
  • 5 Of My Least Favorite Marketing Strategies For Financial Advisors
    Jul 29 2024

    Most financial advisors aren’t marketing wizzes. But they also make it a heck of a lot harder, more expensive, and more frustrating when they use one of the 5 marketing strategies discussed in today’s show.

    Worst part?

    There’s a good chance your favorite marketing gurus recommend you follow these broken strategies—and then blame you when you don’t get the results they promised.

    And you know what?

    There are easier, more effective, and more profitable marketing strategies for financial advisors.

    In today's show, I’m sharing my 5 least favorite marketing strategies for financial advisors, and revealing what to do instead that’s easier, more effective, and more profitable.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • Using any of these 5 marketing strategies is like cutting your lawn with scissors (1:27)
    • The “Opportunity Cost” trap financial advisors fall into far too often which forces them to pay extra for low-quality leads (7:40)
    • How to make direct mail work for your business (even if you’re not a world-class copywriter and don’t have your offer completely dialed in) (12:17)
    • The “Big Three Colds” that wreck your conversion rates without even realizing it (14:02)
    • Why something as simple as leaving a voicemail with these “magic words” can transform any mediocre cold calling campaign into a treasure trove of opportunity (15:31)
    • How posting about your kids on social media attracts more prospects to your schedule than a corporate content library (21:24)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

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    22 m
  • One Of The Most Powerful Marketing Tactics Financial Advisors Can Use To Get More Clients
    Jul 22 2024

    I’m giving you a gift today:

    I’m sharing the single most powerful marketing secret with you today. Only the most elite marketers even know about this… But it’s something commonly used by magicians, ventriloquists, comedians, and even Big Pharma.

    Not only will this single trick help you get more clients, but it also helps you attract higher quality clients who are more willing to listen to you instead of causing headaches.

    Best part?

    Since only a small pool of marketers know this, you’ll instantly become leagues ahead of every financial advisor you consider a competitor.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The “Psychological Ventriloquism” secret only the world's most elite marketers know about to boost their conversions, get more clients and make more money (2:09)
    • How to “hire” your prospect’s brain and make their brains convince them that they need you as their financial advisor (3:59)
    • The truth about Big Pharma advertisements that can fill up your financial advising calendar (5:22)
    • How changing the way you ask questions can be the difference between landing three clients this month or none (8:42)
    • 2 ways to use social media to “pre-sell” prospects on you being the perfect advisor for them (10:56)
    • How sending an email every day attracts higher qualified clients (and how to do it without writing an email each day) (16:01)
    • 2 big mistakes when using “Psychological Ventriloquism” that can make your ideal clients flee to your competitors (18:23)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

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    20 m
  • Do You Have Imposter Syndrome Or Do You Just Suck?
    Jul 15 2024

    I’ve noticed a trend of financial advisors thinking they have imposter syndrome. And so I decided to investigate…

    When I did, I found out the hard truth:

    Most financial advisors whining about their imposter syndrome are misdiagnosing it. They don’t actually have imposter syndrome, they just suck at their jobs.

    This might not be your favorite thing to hear. But it’s true.

    But don’t worry. In today’s show, I’ll tell you how to prove whether you actually have imposter syndrome or not. And how to stop using it as an excuse if you don’t.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • How labeling yourself can conspire forces against you (instead of helping you) (1:33)
    • Why do so many financial advisors think they have imposter syndrome? Here’s the hard truth… (3:28)
    • 2 extreme, borderline impossible examples that will help you realize if you have imposter syndrome or if you’re faking (3:48)
    • Why blaming your imposter syndrome for your lack of success is the worst kind of excuse (7:40)
    • Mark Twain’s secret for eliminating your worries (12:48)
    • An instant solution if you always think you’re going to be exposed as a fraud (and a longer-term solution to forever rid of you this thought trap) (13:01)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

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    16 m
  • People Don’t Trust Financial Advisors: Here’s Why…
    Jul 8 2024

    If you’re struggling to build trust with prospects and clients, then I have some harsh news for you:

    Whether you’d like to admit it or not, the reason you can’t build trust is because you don’t trust others.

    The universe has a tendency to attract similar people as you. And if you’re constantly looking for discounts, shortchanging other businesses, and using a credit card you know will decline, then, well, that’s the exact type of people your business will attract.

    Yes, it’s true that people don’t trust financial advisors. But this starts and stops with you.

    In this episode, I won’t give you some sexy tip, trick, or tactic for building trust. But I will reveal how shifting your mindset will build genuine trust. It won’t be as easy as a tip, trick, or tactic—but it will be more effective.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • How to be more trusted by clients (even if most financial advisors are as trustworthy as a shady mechanic) (0:38)
    • The truth about why marketing and sales books don’t work for financial advisors (1:16)
    • How to “force” the universe to send you higher qualified and wealthier clients with the weird 14-minute rule (2:26)
    • Why using coupon codes and asking for discounts is a surefire way to get headache clients (5:51)
    • The almost too obvious way to build genuine trust with your target audience (12:04)
    • This book is the single best wealth creation machine for financial advisors that I’ve ever come across (15:10)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection-busting” and copyright-free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients.

    Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

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    19 m
  • Why You’re Not Accomplishing Your Goals (Rant)
    Jul 1 2024

    I’ve talked to and coached thousands of financial advisors. And more often than not, they are the only thing standing between themselves and their goals.


    Well, it’s because they suffer from an addiction that they aren't even aware of! This addiction holds them back, keeps them on the journey of their goals but never accomplishing them, and if you don’t do something about it soon, it will devour your freedom—both financial and personal.

    But you know what?

    Like with any addiction, awareness is the first step. And after listening to today’s show, you won’t be able to use that excuse anymore.

