
  • #89 – The Real Reason You Can't Get Consistent
    Sep 4 2024

    You're focused on a goal like following a training plan, eating healthy, or meal prepping.

    You do great for a week ... or sometimes a few weeks.

    And then ... CRASH.

    You just can't get yourself to step on that treadmill, log that sushi, or take out that slow cooker.

    When you try to act, a brick wall of resistance comes up.

    Is it because you're lazy?

    Do you just need a kick in the pants?

    Is the answer to scare yourself?


    On this week's episode of the Climb Your Mountain podcast, we dive into:

    👉 The psychology of consistency
    👉 Why efforting, shaming, and guilting your way there almost always backfire eventually
    👉 And the mindset you need to do more with less struggle — and tear down that brick wall that's in your way.


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    23 m
  • #88 – How I'm Training Smarter-Not-Harder This Summer
    Aug 28 2024

    I used to believe when it came to exercise, more was always more.

    Especially for a multisport athlete who is running, backpacking, mountaineering and wanting to be ALWAYS READY TO ROLL at a moment's notice.

    Also, as I cruised toward 50, I felt like I needed to work harder just to maintain a certain level of performance.

    But this summer, I got tired of being exhausted.

    Tired of grinding through my day job.

    Tired of feeling irritated with every little thing. (Like I would knock over a can of Seltzer and fly into a rage.)

    Tired of starting each weekend adventure exhausted from the last weekend adventure.

    Tired of feeling spacey and not fully connected while coaching my clients.

    So I did a crazy thing.

    😱 I actually cut back my workouts by 30%.

    And you know what?

    I am absolutely loving the results!

    I feel like I'm actually performing BETTER on my adventures.

    And having more time and energy for everyone else in my life.

    In this week's episode of the Climb Your Mountain podcast, I'll pull back the curtain and share exactly how I started working out smarter and not harder.

    We'll go through the full before and after.

    (And also why I didn't do it sooner. I had a lot of insecurities about cutting back. But they were just lies my brain was telling me.)

    I hope this gives you so much permission to stop grinding and create a more joyous and sustainable fitness life!


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    30 m
  • #87 – Taking Your Mental Health Seriously
    Aug 21 2024

    "I'm silly for feeling this way."

    "Other people have it worse."

    "Some people have war in their countries."

    "Look at me and my first world problems."

    Have you ever said things like these to yourself during times of stress or sadness?

    If so, it's totally understandable!

    We're all programmed to disregard our mental health by a capitalist society that benefits when we push through, grind it out, and shame ourselves for not having high vibes 100% of the time.

    Well, no more!

    In this week's episode, I'll share some of my own recent experiences with stress and mental health and how I finally realized I needed to stop gaslighting myself and take my own emotions seriously.

    And I'll share some tips for breaking free of the matrix so you can create space and permission to regulate your nervous system and feel better.


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • #86 – Why you're probably NOT too slow to do that thing
    Aug 14 2024

    Have you ever thought about signing up to hike the Inca Trail?

    Or summit Mt. Rainier?

    Or even join a pub run at your neighborhood bar?

    And then stopped yourself, because you're worried about slowing the group down or getting left behind?

    Friend, if you are feeling ashamed of your pace and worrying you won't fit in ...

    I have a GOLDEN tip for you on this week's episode of Climb Your Mountain.

    We'll discuss:

    ⭐️ Why the fastest is not always the fittest (<- life changing shit alert!)
    ⭐️ How so many recreational athletes are missing out on life-changing experiences because of insecurities around being slow
    ⭐️ What other people really think about your pace
    ⭐️ What you need to believe to make joining group activities fun again
    ⭐️ Tips for enjoying group outings and trips when you're the slowest one (from personal experience!)


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    31 m
  • #85 – Why I'm Intentionally UNDERtraining for My Next Ultra
    Aug 7 2024

    Before I was a life coach, I was an endurance sports coach (think running and mountaineering).

