
  • Learner’s safety in informal moments - reflection about the target group
    Jul 28 2023

    In this sixth and final episode of our iMOtion podcast we explore the importance of being attentive towards our specific target group(s) in our adult education settings. Does a new focus on informal moments automatically produce safer learning environments for marginalized learners or are we at risk of (re)producing power structures and obstacles, that are also ingrained in the formal agenda? Is our claim of the individual’s free choice to join or leave an informal moment realistic? Where do we see limits or even limitations? Being part of three very different training organisations Alina Bastian, Anne Rise and Julia Keil share their experiences of navigating through informal moments in training.

    Further our publication “Do you call them just coffee breaks. Guidelines for framing Informal Moments in adult learning” is uploaded on the partner website (in English). The versions in Italian and German will be online end of June 2023. 

    • Kamaleonte
    • 2kroner
    • Alp – activating leadership potential 

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on Epale, where you can find our blog articles.  

    “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of European Commission by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, alp activating leadership potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany.

    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Licence: CC BY-ND

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • Spaces for recreation, learning and connection
    Jul 14 2023

    In this episode we look at recreational spaces in education and how they can be developed. Irene Rojnik (alp activating leadership potential) talks with the Austrian architect Christine Simone Egeler about materials, corners, light, colours and brings examples how as a trainer you can - with small ideas - create a good atmosphere. 

    The podcast is in German. If you want to read in English about this topic, you can find many ideas in our blog article about the recreational spaces. 

    Interesting moments:

    • 1:56 Welche Pausenräume sind Dir in besonders guter Erinnerung geblieben?
    • 4:48 Welche Elemente können Pausenräume positiv verändern?
    • 7:12 Welche Möglichkeiten haben Architekt*innen einen Pausenraum zu gestalten?
    • 11:33 Welche Unterschiede gibt es für Pausenräume in klassischen Büros bzw. Seminarräumen?
    • 13:25 Wie können Trainer*innen Pausenräume ohne großen Aufwand ansprechender gestalten?
    • 17:31 Was bedeutet Mindful-Location-Design?

    Further our publication “Do you call them just coffee breaks. Guidelines for framing Informal Moments in adult learning” is uploaded here and on the partner website (in English). The versions in Italian and German will be online in July 2023. 

    • Kamaleonte: 

    • 2kroner: 

    • Alp – activating leadership potential 

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on Epale, where you can find our blog articles.  

    “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of European Commission by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, alp activating leadership potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany.

    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Licence: CC BY-ND

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • Informal moments in nature
    Jun 30 2023

    This podcast episode is dedicated to the added value of informal moments in nature. Mario D'Agostino, Angelica Paci, and Francesca Salmeri, from Kamaleonte organization, talk about why nature helps us to experience more honest and rich informal moments marked by well-being and personal growth. The idea is that nature is an ever-present co-facilitator, able to bring us back to our natural balance thanks to its many benefits and challenges. Our journey goes from exploring the beneficial impact of nature on our body, to studies on the visual effect of natural landscapes, to the use of essential oils, and many practices that through the ages have enhanced the role of nature in the physical, emotional and mental well-being of human beings.

    The podcast is in Italian with the purpose of reaching a wider audience also at a National level. However if you are interested in learning more about the topic, you can read our article about the value of informal moments in nature Informal Moments in Nature You want to know more? The publication “Do you call them just coffee breaks. Guidelines for framing Informal Moments in adult learning” in English will be uploaded to the partners’ website end of June 2023.

    • Kamaleonte
    • 2kroner
    • Alp – activating leadership potential

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on Epale, where you can find our blog articles. 

    “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of European Commission by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, Alp Activating Leadership Potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany.

    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Licence: CC BY-ND

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • THE DRAMMA MODEL – What is it and how can it benefit adult education?
    Jun 16 2023

    This episode of our iMOtion podcast is recorded in German language. If you are interested in the topic you’ll find a complementary English language script on the Dramma model on the website of 2kroner.