    Ready to learn the cold, hard truth about why you’re not accomplishing your goals?

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • This audiobook reveals exactly why you make bad decisions (and prevents you from making bad decisions in the future) (0:40)
    • The nastiest addiction financial advisors have that threatens their business, influence, and bank account (4:23)
    • Why constantly achieving your goals can actually prevent you from the destination you’re striving for (5:12)
    • How enjoying “the grind” makes it all but impossible to stop grinding (unless you want your business to suffocate) (6:43)
    • Are you making this mistake when running online ads? Most financial advisors do… Here’s how to tell if you are (14:49)
    • 4 reasons why financial advisors fear success (16:50)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

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    20 m
  • 5 Marketing Mistakes Experienced Financial Advisors Make
    Jun 24 2024

    Even as an experienced advisor with a successful business, I’m willing to bet you’re making at least one of these five marketing mistakes.

    Because here’s the thing…

    While none of these mistakes are powerful enough to bankrupt your business today, the longer you keep making these mistakes, the more likely bankrupting your business becomes. No matter how long you’ve been in the business or how many clients you currently have.

    Best part?

    While these mistakes can bubble underneath the surface, they’re also easy to fix.

    In today’s show, I reveal the 5 most common mistakes experienced financial advisors make, so you can avoid them.

    Not only does this alleviate your worries, but it can also grow your business.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • How seeking comfort in your financial advice business will slowly, but surely, bankrupt your business (2:06)
    • Why seasoned financial advisors feel the “sting” of this marketing mistake more than brand new ones (3:13)
    • The “new client” trap successful financial advisors fall into which jacks up their churn rate to record highs (7:01)
    • How to increase your bottom line without adding any new clients (or even offering new services to existing ones) (8:08)
    • Why outsourcing your website or email copy can make your dream clients run away from you (12:29)
    • How to “borrow” credibility, trust, and even clients from other professionals (13:49)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57MT

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    22 m
  • 7 Marketing Mistakes New Financial Advisors Make
    Jun 17 2024

    When you’re a brand-new financial advisor trying to learn marketing to keep your business afloat when you don’t have any clients, there’s a lot of mistakes you can make that increase your likelihood of giving up.

    For example, listening to general marketing “experts” on YouTube who have never worked in the financial industry sets you up to work hard and generate no returns.

    In fact, after having thousands of discussions with new financial advisors, I’ve found that there are 7 specific mistakes new advisors make that sabotage their marketing results.

    In this episode, I reveal each of these 7 mistakes—and give you a solution for each and every one of them.

    If you’re a new advisor, you can’t afford to skip this episode. But even if you’re a seasoned advisor, there’s still a chance you’re making one of these 7 mistakes.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why relying on Gary Vaynerchuk, Russell Brunson, and Grant Cardone for your marketing education is a recipe for failure (0:53)
    • How seeking out a mentor for your financial advising business can actually be dangerous to your business, bottom line, and mental health (2:53)
    • Why aligning your marketing strategy to your unique personality is the single most effective way to ratchet up the return of every marketing asset you use (6:46)
    • How your friends and family limit your growth potential (even if they don’t intend to) (10:22)
    • Failing to understand THIS makes it nearly impossible for you to succeed (11:15)
    • Nobody cares about your investment strategies or financial planning methods… But doing this instead fills your calendar with hungry prospects (12:27)
    • The “Stretch You” secret to goal setting that all but guarantees you become a top 5% advisor at worst (and a top 1% advisor at best) (14:31)
    • The insidious “Do More” trap new financial advisors fall into that keeps them broke and unstuck (17:10)

    Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

    Want to see the exact lead magnet (and landing page) that I consider to be my best one ever? It’s called “Financial Advisor Marketing Wisdom from the Bible.” You can check it out yourself here: https://theadvisorcoach.com/bible.

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    21 m
  • 5 Elements Of Winning Online Marketing Campaigns For Financial Advisors
    Jun 10 2024

    After helping thousands of financial advisors improve their marketing, I’ve realized that there are 5 key elements that successful financial advisors leverage in their marketing.

    Missing any one of these five elements could be a reason that your marketing campaign lights your budget on fire without you seeing any benefit to your bottom line.

    But most financial advisors aren’t even aware of these five elements.

    In today’s show, you’ll discover the 5 elements of winning online marketing campaigns for financial advisors, so you become one of the few financial advisors who can use your marketing to land clients whenever you want.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why studying landing pages and websites from the best marketers can actually make yours worse (1:44)
    • How to make every piece of marketing collateral in your financial advice business better by simply watching The Godfather (2:25)
    • The “Try Enough” marketing strategy that every winning online marketing campaign leverages (and it also explains why your marketing campaigns fail) (4:08)
    • The insidious “Three Feet From Gold” trap financial advisors’ marketing campaigns fall into that devours your ROI (4:47)
    • Why targeting a broad pool in your online ads is like throwing money away (even if an advertising guru told you that going broad works better) (8:05)
    • 3 simple steps from management legend Peter Drucker to turn a sea of data into actionable insights that ratchet up the effectiveness of your marketing (10:51)
    • The exact amount of time you should let your winning ads run for (12:30)
    • How to slice and dice one winning ad into ten (or more) winning ads (without fully redoing your ad each time) (13:00)
    • Why diversifying your marketing assets helps you generate returns in the short-term while also preventing your entire business from sinking over the long-term (17:24)

    Go to https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching and pick up your free 90-minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

    Want to see the exact lead magnet (and landing page) that I consider to be my best one ever? It’s called “Financial Advisor Marketing Wisdom from the Bible.” You can check it out yourself here: https://theadvisorcoach.com/bible.

    Más Menos
    21 m