    And I'll tell you one thing: almost all my clients were overtraining.

    They believed that more was better.

    And if they slowed down even a little, they'd crumble.

    And that the answer to getting older was to train harder.

    Almost none of them were getting enough rest to really hit their peak performance. In fact, they were so inflamed that injuries and illnesses were common.

    Friends, I am here to save you from all that.

    On this week's episode of the Climb Your Mountain podcast, we're going to talk about the benefits of UNDERtraining.

    How erring on the side of doing too little can:

    • Improve performance
    • Promote health and longevity
    • Save you a ton of time
    • Greatly enhance your quality of life

    If you're a runner, hiker, backpacker, mountaineer, or any kind of endurance athlete, this episode will set your free!


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • #84 – 13 Genius Time Hacks
    Jul 31 2024

    You've got big plans for your life! You want to ditch the day job, start your own business, and run a 100-mile ultra — all while dating and finding your perfect person.

    But who the hell has time for that?

    A lot of us are afraid to dream bigger because we already feel so squeezed for time.

    But here's a cool thing: It's possible to create more time.

    Not by bullet journaling your life away.

    Not by treating scheduling as a blood sport.

    But simply by changing the way you think about time.

    Sound too good to be true?

    Then you MUST tune into this week's episode of Climb Your Mountain podcast and hear my 13 top time hacks for space and productivity.

    This is me talking to you as someone who is growing a business while working a corporate job, caring for an aging parent, training for an ultramarathon, and still getting outside and staying connected to the people I love.

    These 13 tips changed my life. And I know they'll change yours too!


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    49 m
  • #83 – How to Navigate a Career Change
    Jul 24 2024

    A lot of people think changing careers will be a shortcut to happiness. (Kinda like people think having a baby or getting married or buying a house will finally make them happy.)

    But what if you could be happy in any career -- including the one you're in now?

    Here's a truth that might feel a little confronting.

    It's not your work that makes you happy. It's your thoughts.

    And the good news is that you get to think whatever the hell you want!

    It opens up the possibility that you could be happy right where you are -- before the big career change.

    It also takes the pressure off the process. Because now you don't have to find the one magic unicorn career that will make you happy. You can just decide which career you want to be happy in.

    And on this week's episode of the Climb Your Mountain podcast, I show you exactly how to figure that out!

    We'll explore:

    • Why there's no one right career for you
    • Why trying to quickly escape your current career often backfires -- and what to do instead
    • How to begin changing your thoughts so you can feel better where you are, slow down, and do a really great career exploration
    • How to start identifying careers that resonate with your values (and rule out ones that don't)


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    45 m
  • #82 – How to Find a Great Life Coach
    Jul 17 2024

    Is there such a thing as a life coaching cult? Yes, but they're exceedingly rare.

    Notable examples: Lighthouse (see the BBC podcast series "A Very British Cult" and arguably Scientology).

    Yes, your girly loves a good cult documentary. 🤣

    So rest assured, if you sign up for help to stop yelling at your kids, it's extremely unlikely you'll end up living in a dorm, eating a mango-only diet, and shaving Dear Leader's butt hairs.

    But that doesn't mean that you can't ask great questions and be an informed consumer when looking for a life coach.

    If you've heard that life coaching is unregulated and anyone can hang out a shingle, YOU'RE RIGHT!

    So on this week's episode of Climb Your Mountain, I show you how to find a coach who helps you get results while empowering you as a person.

    We'll dive into:

    🤓 How coaches are trained and regulated (or not)
    🤓 The levels of damage an unethical coach can do (from outright abuse to merely wasting your time and money)
    🤓 How to get a feel for a coach's approach and style before you approach them
    🤓 Useful questions to ask on the free consult
    🤓 Red flags to watch for in a coaching relationship


    • Email questions to sarah@missadventurepants.com OR
    • Schedule a free discovery call
    Más Menos
    45 m