    The harder we work the better the outcome? Or maybe not? In this iMOtion podcast episode adult educators Julia Keil and Jan Schröder met in Denmark and explored the need of rest, detachment, and relaxation for the brain, for creativity, for our learners’ and our own well-being. We introduce you to the so-called DRAMMA model. DRAMMA is an acronym and identifies six psychological needs: Detachment, Relaxation, Autonomy, Mastery, Meaning, and Affiliation. Those needs are seen as substantial for subjective well-being and recovery. The model derives from the (academic) field of Work and Organizational Psychology. During the project iMOtion we practiced an interdisciplinary approach and used our reading of the DRAMMA model as an offset point to reflect on the importance of recreation during adult educational trainings. How can we initiate informal moments and frame break times in a fashion that addresses the needs mentioned in the DRAMMA model?

    Are you interested to learn more about the necessity of recreation and rest? We recommend the entertaining book “Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less” by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, Penguin Random House, 2018 for further reading. The book has been translated into many European languages.

    You want to know more about the project iMOtion? The publication “Do you call them just coffee breaks. Guidelines for framing Informal Moments in adult learning” in English will be uploaded to the partner website end June. The versions in Italian and German will be online around mid July 2023. 

    • Kamaleonte: 

    • 2kroner: 

    • Alp – activating leadership potential 

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on Epale, where you can find our blog articles.  

    “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of European Commission by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, alp activating leadership potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany.

    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Licence: CC BY-ND

    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Informal moments - online
    Jun 2 2023

    In this episode Irene Rojnik and Anne Rise from alp activating leadership potential and Julia Keil from 2kroner talk about experiences and ideas for informal moments in online trainings. All speakers are experienced adult education trainers and share their huge knowledge and learnings.  We will talk about methods to interact, bodily-kinaesthetic ideas, personal moments as well as platforms, which we tested.  

    The partners will also share their views and wishes on how the topic can develop further.

    You want to know more?

    The publication “Do you call them just coffee breaks. Guidelines for framing Informal Moments in adult learning” in English will be uploaded to the partner website end of June 2023.

    •  Kamaleonte
    •  2kroner      
    • Alp – activating leadership potential

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on Epale, where you can find our blog articles.  

    “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of European Commission by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, alp activating leadership potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany.

    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Licence: CC BY-ND

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • The START of iMOtion
    May 19 2023

    In this first episode, you’ll hear about how the idea of the Erasmus+ project iMOtion was generated. The partners involved will explain what moved them to embark in the project and what needs of their target groups iMOtion is addressing. You’ll hear about the cornerstones and the outputs of the project and you’ll become more familiar with the added value and the benefits of informal moments in adult learning.

    The partners will also share their views and wishes on how the topic can develop further.

    You want to know more?

    The publication “Do you call them just coffee breaks. Guidelines for framing Informal Moments in adult learning” will be uploaded in English to the partner website end of June 2023.

    • Kamaleonte
    • 2kroner:
    • Alp – activating leadership potential

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on Epale, where you can find our blog articles.  

    “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of European Commission by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, alp activating leadership potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany.

    Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Licence: CC BY-ND

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • Trailer: Do you call them just coffee breaks?
    May 9 2023

    Welcome to our professional discourse about informal moments in adult education. In this podcast series we talk about how to frame informal moments in adult education, so that participants can experience wellbeing, relation building, networking and learning. Every two weeks you can hear about different aspect of informal moments in adult education. This podcast series is for educators, trainers, teachers, facilitators and all people, who are providing content to other people. “Do you call them just coffee breaks” was produced with the support of Erasmus+ by the project consortium of "iMOtion - Framing Informal Moments in Trainings" - a project among adult education professionals from Kamaleonte in Italy, Alp Activating Leadership Potential in Austria and 2Kroner in Germany. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."

    Further we invite you to join our discussion group on ⁠Epale⁠, where you can find also our blog articles.

    Licence: CC BY-ND 

    Más Menos
    2 m