

    In the fourth episode of Marketing To Go, my guest is Nomi Correli. She is a body therapist and a Latin American dancer, and she helps in particular artists and entrepreneurs to realise their dreams.

    Hear her talk about:

    • your body as your very best adviser
    • how she overcame her anorexia and discovered her talent for practising body therapy
    • the mouth-to-mouth method that built her business in the USA
    • getting an income from three different areas
    • why she picks her clients carefully
    • how she overcame her fear of speaking English (Nomi is from Denmark)

    Nomi’s clients have a dream within, but for some reason, they have concluded that it is unrealisable. She helps people to find out how to realise their dream – and helps them overcome the fear that prevents them from living their dream.

    So how does she do it?
    Usually, we talk about our difficulties, trying to solve them using our brain. But Nomi goes about in a different way by going into your body, releasing the instinctive intelligence that all people (and animals) have – simply because they are physical beings. And I can assure you that this is tremendously effective, as I tried it myself!

    Nomi knows what she is talking about: she has experienced it all with her own body.

    Hear her talk about it here – and experience her guidance on how to breathe!

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    31 m
  • How to Write a Blog Post People Want to Read
    Jun 10 2019
    Coming up with a perfect blog post is hard enough, as you can’t just slap some random words and call it a day. A good blog post requires you to put a lot of thought into it if you want to receive the feedback you’re longing for.That being said, in order to create a blog post that is successful and brings you traffic, you must know the ingredients that will create the magic. You should know how to write so that people can see the person behind the posts. They also need to stay invested and continue to bring you views, shares, comments, and whatnot.So, do you want your posts to be read by more than 10 people?Here are some tips on how to write compelling blog posts that people actually want to read:1. Add Some PersonalityLet’s be honest: nobody likes reading a dull article, written like you were held at gunpoint trying to place the words correctly. When people are looking for certain types of blogs, they want to get as much information as possible, but they also want to see a real person they can relate to. In other words, if your article sounds like a computer-generated it, they are going to click away with the speed of light.Having said that, the audience wants to click with you, and if they don’t, they won’t be able to enjoy your content. Posts need to be easy to read and understand and written in your own voice.At first glance, it sounds very easy, but it’s not really like that once you’re trying to do it. So, in order to add some life to your writing style, you have to:Add some jokesProofread everything and fix any weird-sounding sentencesWrite just like you talk in your daily lifeTell a story related to the topic, as it adds credibilityBy applying these tips, your posts will sound much more natural and will be compelling to the audience.Also, you can decide on a beautiful font that will appeal to others as well. The font you use is often important when trying to send a message.2. Don’t Skip a Great IntroEven when it comes to blog posts, first impressions matter, which is why the beginning of your post requires so much attention. Basically, if you want to grab people’s attention and make them eager to read the rest of the post, the key to that is the intro.Writing a good intro is not something you can master in one night, but by trying different tricks, you will be able to find a suitable way to open your articles.The intro must, of course, relate to the article. At the same time, it shouldn’t be milked too much, or you risk boring the reader into oblivion.Some things you could do are:State a fact: Almost everybody owns at least one social media account nowadays.Starting with a question: Have you ever thought about starting a beauty blog? – It’s one way to make people curious to find out the answer.3. Use a Catchy TitleThe title is the first thing someone sees when stumbling upon your content – this means that it needs to be impactful enough to make people click on it.Therefore, you can’t go with a boring title that makes even you, as the writer, displeased with it. Think from the perspective of a reader, and discover what would catch your attention if someone else wrote that post.It may seem easy at first, but once you are thinking of a title, you’ll find out that getting started is the hardest step. Finding the title is not as easy as it sounds, but with practice, you’ll manage to get better in time.Here are some title ideas that you could use, and are often found in search results:Most Effective Ways to _________X Ways to _________Here Are the Simplest Ways to _________How to _________X Tips for _________Secret Ways for _________4. Structure Your Posts ProperlyYou’ve most likely looked for information regarding a problem or curiosity, and were greeted by an article with a huge block of text that made you run for the hills.Nobody likes having to read a whole novel to find an easy answer, which is why you should be very careful with the way you write your articles.A lot of us get intimidated by large amounts of texts, and not because we’d be unable to read them, but because the information could be found in a much-shortened version.As such, if you’re looking to make people stay, you need to grab their attention by quickly offering them the answer they’re looking for.To properly do that, you have to:Break up a big text into smaller paragraphsUse bolded phrases for much easier navigationUse proper titles and subtitles for the paragraphsMake a bigger font for the more important ideasBy following these tips, it will be much easier for you to capture people’s attention and not make them avoid your blog like plague.5. Optimize Your BlogProper blog optimization is also essential if you want to get people interested to click on your articles.Most of the time, nobody likes having to go to the second page on search engines to find the answer they’re looking for. So, the higher your blog is on the list, the more likely people are to embrace your content.One popular ...
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    12 m
  • Cut through the noise – stay authentic
    May 20 2019

    Here in the 2nd episode of Marketing To Go, my guest is Brian Gardner, who has been active online almost as long as it has been possible – among other things, as one of the first bloggers. Brian has especially worked with website design, personal branding and the building of online communities.

    Hear him talk about:

    - how his first businesses came about in the early days of the Internet
    - how the Internet has evolved over the past 20 years
    – and why Brian believes we are facing a new era in the development of the Internet
    - how your private life and the success of your business are linked
    - why it is a good idea to do a little research before naming a business or a product
    - why less is more – and will be so, even more, going forward.

    Sharp analysis of the Internet
    Brian Gardner diagnoses the Internet today precisely as follows: There is an increasing amount of noise as nearly everyone goes online to brand themselves – and the social media only compound the problem. That is why Brian has no doubt about the way forward: It is about minimising the noise, focusing on quality and genuinely trying to help others.

    Be yourself – and reap success
    In short: The time is in for authenticity, for cutting through the noise and for being trustworthy. I’m really excited about it!

    Are you curious about the online future that is already taking shape and about how you can successfully be a part of it? – Then get Brian’s crystal clear analysis of the Internet here.


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    20 m
  • A good business is founded on integrity
    Apr 27 2019

    Here in the first episode of Marketing To Go, I talk to Calvin Corelli, the man behind Simplero. He combines entrepreneurship and online marketing with spirituality. Calvin Corelli’s business is based on his own experience and solutions he has developed for his own needs. At first, he offered his solutions for free to others – today, he runs a business with 15 employees.

    Hear him talk about:
    - why your work on yourself internally is the key to success externally
    – and how your inner growth is reflected in your business
    - why focus on conversions, sales and earnings neither creates a good business nor makes you happy but, on the contrary, leads to early death
    - how you build a solid business based on integrity
    - why you should talk about what you believe rather than your products and services
    - the evolution of online business and online marketing over the past 10 years – and a look into the crystal ball for the next 2–3 years
    - how to ensure success by focusing on your customers instead of your product

    Make a difference
    Calvin Corelli clearly practices what he preaches: He is excited and enthusiastic about what he does. And when he says: “Focus on the meaningful things”, I have no doubt that he is passionate about making a difference for others – on the commercial as well as the personal level.

    According to Calvin Corelli, the key to success is delivering true value to your customers – and focusing more on that than on the bottom line. Magically, that is the path to a solid bottom line. As he puts it: “Be of help and you can’t lose”. I couldn’t agree more.

    If you want a business that makes a difference AND is a good business – then have a listen here.

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    31 m